GWT MVP updating Activity state on Place change - gwt

What is the best practise to update Activity state on Place change? Imagine you have an activity with view that displays list of categories and list of items in the category. If different category is selected then app goes to new place with category ID. I want then to only refresh items and not to create new activity that also re-reads category list.
My current approach is like this:
public class AppActivityMapper implements ActivityMapper {
private ItemListActivity itemListActivity;
public Activity getActivity(final Place place) {
final Activity activity;
if (place instanceof ItemListPlace) {
if (itemListActivity == null) {
itemListActivity = new ItemListActivity((ItemListPlace) place, clientFactory);
} else {
itemListActivity.refresh((ItemListPlace) place);
activity = itemListActivity;
} else {
itemListActivity = null;
return activity;

Alternatives are:
listen to PlaceChangeEvents from within the activity (you can then use a FilteredActivityMapper and CachingActivityMapper for the caching of the activity in your ActivityMapper, so that it's reduced to only create a new activity when asked). †
have some component listen to PlaceChangeEvents and translate them to business-oriented events, the activity then listens to those events rather than PlaceChangeEvents, otherwise the same as above.
decouple the activity from the "screen", make the "screen" a singleton with a reset() method and call that method from the activity's start (possibly passing the category ID as an argument in this case). The "screen" being a singleton could then make sure to load the categories list only once.
in your case, you could also simply put the categories list in a shared cache, so that you don't have to reuse your activity by can create a new one, the categories list will be retrieved once and put in the cache, subsequent activity instances will just use what's in the cache. This is similar to the above, but simpler, and the cache could be used by other parts of the application.
I'd personally rather go with your approach though (with a small exception, see below), as it's the simplest/easiest. Decoupling the activity from the "screen" is also an option; the GWT Team started exploring this approach in the Expenses sample (decoupling the activity responsibility from the presenter responsibility with using MVP) without ever finishing it unfortunately.
Other than that, I don't think any best practice has really emerged for now.
†. I don't like coupling my activities with the places they're used with (I don't quite like the coupling for the goTo calls either, but haven't yet found a clean and simple alternative), so I'd rather not go with this option; and similarly, I'd not pass the place to the activity constructor and refresh method like you did, but rather extract the information out of the place and pass it to the activity (e.g. in your case, only give the category ID to the activity, not the ItemListPlace instance; I would then simply call setCategory in all cases, and not even pass the category ID to the constructor).

In my opinion,
The role of the ActivityMapper is to give you back an Activity from a Place.
The role of the ActivityManager is to start the Activity given back from the ActivityMapper and to stop the current one if different. In your case you would like to "update/refresh" the current Activity.
So I would modify the ActivityMapper so as it will allways give me back the same instance of Activity for a given type of Place. A good way to do so could be to use GIN and use the singleton scope to inject your Activity.
If you do that, when changing the url, if the place stays the same (meaning your url has the same word after # and before :) so that the Type of your place stays the same, the ActivityMapper will give you back the same instance of Activity so the ActivityManager will do nothing on the Activity. Check l.126 of ActivityManager
if (currentActivity.equals(nextActivity)) {
For me you have 2 options there. The first one, as Thomas said , is to listen to PlaceChangeEvent in your Activity. The new Place you will receive can have new parameters inside based on the new url given and you can "update/refresh" your Activity.
The second one, that I find more in line with the Activity/Place pattern is to modify the ActivityManager so that it calls an update(Place) method on the Activity when the Activity given back by the ActivityMapper is the same that the current Activity.
I haven't tried any of these solutions yet but I will soon ... I might be able to update that post at that time.
You can find more information in this article I wrote on my blog on that topic
Here is a little schema I made to help me understand the pattern, hope it will help :

I would not do any logic in my ActiviyMapper except returning an activity, by creating a new one or giving a previous one (or null). According to me, the mapper doesn't have to know about refresh() or what activities do.
If that, then the logic of 'refresh()' would be given to the activy through the place which holds a token. That token should be holding the information about either what is the state of the request (a new page, reload, an id, etc).
In the activity, first, it asks for the View, the one related to this activity (tip : a singleton given by a 'ClientFactory' is good practice), then it creates a presenter for that view, and bind them together.
Lastly, the activity will use the token from the place to provide any information about state to the presenter. And then, it adds the view in the page.
It's good to know by default, with places and activies, going to the same place doesn't do anything (no reload). But you can take care of it with token and activity-mapper easily.
Hope you'll find an adapted solution for you case. Goodluck.


