How to create a custom camera shutter animation (like in SocialCam app) - iphone

I would like to know how can I customize the 'iris' or 'shutter' animation of the iPhone's camera. An awesome example of what I am trying to achieve can be found in SocialCam app.
When you launch the camera, there's a custom iris effect as shown below:
Thanks ahead.

I think that you do not customize the shutter, but simply create a new animation. You can do that using Core Animation.
Using core animation makes it simple to move views around using minimal programming.
Please read: for more information.

Try these link , it consist of Project files too.iPhone Camera Shutter Animation


flutter how to make electrical-like animation

I have a gif demonstrating electrical-like animation
The full gif is here:
Anyone knows how can implement this kind of animation on Flutter or I have to have a sequence of images to animate it
The most feasible method is to use this gif in Stack below the button. Creating an animation like this is very difficult and also it will decrease the screen FPS and consume more resource. The other way I can think of is creating this animation on but this will also take a very long time and you will have to learn how to create animations on rive.

How to display photos like iphone homescreen?

I'm trying to make an app that's displaying my photos from camera roll like app icons in iphone (matrix view) . The pictures will have the "wobble" effect and the pictures need to be rearrangeable(the posibility to swap pictures).
I found out how to implement the wobble efect.
What`s the best way to implement the displaying and swapping functionality?
I suggest you to show your photos using CALayer.
Add those layer in Matrix like pattern in your UIView using frame property of layer.
To move or rearrange photos find particular CALayer in touchesBegin method of View using touch points and Move it with movement in touched(in touchesMoved). Settle it in a proper location in touchesEnded method.
I have assumed that you have basic knowledge of usage of classes that I mentioned in above description.
Post here if you need more help.

Work with iphone camera

I am looking for anyone that can help create some source and a tutorial with me to answer how to create a transparent straight line on iphone camera.
Please , If anyone knows of a tutorial already then pls reply me.
If I understand you correctly, you want to have a live preview of the camera overlays by I more or less transparent line, right ?
Two solution come to my mind:
Build one view that gets the camera input via AvFoundation framework and build another - transparent - view that holds whatever elements you want to display on top of that.
Another solution would be to build one OpenGL view, use the camera input as texture for a background rectangle filling the whole screen and then render your other content on top of that.
If you are looking tutorial for camera overlay you can visit this. It has source code attached too. So you will find easy with that. But pls don't just copy paste try to understand the code when you have time.

Buttons that move on screen

I want to have multiple buttons on the screen that continuously move. When they touch the sides, they should bounce back. How do i do this? Any helpful links? Ideas? Thanks!
you go through the apple animation document.
Introduction to Core Animation Programming Guide
Check the following SO post.
How to move several buttons throughout the screen
Move a button in the screen
Also have a look at cocos2d which i think may make it easier to do something like this if they have to constantly be moving.
cocos2d is a game platform which has physics etc but also i believe has support for buttons so it should not be hard to achieve something like this. Check out the cocos2d website and documentation.

Rendering animation to movie

I have a serious problem with Core Animation in combination with the AV Foundation.
I want to render the animation of several UIImages to a movie file. The animation of the images should only be the change from one image to the next, just like shown here But I don't want to display this animation but render it to a common movie file.
I know it is possible to create movie files using the AV Foundation, but I don't get it. I don't know how to set up the animation so I can save the movie file.
Currently I am using the code shown here Need hints for using iPhone SDK's AVMutableVideoComposition, but the difference is that I don't want to render a shake animation but the image change.
Can somebody help me or give me a hint which Core Animation class I must use? I looks like the AV Foundation needs a Core Animation object, but the common way to implement the image change animation is using the UIImageView class.