JPQL NamedQuery: Access attribute of an #Embeddable class from an #ElementCollection reference - jpa

The follwing named query
<named-query name="fix.getByProblem">
FROM Fix f JOIN f.solved s
is supposed to return all fixes that solve at least one of the given problems, but fails with the error message
Exception Description: Error compiling the query [fix.getByProblem]:
SELECT f FROM Fix f JOIN f.solved s WHERE IN :ids
], unknown state or association field [id] of class [ProblemHandle].
The model is as follows: (simplified)
#CollectionTable(name = "FIX_SOLVED", schema = SCHEMA_NAME, joinColumns = {#JoinColumn(name = "SOURCE_VERSION", referencedColumnName = "version")})
#AttributeOverrides({ #AttributeOverride(column = #Column(name = "SOLVED_ID", nullable = true), name = "id") })
private Collection<ProblemHandle> solved;
public class ProblemHandle {
private Long id;
#Entity(name = Problem.ENTITY_NAME)
#Access(value = AccessType.FIELD)
#Table(name = Problem.TABLE_NAME, schema = Problem.SCHEMA_NAME)
public class Problem {
public static final String ENTITY_NAME = "problem";
public static final String SCHEMA_NAME = "X";
public static final String TABLE_NAME = "PROBLEM";
#Column(name="id", nullable = false)
private Long id;
How can I achieve that without having to change the pattern, e.g. using handles?

You have #Access(AccessType.PROPERTY), so the name of your attribute comes from your get method, not the variable. What is the name of your get method?
Try removing #Access(AccessType.PROPERTY)
Also, what version are you using? Try using the 2.4 release.


Spring projections select collection

I am attempting to have a station projection include a list of associated logos. Below is my domain:
#Table(name = "Station")
public class Station implements Serializable {
#Column(name = "Id")
private int id;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
fetch = FetchType.LAZY,
mappedBy = "station")
private Set<Logo> logos;
The #OneToMany associated logos:
#Table(name = "Logo")
public class Logo {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private int id;
private String fullUrl; // calculated
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "StationId", nullable = false)
private Station station;
My repository and query is as follows:
#Query(value = "SELECT AS Id, s.logos As Logos FROM Station s JOIN s.users su WHERE su.username = ?1")
Collection<StationListViewProjection> findStationsByUsername(String username);
My station projection expects the Id and a list of logoProjections
#Projection(name = "StationListViewProjection", types = Station.class)
public interface StationListViewProjection {
int getId();
Set<LogoProjection> getLogos();
The logoProjection only needs the url
#Projection(name = "LogoProjection", types = Logo.class)
public interface LogoProjection {
String getFullUrl();
When i execute my query I get a strange response:
MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'as col_5_0_, . as col_6_0_, as id1_20_0_'
If I understand this
private String fullUrl; // calculated
correct, your fullUrl gets calculated inside your java code and more important, it doesn't have a matching column in the database. You can't use such field in projections directly. You might be able to use an Open Projection and specify the calculation to obtain the fullUrl using a #Value annotation.

