I have the following Zend_Debug value for Albums and Category in my IndexController:
array(4) {
["id"] => string(1) "1"
["artist"] => string(18) "Paula Abdul Rashid"
["title"] => string(13) "Sunny Side Up"
["category_id"] => NULL
array(10) {
[0] => array(2) {
["id"] => string(1) "1"
["name"] => string(7) "Country"
[1] => array(2) {
["id"] => string(1) "2"
["name"] => string(7) "Hip Hop"
[2] => array(2) {
["id"] => string(1) "3"
["name"] => string(4) "Jazz"
[3] => array(2) {
["id"] => string(1) "4"
["name"] => string(14) "Latin American"
[4] => array(2) {
["id"] => string(1) "5"
["name"] => string(3) "Pop"
[5] => array(2) {
["id"] => string(1) "6"
["name"] => string(3) "R&B"
[6] => array(2) {
["id"] => string(1) "7"
["name"] => string(4) "Rock"
[7] => array(2) {
["id"] => string(1) "8"
["name"] => string(3) "Ska"
[8] => array(2) {
["id"] => string(1) "9"
["name"] => string(5) "Asian"
[9] => array(2) {
["id"] => string(2) "10"
["name"] => string(11) "Modern folk"
And in my Form_Albums I have the following form elements :
$id = new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('id');
$artist = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('artist');
$title = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('title');
$category = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('category');
$submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('submit');
$submit->setAttrib('id', 'submitbutton');
$this->addElements(array($id, $artist, $title, $category, $submit));
I couldn't get the dropdownlist display using the Zend_Form_Element_Select..
Update for Solutions:
I got it working now by using the following:
$category = new Application_Model_DbTable_Category();
$category_list = $category->findForSelect();
foreach ($category_list as $cat) { //$data is your array variable
Zend_Debug::dump($cat['id']." :: ". $cat['name']);
$form->category->addMultiOption($cat['id'], $cat['name']);
Thanks to Rishi for opening the idea.
Something like this in your controller might help you out..
$form = new Form_Albums();
foreach ($data as $c) { //$data is your array variable
$form->category->addMultiOption($c->id, $c->name);
How can i create this array comes from my form, I have tried like below but it created array: 0 and 1 but array 2 does not created, i know it because am using this if (count($request->pid) > 0) { foreach ($request->pid as $key => $v) {
array:12 [▼
"_token" => "aXAkdBEVfO8nLMtxjUoHgxbvBkxMbJz4zIonOvFm"
"projectdate" => "2021-08-30"
"clientName" => "Emmanuel"
"garamakaz" => "600"
"amountpaid" => "7888"
"Note" => "madirsha 50"
"pid" => array:2 [▼
0 => "1"
1 => "1"
"qty" => array:2 [▼
0 => "10"
1 => "10"
"discount" => array:2 [▼
0 => "500"
1 => "500"
"subtotal" => array:2 [▼
0 => "479500"
1 => "479500"
"descExps" => array:3 [▼
0 => "Ex1"
1 => "Ex2"
2 => "Ex3"
"amountExps" => array:3 [▼
0 => "45666"
1 => "45666"
2 => "45666"
this is my controller i used to created those data.
public function store(Request $request)
if (count($request->pid) > 0) {
foreach ($request->pid as $key => $v) {
$data2 = ([
'projectno' => $fk,
'pid' => $request->pid[$key],
'project_date' => $date,
'discount' => $request->discount[$key],
'qty' => $request->qty[$key],
'amount' =>$request->subtotal[$key],
'description_expenses' =>$request->descExps[$key],
'amount_expenses' =>$request->amountExps[$key]
what can i do to create all data comes from my form?, someone can help me on this
I am looping over a query and returning results. I am trying to add a hash to another hashes. But running into trouble.
my %users_data;
$mygroup =>
'fname' => $fname,
'lname' => $lname,
'address' =>
'street' => $street,
'city' => $city,
'id' => $uid,
how do I add the $mygroup hash to %users_data hash?
long hand would be.
