Set text in search bar of picker view for Address Book - iphone

I have followed Apple's programming guide to extract a phone number from a user's Address Book. What I would like to do is to set a search value in the search bar of the picker view of the Address Book to narrow the list. Can it be done?
Note: I do not want to "import" the whole address book and do a search from there.


show information about connection state on status bar

VSTO document-level customization, using C#
I need to show permanent information about the connection state in a word document.
I had the idea to do it from the status bar but I don’t know how modify it.
The current object models for Word do not provide access to its Status Bar. The Word Status Bar provides a lot of information about the Word application, as well as controls for interacting with it and what it contains can be customized by the user. So there's no way provided for the Developer to access it, no should the Developer interfere with such an important part of the User UI.
EDIT: Since this is a VSTO document, it would be possible for you to display this information in the Actions Pane (task pane for the document). It would also be possible to display it in the Ribbon or possibly in the Title bar. The tricky part about this last is that the title bar will change/update as you'd be "sharing" it with the Word application. But the capability is built into the Word application, via its Window object. For example:
theDocument.Application.ActiveWindow.Caption = "custom text"
The text assiged to the Caption property will replace the document name and be positioned just before the text "Microsoft Word". If you want to retain the document name in the Title bar you'd need to query and append that to the string you assign to Caption.

How can I add selectable suggestion list to UISearch Bar?

I am a new to iOS development. I am trying to create a word suggestion list to UISearch Bar in IOS SDK 4.3 for iPhone.
Initially if the user taps on a UISearch field it will move to up on the screen and pop up the blank list while user starts to type a search key word it will list down the suggestions under UISearch bar according to search key word. [An example is Google search.]. The suggestion of the list, which comes from the return of web services.
It is a bit difficult to understand how should I create and appear a table view with the suggestions on top of existing screen while moving upto top of the UISearch bar and how should I move the search bar into top of the screen and set into previous place according to user interaction while I hide the suggestion table view.

How to design the UI for two data point inputs for routing

I have a large list of items (about 500) on my iphone app.. I am creating a custom map which uses the user's input of a "to" and "from" locations (places).. I am brainstorming the best way to collect the input from the user. Ideally, a search bar with a table view that has the matching items (instant search).. I could ask the user to enter the "To" location and "From" destination and then present the custom map with the route.. I am trying to figure out the ideal way to do this such that it remains simple and user friendly.. I could have;
1) A search bar/table view that asks for the From location which, once entered, goes to a similar second view that takes the To location (could be too annoying for the user)
2) Each input area takes half a view (From is top, to is bottom).. however too cluttered
3) One view with the items, the user selects two locations from the list (in this case, it is not very intuitive.. how would I let the user know that he is supposed to select two items.. what if he messes up the order or forgets he clicked on an item as he searches?)
Note that I am not asking for the code, just an idea on how to design this UI to be simplistic and easy to use
You could have two search bars with a drop down list that provides the instant search (kinda like google's instant search) once the user enters the first selection it freezes and goes to the "TO" bar...

Sending user to view from search results

I'd like to implement a search into my app. I'm planning to use a left swipe, like the Spotlight search. Would that violate anything with Apple?
My app is tableview based. The user can drill down a few levels before reaching a detail view. I'm considering two options for implementing the search:
1.) From the search results, I display lower level topics. Meaning, once a user clicks a search result, they will open a detail view. Should I back the user out of the search, navigate the UI down to the detail view...or just show the detail view (option #2)?
2.) If I just popup the detail view, it will be out of context. Once finished with the detail view, the user will not be able to navigate backwards to the top level. They will basically already be there (search results). Or is that how it should be - just put the user back on the search results view?
I don't know if it'd get rejected, but it sounds weird as I've never seen it in an app before. Why not just put the search bar in the first row of the table as in the iPod app?
You probably could also mimic the iPod behavior when "backing out" of Search results.
But yeah, this isn't really programming related.

iPhone SearchBar with Buttons Underneath?

How would one implement a search field like the one used on the iPhone Mail application. When you attempt to search it shows up 4 buttons under the search bar with the fields you can search. The search bar actually moves up to cover the navigation bar and exposes those buttons.
I'd like to do something similar in my application where you can specify what exactly you are searching for. I think the mail search is a little difference since it also has a cancel button?
How would you accomplish this and what components would you use?
Do you mean the so called ScopeBar? Use a SearchDisplayController and there you could set the scopes of the ScopeBar.
Or drag a normal UISearchBar on your view, and the with the inspector you are able to set the scope items.