JPQL: How to join via #ElementCollection with #MapKeyJoinColumn

I have problems creating the correct JPQL query for joining through the following tables:
While between GROUPS and USERS there is a conventional #ManyToMany mapping table, DOCUMENTS_GROUPS is what causes the trouble. As you can see in the following entity, I want the relationship between DOCUMENTS and GROUPS to be mapped as a Map containing the access_mode (which works just fine except for the query):
#Table(name = "DOCUMENTS")
name = "Documents.findAccessibleByUser",
query = "SELECT d FROM Document d INNER JOIN d.groups g INNER JOIN KEY(g).members m WHERE = :userId"
public class Document {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private int id;
#CollectionTable(name = "DOCUMENTS_GROUPS", joinColumns = {#JoinColumn(name = "document_id")})
#MapKeyJoinColumn(name = "group_id")
#Column(name = "access_mode")
private Map<Group, AccessMode> groups = new HashMap<>();
/* ... */
With Group being rather normal:
#Table(name = "GROUPS")
public class Group {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private int id;
#Column(length = 255)
private String name;
#JoinTable(name = "USERS_GROUPS", //
joinColumns = {#JoinColumn(name = "group_id")}, //
inverseJoinColumns = {#JoinColumn(name = "user_id")} //
private Set<User> members = new HashSet<>();
/* ... */
My question is now: How do I need to modify the second JOIN in my JPQL query?
SELECT d FROM Document d
INNER JOIN d.groups g
INNER JOIN KEY(g).members m
WHERE = :userId
is syntactically wrong (unexpected KEY after INNER JOIN).
Of course, I have already tried a plain INNER JOIN g.members m, but since we're dealing with a Map<Group, AccessMode>, this fails with cannot dereference scalar collection element: members.
I was facing the same problem with a simple key-value Map<String, String> like:
#MapKeyColumn(name = "name")
#Column(name = "value")
#CollectionTable(indexes = #Index(columnList = "value"))
private Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<>();
Joining the attributes was possible:
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT i FROM Item i INNER JOIN i.attributes attr");
but not querying fields:
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT i FROM Item i INNER JOIN i.attributes attr WHERE attr.value = 'something'");
I debugged the Hibernate internals and found out that the alias attr is already resolved to the value (e.attributes.value), so the only thing you can do here is:
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT i FROM Item i INNER JOIN i.attributes attr WHERE attr = 'something'");
But I did not find any documentation or JPQL examples pointing that out. The behaviour is is useless in my case, because I want to have conditions for both key and value. Thats why I migrated to a foreign entity collection with key mapping and composite primary key. Its way more complicated but works as expected.
The composite key entity to prevent single primary keys
public class ItemAttributeName implements Serializable {
private String name;
#JoinColumn(nullable = false)
private Item item;
// Empty default constructor is important
public ItemAttributeName() {
public ItemAttributeName(Item item, String name) {
this.item = article; = name;
The real attribute entity
public class ItemAttribute {
private ItemAttributeName id;
private String value;
// Empty default constructor is important
public ItemAttribute() {
public ItemAttribute(Item item, String name) { = new ItemAttributeName (item, name);
public String getValue() {
return value;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "id.item",cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)
#MapKeyColumn(name = "name")
public Map<String, ItemAttribute> attributes = new HashMap<>();
Creating entities:
Item item = new Item ();
ItemAttribute fooAttribute = new ItemAttribute(item, "foo");
item.attributes.put("foo", fooAttribute);
Querying entities:
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT i FROM Item i JOIN i.attributes attr WHERE = 'foo' AND attr.value='bar'");
List<Item> resultList = query.getResultList();
Prints out: bar

