Problems using libpng in iPhone project - iphone

I am trying to add libpng to my iPhone project.
I copied the .c and .h files to their own directory "thirdparty/libpng/" and I included png.h in my texture class:
#ifndef PNG_H
#include "thirdparty/libpng/png.h"
At this point my project compiles great with no warnings and errors.
Next I tried adding a function to check if a texture is a png, and I get a compile error on png_sig_cmp, even though png.h is included:
int GETexture::CheckIfValidPNGTexture( const char* pTextureName, FILE **ppFp )
/* Open the prospective PNG file. */
if ((*ppFp = fopen(pTextureName, "rb")) == NULL)
return 0;
/* Read in some of the signature bytes */
if (fread(buf, 1, PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK, *ppFp) != PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK)
return 0;
/* Compare the first PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK bytes of the signature.
Return nonzero (true) if they match */
return(!png_sig_cmp(buf, (png_size_t)0, PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK)); // <- COMPILE ERROR
The error I get is: No matching function for call to 'png_sig_cmp'
The header is definitely getting included. If I try to type something random in it like "sdfdd" I get a compile error, showing it is parsing that header file.
Any ideas?

I had exactly the same problem once and what helped me was simple casting - because if you look into png.h header file , png_sig_cmp definition :
png_sig_cmp(png_const_bytep sig, png_size_t start, png_size_t num_to_check)
First parameter is png_const_bytep - which is defined as :
PNG_CONST png_byte FAR * png_const_bytep
which translated really as :
const unsigned char*
I would simple typecast :
return(!png_sig_cmp((png_const_bytep)buf, (png_size_t)0, PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK));
Hope it helps!


getting "undefined reference to ledc_cb_register" error

I'm trying to use a callback function with the led controller of esp32, however I'm unable to compile the code. I'm not sure if something is missing or the code has errors, as I have a limited understanding of pointers or coding in general.
I'm using the Arduino framework, however when I hover over the ledc_cb_register text, VSCode will popup some more details/definition of this function, so I would expect that it does see the reference to it.
relevant esp32 documentation:
I'm trying to copy the following example, but make it a bit simpler (using only one channel):
It seems this example can be compiled on my side too, but this uses espidf framework.
trying the following code (many lines are not shown here for simplicity)
static bool cb_ledc_fade_end_event(const ledc_cb_param_t *param, void *user_arg)
portBASE_TYPE taskAwoken = pdFALSE;
if (param->event == LEDC_FADE_END_EVT) {
isFading = false;
return (taskAwoken == pdTRUE);
void setup() {
ledc_timer_config_t ledc_timer = {
.speed_mode = LEDC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE, // timer mode
.duty_resolution = LEDC_TIMER_13_BIT, // resolution of PWM duty
.timer_num = LEDC_TIMER_0, // timer index
.freq_hz = LED_frequency, // frequency of PWM signal
.clk_cfg = LEDC_AUTO_CLK, // Auto select the source clock
ledc_channel_config_t ledc_channel = {
.gpio_num = LED_PIN,
.speed_mode = LEDC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE,
.channel = LEDC_CHANNEL_0,
.timer_sel = LEDC_TIMER_0,
.duty = 4000,
.hpoint = 0,
//.flags.output_invert = 0
ledc_cbs_t callbacks = {
.fade_cb = cb_ledc_fade_end_event
ledc_cb_register(LEDC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE, LEDC_CHANNEL_0, &callbacks, 0);
and getting the following error message:
[..]/.platformio/packages/toolchain-xtensa-esp32#8.4.0+2021r2-patch3/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-esp32-elf/8.4.0/../../../../xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/ld.exe: .pio\build\esp32dev\src\main.cpp.o:(.literal._Z5setupv+0x78): undefined reference to 'ledc_cb_register(ledc_mode_t, ledc_channel_t, ledc_cbs_t*, void*)'
[..]/.platformio/packages/toolchain-xtensa-esp32#8.4.0+2021r2-patch3/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-esp32-elf/8.4.0/../../../../xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/ld.exe: .pio\build\esp32dev\src\main.cpp.o: in function 'setup()':
[..]\PlatformIO\Projects\asdf/src/main.cpp:272: undefined reference to 'ledc_cb_register(ledc_mode_t, ledc_channel_t, ledc_cbs_t*, void*)'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
*** [.pio\build\esp32dev\firmware.elf] Error 1
According to the docs, it seems to be a feature that was added in v4.4.4
but the latest Arduino core (2.0.6) is build on v4.4.3.
If you are not on the latest Arduino core, try updating that first and see if it works. If not, then you just have to wait until the Arduino core is updated to use ESP IDF v4.4.4.
Of course, you can use ledc_isr_register(...) to register an ISR handler for the interrupt.
Best of luck!
I realized that the problem (at least on my side when testing it) was that there is an error in the ledc.h file, where they forgot to add ledc_cb_register in an extern "C" block.
I manually patched it by moving the
#ifdef __cplusplus
part, which was located after the ledc_set_fade_step_and_start function, below ledc_cb_register instead.
So, the end of my ledc.h file looks like this now:
esp_err_t ledc_set_fade_step_and_start(ledc_mode_t speed_mode, ledc_channel_t channel, uint32_t target_duty, uint32_t scale, uint32_t cycle_num, ledc_fade_mode_t fade_mode);
* #brief LEDC callback registration function
* ...
esp_err_t ledc_cb_register(ledc_mode_t speed_mode, ledc_channel_t channel, ledc_cbs_t *cbs, void *user_arg);
#ifdef __cplusplus

