Login using Facebook, Google, Yahoo and hotmail in Coldfusion Application - facebook

I am pretty new to coldfusion. Can some one please guide me how to create a login using Facebook, Google, Yahoo and hotmail. If some can point out to any tutorials availbale online. That would be great. Thanks in advance.

I'd give this a shot for Facebook:
And I would say once you got that working, you'd know quite a bit more about authentication services, and might be able to carve out the others on your own.
Here's one for Google:
I don't know of anything good for yahoo or hotmail.


Facebook OpenID for Yahoo not working

Thought it's going to be fixed sooner but it's been a month now and i can't login to facebook using my yahoo account.
I've been getting this error:
Sorry, something went wrong.
We're working on getting this fixed as soon as we can.
Gmail works fine but yahoo isn't really working. not sure if it's yahoo OPENID or Facebook
Anyone have a fix with this?
Yes Im having this problem too, I was accustomed on just logging in using my yahoo so that I only have a single sign on property for all social accounts. But the openid for yahoo on facebook stops working

How to whitelist a website on facebook?

Recently, Facebook teamed up with Websense to filter malicious websites. One of the users on our site got this message - "teamed up with Websense to help protect you online. The link you are trying to visit has been identified as potentially unsafe by our trusted partners." This is a pretty major site and the message above just seems odd to me.
I have tried to find ways to whitelist this website but I have been unsuccessful. How can I whitelist this website on Facebook?
You have probably seen this but just incase you haven't

How do I import facebook friends from the another website

I am looking for a way to connect to facebook by allowing the user to enter in their username and password and have our app connect to their account and get their contacts so that they can invite them to join their group on our site. I have written a facebook app before, but this is not an app as much as it is a connector so that they can invite all their friends or just some to the site we are working on.
I have seen several other sites do this and also connect to Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail contacts. I dont think they are using Facebook Connect to do this since it is so new, but they may be.
Any solution in any language is fine as I can port whatever example to use C#. I cannot find anything specifically on Google or Facebook to address this specific problem. Any help is appreciated.
I saw a first answer get removed that had suggested i might need to scrape the friends page. The more I look around, this might be what i need to do. Any other way i think will require the person to add it as an app. I am wondering how a answer can get removed, maybe that user deleted it.
Try This
Not sure if its possible explicitly but there are indirect ways to do it!!!
Here is another article that seems to cover what you want to do http://facebook-developer.net/2008/02/20/allow-your-users-to-invite-their-friends/

OAuth tutorial for non Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter

Does anyone know of an OAuth sample app tutorial that does not deal with Facebook, Twitter etc?
All the samples I can find are bloated with stuff for these sites which for someone trolling through the web trying to learn about this stuff is confusing.
OAuth seems complicated enough but trying to figure out which bits do not apply and which bits do is a minefield...
https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5849 I've found the rfc the easiest to work through.

Is there a decent PHP Facebook Connect example anywhere online?

I have a very simple php site that I'm wanting to add facebook connect to. I have searched to and fro to find out how to do this. Even the developer docs at facebook are apparently wrong. I see many seasoned programmers replying that the docs are outdated and some of the methods won't work.. how one should create a new solution for this part, etc...
I know that Facebook changed a lot about the way facebook connect just before 2011. Isn't there someone out there who could provide a working example on how it's done? I will give my left leg to someone that could provide an updated and working tutorial.
The PHP Example shows you exactly how to do this. Short, redirect to $facebook->getLoginUrl() and then call $facebook->getUser().