Hibernate Filter being ignored

My application uses Hibernate 5.02 and Wildfly 10 with a PostgreSQL 9.5 database. I'm trying to enable a filter on a #OneToMany collection held within an entity that is constructed via a NamedQuery. Unfortunately, it seems as if the filter is just ignored. Here are the different components, redacted for ease of reading.
name = "getAnalystProcess",
query = "SELECT * FROM analysis.analystprocess WHERE id = :processId",
resultClass = AnalystProcessEntity.class
name = "analystProcessUnanalyzedMsgsFilter",
parameters = { #ParamDef(name = "processIds", type = "integer"), #ParamDef(name = "analystIds", type = "integer") })
#Filter(name = "analystProcessUnanalyzedMsgsFilter", condition = "analystprocess_id IN (:processIds) AND id NOT IN (SELECT msg_id FROM analysis.analyzedmsg WHERE analyst_id IN (:analystIds) AND analystprocess_id IN (:processIds)) ORDER BY process_msg_id")
#Table(name = "analystprocess", schema = "analyst")
public class AnalystProcessEntity implements JPAEntity {
public static final String GET_PROCESS = "getAnalystProcess";
public static final String MSG_FILTER = "analystProcessUnanalyzedMsgsFilter";
public static final String MSG_FILTER_PROC_ID_PARAM = "processIds";
public static final String MSG_FILTER_ANALYST_ID_PARAM = "analystIds";
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, orphanRemoval = true, mappedBy = "process")
#OrderColumn(name = "process_msg_id")
private List<MsgEntity> msgList;
#Table(name = "msg", schema = "analyst")
public class MsgEntity implements JPAEntity {
#ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, optional = false)
#JoinColumn(name = "analystprocess_id", referencedColumnName = "id")
private AnalystProcessEntity process;
#Column(name = "process_msg_id")
private Integer processMsgId;
private void buildAnalystProcess() {"Building AnalystProcessEntity");
.setParameter(AnalystProcessEntity.MSG_FILTER_PROC_ID_PARAM, analystProcessId)
.setParameter(AnalystProcessEntity.MSG_FILTER_ANALYST_ID_PARAM, analystUser.getId());
Query query = analystUser.getJdbcSession().getNamedQuery(AnalystProcessEntity.GET_PROCESS)
.setParameter("processId", analystProcessId);
// Query query = analystUser.getJdbcSession().createNativeQuery("SELECT * FROM analysis.analystprocess WHERE id = :processId")
// .setParameter("processId", analystProcessId)
// .addEntity(AnalystProcessEntity.class);
analystProcess = (AnalystProcessEntity) query.getSingleResult();
CREATE TABLE analysis.analystprocess (
description TEXT,
created_date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
CREATE TABLE analysis.msg (
analystprocess_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES analysis.analystprocess(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
process_msg_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
constraint tbl_statusid_analystprocessid unique(status_id, analystprocess_id)
As seen above, I have also tried the filter on constructing the AnalystProcessEntity class via createNativeQuery instead of getNamedQuery and no luck.
I also added a defaultCondition with hardcoded values into the #FilterDef just to see if it would execute the default condition and it still didn't.
I've tried the #Filter above the entity definition as well as above the class definition. I even came across a blog post which made it sound like the condition references entity fields (variable names) and not table fields (column names). Trying to stick to Java naming conventions in the Entity and Postgres naming conventions in the table, so I tried switching the references in the condition and to no avail.
I have sql logging turned on in Hibernate and the condition doesn't show up anywhere, as if it's just simply being ignored.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
So, the problem was that I had the #FilterDef applied to the wrong class. It was my presumption that because I was constructing the AnalystProcessEntity which holds the MsgEntity collection (which I am trying to filter), that the #FilterDef would be applied to the AnalystProcessEntity class. Instead, it needs to be applied to the entity that it's actually filtering (hindsight being 20/20, that's pretty obvious).
Also, the actual condition needed to be modified to use complete references within the sub-select query.
I hope this helps someone at some point...
name = "getAnalystProcess",
query = "SELECT * FROM analysis.analystprocess WHERE id = :processId",
resultClass = AnalystProcessEntity.class
#Filter(name = "analystProcessUnanalyzedMsgsFilter", condition = "id NOT IN (SELECT amsg.msg_id FROM analysis.analyzedmsg amsg WHERE amsg.analyst_id IN (:analystIds) AND amsg.analystprocess_id IN (:processIds))")
#Table(name = "analystprocess", schema = "analyst")
public class AnalystProcessEntity implements JPAEntity {
public static final String GET_PROCESS = "getAnalystProcess";
public static final String MSG_FILTER = "analystProcessUnanalyzedMsgsFilter";
public static final String MSG_FILTER_PROC_ID_PARAM = "processIds";
public static final String MSG_FILTER_ANALYST_ID_PARAM = "analystIds";
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, orphanRemoval = true, mappedBy = "process")
#OrderColumn(name = "process_msg_id")
private List<MsgEntity> msgList;
name = "analystProcessUnanalyzedMsgsFilter",
parameters = { #ParamDef(name = "processIds", type = "integer"), #ParamDef(name = "analystIds", type = "integer") })
#Table(name = "msg", schema = "analyst")
public class MsgEntity implements JPAEntity {
#ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, optional = false)
#JoinColumn(name = "analystprocess_id", referencedColumnName = "id")
private AnalystProcessEntity process;
#Column(name = "process_msg_id")
private Integer processMsgId;
Additionally, I ran into another problem with null's appearing in the collection, despite the fact that I am using an #OrderColumn, which I thought fixed that issue. It seems that with the use of the #Filter, null's are inserted in place of what ended up being filtered OUT (excluded).

