How do I install a Scala compiler plugin so that it automatically works with Ant? - scala

I'm writing a Scala compiler plugin that I want to be used whenever scalac is invoked, so I put it in the Scala distribution's plugins directory (misc/scala-devel/plugins) - this works perfectly when I write something simple like scalac HelloWorld.scala, but doesn't work when I try building using an Ant script with an embedded scalac task like:
<scalac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${bin}" classpathref="build.classpath" deprecation="on">
<include name="**/*.scala"/>
I can get it to work by changing the build script to specify the plugins directory, e.g.:
<scalac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${bin}" classpathref="build.classpath" deprecation="on"
addparams="-Xpluginsdir /Users/stuart/Downloads/scala-2.9.2/misc/scala-devel/plugins">
<include name="**/*.scala"/>
However, I need this to work for third-party build scripts that I am unable to change manually, so my simple fix doesn't cut it - any ideas please?
After a bit more digging, I've found that you can override task definitions using presetdef, e.g.:
<presetdef name="scalac">
<scalac addparams="-Xpluginsdir /Users/stuart/Downloads/scala-2.9.2/misc/scala-devel/plugins"/>
This doesn't directly solve the problem, but it's potentially interesting - my current line of investigation is whether it's possible to put this (or something like it) in a wrapper Ant script that imports the original one (no idea whether this will work, I don't use Ant that much).


GWT module xml source element to specify single class

I have a GWT application (FooGwtApp) and a library module (FooLib) used as a dependency in FooGwtApp. The package structure of FooLib looks like this:
I want ImportantClass (and only ImportantClass) to be compiled to JS by the GWT compiler. Moving ImportantClass to another package is not an option.
I created ImportantClass.gwt.xml within packageFoo with the following content:
<inherits name=""/>
<source path="" includes="**/ImportantClass*"/>
Next I put an inherited reference to the ImportantClass module definition in FooGwtApp.gwt.xml (this seems to work: the IDE recognizes it, and is able to parse the reference to ImportantClass.gwt.xml).
Now If I put references to ImportantClass into FooGwtApp's client code, the GWT compiler fails, because it does not find ImportantClass on the source path:
No source code is available for type packageFoo.ImportantClass; did you forget to inherit a required module?
I likely messed up sommething in the source path / includes attribute in ImportantClass.gwt.xml - either defining the current package as root package with path="" is not a valid notation or something's wrong with the includes attribute. Or both. Or neither.
Can you give me a clue about where it all went wrong?
It turns out the problem was not in ImportantClass.gwt.xml, but in other Maven related stuff:
ImportantClass.gwt.xml should be placed under src/main/resources/packageFoo, not src/main/java/packageFoo, otherwise it won't be packaged into the binary jar.
GWT compiler compiles from Java source to Javascript source. This means we don't just need ImportantClass.class in FooLib.jar, but also its source. Best solution for this is to use maven-source-plugin in FooLib's pom.xml and also to import the FooLib dependency into FooGwtApp with sources classifier.
On the latter topic, see the following SO answers:
Maven: Distribute source code with with jar-with-dependencies
How to properly include Java sources in Maven?
After fixing the above problems, the source path declaration present in the question works.

antlr4 Jar has duplicate classes in different packages - don't know which are referred to by internal code