my %users_data = (
'salesmanager' =>
'fname' => 'mike',
'lname' => 'john',
'address' =>
'street' => '123 street',
'city' => 'Brooklyn',
'id' => 12,
'garagemanager' =>
'fname' => 'Mark',
'lname' => 'Jones',
'address' =>
'street' => '355 street',
'city' => 'Brooklyn',
'id' => 13,
Simply access the target key and assign its new value:
my %users_data;
$users_data{$mygroup} = {
'fname' => $fname,
'lname' => $lname,
'address' =>
'street' => $street,
'city' => $city,
'id' => $uid,
How do I further access this dynamic field value? Upon using below dumper,
print Dumper( $Body->{$ResponseKey} );
The result is :
$VAR1 = {
'Ticket' => {
'Title' => 'TPLUS Service PIC',
'DynamicField' => [
'Value' => '43312',
'Name' => 'BugID'
'Value' => '6',
'Name' => 'OTRSMV'
'Value' => '6.13',
'Name' => 'OTRSPLV'
'Value' => 'Dev',
'Name' => 'OTRSUse'
'Value' => '2018-03-02 00:28:00',
'Name' => 'RefDate'
'Value' => '0',
'Name' => 'RefNumber'
'Value' => '',
'Name' => 'StartTime'
'StateType' => 'open',
'SLAID' => ''
How can I access the single value of DynamicField->RefDate ? Thanks
my $fields = $Body->{$ResponseKey}{Ticket}{DynamicField};
my ($ref_date) =
map $_->{Value},
grep $_->{Name} eq 'RefDate',
my %fields;
$fields{ $_->{Name} } = $fields{ $_->{Value} }
for #{ $Body->{$ResponseKey}{Ticket}{DynamicField} };
my $ref_date = $fields{RefDate};
I have an array of hashes. Each element in the array is a node in a hierarchical tree and has referential data for who the parent is. I will have thousands and hundreds of thousands of nodes in the tree... essentially an unknown set of nodes has to be converted to JSON (shown below) for use with http://bl.ocks.org/robschmuecker/7880033
UPDATE: position_id is a node in the heretical tree. placement_id is the parent's position_id (adjacency referential tree).
UPDATE: Here's the full AoH Data::Dumper result with Nested Set and Adjacency result from a modified version of DBIx::Tree::NestedSet (custom).
$VAR1 = [
'lft' => '673',
'id' => '109',
'date_created' => '2015-08-15',
'level' => '7',
'user_id' => '13',
'placement_id' => '11',
'position_id' => '13',
'status' => '1',
'structure_id' => '1',
'rght' => '684'
'placement_id' => '13',
'position_id' => '22',
'status' => '1',
'structure_id' => '1',
'rght' => '679',
'lft' => '674',
'date_created' => '2015-08-15',
'id' => '116',
'level' => '8',
'user_id' => '22'
'user_id' => '101',
'level' => '9',
'id' => '200',
'date_created' => '2015-08-15',
'lft' => '675',
'rght' => '676',
'structure_id' => '1',
'status' => '1',
'position_id' => '101',
'placement_id' => '22'
'date_created' => '2015-08-15',
'id' => '201',
'level' => '9',
'user_id' => '374',
'lft' => '677',
'structure_id' => '1',
'rght' => '678',
'placement_id' => '22',
'position_id' => '374',
'status' => '1'
'lft' => '680',
'user_id' => '95',
'level' => '8',
'id' => '117',
'date_created' => '2015-08-15',
'status' => '1',
'position_id' => '95',
'placement_id' => '13',
'rght' => '681',
'structure_id' => '1'
THIS IS THE GOAL, For this example I need to end up with:
"name": "13",
"children": [
"name": "22",
"children": [
"name": "101"
"name": "374"
"name": "95"
You can also see the format I am trying to arrive at here (minus size):
My failed approach(es) included various attempts at looping through the array of hashes to create a recursive Hash of Hashes that can then be used with the JSON Perl module to create the actual JSON I need.
my $data = [
{ position_id => 123, placement_id => undef },
{ position_id => 456, placement_id => 123 },
{ position_id => 789, placement_id => 123 },
# ...
my $roots;
my %recs_by_name;
my %children_by_parent_name;
for my $row (#$data) {
my $name = $row->{position_id};
my $parent_name = $row->{placement_id};
my $rec = {
name => $name,
push #{ $children_by_parent_name{$parent_name // 'root'} }, $rec;
$recs_by_name{$name} = $rec;
$roots = delete($children_by_parent_name{root}) || [];
for my $name (keys(%children_by_parent_name)) {
my $children = $children_by_parent_name{$name};
if ( my $rec = $recs_by_name{$name} ) {
$rec->{children} = $children;
} else {
die("Parent $name doesn't exist.\n");
push #$roots, #$children;
You appear to have the depth of each node available to you (level). Simpler code could be used if your data was sorted by increasing depths.
While it was #ikegami who ultimately answered the question that led to the solution. I believe the following adaptation adds 4 important elements/clarifications I found helpful, and thought others reading this question and answer would also find useful.
1- Clear addition of all key,value pairs from the originating AoH to the resulting HOH. See while loop.
2- A Child node counter.
3- Inclusion and use of the encode_json function from JSON
4- The result is also an Array with a Hash as the first element. Newbies (like me) might find the explicit #{$roots}[0] passed to encode_json as helpful.
At first I had a similar adapted solution posted as an UPDATE within my question, but was admonished that it was bad etiquette and instructed to post an answer.
