Why isn't Validation a Monad? - scala

an example use case:
def div2(i: Int): Validation[String, Int] =
if (i%2 == 0) Validation.success(i/2)
else Validation.failure("odd")
def div4(i: Int) = for {
a <- div2(i)
b <- div2(a)
} yield b
error: Unable to unapply type scalaz.Validation[String,Int] into a type constructor of kind M[_] that is classified by the type class scalaz.Bind
I guess the error is caused by the compiler can't find a Monad instance for Validation[String, Int]
I can make one for myself, like:
object Instances {
implicit def validationMonad[E] = new Monad[({type L[A] = Validation[E, A]})#L] {
override def point[A](a: => A) =
override def bind[A, B](fa: Validation[E, A])(f: A => Validation[E, B]) =
fa bind f
but why doesn't Validation have it already? after all, Validation already has the bind method defined.
moreover, I can't have import Validation._ and import Instances._ together anymore (this took me looong to figure out...), because of another complicated error...
ambiguous implicit values: something like both validationMonad (my instance), and method ValidationInstances1 in trait ValidationInstances2... both match some Functor of Validation...
should I modify the source of scalaz? or I'm completely missing something~?
please help~
I'm using scalaz 7.0.0-M2

As discussed in the Scalaz group, the problem seems to be that ap would accumulate errors whereas (pseudo-)monadic composition would only operate on the value part of Validation.
Therefore, one cannot be expressed in terms of the other and thus no monad instance exists for Validation.

The issue is that the applicative functor as implied by the monad does not equal the actual applicative functor


How to implement Applicative for State[S, A] in scala / cats

In this session SystemFw gives an example of implementing State[S, A] wih vanilla scala, When follow the exmple, I run into a trouble in supplying a Applicative definition for the vanilla State type (In order to get the commands.traverse work. See code here
I tried to make a implicit def to solve the Applicative instance, but didn't figure out how to deal with the 2 type parameter.
How to implement Applicative for this type:
case class State[S, A](modify: S => (A, S)) {
def runA(initial: S): A = modify(initial)._1
def flatMap[B](f: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] =
State { s =>
val (result, nextState) = modify(s)
Wrong code:
implicit def stateApplicative[S, A]: Applicative[State[S, A]] = new Applicative[State[S, A]] {
override def pure[A](x: A): State[A???] = ??? // error
override def ap[A, B](ff: State[A => B])(fa: State[A???]): State[B] = ??? // error
Basically, the solution to this problem is always fixing one type parameter.
In the case of a State you want the value inside the state to change but no the type of the state itself so you fix S.
So you can create an application for a given particular state, for example Int
type IntState[A] = State[A, Int]
implicit final val intStateApplicative: Applicative[IntState] =
new Applicative[IntState] {
// Some implementation.
However, after you fill the implementation you will see that the fact of knowing that S was Int was meaningless. And that we could just copy and paste the whole code if S would have been String or whatever.
So, what we want is a way to say that this works for any S, we can do that with a type lambda (i.e. a function in the type level).
type StateTypeFun[S] = { type F[A] = State[A, S] }
implicit final def stateApplicative[S]: Applicative[StateTypeFun[S]#F] =
new Applicative[StateTypeFun[S]#F] {
// Some implementation.
And that is how we solve this problem.
Note that the type alias is unnecessary but makes the code easier to read, but you could have done Applicative[({ type F[A] = State[A, S]})#F].
BTW, because this necessity of creating type lambdas is somewhat common in Scala 2 we have kind projector, and Scala 3 has proper syntax support for it.