I am using antlr4.3 (complete) jar.
It has many duplicates in org.antlr.runtime and org.antlr.v4.runtime packages.
In code when I explicitly use 'v4.runtime' - at runtime, classpath picks up 'runtime'.
So I extracted the jar and recreated it without org.antlr.runtime.
But apparently some classes like RecognitionException is now not found.
How should I resolve this other than:
Exploding the latest Jar and specifying org.antlr.v4.runtime BEFORE org.antlr.runtime so that a duplicate class will be picked up from v4.runtime, and if there isn't one in it, it will look at org.antlr.runtime...??
To add to the above, here's the code snippet which gives a problem: the jars are in the classpath.
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream;
public class AntlrMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Start Hello World");
try {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(
org.antlr.runANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(is);
org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStream cs = (org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStream) input;
VCFGLexer lexer = new VCFGLexer(cs);
Initially in the ANtlrMain class, I wasn't using explicit
org.antlr.v4.runtime.; but that failed at runtime, with 'CharStream not found'.
Then I changed to include full path of the class
Then changed the ANTLR4 Jar to 'exclude' org.antlr.runtime (it has org.antlr.v4.runtime). That's when the 'RecognitionException not found' error occurred.
The grammar by the way, compiles OK, generating all my VCFG*.java and tokens classes, where VCFG is the grammar name.
Keeping in line with suggestions from all - I removed my answer to my own questions and adding it to this original questions.
In antlr-4.2-complete.jar, I see:
/tmp/x/ $ jar -xf antlr-4.2-complete.jar
/tmp/x/ $ ls org/antlr
runtime stringtemplate v4
/tmp/x/ $ ls org/antlr/v4
analysis codegen parse semantics Tool$1UndefChecker.class Tool$OptionArgType.class
automata misc runtime tool Tool.class Tool$Option.class
/tmp/x/ $ ## The 2 runtimes above: org.antlr.runtime and org.antlr.v4.runtime
/tmp/x/ $ ## which to use where, along with same-name classes in
/tmp/x/ $ ## org.antlr and org.antlr.v4
So, in build.xml, I use above jar to:
java -jar antlr-4.2-complete grammar.g4 => compiles and gives me
VCFG*.java and VCFG*.tokens
javac -cp "antlr-4.2-complete-jar" VCFG*.java => Succeeds. I have
the VCFG*.class collection.
Then I compile my code (which uses AntlrInputStream
etc.), again with the above antlr jar and some 3rd-party Jars
(logging, commons) => successfully.
Finally the RUN of java -cp "antlr-4.2-complete.jar:log4j.jar" -jar
myJar => FAILS on 'CharStream' not found.
Adding, based on your response.
I have only recently started posting questions on Stackoverflow. So pointers about whether to respond to my question to provide more info, or to comment to a reply etc. are welcome.
-cp <3rd-party> is -cp "log4j.jar:commonsLang.jar".
By -cp "above-jar" I meant -cp "antlr-4.2-complete.jar.
And if I have not mentioned it, it is an oversight - I have, for every 'java' and 'javac commands, included antlr-4.2-complete.jar.
BUT I see you indicating antlr-runtime-4.2.jar. So there ARE separate antlr-runtime jar and antlr-complete jars.
In the 4 steps below (I am leaving out -cp for convenience, but am including antlr-4.2-complete.jar for 'every' step.
I believe, I should be using the antlr-run-time and antlr-complete jars at different steps:
1 (java
2 (javac MyGrammar*.java)
3. javac
4. Run myCode (java MyCode) ...
which of the two antlr JARs (runtime and complete; and their versions) should I then use, at each of the above 4 steps?
The jar file does not contain duplicate classes. The code generation portion of the ANTLR 4.3 Tool relies on the ANTLR 3.5.2 Runtime library, which is included in the "complete" jar file. While some of the classes have the same name as classes in ANTLR 4, they are not duplicates and cannot be used interchangeably.
#280Z28 / Sam:
I am mortified, but have to admit the simplest answer is most often the correct.
I spent time fleshing out the JAR, making multiple JAR files out of it, include one for compile, one for run and on and on.
The answer is succinctly explain in the ANT build.xml code snippet below: where I produce the 'final' production JAR file, which is the only JAR then included while executing my Main program:
<jar destfile="${p_productionJar}">
<fileset dir="${p_buildDir}" casesensitive="yes">
<include name="**/*.class"/>
<zipfileset includes="**/*.class" src="${p_genCodeJar}"/>
<!-- How did I miss including p_antlrJar earlier?? -->
<zipfileset includes="**/*.class" src="${p_antlrJar}"/>
<zipfileset includes="**/*.class" src="${p_jschJar}"/>
<zipfileset includes="**/*.class" src="${p_log4jJar}"/>
<zipfileset includes="**/*.class" src="${p_commonslangJar}"/>
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="AntlrMain"/>
The production Jar was missing ${p_antlrJar} => which is antlr-4.3-complete.jar!!!!
You did mention this in your answer... but it was a pretty silly mistake to do, and didn't think I had done it...
Thank you.

