I have a 3D model of a car in both osg and ive format , is it possible to convert it to .obj or 3ds format ? I'm using a tool that could only load .3ds and .obj format. the tool is processing.js.
osg and ive are the native ASCII and binary formats for OpenSceneGraph versions below 3.0 (3.0+ can still read/write osg and ive fine, but they're being phased out in favor of osgt and osgb) - see http://www.openscenegraph.com
Grab the OpenSceneGraph binaries:
And use osgconv to convert to obj, eg
osgconv MODEL.osg MODEL.obj
I want to display a 3D bathymetry data in paraview, the file datatype is netcdf:
it has two dimensions and three variables;
my netcdf file format
When I try to open it in paraview: it is a 2D not 3D,
I want to display Dlike this:
i’m sorry for bad English and less infomation.
The most simple way to do that is to use the Extrusion Surface representation.
Open ParaView
Tools -> Manage Plugins -> Embossing Representations
Create a new view
Open your file
Switch representation to Extrusion Surface
Only Available since ParaView 5.6.0. Keep in mind this is only a representation, not a change to the actual data. If you want to change the data, you will have to use CellDataToPointData and WarpByScalar, which will require more tweaking.
I have a big GeoJson file and I need to convert it to the vector format that can be loaded by the Mapbox. I need to have an external file, so I can't use Mapbox Studio for uploading and converting the data.
Currently I found https://github.com/mapbox/tippecanoe tool, but it converts GEoJSON to MBTiles (SQLite format). I think a can't use it for my map. As I can see from all the examples of the Mapbox service - it uses a XXX.vector.pbf (protobuf) format (small and fast). So the question is - how to get a Protobuf vector file from the original GeoJSON ? Thanks!
Tippecanoe is probably the right answer: it generates a ton of .pbf files, and bundles them into a single .mbtiles file. Usually you then pass that .mbtiles file to a vector tile server (there are heaps), or upload it to Mapbox or something.
If you want to explode out the .mbtiles file, you can use mbutil.
Finally, if you want to translate GeoJSON directly into protobuf format (different from the Mapbox vector tile format, I think), you can use GeoBuf.
Is there a way to convert all TIFF images to PNG using windows console or any simple tool.
I renamed tags, but the problem now is file size. What are ways to compress files?
imagemagick, it's CLI tool for image manipulation available for most major operating systems including Windows http://www.imagemagick.org/script/download.php
It's very simple to use it
convert in.tiff out.png
To convert and scale by 50%:
convert in.tiff -resize 50% out.png
Here you can find full list of general commands
TinyPng is great to compress png files, you can try that.
I have a series of dicom images and did change the HUs in the images using MATLAB scripts, then I imported them in ImageJ for display. Then I realised I can modify the images using ImageJ gui (which much easier, just moving the mouse). However, when I saved the modified images in ImageJ, they were saved in tiff format.
My question is that, is there a way to save images in imageJ as dicom format ?
or is there away to convert tiff format to dicom using MATLAB ?
Any suggestion ?
You can convert tiff format to dicom with dicomwrite:
dicomwrite( imread('input_image.tif'), 'output_image.dcm')
The following plugins allow writing DICOM files directly from ImageJ:
DICOM Import and Export plugins
The Tudor DICOM Tools
I have sets of .dcm files of an MRI scan. I am trying to convert them into 3d formats like obj (preferably) or fbx to import them into Unity 3d. I used the following open source software dcmtk to convert .dcm file into text file.
Converting DICOM files to text files
However, the dcm files lack the needed information. Is it even possible to convert .dcm files to obj and fbx. if so, could you suggest something?
I would like to put my question more precisely: I want to visualize MRI data as a 3D model in Unity 3d. This is possible only when I it stored as .obj or .fbx format. Which format of MRI medical data should I start with to convert to these formats?
According to your previous comments you are looking for the necessary information in order to obtain the geometrical information of a DICOM series representing volumetric information (RM, TC, PET, ...)
In this case, you should have a look at the Roni Zaharia web site where he explains very clearly the concepts related to orientation and geometry of the DICOM images: DICOM is easy: Getting oriented
In this particular page you will find information about Pixel Spacing, Image Orientation, Image Position, Slice Thickness, and Slice Location, as well as additional information references.