UITableView checkmark count - iphone

I am using an UITableView with checkmarks and I want to set a label count which shows how many items are checkmarked in the table view. For example if the table contains 18 items with 2 checks,it shows 2/18. Can any one help me to code?

Assuming that this means that these cells will be selected, you could try this:
NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:tableView.indexPathsForSelectedRows];
myCount = [array count];
alternatively, you could keep a running tally of an integer and add to it or subtract from it every time a cell is selected or deselected.


Iterate all cells in s UITableView

I want to iterate all uitablewview cells and display the text of a uitextview contained in each cell.
My table can have many rows and to reach all you must scroll. I made an implementation, but it displays the text only for current visible cells in scroll, for the others gives me null.
for (int i = 0; i < [propertiesTableView numberOfRowsInSection:0]; i++) {
UITableViewCell* cell = [propertiesTableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:i inSection:0]];
UITextView* tx = (UITextView*)[cell viewWithTag:2];
NSString* temp = tx.text;
NSLog(#"%#", temp);
How to fix this?
This happens because only the visible cells are instantiated (remember the dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: function?). You should extract the needed information from the table data source.
Yes this behavior is expected, because of performance considerations the table view does not holds all cells initialized all the time. Your solution is just to update your data source - if it's an array for example, iterate though it and change the values accordingly - this is the power of MVC (fast UI, separate model)

Is it possible to create multiple columns in UITableView?

I want to add more columns in my iPhone/iPad application. Is it possible to add more columns in one UITableView? Can you please suggest any sample code/block/project that using multiple columns in one UITableView? Please help me. Thanks in advance.
No it is not possible, in fact UITableView is badly named a represents a List more than a Table.
If you want to have multiple column, one method is to create specific cells, with multiple label, and pack your data by row then column.
short answer is no, but you always can create custom cell what will look like multiple columns
You can use my library, UIGridView.
It is created with UITableView, in which UITableViewCell contains many cells inside.
Here is how it looks like:
No Yuvaraj.M we can't create. but you do something like multicolumn by adding component like label or image or button what u want or else using custom cell.
I've done a grid by using a table view where I have basically faked it by adding subviews to a cell. So if you for example create a cell, add three subviews to it, you can then get the items you need by doing something like this when it asks you for a cell for a specific row:
// get the items for the row (a row is one cell)
NSArray *rowItems = nil;
int startIndex = indexPath.row * NumOfItemViewsPerRow;
if (startIndex + NumOfItemViewsPerRow < [items count]) {
rowItems = [items subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(startIndex, NumOfItemViewsPerRow)];
} else {
rowItems = [items subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(startIndex, [items count] - startIndex)];
Then just after that you can loop the subviews of your row something like this:
[cell.itemViews enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(MyItemView *itemView, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
NSDictionary *item = [rowItems objectAtIndex:idx];
itemView.titleLabel.text = [item valueForKey:#"title"];
It is a bit fiddly, but the upside is that you get row unloading for free from the table view, so you don't have to mess with your own custom grid views or anything like that.
Hope that helps.

Array concatenation

I have a table view with 3 rows, if I select the first row , the item on the first row get saved in a array variable say arrdata , similarly when I select 2nd and 3rd row , I want it to get saved in the same variable arrData.
You can use NSMutableArray.
For Ex.
NSMutableArray *arrData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Now, select the first row from table view
Use [arrData addObject:[first row data]];
For 2nd from table view
Use [arrData addObject:[2nd row data]];
For 3rd from table view
Use [arrData addObject:[3rd row data]];
And you can also add some condition for add data in to arrData, like if 1st row data is added then do't re-add it.
For Ex. When you select 1st row you can add 1, 2nd selection add 2, 3rd selection add 3 like [arrData addObject:#"1"]; etc.
Now, If you want to get data from arrData,
If (arrData.count > 0)
NSString *fData = [arrData objectAtIndex:0]; // Here you get stored data from 1st selected row of table.
Create an nsmutable array and add objects by using method addobject
NSMutableArray *arrData =[[NSMutableArray alloc]ini];
On Tableselection method , add the following line
[arrdata addObject:your object];

iPhone - Sort UITableView by Array Index

I have an UITableView set up with a NSArray with 10 indexes. Right now, the first cell on the uitableview is the first index, the second cell is the second index, and so on so forth. Is there any way to make it so that the first cell displays the latest index? Maybe through some code in the uitableview delegate because I am adding data to the NSArray. What that means is that there aren't 10 indexes right off the bat.
If anyone as an answer, help is much appreciated.
Each time that you get a new item of data, you add it to the start of your array, not to the end. Then just call [self.tableView reloadData] and it should just work.
You can use insertObject:atIndex: to add to the start of the array:
[myArray insertObject:newData atIndex:0];
(see here for docs)
Somewhere in your code you're probably doing something like this (where items is your NSArray object):
cell.textLabel.text = [items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
Instead, do:
cell.textLabel.text = [items objectAtIndex:([items count] - 1) - indexPath.row];

Referencing UISwitches within UITableCells

I have a table view which I'm using for some settings in my app. The tables cells are all default (no customisation at all), and simply contain some text for their label and a UISwitch for the accessory view.
My problem is that I need a reference to the switch so that I know when it has been switched on and off.
Currently I am setting the 'tag' property of the switch to be that of the cell's index within the table (grabbed from [indexPath row] in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexpath:).
This is fine when you only have one Section in your table, but I am now adding a new section. The problem is that they are both 0 based indexed so the switches in each section will end up reusing the tags - which isn't good.
Any suggestions on a better way to achieve this?
If you know roughly how many sections and rows you will have, like oh, say, not more than 1 million rows per section, just hash the section and row like this:
const int oneMillion = 1000000;
int tag = (section * oneMillion) + row;
slider.tag = tag;
Then, to figure out the section and row, reverse the logic:
int tag = slider.tag;
int row = tag % oneMillion;
int section = tag / oneMillion;
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow: row inSection: section];
Now get the slider that is in the cell in that section,row of the table
UITableViewCell *sliderCell = [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: indexPath];
UISlider *slider = [[sliderCell.contentView subviews] objectAtIndex: 0];
This assumes the slider is always the only view in the contents of the cell.
This method is a bit longer than some of the other suggestions above, but it keeps you from having to cache references off to the side.
For each cell, set a delegate link back to the table view controller, and also some kind of row reference ID - then wire the switch to a cell IBAction method, that calls back to the delegate with the reference ID for that cell.
What you can do is either have an Array of arrays or a dictionary, key it by the section number (or in case of the array they will be in order of the section numbers), now to retreive a switch all you do assuming you know the section and the row number
UISwitch *switch=[[switchArray objectAtIndex:section] objectAtIndex:row];
or if you have a dictionary
UISwitch *switch=[[switchDictionary objectForKey:section] objectAtIndex:row];