TinyMCE add lines in <pre> area - tinymce

I use TinyMCE Editor with codehighlighting plugin in GAE app (python)
When I save my form TinyMCE add a line into [pre] area. If I return in editing and save the form,
TinyMCE add new blank lines into block.
First one:
def getTags(cls):
tag = Tag()
return ProcessTag.getTags()
Second time:
def getTags(cls):
tag = Tag()
return ProcessTag.getTags()
Third time:
def getTags(cls):
tag = Tag()
return ProcessTag.getTags()
How can I resolve?


Override HMENU that is included in another template

In TYPO3 4.7 I have a template that contains:
page.10 < temp.mainTemplate
This Template has two includes. The first contains this:
temp.mainTemplate = TEMPLATE
temp.mainTemplate {
subparts.menu_1 < temp.menu_1
And the second contains the actual HMENU typoscript:
temp.menu_1 = HMENU
temp.menu_1 {
#My Menu
Without altering either of the includes, how can I make an edit to the HMENU in the main template setup?
I have tried this above the first line without success:
temp.mainTemplate.subparts.menu_1 {
#Modifications to My Menu
I have tried this below the first line without success:
page.10.subparts.menu_1 {
#Modifications to My Menu
page.10.subparts.menu_1 is the right key to alter. It needs to be places after page.10 < temp.mainTemplate of course.
you can test it by deleting the menu completely with page.10.subparts.menu_1 > and it should disappear from the webpage.
There is no way of telling what exactly does not work without seeing more of your TS. May be you have just a typo somewhere

iText(Sharp) - how to avoid creating a blank page?

I'm generating a PDF document using iTextSharp version 5.5.7, using their "streaming" mode - by which I mean I'm not specifying the location of every piece of text, I'm just adding Paragraphs to the Document and letting iTextSharp figure out where to draw them. The text I'm outputting is the result of a report generator, so it is different every time.
The problem I'm running into is this: imagine that, given the page size and the selected font, I can fit 40 lines of text on a page. I output 40 Paragraphs, then I output a blank Paragraph (contents=" "), then an image that fills an entire page. iTextSharp does exactly what I tell it - I end up with one page full of text, a blank page, and then a page containing my image.
But now my document looks funny - there is this unexpectedly blank page in the middle of everything.
I can't just say "don't output any blank lines" because of course that blank line might show up after only 20 lines of text, in which case it has to be there. I need some way to either tell iTextSharp "include this paragraph only if it's not the only thing on a page" or else somehow detect that the page is blank in OnEndPage() and suppress its output (without screwing up my page numbers).
Any suggestions on how I can do this?
Output from the report generator:
<p>Information header</p>
<p></p> <!-- Blank line inserted by report generator for clarity -->
<p>Information header</p>
<p>Detail</p> <!-- just by random happenstance this is the last line that will fit on the first page -->
<p></p> <!-- This line happens to be blank, I have no control over it -->
<img src="blah blah"></image>
My (pseudo) code:
foreach (HtmlNode node in htmlFromReportGenerator)
if (node is text)
pdfDoc.Add(new Paragraph(node.text));
else if (node is image)
pdfDoc.Add(new Image(node.image));
Following Bruno's suggestion, my (pseudo)code now looks like this:
Paragraph lastParagraph = null;
foreach (HtmlNode node in htmlFromReportGenerator)
if (node is text)
Paragraph parg = new Paragraph(node.text);
if ( (lastParagraph != null) && (text.Trim().Length == 0) )
lastParagraph.SpacingAfter += parg.Leading;
lastParagraph = parg;
else if (node is image)
pdfDoc.Add(new Image(node.image));
lastParagraph = null;

Typo3: How to use title of header_link field as link text?

using Typo3 6.1, I'd like to be able to add a link with an editable caption to the end of each content element, linking to some related page. My approach was to (mis)use the header_link field for that. I removed the typolink from the headline and added the link after the content.
# something like:
20.text.20.append {
if.isTrue.field = header_link
value = more...
typolink.parameter.field = header_link
wrap = <div class="button">|</div>
To be able to use different captions for each link (instead of "more..."), I hoped to use the title property of the typolink since it can easily be set in the backend. Is this possible? Or is there a more reasonable way to achieve this?
The most straightforward way would probably be adding a new link field and a title field for that link by building a custom extension just for that purpose (adding the fields to BE and Database). Then editors can fill in these fields in the same tab and you can access them with typoscript.
You can use COA with new Object
100.value = more
100.wrap = <div class="button">|</div>
100.typolink ...
or use wrapper existing element
stdWrap.typolink {
wrap = <div class="linkwrap">|</div>
parameter.insertData = 1
parameter = {field:header_link}
ATagParams = class="headerLink"
ATagBeforeWrap = 1

