zend: parameter collision - zend-framework

I wonder why no one ever asked this question.
Every zend Action function in controller class has 3 paramters, namely 'module', 'controller', and 'action'.
What happens, when I get a parameter named 'action' from a form or url, for example "?action=edit" ??
I tested it: action holds its value from router, not 'edit'.
public function someAction() {
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
How could I pass the parameter named "action", if I had to ??
Thanks in advance.

The default route is Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module which uses default keys for module, controller, & action:
protected $_moduleKey = 'module';
protected $_controllerKey = 'controller';
protected $_actionKey = 'action';
// ...
* Set request keys based on values in request object
* #return void
protected function _setRequestKeys()
if (null !== $this->_request) {
$this->_moduleKey = $this->_request->getModuleKey();
$this->_controllerKey = $this->_request->getControllerKey();
$this->_actionKey = $this->_request->getActionKey();
if (null !== $this->_dispatcher) {
$this->_defaults += array(
$this->_controllerKey => $this->_dispatcher->getDefaultControllerName(),
$this->_actionKey => $this->_dispatcher->getDefaultAction(),
$this->_moduleKey => $this->_dispatcher->getDefaultModule()
$this->_keysSet = true;
* Matches a user submitted path. Assigns and returns an array of variables
* on a successful match.
* If a request object is registered, it uses its setModuleName(),
* setControllerName(), and setActionName() accessors to set those values.
* Always returns the values as an array.
* #param string $path Path used to match against this routing map
* #return array An array of assigned values or a false on a mismatch
public function match($path, $partial = false)
$values = array();
$params = array();
if (!$partial) {
$path = trim($path, self::URI_DELIMITER);
} else {
$matchedPath = $path;
if ($path != '') {
$path = explode(self::URI_DELIMITER, $path);
if ($this->_dispatcher && $this->_dispatcher->isValidModule($path[0])) {
$values[$this->_moduleKey] = array_shift($path);
$this->_moduleValid = true;
if (count($path) && !empty($path[0])) {
$values[$this->_controllerKey] = array_shift($path);
if (count($path) && !empty($path[0])) {
$values[$this->_actionKey] = array_shift($path);
if ($numSegs = count($path)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $numSegs; $i = $i + 2) {
$key = urldecode($path[$i]);
$val = isset($path[$i + 1]) ? urldecode($path[$i + 1]) : null;
$params[$key] = (isset($params[$key]) ? (array_merge((array) $params[$key], array($val))): $val);
if ($partial) {
$this->_values = $values + $params;
return $this->_values + $this->_defaults;
You can see that the default module route has default keys for mvc params, however, it will use the keys set by the request object if it exists and we can modify these keys.
e.g. in your bootstrap:
class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
protected function _initRequestKeys()
$frontController = $this->getResource('frontcontroller');
/* #var $frontController Zend_Controller_Front */
$request = new Zend_Controller_Request_Http();
// change action key
// change module
// change controller
// don't forget to set the configured request
// object to the front controller
Now you can use module, controller, & action as $_GET params.

After a little testing it seems that how you pass the key "action" matters.
If you try and pass a parameter named "action" with $this->_request->getParams() you will get the controller action value key pair.
If you pass the "action" key from a form with $form->getValues() you will retrieve the value from the form element named "action".
As with so many things, your use case determines how you need to handle the situation.
Good Luck.