How can I unit test a specific DML method?

I'm writing some common DML code that contains a fairly complex method, something like:
saved uint32 checksum_ini;
method calculate_checksum(bytes_t data) -> (uint32 sum) {
uint32 result = checksum_ini;
for (int i = 0; i < data.size; ++i) {
result = f(result,[i]);
return result;
My device calls the function indirectly by reading and writing some registers, which makes it cumbersome to unit test all corner cases of the checksum algorithm.
How can I efficiently write a unit test for my checksum implementation?
One approach is to create a dedicated test module, say test-checksum, containing a test device, say test_checksum_dev, that imports only your common code, and exposes the calculate_checksum method to Python, where it is easy to write tests. This is done in two steps: First, expose the method to C:
dml 1.4;
device test_checksum_dev;
import "checksum-common.dml";
// Make DML method calculate_checksum available as extern C symbol "calculate_checksum"
// The signature will be:
// uint64 calculate_checksum(conf_object_t *obj, bytes_t data)
export calculate_checksum as "calculate_checksum";
The second step is to expose it to Python. Create checksum.h:
#ifndef CHECKSUM_H
#define CHECKSUM_H
#include <simics/base/types.h>
#include <simics/pywrap.h>
extern uint32 calculate_checksum(conf_object_t *obj, bytes_t data);
#endif /* CHECKSUM_H */
(if you also add header %{ #include "checksum.h" %} to the DML file, you will get a hard check that signatures stay consistent).
Now add the header file to IFACE_FILES in your module makefile to create a Python wrapping:
SRC_FILES = test-checksum.dml
IFACE_FILES = checksum.h
You can now call the DML method directly from your test:
from simmod.test_checksum.checksum import calculate_checksum
obj = SIM_create_object('test_checksum_dev', 'dev', checksum_ini=0xdeadbeef)
assert calculate_checksum(obj, b'hello world') == (0xda39ba47).to_bytes(4, 'little')

pcap_getnonblock() returns -3

I am quite new to using pcap lib, so please bear with me.
I am trying to use pcap_getnonblock function, the documentation says the following:
pcap_getnonblock() returns the current 'non-blocking' state of
the capture descriptor; it always returns 0 on 'savefiles' . If
there is an error, PCAP_ERROR is returned and errbuf is filled in
with an appropriate error message.
errbuf is assumed to be able to hold at least PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE
I got -3 returned and the errbuf is an empty string, I couldn't understand the meaning of such result.
I believe this caused a socket error: 10065.
This problem happened only once and I could not reproduce it, but still it would be great to find its causing to prevent it in future executions.
Thanks in advance.
pcap_getnonblock() can return -3 - that's PCAP_ERROR_NOT_ACTIVATED. Unfortunately, that's not documented; I'll fix that.
Here's a minimal reproducible example that demonstrates this:
#include <pcap/pcap.h>
#include <stdio.h>
main(int argc, char **argv)
pcap_t *pcap;
char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: this_program <interface_name>\n");
return 1;
pcap = pcap_create(argv[1], errbuf);
if (pcap == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "this_program: pcap_create(%s) failed: %s\n",
argv[1], errbuf);
return 2;
printf("pcap_getnonblock() returns %d on non-activated pcap_t\n",
pcap_getnonblock(pcap, errbuf));
return 0;
(yes, that's minimal, as 1) names of interfaces are OS-dependent, so it has to be a command-line argument and 2) if you don't run the program correctly, it should let you know what's happening, so you know what you have to do in order to reproduce the problem).
Perhaps pcap_getnonblock() and pcap_setnonblock() should be changed so that you can set non-blocking mode before activating the pcap_t, so that, when activated, it will be in non-blocking mode. It doesn't work that way currently, however.
I.e., you're allocating a pcap_t with pcap_create(), but you're not activating it with pcap_activate(). You need to do both in order to have a pcap_t on which you can capture.