Cannot find a functor instance for Tuple2K

I have a toy DSL
case class Logging[A](msg: String, action: A)
case class Persist[A](msg: String, action: A)
type Effect[A] = EitherK[Logging, Persist, A]
that I want to pair with an equally toy interpreter
case class CoLogging[A](run: String => A)
case class CoPersist[A](run: String => A)
type Interp[A] = Tuple2K[CoLogging, CoPersist, A]
Here is an program example:
def prog(implicit L: Logs[Effect], P: Persists[Effect]): Free[Effect, Unit] =
P.store("bar") >> L.log("foo")
and here is the interpreter:
def interpretEffect(implicit CL: CoLogs[IO], CP: CoPersists[IO]): Cofree[Interp, IO[Unit]] =
Cofree.unfold(IO.pure(())) { a: IO[Unit] => Tuple2K(CoLogging(CL.coLog(a)), CoPersist(CP.coPersist(a))) }
I've paid due diligence and defined functors as well as injection implicits. The compiler complains that it cannot find an instance cats.Functor[[A]cats.data.Tuple2K[example.CoLogging,example.CoPersist,A]], even though I am importing cats.data.Tuple2K._ where the instance is implicitly defined.
I can't see what I'm doing wrong, it must be something stupid. Do you have any idea? All the code can be seen in this gist.
The compiler complains that it cannot find an instance
even though I am importing cats.data.Tuple2K._ where the instance is implicitly defined.
Functor[Tuple2K[F, G, ?]] is defined via Tuple2KInstances8#catsDataFunctorForTuple2K if Functor[F] and Functor[G] were defined. The thing is that Functor[CoLogging] and Functor[CoPersist] weren't.
object CoLogging {
implicit val coLoggingFunctor: Functor[CoLogging] = new Functor[CoLogging] {
override def map[A, B](fa: CoLogging[A])(f: A => B): CoLogging[B] = CoLogging(fa.run andThen f)
object CoPersist {
implicit val coPersistFunctor: Functor[CoPersist] = new Functor[CoPersist] {
override def map[A, B](fa: CoPersist[A])(f: A => B): CoPersist[B] = CoPersist(fa.run andThen f)
and everything should compile.
The thing is the order of implicits. Move object functors to the beginning and everything should compile.
For using cats functors in your code, you need to try to add settings in your build.sbt file.
scalacOptions += "-Ypartial-unification"
Maybe ths will hepls you. This is limitation of scala compiler https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-2712

How to convert a List[A] into a List[B] using an implicit conversion

I have the following use case which occurs often in my code:
A Collection[A]
An implicit conversion A to B
and I want to obtain a collection of B. I can use implicitly like the following:
case class Items(underlying:List[B])
import B._
def apply(a:List[A]):Items = {
val listOfB= a.map {implicitly[A=>B]}
What is the most elegant way to do that in Scala, maybe with the help of Scalaz of doing the same?
Edit: the goal of my question is to find an idiomatic way, a common approach among libraries/developers. In such a sense developing my own pimp-my-library solution is something I dislike, because other people writing my code would not know the existence of this conversion and would not use it, and they will rewrite their own. I favour using a library approach for this common functions and that's why I am wondering whether in Scalaz it exists such a feature.
It's pretty straightforward if you know the types. First implicit conversion from A to B:
implicit def conversion(a: A): B = //...
then you need implicit conversion from List[S] to List[T] where S and T are arbitrary types for which implicit conversion from S to T exists:
implicit def convList[S, T](input: List[S])(implicit c: S => T): List[T] =
input map c
This should then work:
val listOfA: List[A] = //...
val listOfB: List[B] = listOfA
which is resolved by the compiler to:
val listOfB: List[B] = convList(listOfA)(conversion)
where S is A and T is B.
I wouldn't use an implicit conversion here, but a view bound in the class:
case class Foo(x: Int)
case class Bar(y: Int)
implicit def foo2Bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo.x)
case class Items[A <% Bar](xs: List[A]) {
def apply(x: Int): Bar = xs(x)
You can now create an instance of Items with a list of Foo and internally use them, as if they were Bars.
scala> Items(List(Foo(1)))
res8: Items[Foo] = Items(List(Foo(1)))
scala> res8(0)
res9: Bar = Bar(1)
Some clarification, on why I would not use an implicit conversion:
Implicit conversions can be dangerous, when they are in scope and accidentally convert things, that they shouldn't convert. I would always convert stuff explicitly or via view bounds, because then I can control it, also implicit conversion may shrink the size of your code, but also makes it harder to understand for others. I would only use implicit conversion for the 'extend my library' pattern.
You could however add a method to the collection types, that does this conversion, if such a method is in scope:
trait Convertable[M[A], A] {
def convertTo[B](implicit f: A => B): M[B]
implicit def list2Convertable[A](xs: List[A]) = new Convertable[List, A] {
def convertTo[B](implicit f: A => B) = xs.map(f)
scala> implicit def int2String(x: Int) = x.toString
int2String: (x: Int)String
scala> List(1,2,3).convertTo[String]
res0: List[String] = List(1, 2, 3)
Instead of using another implicit conversion here, I would probably use a typeclass instead, but I think you get the basic idea.
Works starting with Scala 2.10:
implicit class ListOf[A](val list: List[A]) {
def of[B](implicit f: A => B): List[B] = list map f
implicit def int2String(i: Int) = i.toString
// Usage
In my code, I'm using a more general version adapted from Tomasz' solution above which handles all Traversable instances
/** Implicit conversion for Traversable instances where the elements are convertable */
implicit def convTrav[S, T, I[S] <: Traversable[S]](input: I[S])(implicit c: S => T): I[T] =
(input map c).asInstanceOf[I[T]]
(This is working for me, although I'm keen to know if any more experienced Scala programmers think this is a bad idea for any reason, apart from the usual caveats about implicit conversions)