GWT - Where should i use code splitting while using places/activities/mappers?

"core" refers to the initial piece of the application that is loaded.
In order to bind url to places, GWT uses PlaceTokenizer<P extends Place>. When loading the application from the url, it calls the method P getPlace(String token) to retrieve a new instance of the place to call.
due to the asynchronous nature of code splitting, I can't create the place inside a runAsync in this method. So I have to put all the places of my app in the core.
To link places to activity, GWT callsActivity getActivity(Place place) (from to retrieve a new instance of the activity.
Once again, i have to put all my activities in the core.
Here's what I want to try: Write a custom that
bind itself on PlaceChangeRequestEvent. If the AppPiece corresponding to the requestedPlace isn't loaded, it calls event.setWarning(NEED_TO_LOAD_MODULE)
in the confirm(String message) method, always return false when the message equals NEED_TO_LOAD_MODULE (so it doesn't bother the user), and load the module via RunAsync.
Once the module is loaded, call goTo(requestedPlace)
Each AppPiece of my application contains a bunch of activies and the corresponding views. Since the mappers are only called when PlaceChangeEventis fired, i could generate a new instance of my activity via AppPiece.getSomeActivityInstance().
I'm pretty sure this will work, but what bother me is that
Finding wich AppPiece to load depending on the requestedPlace will force me to write code that will be very similar to my mappers
I would like to have my places inside the corresponding AppPiece
Overriding Delegate for this purpose is tricky, and I'm looking for a better solution
You don't have to put all your activities in the core (as you call it): while an Activity instance is retrieved synchronously, it's allowed to start asynchronously. This is where you'd put your GWT.runAsync call.
See and

GWT MVP with Places & Activities - Where's the Model?

I'm trying to familiarize myself with the "Places & Activities" design pattern for GWT development, and so far I think it has a lot of potential. I especially like the way how once you start thinking about your application in terms of "Places", browser history virtually just lands in your lap with almost no extra effort.
However, one thing just bothers me: All the articles and code examples I've seen so far gloss over one (as far as I am concerned, major) aspect: the 'M' part of the 'MVP', i.e. the Model!
In normal MVP architecture, as far as I understand it, the Presenter holds a reference to the Model, and is responsible for updating it according to UI events or, respectivly, updating the UI according to Model changes.
Now, in all the articles/samples for "P&A" the Activities seem to be taking the place of the Presenter, but unlike 'normal' Presenters, they get discarded and (re-)created whenever a new Place arrives, so they can't be the ones to store the client state, or it would be lost every time. Activities are cheap to create, so it's not much of a hassle, but I wouldn't want to create the model of a complex application over and over again.
All the samples are fairly simple and don't have much of a state and therefore just ignore the Model aspect, but where would an actual, complex application store its state?
I think I found my own answer. The main problem seems to be that all of the simple code examples make the Activities be the Presenters, as in:
public class NavigationActivity extends AbstractActivity implements NavigationView.Presenter {
private final ClientFactory clientFactory;
private final NavigationPlace place;
public NavigationActivity(ClientFactory clientFactory, NavigationPlace place) {
this.clientFactory = clientFactory; = place;
public void start(AcceptsOneWidget panel, EventBus eventBus) {
NavigationView navView = clientFactory.getNavigationView();
public void goTo(Place place) {
Now Activities are fairly short-lived, whereas a typical Presenter in the 'classical' sense has a much longer lifespan in order to maintain the binding between the model and the UI. So what I did was to implement a separate Presenter using the standard MVP design pattern, and all the Activity does is something like this:
public class NavigationActivity extends AbstractActivity {
private final ClientFactory clientFactory;
private final NavigationPlace place;
public NavigationActivity(ClientFactory clientFactory, NavigationPlace place) {
this.clientFactory = clientFactory; = place;
public void start(AcceptsOneWidget panel, EventBus eventBus) {
NavigationPresenter presenter = clientFactory.getNavigationPresenter();
So, instead of the Activity fetching the View, and acting like a Presenter on it, it fetches the actual Presenter, just informs it of the client state change induced by the Place, and tells it where to display its information (i.e. the view). And the Presenter is then free to manage the view and the model any way it likes - this way works a lot better (at least with what I have in mind for the application I'm working on) than the code examples I have found so far.
You're right, almost always the presenter is the only guy holding the model and managing its lifetime. Model from previous GWT versions has simply been a DTO, (and continues to be) a POJO which are created by the GWT deserializer when RPC methods return, or created by Presenters and filled with UI data by UIHandlers, and sent to the server.
I have taken efforts, to keep the Models lifetime encapsulated within the Activities lifetime, and avoided storing state outside of activities. (I do however have a singleton Global State maintained for use from anywhere in the application.) This I think is what GWT MVP engineers assumed will happen - It makes sense when, say the user has navigated away from a Place, for the models associated with that place also to get disposed (& collected). Create models, fill them up inside the activities, and make service calls to update the server before navigating away (or triggered by some control on the page), and let them go along with the activity - is what I have been doing till date.
A bigger project I have been involved in faced quite a few browser memory footprint issues, and all of them were due to objects which are associated with another (not currently viewed) Place being in memory. It was hard to track and remove references to these objects, and since the user has navigated away from the screen - the "why are my old screen objects still in memory?" question cropped up frequently and subsequently got fixed. This is why, upfront, I chose to keep the Model's lifetime encapsulated within the Activities lifetime in my current pet project.
If you have models that span across (that are filled/accessed by) several activities (as is the case if you have sidebars & master/container widgets), some redesigning of models maybe in order, if you have examples I will try and help.