Unit Test for FormErrorSerializer in Symfony 4 - always valid form

I am trying to write a unit test for FormErrorSerializer that converts Symfony $form->getErrors() to a readable array.
My current approach is to create the form, give it data, and look for validation errors, but form is always valid. I don't get any errors no matter what data I provide to form.
In normal REST request/response it is working well and I am getting appropriate error message. I need help with getting the error messages in unit test.
namespace App\Tests\Unit;
use App\Form\UserType;
use App\Serializer\FormErrorSerializer;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Test\Traits\ValidatorExtensionTrait;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Test\TypeTestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\Translator;
class FormErrorSerializerTest extends TypeTestCase
* ValidatorExtensionTrait needed for invalid_options
* https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/22593
use ValidatorExtensionTrait;
public function testConvertFormToArray(){
$form_data = [
'email' => 'test',
'plainPassword' => [
'pass' => '1',
'pass2' => '2'
$translator = new Translator('de');
$form = $this->factory->create(UserType::class);
if( $form->isValid() ) {
echo "Form is valid"; exit;
$formErrorSerializer = new FormErrorSerializer($translator);
$errors = $formErrorSerializer->convertFormToArray($form);
print_r($errors); exit;
Find below the Serializer:
namespace App\Serializer;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormError;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface;
* Serializes invalid Form instances.
class FormErrorSerializer
private $translator;
public function __construct(TranslatorInterface $translator)
$this->translator = $translator;
public function convertFormToArray(FormInterface $data)
$form = $errors = [];
foreach ($data->getErrors() as $error) {
$errors[] = $this->getErrorMessage($error);
if ($errors) {
$form['errors'] = $errors;
$children = [];
foreach ($data->all() as $child) {
if ($child instanceof FormInterface) {
$children[$child->getName()] = $this->convertFormToArray($child);
if ($children) {
$form['children'] = $children;
return $form;
private function getErrorMessage(FormError $error)
if (null !== $error->getMessagePluralization()) {
return $this->translator->transChoice(
return $this->translator->trans($error->getMessageTemplate(), $error->getMessageParameters(), 'validators');
Ok, I was able to do this in 2 different ways.
First solution was to load the validator in getExtensions method. The factory in TypeTestCase doesn't bring the validator with it. So, not only you have to load the validator but you also have to explicitly specify the validations. You can specify validation using methods provided by symfony or you can directly point validator to the YAML or xml file if you are using one.
public function getExtensions()
$validator = (new ValidatorBuilder())
->setConstraintValidatorFactory(new ConstraintValidatorFactory())
$extensions[] = new CoreExtension();
$extensions[] = new ValidatorExtension($validator);
return $extensions;
However, I didn't use the above approach. I went with even better solution. Due to high complexity of my test case (as it needed multiple services), I went with a special container provided by Symfony's KernelTestCase. It provides private services in tests, and the factory it provides comes with validator and validations, just like you code in controller. You do not need to load validator explicitly. Find below my final test that extends KernelTestCase.
namespace App\Tests\Unit\Serializer;
use App\Entity\User;
use App\Form\UserType;
use App\Serializer\FormErrorSerializer;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactoryInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface;
class FormErrorSerializerTest extends KernelTestCase
* {#inheritDoc}
protected function setUp()
$kernel = self::bootKernel();
public function testConvertFormToArray_invalidData(){
$form_data = [
'email' => 'test',
'plainPassword' => [
'pass' => '1111',
'pass2' => ''
$user = new User();
$factory = self::$container->get(FormFactoryInterface::class);
* #var FormInterface $form
$form = $factory->create(UserType::class, $user);
$translator = self::$container->get(TranslatorInterface::class);
$formErrorSerializer = new FormErrorSerializer($translator);
$errors = $formErrorSerializer->convertFormToArray($form);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('errors', $errors['children']['email']);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('errors', $errors['children']['plainPassword']['children']['pass']);
public function testConvertFormToArray_validData(){
$form_data = [
'email' => 'test#example.com',
'plainPassword' => [
'pass' => 'somepassword#slkd12',
'pass2' => 'somepassword#slkd12'
$user = new User();
$factory = self::$container->get(FormFactoryInterface::class);
* #var FormInterface $form
$form = $factory->create(UserType::class, $user);
$translator = self::$container->get(TranslatorInterface::class);
$formErrorSerializer = new FormErrorSerializer($translator);
$errors = $formErrorSerializer->convertFormToArray($form);
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('errors', $errors['children']['email']);
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('errors', $errors['children']['plainPassword']['children']['pass']);
Please note that Symfony 4.1 has a special container that allows fetching private services.
self::$kernel->getContainer(); is not special container. It will not fetch private services.
However, self::$container; is special container that provides private services in testing.
More about this here.