How to use implicitly with a function?

Hi I read the interesting post from Debasish about the implicitly function. I have wrote this code:
def find[C <: Business](id: String) = {
collection.findOneByID(id).map(x=> implicitly[DBObject => C].apply(x))
but it fails to compile with this compiler message:
could not find implicit value for parameter e: (com.mongodb.casbah.commons.Imports.DBObject) => C
what is my fault? anyone can help me?
My idea was this:
find is declared in a trait don't know nothing about DBObject, I don't want to put this dependency.
trait BusinessRepository {
def find[C <: Business](id: String): Option[C]
class MongoBusinessRepository {
val collection = ..
def find[C <: Business](id: String): Option[C] = {
collection.findOneByID(id).map(x=> implicitly[DBObject => C].apply(x))
implicit def DBObject2Hotel(x: DBObject): Hotel = {
// ...
// returning Hotel
case class Hotel(...) extends Business(...)
implicitly is just a convenience method to look up an implicit value that you know already exists. So it fails to compile when there is no such implicit value in scope.
A possible use case is when you use shortcut syntax for context bounds:
def find[C: Numeric](a: C, b: C): C = implicitly[Numeric[C]].plus(a, b)
Of course, in this example, the explicit form is less verbose
def find[C](a: C, b: C)(implicit n: Numeric[C]): C = n.plus(a, b)
You will find more thorough explanations in this Stackoverflow thread.
What I imagine you had in mind with your method is rather
def find[C <: Business](id: String)(implicit fun: DBObject => C) =
I think that the problem comes from the fact that Scala compiler try to find an implicit definition of a function DBObject => C and that the only implicit definition that he can find is DBObject => Hotel that could be a solution but it's not strict. With your solution, the compiler is not able to know what should be C.
Maybe you should consider defining a DBObject2Business and so implicitly define a DBObject => Business function, or change your design to define C in a concrete class.

Scala PartialFunctions from concrete ones

Is there any quick way to use as a concrete function (of type, say, (A) => B) as a PartialFunction[A, B]? The most concise syntax I know of is:
(a: A) => a match { case obj => func(obj) }
Is there an implicit conversion anywhere, something like:
implicit def funcAsPartial[A, B](func: A => B) = new PartialFunction[A, B] {
def isDefinedAt(a: A) = true
def apply(a: A) = func(a)
I guess I just wrote what I was looking for, but does this already exist in the Scala libraries?
Doing this with an implicit conversion is dangerous, for the same reason that (A) => B should not inherit from PartialFunction[A, B]. That is, the contract of PartialFunction guarantees that you can safely* call apply wherever isDefinedAt returns true. Function1's contract provides no such guarantee.
Your implicit conversion will result in a PartialFunction that violates its contract if you apply it to a function that is not defined everywhere. Instead, use a pimp to make the conversion explicit:
implicit def funcAsPartial[A, B](f: A => B) = new {
/** only use if `f` is defined everywhere */
def asPartial(): PartialFunction[A, B] = {
case a => f(a)
def asPartial(isDefinedAt: A => Boolean): PartialFunction[A, B] = {
case a if isDefinedAt(a) => f(a)
// now you can write
val f = (i: Int) => i * i
val p = f.asPartial // defined on all integers
val p2 = f.asPartial(_ > 0) // defined only on positive integers
* As discussed in the comments, it may not be entirely clear what "safety" means here. The way I think about it is that a PartialFunction explicitly declares its domain in the following precise sense: if isDefinedAt returns true for a value x, then apply(x) can be evaluated in a way that is consistent with the intent of the function's author. That does not imply that apply(x) will not throw an exception, but merely that the exception was part of the design of the function (and should be documented).
No, I tried to find one a few months ago and ended up writing my own that's essentially the same as yours.