#ikegami's deserves the credit for the core of the solution.
sub get_jsonTree {
my ($array_of_hashes_ref) = #_;
my $roots;
my %recs_by_name;
my %children_by_parent_name;
my %count;
for my $row (#$array_of_hashes_ref) {
my $name = $row->{position_id};
my $parent_name = $row->{placement_id};
my $rec = {
name => $name,
## Added to loop through all key,value pairs and add them to $rec
while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%$row) ) {
$rec->{$key} = $value;
##Added To Count Child Nodes
$count{$parent_name} = 0 if (!$count{$parent_name});
$rec->{'child_count'} = $count{$parent_name};
push #{ $children_by_parent_name{$parent_name // 'root'} }, $rec;
$recs_by_name{$name} = $rec;
$roots = delete($children_by_parent_name{root}) || [];
for my $name (keys(%children_by_parent_name)) {
my $children = $children_by_parent_name{$name};
if ( my $rec = $recs_by_name{$name} ) {
$rec->{children} = $children;
} else {
$util{'test'} .= "Parent $name doesn't exist.\n<BR>";
push #$roots, #$children;
use JSON;
my $json_str = encode_json(#{$roots}[0]);
return $json_str;
my $array_of_hashes_ref = [
{ position_id => 123, placement_id => undef },
{ position_id => 456, placement_id => 123 },
{ position_id => 789, placement_id => 123 },
# ...
my $json_str = &get_jsonTree($array_of_hashes_ref);
I have a hash that is multilevel hash i want to convert that into single level .But i am not able to do that
Actual Hash:
'MainSlab' => {
'A1' => {
'Slab' => {
'49_168' => {
'Amt' => '3000',
'Start' => '49',
'End' => '168'
'169_720' => {
'Amt' => '3000',
'Start' => '169',
'End' => '720'
'2_48' => {
'Amt' => '3000',
'Start' => '2',
'End' => '48'
'721_-' => {
'Amt' => '3000',
'Start' => '721',
'End' => '-'
'A2' => {
'Slab' => {
'49_168' => {
'Amt' => '3000',
'Start' => '49',
'End' => '168'
'169_720' => {
'Amt' => '4000',
'Start' => '169',
'End' => '720'
'2_48' => {
'Amt' => '5000',
'Start' => '2',
'End' => '48'
'721_-' => {
'Amt' => '3000',
'Start' => '721',
'End' => '-'
I want to convert that into simple and single level hash like this :
slab =>{
"49_168"=>{"A1"=> "3000","A2"=>"3000"},
Please help me to do this how can we do this
my %hash = (
'MainSlab' => {
'A1' => {
'Slab' => {
'49_168' => {
'Amt' => '3000',
'Start' => '49',
'End' => '168'
'A2' => ...
my $hashref = $hash{'MainSlab'};
my $new_hashref = {};
foreach my $ax (keys %$hashref) {
foreach my $k (keys %{$hashref->{$ax}{'Slab'}}) {
$new_hashref->{$k}{$ax} = $hashref->{$ax}{'Slab'}{$k}{'Amt'};
my %new_hash = (slab => $new_hashref);
Will produce:
$new_hash = ( 'slab' => {
'49_168' => {
'A1' => '3000',
'A2' => '3000'
'169_720' => {
'A1' => '3000',
'A2' => '4000'
use Data::Dumper qw();
## actual hash $h1
my $h1 = { 'MainSlab' => { 'A1' => { 'Slab' => { '49_168' => { 'Amt' => '3000', 'Start' => '49', 'End' => '168' }, '169_720' => { 'Amt' => '3000', 'Start' => '169', 'End' => '720' }, '2_48' => { 'Amt' => '3000', 'Start' => '2', 'End' => '48' }, '721_-' => { 'Amt' => '3000', 'Start' => '721', 'End' => '-' } } }, 'A2' => { 'Slab' => { '49_168' => { 'Amt' => '3000', 'Start' => '49', 'End' => '168' }, '169_720' => { 'Amt' => '4000', 'Start' => '169', 'End' => '720' }, '2_48' => { 'Amt' => '5000', 'Start' => '2', 'End' => '48' }, '721_-' => { 'Amt' => '3000', 'Start' => '721', 'End' => '-' } } } } };
## transform to $h2
my #l2 = keys(%{$h1->{'MainSlab'}});
my #l1 = keys(%{$h1->{'MainSlab'}->{$l2[0]}->{'Slab'}});
my $h2 = {};
foreach my $l1 (#l1) {
my $inner = {};
foreach my $l2 (#l2) {
$inner->{$l2} = $h1->{'MainSlab'}->{$l2}->{'Slab'}->{$l1}->{'Amt'};
} ## end foreach
$h2->{'slab'}->{$l1} = $inner;
} ## end foreach
## print result
$h2 = {
'slab' => {
'49_168' => {
'A1' => '3000',
'A2' => '3000'
'169_720' => {
'A1' => '3000',
'A2' => '4000'
'2_48' => {
'A1' => '3000',
'A2' => '5000'
'721_-' => {
'A1' => '3000',
'A2' => '3000'