ASP.NET MVC 2 - Set ViewData on every request in specific area (without inheritance)

In the "Admin" area of my application, an object must be available in ViewData on every page (for display in the Master template). I have already inherited from Controller, so I cannot make a simple base class that handles it. What is a good solution of doing this when not using inheritance? An ActionFilter seems interesting but I don't want to put it on every controller in the Admin area. I'm considering the following:
Custom ControllerFactory that detects Area as well
Application_BeginRequest(), though I have no knowledge on executing controller then.
Maybe you have a better solution?
In this case I would create a separate action that executes a partial view that shows the data you need. In my opinion this is the most clean solution for this kind of problem and it's easily testable and reusable.
i have a dropdown on my masterpage. you dont need viewdata for it. i did it like this
code on masterpage:
<%= Html.DropDownList("schselectr", MVC2_NASTEST.MvcApplication.masterSchooljaarList())%>
in Global.asax.cs
public static SelectList masterSchooljaarList() {
NASDataContext _db = new NASDataContext();
List<Schooljaar> newlist = _db.Schooljaars.ToList();
return new SelectList(_db.Schooljaars.ToList(), "Sch_Schooljaar", "Sch_Schooljaar");
so simply, it calls the method, which returns the data i need, every time you load the page. easy, clean, effective.

Using different delegates for NSXmlParser

I am trying to figure out the best way to design something. I am writing an iPhone App and for the most part I am using async calls to a web service. This means that I cam setting up a URLConnection, calling start and letting it call me back when the data is available or an exception occurs. This works well and I think is the correct way to handle things.
For example:
I request a list of people from a web service. The resulting list is Xml Person elements which will be translated into an objective-c "Person" object by my XmlDelegate.
When I call the function to get the person, I pass in a "PersonResultDelegate", which is a protocol with a single function called "PersonReceived:(Person *)p". So, each time I get a complete Person object, I call that method and all is well. So, my detail view (or search result view) just receives the elements as they are available.
The problem comes when I need to obtain more then one specific object. In my specific case, I need to get the first and last appointment for a person. So, I need to make two API calls to obtain these two single Appointment objects. Each Appointment object will result in a call to the registered AppointmentResultDelegate, but how will I know which is the first and which is the last? I also need to somehow handle the case when there is no "first" or "last" Appointments and the Delegate will never get called.
What would be the correct way design wise to handle this? Should I add some additional context information to the initial request which is passed back to the handle in the delegate? An opaque piece of data which only makes sense to the person who made the initial call? What are my other options?
What I actually ended up doing is just passing an opaque piece of data along with the Appointment to the delegate. So, when I request an appointment object I have a method like:
getNextAppointment withDelegate:self withContext:#"next"
getPrevAppointment withDelegate:self withContext:#"prev"
This way when the delegate gets called I know what appointment is being delivered.
"Each Appointment object will result in a call to the registered AppointmentResultDelegate, but how will I know which is the first and which is the last?"
By looking at the order in which you receive these callbacks. Or by looking at some value in that xml data. Like a sequence or data. I don't know your data of course.

