Browser - USB interface. - plugins

I have a Garmin 800 GPS device. To upload data from it, all I need to to is plug it into a USB port & install a browser plugin and I can browse the device from a web page.
What is it that facilitates this? In a very broad question, where should I go/what should I be searching for to learn more about it and potentially implement it myself?

The browser is NOT going to connect to your USB device, nor it is going to know anything about the type of connection you are using. I don't have Garmin 800 GPS myself, but I can tell you that technically (most likely) the actual connection will be handled by your OS and you will be browsing the files on USB-connected HDD device or (less likely) the Garmin 800 GPS will be running an http server that you will be accessing via the browser.
The details of the URL that you are using to access the GPS data will give you a clue to the access type.


How to know if a device is connected to a working internet connection in PWA

When creating a progressive web app how can i know that a mobile device is connected to a working internet connection cause it can be connected but not working.
The saying, "You never know until you try" is pertinent here. At the moment you want to check whether there is connectivity, simply fetch a remotely hosted resource with a cache-busting technique. It's generally best practice for that resource to be tiny in file size if you need to check regularly and often (such as 1×1 pixel gif). If you receive a network response in the 200 range, you have connectivity. Otherwise, for the moment at least, you probably don't.

Exchange data between iOS app and Mac app through USB cable

I'm looking for a way to exchange data between my own iOS app and my own OS X application through a cable.
I know there have to be frameworks to connect to the device from inside a Mac application, apps like iExplore can import and export files from the device.
It doesn't matter in which way the data is exchanged as long as it's through a cable. It may use the filesystem, or if I can get the device on the same network as the Mac through a connection or even use 3rd party hardware.
It doesn't matter if it uses private APIs or if the device needs a jailbreak, it is for internal use only.
Thanks in advance.
IMPORTANT: the solution can't feature anything wireless, no wifi, no bluetooth, no cellular tethering, the data exchange should work even with the device in airplane mode. This is the main requirement.
And it has to be relatively fast. I want to exchange small packages less than 1 kB once every few seconds. The delay between send and receive should be as little as possible, 1 second is the longest acceptable delay.
Take a look at which can get/put files into an applications private document directory, provided you know its application bundle id.

iPhone as proxy for data upload

I want to create an iPhone application that can call web services on a computer, and then upload those files over the iPhone 3g connection. Is there an elegant way to do this?
I tried connecting the phone to local Wifi, but connecting to Wifi disables 3g, even though the Wifi is local network only.
I assume the same problem would arise if I could network the phone with the computer via bluetooth.
Any other ideas? The purpose is to go up to a special demo PC we created, pull some data off, then upload to the Internet, all within proximity of the machine. Unfortunately, it appears that I can't use one connection for pulling data, and another for pushing.
Your assumption is correct. When connecting to both 3G and Wifi, the Wifi connection will be used. Sounds like your local network has no route to the Internet. Perhaps that could be fixed.
Apple does not prefer its iPhones to be used as routers.
If you're working on something that will not be distributed through the App Store, you may have some success looking at "tethering" applications and their source code, which can be found by some clever Googling.

How to Share Files Between my iPhone App and a Mac/PC

I have developed an iPhone app which stores photos in the /Documents directory of my app.
I would like to add a feature which gives to the user the opportunity to transfer those pictures to his/her PC or Mac.
I don't really know how to do that.
What is the best way, using Bonjour, bluetooth, or directly USB (if it is possible) ?
I really need some advices on that point ...
Any ideas ?
PS: Forgive my English, I am French :-)
Try NSNetService to register the service in Bonjour, and NSFileHandle to send data over a socket connection associated with the service.
If you do not want to write a Mac or PC part for your app then you can also consider to build in a little http server that people can use to access the data in your app. There are some nice open source http servers available for Cocoa which you can find with Google.
Using Bonjour you can advertise your http server so that people can easily find it with a Bonjour enabled browser like Safari. (Your iPhone app's web server will appear automatically under the dynamic bonjour bookmarks items)
You've edited the question to say that it's about transferring photos. Could you store the photos on the iPhone's photo roll with UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(), and let Apple handle getting them onto the computer?
I mean that both as a greeting and an answer. You have to setup a bonjour connection over wifi to transfer files directly to and from an app. That's actually pretty simple to do on both the iPhone and Mac side. The PC is a little tougher.
You can do bluetooth but bluetooth capability is still fairly rare on desktops.
Without knowing more about your specific application, I agree with Graham Lee--either directly saving to the Camera Roll or giving the user an option to save one or more photos to the Camera Roll is much simpler than http/bonjour.

how to export data to computer(PC) using wifi or http connection?

I have made Iphone applicatio. In my application whatever data i have recorded; all that data i want to export to the Computer using the application.
Is there any way available to sent data to computer using wifi using developed application? Can we use Bluetooth or Http connection to send application from device to the PC?
if we can than how can we manage the bluetooth and how to use it without Jailbreaking?
if any body has any solution,please give any code or any link or any other solution which would appreciated.
Your best bet is to send the data using HTTP or FTP to a server, which could be your PC. Would that work for you?
Here's one way to do it.
Here's another.
And one for FTP.
I dont think you have an option to gain control of a computer and toss a file in there from within an iPhone app. You cannot do it over the usb cord, you cannot mount the drive unless you roll your own fs mounter (pretty difficult), and you cannot push a file over html or something and have it magically appear. The user would have to interact at some point.
Many times, this is done over html. In my apps, I use CocoaHTTPServer to get local info into and off of the phone. You run the server and out-of-the-box, it indexes all the files in the documents directory for you to download from any browser on the same wifi network. Give it a shot as it is a easy to implement solution for getting large files off the phone without having to resort to something clunky like email