how to config container with request variable

In the first place I had to configure parameters using the class "ParametersCompilerPass" to get data from database.Here si my class :
class ParametersCompilerPass implements CompilerPassInterface
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
$em = $container->get('doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager');
$boutique = $em->getRepository('AcmeBundle:Boutique')->findOneByNom($container->getParameter('boutique.config'));
if(null !== $boutique){
$container->setParameter('url_site', $boutique->getUrl());
$container->setParameter('idboutique', $boutique->getId());
$container->setParameter('url_site', null);
$container->setParameter('idboutique', 0);
and when i set a parameter from request, it dont work, i tried in adding this code :
$request = $container->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest();
if($request->getMethod() == 'POST'){
if (null !== $choixbout = $request->get('choixbout')){
// $this->container->setParameter('idboutique',$choixbout);
the service request_stack return null.
I do not know how to configure a parameter from a POST variable.
Hope you can help me.
Is it solid requirement to have the parameter set?
It could be handy to create a service which has a request dependency that can act as a boutique parameter holder.
For example
# app/config/services.yml
class: AppBundle\Boutique\Boutique
arguments: ['#request_stack']
class: AppBundle\Boutique\BoutiqueDependant1
arguments: ['#app.boutique']
class: AppBundle\Boutique\BoutiqueDependant2
arguments: ['#app.boutique']
This would be a parameter handler.
# AppBundle/Boutique/Boutique.php
class Boutique
/** #var RequestStack */
private $requestStack;
* BoutiqueListener constructor.
* #param ContainerInterface $container
public function __construct(RequestStack $requestStack)
$this->requestStack = $requestStack;
public function getBoutique()
$request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
/// here you can add an extra check if the request is master etc.
if ($request->getMethod() == Request::METHOD_POST) {
if (null !== $choixbout = $request->get('choixbout')) {
return $choixbout;
return null;
Then using the handler
class BoutiqueDependant1
public function __construct(Boutique $boutique)
$this->myBoutique = $boutique->getBoutique();
This does not look like the best solution but could work...
Other option would be to rethink the application architecture to handle boutique information somehow differently.

