If you want to embed youtube dynamically then it is totally easy. You just replace the video id in the embed code.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/<?=$youtubeid;?>" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I'm struggling to do the same thing with soundcloud. Is it possible? - the embed code is as follows:
<iframe src="http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F57162664&show_artwork=true"></iframe>
It seems to me like you'd need to know this api code to embed the track, and so you'd have to look this up each time.
The 'api code' is just tracks/ followed by the track id (or groups/ with a group id, etc), not too different from YouTube, it's just not as easily accessible as YouTube's, since the id isn't in the URL. You can get the id from looking at the share code on a track, but even easier is to use the oembed service to get the full embedding HTML needed (it also calculates the proper height of the iframe to include), and it only requires the 'permalink' url which you see on a track page.
An updated version of the widget coming in the next few weeks should also support the permalink urls out-of-the-box.
Looks like you have to use the API to dynamically get the embed code:
Here's the documentation:
It's pretty slick that Google lets you link to a website's favicon, simply like this:
http://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=www.stackoverflow.com. This is great because you can use this as the src of an image.
Anyone know of a similar way to link to the image defined in the og:image tag for a given web page -- a 3rd party URL, and not a Facebook-hosted "Page"? This would be really handy, to do something like (and I'm making this up):
<img src="https://graph.facebook.com/www.stackoverflow.com/og:image" />
Yes this can be done using open graph.
https://graph.facebook.com/[userId]/picture or
For example:
https://graph.facebook.com/4/picture (Mark Zuckerberg's profile picture) or
https://graph.facebook.com/40796308305/picture (Coca Cola's profile picture) or
I am trying to find a way to embed a share/+1 link for Google+ in a Newsletter, much like the Facebook share and tweeter tweet links can be embedded in a newsletter, which can be achieved with the following two urls:
Is there a similar functionality available for Google Plus?
All I could find on my own, is the Google+ button, which unfortunately uses JavaScript and thus it cannot be used in an email newsletter. I would expect Google to provide a static url fallback, but I cannot find it anywhere.
You can share the link on Google+ with the official Google+ share link.
Replace the url parameter with the URL encoded link you want to share.
This one works fine for me :
The share link allows you to do this. It will work in an email, but it's not quite the same as the +1 button.
To use the share link, add a link element to your email that complies with the Google+ Buttons policy. Set the href attribute to https://plus.google.com/share?url={url encoded share target}
For example, linking to https://plus.google.com/share?url=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com will allow you to share example.com on Google+: (yes, that is a working demo).
Check out the official docs for more info.
If you use this approach please be aware of the fact that it is not a direct replacement for the +1 button. The link shares the target URL on Google+, but it does not actually +1 the target page. Only the +1 button can +1 a page.
Solution for those who needs custom title, description and image. You should make following changes to target URL:
Step1. add itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/LocalBusiness" into <html> tag. It will look like <html itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/LocalBusiness">. More itemtypes here
Step2. Place the follwing meta tags into <head>, change content attributes according your needs:
<meta itemprop="name" content="{Custom title goes here}">
<meta itemprop="description" content="{Custom description goes here}">
<meta itemprop="image" content="{http://www.your_url.com/your_image.png}">
Step3. Add the following link to your newsletter or anywhere you want:
Share it
Tip. To check how google sees your page, you can use this tool http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets. Probably you'll be interested in section Extracted rich snippet data from the page
Good luck, Lauris
I'm using the following.. :)
I personally suggest Google Plus Interactive Posts button
to use in your apps/websites.Here Google Plus allows many customizations to do according to the requirement. I have used it in my app. Its a better option than Share button.
Maybe this helps. It works (partially) for me.
There has got to be a way to do this by hacking the +1 script.
If you are interested in just changing the apperance you should download and modify this to suit your requirements.
Then, add this to your css:
.Uu .KF {
background: url("your-replacement-image") no-repeat scroll -132px -21px transparent !important;
to override the Google icons. However, this is probably very unstable and subject to change.
Is it possible to implement the Facebook like and share functionality for "liking" the comments of other users on a website? Does every comment has to have a permalink?
I have asked the question on Facebook developers forum, and they have come back to me with this response. Basically, the functionality that is required is not available.
You will need individual like buttons for every comment, and as #Fnatte says you can then reference them to the comment by giving it an ID like #com1,#com2etc...
The best way to achieve this is through a for loop (I imagine you are pulling from a DB) that will iterate through and add the relevant code for the like button and implement the URL based on the comment it is pulling,
The Code:
You have 2 options, <iframe>:
<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fpage%2Fto%2Flike&layout=button_count&show_faces=false&width=90&action=like&font=segoe+ui&colorscheme=dark&height=21" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:90px; height:21px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
This is VERY slow, especially if you have a lot of comments loading at the same time, it does mean you don't need to import their JS library though,
Then there is the FB JS SDK:
<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script><fb:like href="http://example.com" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="90" font="segoe ui" colorscheme="dark"></fb:like>
This I would argue is a more eficcient way of doing things, but it does require a bit more time and effort - but will be well worth it.