Use OpenGL in Swift project

I'm trying to move one of my apps over to using Swift. It contains an OpenGL draw loop (that also contains some Cocoa statements - yes, I realise it's probably a horrible mess of a class) so I've copied the original .m & .h files into my new project and added a *-Bridging-Header.h file. I've also added a build phase to link with the OpenGL.framework (although I'm not sure I needed to and it made no difference to the issue).
Originally I borrowed heavily from Apple's example OpneGL project and within one of the files I'm trying to compile there is:
#include "sourceUtil.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#import <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
demoSource* srcLoadSource(const char* filepathname)
demoSource* source = (demoSource*) calloc(sizeof(demoSource), 1);
// Check the file name suffix to determine what type of shader this is
const char* suffixBegin = filepathname + strlen(filepathname) - 4;
if(0 == strncmp(suffixBegin, ".fsh", 4))
source->shaderType = GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER;
else if(0 == strncmp(suffixBegin, ".vsh", 4))
source->shaderType = GL_VERTEX_SHADER;
// Unknown suffix
source->shaderType = 0;
// more code follows
However, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER is causing Xcode to stop any build with the error "Use of undeclared identifier 'GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER'" - similarly with the GL_VERTEX_SHADER. I presume there'll be more errors but currently this is what Xcode stops at.
You need: #import <OpenGL/gl.h>

Executable encryption check anti piracy measure

I read a very interesting blog about implementing some anti-piracy protection into your apps. Some of them dont work anymore, some of them do. The 2 ones that still are effective to an extent are the 2 last ones listed.
The one I'm interested in is the very last one. Code below. I've implemented this in my AppDelegate.m
Anti piracy via the encryption check.
Required Headers
#import <dlfcn.h>
#import <mach-o/dyld.h>
#import <TargetConditionals.h>
Encryption Struct
struct encryption_info_command
uint32_t cmd;
uint32_t cmdsize;
uint32_t cryptoff;
uint32_t cryptsize;
uint32_t cryptid;
Needed Methods
int main (int argc, char *argv[]);
static BOOL is_encrypted ()
const struct mach_header *header;
Dl_info dlinfo;
/* Fetch the dlinfo for main() */
if (dladdr(main, &dlinfo) == 0 || dlinfo.dli_fbase == NULL)
NSLog(#"Could not find main() symbol (very odd)");
return NO;
header = dlinfo.dli_fbase;
/* Compute the image size and search for a UUID */
struct load_command *cmd = (struct load_command *) (header+1);
for (uint32_t i = 0; cmd != NULL && i < header->ncmds; i++)
/* Encryption info segment */
if (cmd->cmd == LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO)
struct encryption_info_command *crypt_cmd = (struct encryption_info_command *) cmd;
/* Check if binary encryption is enabled */
if (crypt_cmd->cryptid < 1)
return NO;
return YES;
cmd = (struct load_command *) ((uint8_t *) cmd + cmd->cmdsize);
return NO;
This method checks to see if the binary is still encrypted.
When I run this on the device attached to x-code it gives me a false positive on this line
if (crypt_cmd->cryptid < 1)
NSLog(#"Pirated from (crypt_cmd->cryptid < 1) ");
return NO;
I was wondering is it possible that the builds xcode puts onto the device for debugging purposes not encrypted? And its only encrypted when the build is submitted to Apple for use on iTunes. Hence why I am getting this false positive when check the code.
Many Thanks,
This code won't work successfully on a 64-bit device like the iPhone 5s. The header has been changed from mach_header to mach_header_64 and the command ID is now LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64.
What I did was to read the header and then see what the magic number was. If it's MH_MAGIC_64 then you're on a 64-bit device and you need to use the mach_header_64 struct and look for LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64 (defined as 0x2C) instead of LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO.
A better otool command to see whether a file is encrypted or not is:
otool -arch armv7 -l YourAppName | grep crypt
I have been looking into this recently as well and tested with the same results. It turns out this code is telling you YES or NO based on whether the binary is encrypted with Apple's FairPlay DRM. Any debug or ad-hoc builds you do will say NO.
You can see the same information on your binary or any iPhone apps you have purchased using the otool command-line tool.
For your own binaries, find the binary in your project under e.g. build/Debug-iphoneos/ and run (from Terminal)
otool -l MyApp | more
Scan through for cryptid in the LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO section. Since this is a debug build it will be 0. If you have synched your phone to your computer, check under ~/Music/iTunes/Mobile Applications and pick an .ipa file. Unzip it and try otool against the binary from the .ipa and it should have 1 for the cryptid.
It looks like this is looking for the signature block in the dyload header. This means that you're only going to see this on code which is signed. Chances are that your code isn't being automatically signed for debugging (unnecessary), although it will be signed when it goes to the device.
You might want to make this entire check conditional on the project running on an iOS device instead of in the simulator. Any binary sent to an iOS device must be signed.
your check
#endif //