Command line compiler for XTend

Hi allI've found XTend ( and it really sounds great! But, I can't see any standalone command line compiler for this language. It seems only to run under eclipse. I've done some research, and found some people saying, that it has a command line compiler, but I can't find a download link.
Does the compiler exist, standalone, or do you need eclipse to use it?
It is not documented, but there is indeed a command line compiler in the Xtend code base - the same one used by the Maven plug-in (that is documented in the Xtend homepage).
If Maven plug-in does not work for you, then you could download the standalone jar version directly from the Maven repository at (for version 2.3.1), and execute the org.eclipse.xtend.core.compiler.batch.Main class from it.
This class executes the xtend compiler, and usage information can be displayed (also readable from the source file).
You can use the xtend standalone compiler. For my case I copied the following .jar files to a folder named xtendc:
And then, in that folder I executed the CLI main class of the batch compiler:
java -cp "*" org.eclipse.xtend.core.compiler.batch.Main -d <path-to-xtend-gen-folder> -useCurrentClassLoader <path-to-src-folder>
CLI usage of main class is documented to be as following:
Usage: Main <options> <source directories>
where possible options include:
-d <directory> Specify where to place generated xtend files
-tp <path> Temp directory to hold generated stubs and classes
-cp <path> Specify where to find user class files
-encoding <encoding> Specify character encoding used by source files
-javaSourceVersion <version> Create Java Source compatible to this version. Can be: 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 9, 10
-noSuppressWarningsAnnotation Don't put #SuppressWarnings() into generated Java Code
-generateGeneratedAnnotation Put #Generated into generated Java Code
-includeDateInGeneratedAnnnotation If -generateGeneratedAnnotation is used, add the current date/time.
-generateAnnotationComment <string> If -generateGeneratedAnnotation is used, add a comment.
-useCurrentClassLoader Use current classloader as parent classloader
-writeTraceFiles Write Trace-Files
so you will need to pass your classpath there.

Eclipse IDL compilation

I added orb plug-in to Eclipse and created an IDL file.I configured IDL Compiler to the project which has IDL file.When i rigth-click on the IDL file there is an option as follows,
CORBA->Compile CORBA Stubs but when i choose that option nothing was happened,so how to compile IDL file in eclipse and generate Java files.Please provide if there is any steps/procedures to follow to compile IDL file and generate java source files
open the command line and go to the directory where you have your IDL file and run this line
idlj -fall nameOfIdlFile.idl
e.g. if your idl file is named HelloWorld.idl
idlj -fall HelloWorld.idl
after running the above command line, in your root folder it will generate java classes namely:
Hope this will help you or anyone in the future with the same question.
I am also having trouble with CORBA IDL compilation under Eclipse. The CORBA IDL compiler generates an error in the Eclipse error log = “Unhandled event loop exception” due to a “java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openorb/compiler/IdlCompiler” exception.
The above answer may work for "HelloWorld", but CORBA IDL files are a super-set of standard IDL syntax and have their own unique keywords like "typeprefix" and "local".
Therefore they must be compiled using the IDL compiler org.openorb.compiler.IdlCompiler.
One way to do this is using the ANT compiler. A sample ANT XML script would read:
<target name="idl" depends="compiler"
description="Generate java classes from idl."
unless="nobuild.idl" >
<java classname="org.openorb.compiler.IdlCompiler" fork="yes">
<arg line="-silence -all -I ${idl} -d ${gensrc}/main ${idl}/orb.idl ${idl}/interop.idl ${idl}/misc.idl ${idl}/openorb.idl"/>
<classpath refid="project.class.path" />
<sysproperty key="openorb.home" file="src" />
I know the thread has some time now. But maybe i can help others anyway.
For me this issue was related to configuration. All I had to do was to select the project, going to Project->Properties and then select IDL compilation.
On tab "Compilation Options" select the ones I needed and then on tab Compilers, explicitly select "OpenORB".
Then it worked ! :)

ANT Javac and special characters

I have an ANT task defined like so:
<javac source="1.5" target="1.5" srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${classes.dir}" deprecation="on" debug="on" classpathref="classpath" fork="true" memoryMaximumSize="512m" encoding="UTF-8">
<include name="${}/**/*.java"/>
This works fine, but when I have classes with special characters in their names it gives me the following error:
[iosession] Compiling 131 source files to /C24/PUB/io-stds/trunk/standards/GSIT/build/test/deployment/build/classes
[iosession] javac: file not found: /C24/PUB/io-stds/trunk/standards/GSIT/build/test/deployment/src/java/biz/c24/io/minos/AléaChiffré
[iosession] Usage: javac <options> <source files>
[iosession] use -help for a list of possible options
[iosession] Target compile finished
[iosession] Building unsuccessful 2 seconds
When I remove the "fork=true" it works, but then it ignores the "memoryMaximumSize" setting. I also tried the nested approach, but to no avail.
Any ideas?
It's perhaps not the answer you expect but my advice would be to remove all non-ascii letters from the names of methods and classes. I'm French-speaking too, and I've never seen any company, even in France and using French as its development language, accept accented letters in class names and methods. It's just not good practice, simply because it would be very hard for a non French developer, without accents on his keyboard, to use these classes and methods.
If you use a good IDE, it should allow you to refactor your code easily.
Apache did confirm that the encoding attribute only applies to the file contents and not file names. I reverted back to using fork only when needed and kept encoding="UTF-8".