Loading workflow activity dynamically from XOML

I am trying to implement an activity similar to InvokeWorkflow, which could dynamically load a XOML file, instantiate an activity tree from it, and use it as its only child.
This would be similar to InvokeWorkflow except that the activities which are dynamically loaded are inlined into the main workflow (which is better from a monitoring perspective).
I looked at XamlReader as a potential way of doing this, but apparently it is not suitable for loading workflows (only UI stuff).
Achieving your goal here is likely to be quite tricky however lets start with the easy bit:-
You can reconstruct a workflow from XOML using the WorkflowMarkupSerializer found in the System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Serialization namespace.
var serializer = new WorkflowMarkupSerializer();
object root = serializer.Deserialize(myXmlReader);
Similarly you could reconstruct a "snippet" of activities held in something that inherits from CompositeActivity using the CompostiteActivityMarkupSerializer.
However, to integrate the new root activity into the currently running workflow requires more work. You need to use an instance of the WorkflowChanges class to make the new activity by modifing the Workflow definition used by the current instance.
Now the documentation is some what sketchy and even a little evasive on this subject. Two important points can be gleaned though:-
Ultimately a call to ApplyWorkflowChanges is needed and this member has protected accessibility.
The documentation indicates that this needs to occur on the root activity of a workflow.
Hence we can deduce that we will need a custom root activity to at least assist in this requirement.
There are probably more ways that this could be structured but lets assume we have a SequenceActivity in which we have a custom "InvokeWorkflow" activity performing the workflow modification and we intend to place the resulting new activity at the end this containing sequence.
First we'll need an interface definition which we can implement on the custom root activity:-
internal interface IModifiableWorkflow
void ApplyWorkflowChanges(WorkflowChanges workflowChanges);
In our custom root activity we would implement this interface explicitly:-
public class CustomSequentialActivity : SequentialWorkflowActivity, IModifiableWorkflow
void IModifiableWorkflow.ApplyWorkflowChanges(WorkflowChanges workflowChanges)
In the Execute method of the custom "InvokeWorkflow" activity:-
// Get root activity
var root = this.Parent;
while (root.Parent != null) { root = root.Parent; }
// Create an instance of WorkflowChanges based on the root activity
var changes = new WorkflowChanges(root);
//Find the parent sequence activity in the transient workflow definition
var target = changes.TransientWorkflow.GetActivityByName(this.Parent.Name);
Activity newActivity = YourCodeToLoadActivityDetailsFromXoml();
//Apply the new changes
Note I haven't actually tested any of this, its cobbled together from crumbs of info buried in the documentation.
Thanks so much Anthony.
I have to say that your dynamic workflow modification is cool, but it was a little scary. I ended up composing workflows using a modification of Jon Flander's CallWorkflowActivity.
Some tricks I learned with XOML-only workflows loaded at runtime (using WF 3.5):
remove x:Class attribute inside the XOML
delete the code-behind file
for the VS designer to work, those XOML files need to be separated in their own projects (no code, such as base activities or common types, in the project where the XOML is located)
mark the XOML as Content in VS and Copy Always so it is placed with your binaries
even so, VS 2008 usually needs a full Rebuild in order to properly copy newly modified XOML files...
you may need to set breakpoints manually, as explained here