Prevent TinyMCE from removing span elements

Here is the problem demonstration
You can try it here: http://fiddle.tinymce.com/SLcaab
This is TinyMCE default configuration
less all the plugins
with extended_valid_elements: "span"
1 - Open the Html Source Editor
2 - Paste this html into the Html Source Editor:
<p>Google 1</p>
<p>Google 2</p>
3 - Click update in the Html Source Editor to paste the html in the editor
4 - Remember there is a span around 'Hello'.
5 - Place your cursor just before Google 2 and press backspace (the two links should merge inside the same paragraph element).
6 - Look at the resulting html using the Html Source Editor.
Result (problem): No more span in the html document even though we added 'span' to the extended_valid_elements in the TinyMCE settings.
Note: I removed all the plugins to make sure the problem is at the core of TinyMCE.
Edit 1 - I also tried: valid_children : "+p[span]" - still does not work
Edit 2: Only reproduced on WebKit (OK on Firefox and IE)
Insert extended_valid_elements : 'span' into tinymce.init:
selector: 'textarea.tinymce',
extended_valid_elements: 'span',
//other options
I have the same problem and I find solutions. Tiny MCE deleted SPAN tag without any attribute. Try us span with class or another attribute for example:
<h3><span class="emptyClass">text</span></h3>
In TinyMCE 4+ this method good work.
Tinymce remove span tag without any attribute. We can use span with any attribute so that it is not removed.
e.g <span class="my-class">Mahen</span>
Try this for 3.5.8:
Replace cleanupStylesWhenDeleting in tiny_mce_src.js (line 1121) with this::
function cleanupStylesWhenDeleting() {
function removeMergedFormatSpans(isDelete) {
var rng, blockElm, wrapperElm, bookmark, container, offset, elm;
function isAtStartOrEndOfElm() {
if (container.nodeType == 3) {
if (isDelete && offset == container.length) {
return true;
if (!isDelete && offset === 0) {
return true;
rng = selection.getRng();
var tmpRng = [rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset, rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset];
if (!rng.collapsed) {
isDelete = true;
container = rng[(isDelete ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Container'];
offset = rng[(isDelete ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Offset'];
if (container.nodeType == 3) {
blockElm = dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, dom.isBlock);
// On delete clone the root span of the next block element
if (isDelete) {
blockElm = dom.getNext(blockElm, dom.isBlock);
if (blockElm && (isAtStartOrEndOfElm() || !rng.collapsed)) {
// Wrap children of block in a EM and let WebKit stick is
// runtime styles junk into that EM
wrapperElm = dom.create('em', {'id': '__mceDel'});
each(tinymce.grep(blockElm.childNodes), function(node) {
// Do the backspace/delete action
rng = dom.createRng();
rng.setStart(tmpRng[0], tmpRng[1]);
rng.setEnd(tmpRng[2], tmpRng[3]);
editor.getDoc().execCommand(isDelete ? 'ForwardDelete' : 'Delete', false, null);
// Remove temp wrapper element
if (wrapperElm) {
bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
while (elm = dom.get('__mceDel')) {
dom.remove(elm, true);
editor.onKeyDown.add(function(editor, e) {
var isDelete;
isDelete = e.keyCode == DELETE;
if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (isDelete || e.keyCode == BACKSPACE) && !VK.modifierPressed(e)) {
editor.addCommand('Delete', function() {removeMergedFormatSpans();});
put an external link to tiny_mce_src.js in your html below the tiny_mce.js
It's possible to use the work around by writing it as a JavaScript script which prevents WYSIWIG from stripping empty tags. Here my issue was with including Font Awesome icons which use empty <i> or <span> tags.
<script>document.write('<i class="fa fa-facebook"></i>');</script>
In the Tinymce plugin parameters enable:
Use Joomla Text Filter.
Be sure your user group have set "No filtered" Option in global config > text filters.
Came across this question and was not happy with all the provided answers.
We do need to update wordpress at some point so changing core files is not an option. Adding attributes to elements just to fix a tinyMCE behaviour also doesn't seem to be the right thing.
With the following hook in the functions.php file tinyMCE will no longer remove empty <span></span> tags.
function tinyMCEoptions($options) {
// $options is the existing array of options for TinyMCE
// We simply add a new array element where the name is the name
// of the TinyMCE configuration setting. The value of the array
// object is the value to be used in the TinyMCE config.
$options['extended_valid_elements'] = 'span';
return $options;
add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'tinyMCEoptions');
I was having same issue. empty SPAN tags are being removed. The solution i found is
verify_html: false,
Are you running the newest version of TinyMCE? I had the opposite problem - new versions of TinyMCE would add in unwanted span elements. Downgrading to v3.2.7 fixed the issue for me, that might also work for you if you are willing to use an old version.
Similar bugs have been reported, see the following link for bugs filtered on "span" element:

Remove TYPO3 Default wrappings and attributes

I'm using TemplaVoila and mapping a template to create a new site.
This is my first time in TYPO3, and all the default styling is messing up my html structure.
I want to remove stuff like divs, wrappings, p.bodytext, class="csc" etc
How can i make TYPO3 not render any wrappings/frames for all page contents?
PS. I know how to remove each individually, but is there a global setup to do in TS?
Remove static files from your main template.
Click on template, then click on your site root. Choose Info/Modify from toolbar and then click on Edit the whole template record, Includes.
The template is named CSS Styled Content.
This templates are include before your css files. So in your css you can just overwrite them if you don't want to remove the whole template.
Another solution is to remove css_styled_content and add content (default) instead.
My last idea is to setup the styled content in your main template like this
lib.parseFunc_RTE < lib.parseFunc
lib.parseFunc_RTE.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines {
encapsTagList = div,p,pre,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6
remapTag.DIV = P
nonWrappedTag = P
innerStdWrap_all.ifEmpty = <br />
#addAttributes.P.class = bodytext
# remove class statements from h tags
lib.stdheader {
10.1.fontTag = <h1>|</h1>
10.2.fontTag = <h2>|</h2>
10.3.fontTag = <h3>|</h3>
10.4.fontTag = <h4>|</h4>
10.5.fontTag = <h5>|</h5>
stdWrap.dataWrap = |
Remove bodytext css:
lib.parseFunc_RTE.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines.addAttributes.P.class >