How do I find a "Save As" window with AutoHotkey? - autohotkey

I'm trying to find out if there is a "Save As" box open with this WinExist script
if WinExist,Save As,Save As
MsgBox, is there
MsgBox, is not there

Your original code is almost correct:
The space between if and WinExist must be removed.
The second parameter of ifWinExist is WinTitle. If the Save As dialog does not contain the text "Save As", you must remove that second parameter. This is the case on my Windows 7 system with English (Australia) regional settings.
Working examples:
; ifWinExist command
ifWinExist, Save As
MsgBox, is there
MsgBox, is not there
; if(expression) and WinExist() function
if WinExist("Save As")
MsgBox, is there
MsgBox, is not there
You can also combine criteria:
ifWinExist, Save As ahk_class #32770

Assuming it is an OSs' window, I would do something like,
^F1:: ;press Control + F1 to serch the window.
if FindWindow()
msgbox Found
msgbox Not Found
FindWindow(strPartOfTitle="Save", strClass="#32770") {
if (hWnd := WinExist("ahk_class " . strClass))
WinGetTitle, strWinTitle, ahk_id %hWnd%
if InStr(strWinTitle, strPartOfTitle)
return true
return false


Surrounding Clipboard with quotes in URL

Warning: I'm very new to this.
I'd like to make Google searches quicker by assigning a hotkey to search a text selection (in web browser) and surrounding that search with quotes (to get exact matches).
I've tried using bits of code I have found, but so far I can only search the selected text on Google, but don't know how to surround the selected text in quotes in the search.
^!d:: ;
prevClipboard := ClipboardAll
SendInput, ^c
ClipWait, 1
if !(ErrorLevel) {
Clipboard := RegExReplace(RegExReplace(Clipboard, "\r?\n"," "), "(^\s+|\s+$)")
If SubStr(ClipBoard,1,7)="http://"
Run, % Clipboard
Run, % "" Clipboard
Clipboard := prevClipboard
This simply opens a google search with the clipboard.
I cannot find out how to make it so "Clipboard" is searched instead of Clipboard.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Run is a command and variables in commands have to be enclosed in percent signs.
To include an quote, specify two consecutive quotes twice:
If you want to do a "Phase google search" from any Selected Text (And From Out Everywhere, on your Computer System.)
Then you can try this AHK Script.
you can [Select any Text] and then you can click the [F1] key from your Keyboard Device.
The Computer Find automatic out where it can do the Query Search (us 100x results) and what Browser it must use.
#SingleInstance force
GroupAdd, Browser, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1 ; Chrome or Iron
GroupAdd, Browser, ahk_class IEFrame ; Internet Explorer
GroupAdd, Browser, ahk_class MozillaWindowClass ; FireFox
GroupAdd, Browser, ahk_class ApplicationFrameWindow ; Edge
; here you can change the variable into exact search [
quote1 = "
; here you can change the variable into exact search ]
quote2 = "
; here you can change the variables intitle: - inurl: - inanchor: - allinurl: - allinanchor:
insearch = allintitle:
; + = Shift
; ! = Alt
; ^ = Ctrl
; # = Win (Windows logo key)
esc::exitapp ;You can click the (esc) key to stop the script.
If WinActive("ahk_group Browser")
sendinput ^c ;copy the selected text to clipboard memory
sleep 150
sendinput ^t ;CTRL+t make a new tab + goto address bar - use CTRL+L for the active tab + goto address bar
sleep 150
texta =
textb = %clipboard%%quote2% ;selected text
textc = &lr=lang_us&hl=us&num=100 ; google parameters
sleep 150
sendinput ^v ; paste the selected text
sleep 250
send {enter}
} else {
sendinput ^c ;copy the selected text to clipboard memory
sleep 150
texta =
textb = %clipboard%%quote2%%quote2%%quote2% ;selected text
textc = &lr=lang_us&hl=us&num=100 ; google parameters
run %clipboard%

Autohotkey and Windows 10: How to get current explorer path

I use autohotkey version: (because I stick with activeaid).
The script to read the current path is as follows (and worked until Win 7).
; Get full path from open Explorer window
WinGetText, FullPath, A
; Clean up result
StringReplace, FullPath, FullPath, `r, , all
FullPath := RegExReplace(FullPath, "^.*`nAddress: ([^`n]+)`n.*$", "$1")
How I suspect that while switching to Win10 it seems that I also switched the language.
If I MsgBox out the %FullPath% before cleaning with
WinGetText, FullPath, A
MsgBox %FullPath%
I see amongst other strings (obvoíously separated by CR):
Adresse: V:\Vertrieb\Prospects\MyFile
so how do I need to adjust the regexp to extract that very string!
Best regards
#IfWinActive, ahk_class CabinetWClass ; explorer
F1:: MsgBox, % GetActiveExplorerPath()
; or
ActiveExplorerPath := GetActiveExplorerPath()
MsgBox, % ActiveExplorerPath
GetActiveExplorerPath() {
explorerHwnd := WinActive("ahk_class CabinetWClass")
if (explorerHwnd)
for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
if (window.hwnd==explorerHwnd)
return window.Document.Folder.Self.Path
f1::MsgBox % Explorer_GetSelection()
Explorer_GetSelection(hwnd="") {
WinGet, process, processName, % "ahk_id" hwnd := hwnd? hwnd:WinExist("A")
WinGetClass class, ahk_id %hwnd%
if (process = "explorer.exe")
if (class ~= "(Cabinet|Explore)WClass") {
for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
if (window.hwnd==hwnd)
path := window.Document.FocusedItem.path
SplitPath, path,,dir
return dir
It takes me so much time to find the best solution (for me).
Maybe it will work for you as well.
ControlClick, ToolbarWindow323, A
ControlGetText, path, Edit1, A
Msgbox, %path%

