How do I make JBehave ignore failed scenarios? - jbehave

Scenario A:
Scenario B:
Step C - Implemented
Step D - Implemented
When running the story, steps C and D are set as NOT PERFORMED. How do I get those to run even with scenario A failing due to pending steps?
I've tried setting a PendingStepStrategy to PassingUponPendingStep (and FailingUponPendingStep) but it doesn't make a difference.

JBehave can be configured to keep track of state in between Scenarios. I believe the reason for this is to account for when you want to have scenarios that relate to one another.
If you check what configuration your using, then you should be able to see if you have a certain parameter on the StoryControls set.
For example
Configuration configuration = new MostUsefulConfiguration()
.useStoryControls(new StoryControls().doResetStateBeforeScenario(false))
If you have the above setting, it will not perform the other scenarios as the failure state is retained
You can use JBehaves MostUsefulConfiguration class within your configuration without extra configuration, as the doResetStateBeforeScenario is set to true by default.

Those steps should run anyway. I think you might have an error in the line where you declare the scenario, and JBehave thinks those four steps belong to the same scenario.
The scenarios are separated by the token Scenario:, for example
Scenario: Use a pattern variant
When the item cost is 10.0
When the price is 10.0
When the cost is 10.0
Scenario: Use a aliases variant
Then the item price is 10.0
Then the item price becomes 10.0
Then the item price equals to 10.0
Even if any of the steps in the first scenario fails, the second scenario will run.


Selenoid query priority

There is a question: Is there a possibility to set tests to perform priority in selenoid.
Problem: There is a suite> 20 tests, correspondingly at startup it fills the queue. After that, another test is run. He gets to the end of the line.
Is there an option to make it run as soon as the browser is freed, without waiting for all the tests to run before it?
No, this is not possible in current implementation. All incoming requests have equal priority. Two alternatives:
I think such issues should be addressed in test framework of you choice. For example for py.test a quick search shows a plugin for ordering your tests: Not sure whether it works.
You could also install Ggr and use different Selenoids and quota names for different tests, but this seems to be too much complicated for your case.

Anylogic: How to set Service delay time depending on the resourceSet being used

Basically I've got a Service which can work with two alternatives of ResourceSets. Let's say, the Service would optimally work with one Doctor and one Nurse, but it is also possible to work with only one Doctor if a Nurse isn't available.
Now, assuming the Doctor works slower without a Nurse, the Service's delay time must depend upon the resourceSet being employed at the moment (Doctor+Nurse or Doctor). Any idea how can I program this?
You should also have in mind that my model has various Services in parallel working in the same way, it's not just only one Service line.
You're using Services but, to me, using the combination of Seize, Delay and Release gives you more flexibility.
What I've done is set the resource choice according to the image bellow:
It is important to have the nurses prior to the doctors in the first set (for some reason anylogic would opt for using only the doctor if otherwise - even with a nurse available).
Than, I would write this code:
Which means that if the agent was only able to seize one resource it will take longer (15 is just a random value).
In the delay block, I would set the processing time to agent.processTime
The topology I'm using is this:
Obviously this is a workaround and will not work for every case. You can always change the conditions you verify. I couldn't find a way to check which resource set was picked by the seize operation. If you're in a hurry this will do the trick.
Hope that helps,

#BeforeScenario / #AfterScenario to Specific Scenario in Test Story by using Given

I am a newbie to JBheave and Hive frameworks.
While exploring Q&A repositories, I happen to see the following phrase from one of right Answer to a Question,-
writing a JBehave story
That's what I've seen - and the data object should be setup/cleared
with a #BeforeScenario/#AfterScenario method.
At present I am in the process of writing Test Stories. Yet not get into Steps further.
From the JBehave product website, I get the following sample Test Story. I have Question considering the phrase which I plugged out from the Q&A repo of StackOverFlow.
A story is a collection of scenarios
In order to communicate effectively to the business some functionality
As a development team
I want to use Behaviour-Driven Development
Given a step that is executed before each scenario
Outcome: ANY
Given a step that is executed after each scenario regardless of outcome
Outcome: SUCCESS
Given a step that is executed after each successful scenario
Outcome: FAILURE
Given a step that is executed after each failed scenario
Scenario: A scenario is a collection of executable steps of different type
Given step represents a precondition to an event
When step represents the occurrence of the event
Then step represents the outcome of the event
Scenario: Another scenario exploring different combination of events
Given a [precondition]
When a negative event occurs
Then a the outcome should [be-captured]
|abc|be captured |
|xyz|not be captured|
I could see the pretty same just as like #BeforeScenario/#AfterScenario over here.
I do have Question here. Is I could write Given before and after to specific Scenario: in a Test Story.
And is that Scenario: output is open to consecutive Scenario:'s in the Test Story.
There is a few differences between #BeforeScenario/#AfterScenario annotations and Lifecycle:Before/After steps
A java method annotated with #BeforeScenario or #AfterScenario is called for all executed scenarios in all stories, while a Lifecycle-Before or -After step will be executed only for scenarios from this one, concrete story.
#AfterScenario method is executed always, regardless of a result of the scenario. Lifecycle After steps can be called always (using Outcome: ANY clause), only on failures (using Outcome: Failure clause) or only on success (using Outcome: SUCCESS clause)
You cannot pass any parameters from a scenario (story) to #BeforeScenario and #AfterScenario java methods, while Lifecycle steps can have parameters, like any other ordinary steps, for example:
Given a step that is executed before each scenario with some parameter = 2
JBehave is for Data Mining. And it is uses Test Driven Development, TDD. We call that as Steps. BDD - Behavior Driven Development, that yields the Mining capability of that framework injected towards any Higher-Level language.
Answering the Question,- In a test story, if we put Scenario in the mid of two then statements, it clears the buffers as it is a new scenario. That way Given clause datasets is applied as-is, rather implied. That way Given clause values are taken forward. For new Scenario only Lifecycle prerequisites which is been set is only applied on before and after respectively.

How Can use real-time workflow in CRM 2015?

I have a real-time workflow for creating unique numbers. This workflow get a numeric field from my custom entity, increase it by 1, and update it for next use.
I want to run this workflow on multiple records.
Running on-demand mode, it works fine,and I have true and unique numbers, but for "Record is Created" mode, it dose not work fine and get repeated numbers.
What I have to do?
This approach wont work, when the workflow runs on demand its running multi-threaded, e.g. two users create two records, two instances of the workflow start. As there is no locking mechanism you end up with duplicated numbers.
I'm guessing this isn't happening when running on demand because you are running as a single user.
You will need to implement a custom auto number approach, such as Auto Number for DynamicsCRM.
Disclaimer: I work for Gap Consulting who produce the tool linked above.

Spring Batch - execute a set of steps 'x' times based on a condition

I need to execute a sequence of steps a specific number of times.. any pointers on what is the best way to do this in Spring Batch. I am able to implement executing a single step 'x' times. but my requirement is to execute a set of steps - based on a condition 'x' times.Any pointers will help.
You could put all steps in a job an start the whole job several times. There are different ways, how a job actually is launched in spring-batch. have a look at joboperator and launcher and then simply implement a loop around the launching of the job.
You can do this after the whole spring-context is initialized, so there will be no overhead concerning that. But you must by attention about the scope of your beans, especially the reader and writers.
Depending on your needs concerning failurehandling and restart, you also have pay attention how you manage the execution context of your job and steps.
You can simulate a loop with SB using a JobExecutionDecider:
Put it in front of all steps.
Store x in job execution context and check for x value into
decider: move to 'END' if x equals desidered value or increment it
and move to first step of set.
After last step move back to start (the decider).