Eclipse Javascript Editor with Code Completion - eclipse

Am looking for a plugin that will allow me to have code completion is my phonegap .html file and also highlight the javascript tags. I have installed the JSDT plugins but can't seem to have the code highlighting/autocomplete. It highlights only the HTML but doesn't seem to work for the scripts inside the <script> tag.

You can have a look in eclipse at
Help -> Install Software
Work with... Select your eclipse version (e.g. juno)
In the selection box below scroll to the entry "Web, XML, Java, ... " and expand it.
Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools
Eclipse Web Developer Tools
Eclipse XML Developer Editors and Tools
JavaScript Development Tools
Web Page Editor
and then Next to install them.
Now you should have HTML, JS syntax highlighting and code completion.


Why folding worked in manifest file but don't work in other xml file (eclipse)?

I try to enable folding in xml files with eclipse.I checked the Enable Folding in eclipse But don't work .
It works for me with the Eclipse XML Editors and Tools (3.7.1.v201508271605 Eclipse Web Tools Platform)
You may need to install the above.
From the Help menu, choose Install New Software
Choose Mars from the drop down
Select Eclipse XML Editors and Tools and complete the install wizard.
Note that the plugin.xml has its own editor (the Plug-in manfiest editor) that handles XML editing. I believe both use some of the same underlying components.

Eclipse syntax highlighting

I am trying to add CFeclipse highlighting to *.js files but it is not working in the Luna version of Eclipse I try going to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Content Types and adding it there but the syntax highlighting does not appear. Any ideas?
Personally, I find the JavaScript syntax highlighting for CFEclipse deficient. I greatly prefer the syntax highlighting provided by JavaScript Development Tools, part of the Eclipse Web Developer Tools package provided by Eclipse Web Tools Platform.

How to add content assist for css, html.. in Eclipse?

Are there any libraries that we can add to Elipse to support context assist (css, html) like Netbean?
Many thanks,
Depending on which Eclipse package you installed you may already have the CSS and HTML editors. If you don't then you can install them using Help > Install New Software. Choose the software site for your version of Eclipse in the drop down list and look at the Web, XML, Jave EE and OSGi Enterprise Development section. The Eclipse Web Developer Tools section contains the editors you want but the other sections may also be of interest.
You can look at some plug-ins ( providing support for editing HTML and CSS files.
Search in Editor category.

How to add HTML Editor to Eclipse?

I just upgraded to Eclipse Kepler, the non-J2EE version. The HTML Editor is missing. I read elsewhere that I could install the "Web Page Editor", which I did, but the system now generates all kinds of errors when building my project. Apparently it can't find some JSF classes. I have no interest in using JSF.
The Web Page Editor install did include the HTML Editor, but it was so much trouble I had to uninstall. How do I get my old HTML Editor back?
Alternatively, you can just install the "HTML Editor" from the WST package (the same one provided in Java EE Edition) in Eclipse 4.x, just by looking for "HTML Editor" in the marketplace (but, indeed, i haven't been able to found it in the "install new software").
On my side i prefer to work on Eclipse "Java Edition" most of the time (just adding the few additionnal features i really need).
Go to Install New Softwares-> Select your version eclipse repo. eg Mars - -> Expand Web,XML, JAVA EE option -> Install Eclipse Web Developer Tools
I have used CodeMix for a while and it's a wonderful tool, it can easily install as a plugin and a wide tools will be available like HTML Validation, Emmet, CSS IntelliSense, Snippets, take a look in this site
I had a similar issue once, and I tried a HTML editor addon for eclipse, but haven't found one that's any better than the one that comes with the Java EE edition of eclipse.
I suggest you download the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.
You may want to install Eclipse Web Developer Tools
Bet you after edit HTML you will have to edit CSS and JavaScrip too

Aptana 3.2.0 Plugin for Eclipse. Javascript code completion issue

I have Eclipse PDT 3.0.2 All In Ones installed with Aptana Studio 3.2.0 plug-in. When I create a web project (Project Natures/Web is set to primary) with javascript file and try to use code completion (ctrl + space) this results in "No Default proposals" message. I can right-click on project and select "Configure/Convert to JavaScript Project" though but this is the feature of Eclipse not Aptana.
P.S. CSS and HTML code completion works fine.
That did it. I have changed an editor associated with .js files to JavaScript Source editor instead of JavaScript Editor which was set as default at installation. It would be nice if they added "Aptana" after the name of editor to distinguish it from other editors.