AHK! Can't get "Ctrl+Q then K" Input to work (Shortcut in Q-Dir tool)

So I use the Explorer tool Q-Dir (link to homepage).
In Q-Dir you can bookmark folder you want to access regularly.
You can shortcut to those bookmarks by pressing Ctrl + Q. This opens a jumplist of your bookmarked folders.
So I want to open my projects folder which is named "Kundenprojekte" (customer projects).
Pressing "K" while said jumplist is open, opens this folder in the current tab.
So my problem occurs here:
This whole process is what I want to map with AHK to let's say WinKey + B.
This is my code so far:
qdirId := WinExist("Q-Dir 5.98.9") ; I don't know if this works I got some
; inspiration by another AHK script
if (qdirId = 0) {
MsgBox Q-Dir ist nicht geöffnet. ; Q-Dir is not open.
IfWinExist, "Q-Dir 5.98.9"
WinActivate, "Q-Dir 5.98.9" ;I know this doesn't work plz help
SetKeyDelay 10,1000
Send, ^{Q}
SetKeyDelay, 10
Send {K}
Yes , so far there is no "else" to IfWinExist. And I don't think there will be because I would need to run Q-Dir as administrator (due to UAC preventing writing operation to my C: drive) But that is of no concern (because I usually start Q-Dir as my first programm after booting).
The main issue I have is getting "send Control + Q" then "K" to work.
I got it to send "K" but not once was "Ctrl + Q" recognized.
Any idea what I do wrong?
Thank you in advance :)
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; The window's title should contain "Q-Dir 5.98.9"
qdirId := WinExist("Q-Dir 5.98.9")
if (qdirId = 0)
MsgBox Q-Dir ist nicht geöffnet. ; Q-Dir is not open.
return ; stops code from going any further, to the lines below
; otherwise:
WinActivate, Q-Dir 5.98.9
WinWaitActive, Q-Dir 5.98.9 ; important
SetKeyDelay 10,1000
Send, ^{Q}
; Try also:
; SendEvent {CTRL DOWN}{q DOWN}{CTRL UP}{q Up}
SetKeyDelay, 10
Send {K}

AHK: closing a window whenever it pops up

I wrote an AHK script designed to copy a text from Adobe Acrobat when I press F9. It then changes it according to a regex and shows the copied text in tooltip. Additionally, I added code to automatically close an annoying window that Acrobat sometimes shows when coping a text, an infamous There was an error while copying to Clipboard. An internal error occurred. When this window doesn't show up, the script keeps showing a tooltip, which is designed to close after a specified amount of time. I've been banging my head against the wall but I don't know how to correct this.
#If WinActive("ahk_exe Acrobat.exe")
ClipWait, 1
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "\r\n", " ")
IfWinExist, Adobe Acrobat
Send {Enter}
If (StrLen(Clipboard) < 120)
ToolTip % Clipboard
ToolTip Copied
SetTimer, ToolTipOff, -1000
; #Persistent ; (1)
SetTimer,CheckForMsgBox,100 ; (2)
#If WinActive("ahk_exe Acrobat.exe") ; (3)
ClipWait, 1
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "\r\n", " ")
If (StrLen(Clipboard) < 120)
ToolTip %Clipboard%
ToolTip Copied
SetTimer, ToolTipOff, -1000
#If ; turn off context sensitivity
; ControlSend, Control, Keys, WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText
ControlSend, , {Enter}, Adobe Acrobat ; Close this unwanted window whenever it appears
(1) Scripts containing hotkeys, hotstrings, or any use of OnMessage() or Gui are automatically persistent.
(2) SetTimer causes a subroutine (Label) to be launched automatically and repeatedly at a specified time interval.
(3) Like the #IfWin directives, #If is positional: it affects all hotkeys and hotstrings physically beneath it in the script.

How do I return from inside an if/else block in Autohotkey?

Below is the code snippet I used. If you are doing something in a browser, it should detect that you are currently in a browser and copy the URL to the clipboard. If you are not in a browser, then since there is no URL there is no question of doing that.
Regardless what browser I am in, the first MessageBox is always outputting the value 0. However, the MessageBox inside the function never gets activated, that is "No browser detected" message is never displayed. The value therefore can't be zero, yet when I am in notepad the if function still gets processed.
if (Retrieve_Browser_Type <> 0)
Send, {F6}
Send, ^{ins}
URL = %clipboard%
MsgBox, % Retrieve_Browser_type
MsgBox, URL copied: %URL%
Retrieve_Browser_Type() {
IfWinActive, ahk_class MozillaWindowClass return 1
IfWinActive, ahk_class Maxthon3Cls_MainFrm return 2
IfWinActive, ahk_class IEFrame return 3
IfWinActive, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1 return 4
MsgBox, No browser detected
return 0
It was a syntax mistake that thee compiler didn't detect.
Instead of:
IfWinActive, ahk_class MozillaWindowClass return 1
You ought to write:
IfWinActive, ahk_class MozillaWindowClass
return 1