The script of course can be imported only once in the head and then used multiple times throughout the page (perfect for what you need).
The URL to like is based on both the URL in the address bar and the ID that you have assigned to the code (e.g. #comment1) so the URL you are liking looks like this: http://mypage.com/page#comment1
Further Reading:
Good luck and I hope this helps!
DEMO & SOURCE http://so.devilmaycode.it/facebook-like-button-on-comments/
updated, hope this help
I have never done it myself but you should probably check out http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/web#plugins.
It looks like you would need a unique link for each comment.
You could try including a fragment identifier in every URL like:
Facebook has rolled out a new version of the comments plugin which supports advanced functionality such as "liking" and replying to other comments. In addition, replies to a comment made on Facebook.com are now pushed back to the comments plugin (hosted on another site.)
How to enable:
Add the migrated attribute:
<fb:comments xid="YOUR_XID" migrated="1"></fb:comments>
OR use the href attribute instead of xid for future comments boxes
<fb:comments href="YOUR_CANONICAL_URL"></fb:comments>
New <fb:comments>
Legacy <fb:comments>
When you add a link to your Facebook page, after some processing, Facebook presents you a next/prev button to choose an image linked to the url your are inserting.
Obviously, Facebook reads the html-page and displays the images found on the url you insert.
Does anyone knows what algorithm Facebook uses to decide what images to show ?
If I insert a link to : http://www.staplijst.be/lachende-wandelaars-aalter-aktivia-003.asp, only 11 images are detected. The one I want, the one at the top right corner, is not included in the list.
If I insert a link to http://www.staplijst.be/stichting-kennedymars-rijsbergen-zundert-nederland-knblo-nl-81996.asp, 19 images are displayed (including the one I want (the one at the right top corner of the text area).
Both pages are build using asp code but are functionally the same.
I thought that it has something to do with the image size, but can't find any deciding factor there.
I will investigate some furhter, because if I know what Facebook is looking for, I can make sure that the correct images are included on the page (since they are dynamic pages build with classic asp).
But if anyone has any idea ? Help would be appreciated.
This looks like a duplicate of:
Facebook Post Link Image
Use <link rel="image_src" href="abs_url_of_your_image">
My guess, is that FB hides repeated images - 'couse a repeated image normally indicates a design-element (not content). When you post a link, only images related to that articles content, are relevant.
So; make sure your image only appears once, and see if it helps!
I am not familiar with the way Facebook did it, but I can tell you how I would do it.
Establish web request to desired url
Parse resulted web response with regular expression, that looks for <img src="" />
I'm trying to implement a feature like that where a user inputs a url and when displaying that url I want to have a custom display (an embed object if it's a video from youtube, a thumbnail if it's an image link, title and excerpt of body if it's a normal link).
How can such a feature be realized?
There is a new idea called oEmbed that a few sites support (Flickr, Vimeo and a few others) that addresses this problem. oEmbed site
Otherwise, just check the site against a list of ones you pick and then pull out the relevant bits to construct an embed link.
I liked the idea of oEmbed a lot but unfortunately it doesn't has that much adoption yet.
oohEmbed tries to solve this issue by building oEmbed for many websites.
For the feature to work, it needs the server's interaction where I believe the following scenario is how it works
Assume that we have the site humanzz.com and that it provides such feature
A user enters a url on the humanzz.com's webpage and presses a button like facebooks' preview button
An AJAX call is made to a dedicated page on humanzz.com
humanzz.com does calls the remote website and gets its data
The AJAX call now returns the page's data (oEmbed JSON object)
This involves so much server's overhead.
I really wanted to do it using JavaScript as the server's role was only to bypass "Same Origin Policy"'s restrictions.
oohEmbed allows bypassing the server's step by specifying a callback parameter to oohEmbed so that the JSON object returned is passed to a callback function on your page.
An example illustrating this is as follows
Add a script tag dynamically to your page
< script type="text/javascript" src="http://oohembed.com/oohembed/?url=http%3A//www.amazon.com/Myths-Innovation-Scott-Berkun/dp/0596527055/&callback=myCallBack">< /script>
This would result in executing myCallback(oEmbedJSONObject) which is great.
The problem with that solution is you still have to have a fallback for websites that don't have oEmbed representations.
For the embedded things, I have been using auto_html ( https://github.com/dejan/auto_html) with great success (vimeo, youtube, images) and even added soundcloud myself. But I am still looking for a "thumbnail" generation with an image and text facebook-like.
I guess you have to construct it by yourself by manually parsing the kind of URL you get.
If it is an image url, well then you just have to rescale it and in case the user clicks on it, then handle that by opening the original one somehow.
If it is a link to some youtube video, then you have to take a look at how the embedding of Youtube videos works. You can just copy the code that is provided by Youtube itself, and then exchange the parts with the URL to the video with the URL you got from your user.
I did never implement something like that, but I assume it should work somehow like this.