In extbase, how to access item by another value than uid

In a custom extbase extension, I need to call a show action, passing it another value than uid (this is a continuation of Use other than primary key as RealURL id_field).
As the value "other than uid" is not resolved, it results in the exception http://wiki.typo3.org/Exception/CMS/1297759968
EDIT: here's the current working (but ugly) Controller code:
* ItemController
class ItemController extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController {
* itemRepository
* #var \STUBR\Weiterbildung\Domain\Repository\ItemRepository
* #inject
protected $itemRepository = NULL;
* action list
* #return void
public function listAction(\STUBR\Weiterbildung\Domain\Model\Item $item=null) {
if (!empty(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::_GET('tx_weiterbildung_pi1'))){
$items = $this->itemRepository->findAll();
$this->view->assign('items', $items);
* action show
* #param \STUBR\Weiterbildung\Domain\Model\Item $item
* #return void
public function showAction(\STUBR\Weiterbildung\Domain\Model\Item $item=null) {
$tx_weiterbildung_pi1_get = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::_GET('tx_weiterbildung_pi1');
if (!empty($tx_weiterbildung_pi1_get)){
$dfid = intval($tx_weiterbildung_pi1_get['durchfuehrungId']);
$items = $this->itemRepository->findByDurchfuehrungId($dfid);
// helpful:
$this->view->assign('item', $items[0]);
PS here are the 5 lines that could be used in the Repository if the magical method wouldn't work:
//public function findByDurchfuehrungId($dfid) {
// $query = $this->createQuery();
// $query->matching($query->equals('durchfuehrungId', $dfid));
// return $query->execute();
Yes, when you're using actions with model binding in param it will always look for object by field defined as ID - in our case it's always uid, but remember, that you do not need to bind model automatically, as you can retrive it yourself.
Most probably you remember, that some time ago I advised to use <f:link.page additionalParams="{originalUid:myObj.originalUid}"Click here</f:link.page> instead of <f:link.action...>
In that case your show action would look like this:
public function showAction() {
$item = $this->itemRepository->findByOriginalUid(intval(GeneralUtility::_GET('originalUid')));
$this->view->assign('item', $item);
Where findByOriginalUid should work magically without declaration, but even if it doesn't it's just matter of 5 lines in the repo ;)
Other sample
According to the code you pasted I'd use it rather like this, in this case listAction gets a role of dispatcher for whole plugin:
public function listAction() {
// access get param in array
$tx_weiterbildung_pi1_get = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::_GET('tx_weiterbildung_pi1');
$dfId = intval($tx_weiterbildung_pi1_get['durchfuehrungId']);
if ($dfId > 0) { // tx_weiterbildung_pi1 exists and is positive, that means you want to go to showAction
$item = $this->itemRepository->findByDurchfuehrungId($dfId);
if (!is_null($item)) { // Forward to showAction with found $item
$this->forward('show', null, null, array('item' => $item));
}else { // Or redirect to the view URL after excluding single item ID from GET params
// No `tx_weiterbildung_pi1` param, so it should be displayed as a listAction
$items = $this->itemRepository->findAll();
$this->view->assign('items', $items);
* #param \STUBR\Weiterbildung\Domain\Model\Item $item
public function showAction(\STUBR\Weiterbildung\Domain\Model\Item $item = null) {
$this->view->assign('item', $item);
Your finder should also getFirst() object if possible:
public function findByDurchfuehrungId($DfId) {
$query = $this->createQuery();
$query->matching($query->equals('durchfuehrungId', $DfId));
return $query->execute()->getFirst();

Zend validate multi-select value

There is a multiselect element in form. It's needed to validate how many items are selected in it (min and max count).
The trouble is that when the element can have multiple values, then each value is validated separately.
I tried to set isArray to false to validate the value with my custom validator ArraySize, but new problem appeared: the whole array-value is passed to InArray validator and the validation fails. So I had to turn it off by setting registerInArrayValidator to false.
Now I can validate the value for number of selected values but can not validate for their correspondence to provided options.
Is there a way to solve the problem without creating one more custom validator?
Note: I have assume this is Zend 1.
The only way I could see to do this was to extend Multiselect and use a custom isValid. This way you can see the full array of values and not just one value at a time.
Below is my custom Multiselect class
* My_MinMaxMultiselect
class My_MinMaxMultiselect extends Zend_Form_Element_Multiselect
* Validate element contains the correct number of
* selected items. Check value against minValue/maxValue
* #param mixed $value
* #param mixed $context
* #return boolean
public function isValid($value, $context = null)
// Call Parent first to cause chain and setValue
$parentValid = parent::isValid($value, $context);
$valid = true;
if ((('' === $value) || (null === $value))
&& !$this->isRequired()
&& $this->getAllowEmpty()
) {
return $valid;
// Get All Values
$minValue = $this->getMinValue();
$maxValue = $this->getMaxValue();
$count = 0;
if (is_array($value)) {
$count = count($value);
if ($minValue && $count < $minValue) {
$valid = false;
$this->addError('The number of selected items must be greater than or equal to ' . $minValue);
if ($maxValue && $count > $maxValue) {
$valid = false;
$this->addError('The number of selected items must be less than or equal to ' . $maxValue);
return ($parentValid && $valid);
* Get the Minimum number of selected values
* #access public
* #return int
public function getMinValue()
return $this->getAttrib('min_value');
* Get the Maximum number of selected values
* #access public
* #return int
public function getMaxValue()
return $this->getAttrib('max_value');
* Set the Minimum number of selected Values
* #param int $minValue
* #return $this
* #throws Bad_Exception
* #throws Zend_Form_Exception
public function setMinValue($minValue)
if (is_int($minValue)) {
if ($minValue > 0) {
$this->setAttrib('min_value', $minValue);
return $this;
} else {
throw new Bad_Exception ('Invalid value supplied to setMinValue');
* Set the Maximum number of selected values
* #param int $maxValue
* #return $this
* #throws Bad_Exception
* #throws Zend_Form_Exception
public function setMaxValue($maxValue)
if (is_int($maxValue)) {
if ($maxValue > 0) {
$this->setAttrib('max_value', $maxValue);
return $this;
} else {
throw new Bad_Exception ('Invalid value supplied to setMaxValue');
* Retrieve error messages and perform translation and value substitution.
* Overridden to avoid errors from above being output once per value
* #return array
protected function _getErrorMessages()
$translator = $this->getTranslator();
$messages = $this->getErrorMessages();
$value = $this->getValue();
foreach ($messages as $key => $message) {
if (null !== $translator) {
$message = $translator->translate($message);
if (($this->isArray() || is_array($value))
&& !empty($value)
) {
$aggregateMessages = array();
foreach ($value as $val) {
$aggregateMessages[] = str_replace('%value%', $val, $message);
// Add additional array unique to avoid the same error for all values
$messages[$key] = implode($this->getErrorMessageSeparator(), array_unique($aggregateMessages));
} else {
$messages[$key] = str_replace('%value%', $value, $message);
return $messages;
To use this in the form where the User must select exactly 3 options:
$favouriteSports = new MinMaxMultiselect('favourite_sports');
->setLabel('Favourite Sports')
While it's nice when you can squeeze by without needing to write a custom validator, there is nothing wrong with writing one when you need to do something slightly out of the ordinary.
This sounds like one of those cases.

