Spaces in folder names - robots.txt

I am a bit new at search engine optimisation, and I am just trying to write a robot.txt file. I want to disallow pages in the terms and conditions folder, which has a space in it.
Should I write:
Disallow: /Page TermsAndConditions/
Disallow: /Page%20TermsAndConditions/
Or both, or does it not matter?
(I want to disallow this folder because this is full of technical jargon that I think is messing up the content keywords found by the googlebot - or do I have this wrong as well?).
I found this page from googe Robots.txt Specifications. Which says: "Non-7-bit ASCII characters in a path may be included as UTF-8 characters or as percent-escaped UTF-8 encoded characters per RFC 3986". So I guess the answer to this question is that it doesn't matter.

Rename the folder without a space and avoid the issue.
Disallow: /PageTermsAndConditions/


Using "Disallow: /*?" in robots.txt file

I used
Disallow: /*?
in the robots.txt file to disallow all pages that might contain a "?" in the URL.
Is that syntax correct, or am I blocking other pages as well?
It depends on the bot.
Bots that follow the original robots.txt specification don’t give the * any special meaning. These bots would block any URL whose path starts with /*, directly followed by ?, e.g.,*?foo.
Some bots, including the Googlebot, give the * character a special meaning. It typically stands for any sequence of characters. These bots would block what you seem to intend: any URL with a ?.
Google’s robots.txt documentation includes this very case:
To block access to all URLs that include question marks (?). For example, the sample code blocks URLs that begin with your domain name, followed by any string, followed by a question mark, and ending with any string:
User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /*?

robots.txt: how are ill-formed disallow lines treated

What happens when a Disallow line includes more than one URI? Example:
Disallow: / tmp/
I white space was introduced by mistake.
Is there a standard way in how web browsers deal with this? Do they ignore the whole line or just ignore the second URI and treat it like:
Disallow: /
Google, at least, seems to treat the first non-space character as the beginning of the path, and the last non-space character as the end. Anything in-between is counted as part of the path, even if it's a space. Google also silently percent-encodes certain characters in the path, including spaces.
So the following:
Disallow: / tmp/
will block:
but it will not block:
I have verified this on Google's robots.txt tester. YMMV for crawlers other than Google.

Is wildcard in Robots.txt in middle of string recognized?

I need some string for robots.txt like:
but I don't know if this is a proper way to do this or not?!
I need that for example:
may be followed; BUT:
the last lines would not be followed....
Wildcards are not part of the original robots.txt specification, but they are supported by all of the major search engines. If you just want to keep Google/Bing/Yahoo from crawling these pages, then the following should do it:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /article/*/
Older crawlers that do not support wildcards will simply ignore this line.

How To Use a Wildcard in robots.txt

Is it possible to:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /apps/abc*/
In a robots.txt file to disallow abc123, abc-xyz, etc.?
Quoting Wikipedia:
The Robot Exclusion Standard does not mention anything about the "*" character in the Disallow: statement. Some crawlers like Googlebot and Slurp recognize strings containing "*", while MSNbot and Teoma interpret it in different ways.
Additional research may be found in the cited source.

Can I use robots.txt to block certain URL parameters?

Before you tell me 'what have you tried', and 'test this yourself', I would like to note that robots.txt updates awfully slow for my siteany site on search engines, so if you could provide theoretical experience, that would be appreciated.
For example, is it possible to allow:
And block:
I'm not very sure.
According to Wikipedia, "The robots.txt patterns are matched by simple substring comparisons" and as the GET string is a URL you should be able to just add:
Disallow: /?foo=foo
or something more fancy like
Disallow: /*?*
to disable all get strings. The asterisk is a wildcard symbol so it matches one or many characters of anything.
Example of a robots.txt with dynamic urls.