In iOS - When touching a text field in a scroll view the view can not scroll - iphone

When trying to scroll a view by touching and dragging on a text field, similarly to how you would scroll around on the edit contacts view on the iPhone, the view will not move, touching and dragging in between the text fields or off to the side of the text fields in the scroll view works but not when touching a textfield.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Try setting the delaysContentTouches property to YES for the UIScrollView to which you have added to text field. This should allow you to scroll if you touch and then drag within a text field.

Setting delaysContentTouches to true didn't work for me either. What did was iterating through the scrollview's gesture recognizers and setting each of their delaysTouchesBegan and cancelsTouchesInView to true and false, respectively:
scrollView.gestureRecognizers?.forEach {
$0.delaysTouchesBegan = true; $0.cancelsTouchesInView = false

I think it solution in this situation
extension UITableView {
override public func touchesShouldCancelInContentView(view: UIView) -> Bool {
if view is UITextField || view is UITextView {
return true
return super.touchesShouldCancelInContentView(view)

try with below approach. Just replace your UIScrollView with ScrollView and adds the code to your project.
class ScrollView: UIScrollView {
override func touchesShouldCancel(in view: UIView) -> Bool {
if type(of: view) == TextField.self || type(of: view) == UITextView.self {
return true
return super.touchesShouldCancel(in: view)


How to hide input accessory view?

I have a segmented control in my application where one of the tabs is a chat controller.
I'm using the input accessory view for the toolbar that has the send button and the textfield.
The problem is i can't hide the input accessory view while switching tabs
I tried hiding it, removing it and adjusting the collection view bottom constraint accordingly when it's hidden or not but that didn't work
override var inputAccessoryView: UIView
return inputContainerView
override func canBecomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
return true

Horizontal NSCollectionView in vertically scrolling NSTableView Swift macOS

I created a vertically scrolling NSTableView. Each cell of this table view contains a title and beneath is a horizontally scrolling NSCollectionView. When the cursor is on the title when scrolling, the vertical tableview scrolls fine, but when the cursor is on the horizontally scrolling collection view the table view doesn't scroll.
How can I get the table view to scroll even when the cursor is on the collection view? I understand that the tableview and scrollview use two separate scroll views, but I don't know if there is a way to synchronize these two.
Ok thank god, I found a solution here on stackoverflow after all. It was in Objective-C so I translated it to Swift. Here it is for anybody looking at a similar problem:
class MTHorizontalScrollView: NSScrollView {
var currentScrollIsHorizontal = false
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
override func scrollWheel(with event: NSEvent) {
if event.phase == NSEvent.Phase.began || (event.phase == NSEvent.Phase.ended && event.momentumPhase == NSEvent.Phase.ended) {
currentScrollIsHorizontal = fabs(event.scrollingDeltaX) > fabs(event.scrollingDeltaY)
if currentScrollIsHorizontal {
super.scrollWheel(with: event)
} else {
self.nextResponder?.scrollWheel(with: event)
Full credit to SO LINK

Detect if label touches navigation bar

I am trying to make view that is scrollable. That viewcontroller contains also navbar. Now my goal is to resize my view if the title in that view touches the navbar. How should I do it?
This is how my view looks like(note that the navBar is just transparent):
What I want after the title collision:
I know that I can achieve it in scrollViewDidScroll delegate function, but how?
Well you can track label position using convertRect: method as
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let labelTop = label.rectCorrespondingToWindow.minY
let navBottom = self.navigationController?.navigationBar.rectCorrespondingToWindow.maxY
if navBottom == labelTop {
// do what you want to do
extension UIView{
var rectCorrespondingToWindow:CGRect{
return self.convert(self.bounds, to: nil)

unable to scroll the textview in Swift

I have a TextView as shown below
I am not able to scroll the text view , I have added UITextViewDelegate in UIViewController class as well as set isUserInteractionEnabled property in textViewDidBeginEditing
func textViewDidBeginEditing(_ textView: UITextView) {
textView.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray
textView.isEditable = false
textView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
textView.isScrollEnabled = true
What did I need to do?
Also, the scrolling is enabled in attribute inspector
This issue has occurred because the actual UITextView's size was more than screen size as shown below
The real answer is that the UITextView needs its content frame height inferior to its content size height to be able to scroll.
In your case, the content frame height is equal to the content size, so it doesn't scroll.
You just have to set the leading left, trailing, top space and bottom space to the View, but first make sure the Text View is smaller than the actual View (parent).
It starts to get complicated when you have a UITextView on a UIView which is either a view on a UIScrollView or directly on a UIScrollview.
The best thing to do, is to give each of them their own actions when scrolling.
Firstly, make sure you have all of your delegates for EVERYTHING set.
Make sure your UITextViews are not user restricted for what they don't need to be.
What I have to do in one of my published apps is this👇
func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
if scrollView == textView1
// Do something if you actually want to, or just let textView1 scroll as intended
else if scrollView == textView2
// Do something if you actually want to, or just let textView2 scroll as intended
else if scrollView == zoomingScroll
// Do something if you need to or leave it
// Do something with all the other scrollable views if you need to

Limit the scroll for UITableView

I have a TableViewController:
As you see I have my own custom bar at the top.
The UITable View is just a static one, and I add a view at the top of UITableView.
The thing is when I scroll the TableView to top-side it become like bellow image, and I don't want it. is there any easy code that I can limit the scroll for the tableView?
since UITableView is a subclass of UIScrollView you can use this UIScrollViewDelegate method to forbid scrolling above the top border
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
if (scrollView == self.tableView) {
if (scrollView.contentOffset.y < 0) {
scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointZero;
Yo will need to set the bounce property of the uitableview to NO
UITableView *tableView;
tableView.bounces = NO;
Edit: Note also you can uncheck the bounces from interface builder too
Please check this answer for further details Disable UITableView vertical bounces when scrolling
I had the same problem and asked our UX-Designer, how it would be better to do. He said, that both strict solutions (prevent bouncing or allow it as it is) are bad. It's better to allow bouncing but only for some space
My solution was:
override func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if scrollView == self.tableView {
if scrollView.contentOffset.y < -64 {
scrollView.scrollRectToVisible(CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: 0, y: -64), size: scrollView.frame.size), animated: false)
scrollView.scrollRectToVisible(CGRect(origin:, size: scrollView.frame.size), animated: true)
Where 64 was that "some space" for me. Code stops tableView at -64 from the top and brings it up with an animation.
Good luck!
If i understand correctly you have set-up your custom bar as part of your tableview. Put your custom bar in a separate view not in the tableview and put your tableview below custom bar when you are setting up your views. You need to create your custom view controller that will have your custom bar and your static table view.
You need to create your view controller object as type UIViewController and not UITableViewController. Then add the custom bar as a subview to self.view. Create a separate UITableView and add it below the custom bar. That should make custom bar static and table view scrollable.
In order to make the tableview static you need to set it as
tableView.scrollEnabled = NO:
Let me know if this works for you.
Swift version of Mattias's answer:
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if (scrollView == self.ordersTable) {
if (scrollView.contentOffset.y < 0) {
scrollView.contentOffset =;