Array of complex type parameters in ckWebServicePlugin are Null

I'm making a webservice with the ckWebServicePlugin in symfony.
I managed to make a method with a simple type in parameter and a complex type in return and it worked well, but when i tried to get an array of complex type in parameter it seems to return me a null value;
/** Allow to update request
* #WSMethod(name='updateRequests', webservice='api')
* #param RequestShort[] $arrRequests
* #return RequestShort[] $result
public function executeUpdateRequests(sfWebRequest $request)
$res = $request->getParameter('$arrRequests');
$this->result = $res;
return sfView::SUCCESS;
and this is my soap client
$test = array(array('request_id' => 1, 'statut' => 3), array('request_id' => 2, 'statut' => 3),);
$result = $proxy->updateRequests($test);
and this is my RequestShort type
class RequestShort {
* #var int
public $request_id;
* #var int
public $statut;
public function __construct($request_id, $statut)
$this->request_id = $request_id;
$this->statut = $statut;
and finally, my app.yml
# enable the `ckSoapParameterFilter`
enable_soap_parameter: on
# the location of your wsdl file
wsdl: %SF_WEB_DIR%/api.wsdl
# the class that will be registered as handler for webservice requests
handler: ApiHandler
# mapping of wsdl types to PHP types
RequestShort: RequestShort
RequestShortArray: ckGenericArray
How comes the code below returns nothing ?
$res = $request->getParameter('$arrRequests');
$this->result = $res;
Seems to me that in:
$res = $request->getParameter('$arrRequests');
$this->result = $res;
return sfView::SUCCESS;
You misspelled the parameter for getParameter() function.
Perhaps it should be something like:
$res = $request->getParameterHolder()->getAll();
$this->result = $res;
return sfView::SUCCESS;
And don't forget to do a symfony cc && symfony webservice:generate-wsdl ... just in case.
It's because you are getting the wrong parameter.
$arrRequests != arrRequests
ckSoapParameterFilter already translate the #param $arrRequests to the simple parameter without the $ so you don't need it.
it should be:
public function executeUpdateRequests(sfWebRequest $request)
$res = $request->getParameter('arrRequests');
$this->result = $res;
return sfView::SUCCESS;