How to display 'print margin' guide behind text - eclipse

In Eclipse 3.8, I enabled the print margin to help me limit my lines to less than 80 characters. But, because I work a lot with external code with much longer lines, I set the guide color to light grey to prevent interference with text.
My problem is that some letters get distorted under the guide. For example, o appears like c. Is it possible to change the order so that the is guide is displayed behind the text instead of over it?

Unfortunately, it seems that there is no solution.Bug 17805 – [painting] Print margin drawn on top of text


How to make UILabel display multiple lines in the Today Extension?

I have been trying to not ask basic questions on stack overflow, but I cannot find a clue on the Internet related to this problem.
I wish to make my UILabel display multilines in my widget (Today Extension).
The "set lines to 0" solution works in the main app, but this doesn't seem to work within the widget. It keeps displaying only one line with '...' at the end.
Does anybody know how to resolve this issue? I will attach some screenshots to explain my problem further.
Increase the line limit number to 3 or more.
You can test the multiline wrapping by typing in the label yourself.
I know that setting it to '0' is suppose to work however when it comes to alerts and displays it does not always apply. I know that by giving it a number like '3' or '4' it is not dynamic, however, it will solve your problem with the notifications.
Alternatively you can use the "Autoshrink" feature, you can change it to minimum font size. By doing so, the application will shrink down the text to the font size you provided.
Some developers will also suggest checking the box, 'tighten letter spacing'
hope this helps.

Hidden stars are not shown but still get printed in org-mode

In emacs org-mode, I hide leading-stars using org-hide-leading-stars.
This works well on the screen, however, when I printed with ps-print-buffer-with-faces, the leading stars reappear in a black color in the paper.
As I understand, org-hide-leading-stars make the color of stars the same as background, and hence making them look disappeared.
Since my background is white, the stars became white. Hence, they are not supposed to be printed in the paper, right?
Please help.
Hiding stars is done by an emacs overlay which only affects the display: the underlying buffer/file still contains the asterisks, so ps-print-buffer will print them out. As the comments suggest, you either have to export to some format and print that out, or modify the buffer temporarily to print it out.

Codemirror line gets wider because line-number

I'm using codemirror in one project, just to provide line numbers to the text areas. The problem I'm facing that the editor gets wider while the line number grows. So if I have an editor which is 150 pixels wide, and I add 100 lines for example, it goes to 160 px wide (just example) if I reach the 1k lines it goes to 200 px wide and so on. All the lines have the same width because it is a list, but the editor still getting wider.
How can I prevent this? Thanks in advance.
At the end it was a problem with my dataset. I have accepted the only answer because it could help people with this problem on rails
I had a problem similar to this when I was using rails. My suggestion would be to add
//= require codemirror
to your application.js file
*= require codemirror
to your application.css file.
You may not be using rails but this may help some people who come across this questions and they have this problem while trying to integrate codemirror with their rails project

Vbulletin - Adding a padded box around elements

I'm attempting to add a box (for design purposes) around the threadlist but for whatever reason, it seems to be closing early and I cant for the life of me figure out whats causing it.
(The theme to use is "Testing")
Its very ugly atm, notice the black rectangle that slightly hides behind the "title/threadstarter" text... It should be covering the entire threadlist and viewing it in firebug shows everything closed properply. I'm at a loss for why its happening.

Jface / swt Label that can scroll

First of all thanks for all the previous advice.
I have come across a rather tricky little problem.
I have a string which I want to display into a Label, normally no problem, but the string is longer than the label will allow. However the similar problem with the text box was resolved with the use of the swt awt hybrid. What I would like to do is replicate this with the label.
Is there way around this? or would the workaround be to have the text area to settext to desired text and then to set the text enable to false so it is grey text.
Could anybody advise?
Your workaround to use Text is perfectly fine. You can mimic label behavior by setting appropriate background color and font and disable it. Also such "labels" are able to provide copy functionality, which is not possible for usual Labels.
Another workaround would be to calculate bounds of your String by using FontMetrics and then cut the string in the end with "..." and providing a tooltip with a full Sting length.
It is also possible to use SWT.WRAP constant for labels, thou it will be still restricted by the width of the Label.