How to use JPA criteriaBuilder to search on attributes in a collection of sub-attributes

I have an Entity that maps to a table defined this way:
#Table(name = "cmmn_calendar_evnt")
public class CommonCalendarEvent implements
private Integer cevId;
private Set<CommonCalendarEventPart> commonCalendarEventParts = new HashSet<CommonCalendarEventPart>(0)
#GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "CEV_ID", unique = true, nullable = false)
public Integer getCevId()
return this.cevId;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "commonCalendarEvent")
public Set<CommonCalendarEventPart> getCommonCalendarEventParts()
return this.commonCalendarEventParts;
and CommonCalendarEventPart is defined like this:
#Table(name = "cmmn_calendar_evnt_part")
public class CommonCalendarEventPart implements
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Integer ceeId;
private CommonCalendarEvent commonCalendarEvent;
private PartParticipant partParticipant;
#GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "CEE_ID", unique = true, nullable = false)
public Integer getCeeId()
return this.ceeId;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "CEE_CEV_ID", nullable = false)
public CommonCalendarEvent getCommonCalendarEvent()
return this.commonCalendarEvent;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "CEE_PPT_ID", nullable = false)
public PartParticipant getPartParticipant()
return this.partParticipant;
and finally:
#Table(name = "part_participant")
public class PartParticipant implements
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Integer pptId;
#GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "PPT_ID", unique = true, nullable = false)
public Integer getPptId()
return this.pptId;
I want to use the CriteriaBuilder to generate a query finding all CommonCalendarEvent for a specific Participant ID.
In Hql it would look something like this: (although I have not confirmed that this Hql is correct either)
"from commonCalendarEvent cce where :pptId in (cce.commonCalendarEventParts.partParticipant.pptId)"
I've tried some approaches of what I thought were intuitive attempts at writing a criteriaBuilder approach, but my attempts have resulted in errors ranging from:
“unexpected end of subtree” to just implementation errors.
CriteriaBuilder builder = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<CommonCalendarEvent> criteria = builder.createQuery(CommonCalendarEvent.class);
Root<CommonCalendarEvent> root = criteria.from(CommonCalendarEvent.class);
Fetch<CommonCalendarEvent, CommonCalendarEventPart> evf = root.fetch(CommonCalendarEvent_.commonCalendarEventParts, JoinType.LEFT);
Join<CommonCalendarEvent, CommonCalendarEventPart> evj = (Join<CommonCalendarEvent, CommonCalendarEventPart>) evf;
Join<CommonCalendarEventPart, PartParticipant> evpj = evj.join(CommonCalendarEventPart_.partParticipant);
List<Predicate> pred = new ArrayList<Predicate>();
pred.add(builder.equal(evpj.get(PartParticipant_.pptId), pptId));
criteria.where(builder.and(pred.toArray(new Predicate[] {})));
return getEntityManager().createQuery(criteria).getResultList();
above yields an "unexpected end of subtree" error.
Any Help is appreciated.
+1 for using Lazy initialization. The JPA model is Object, or Entity oriented, so you need to get used to thinking in those terms. A PartParticipant is not identified by its id in JPA, but by the object itself. Assuming you have a list of participants:
PartParticipant pp = em.find(PartParticipant.class, 2);
List<PartParticipant> pps = new ArrayList<PartParticipant>();
Then you pass that list to the queries. In JPQL:
TypedQuery<CommonCalendarEvent> cev = em.createQuery("select cev from CommonCalendarEvent cev join fetch cev.commonCalendarEventParts cce where cce.partParticipant in :pps", CommonCalendarEvent.class);
List<CommonCalendarEvent> cevs = cev.setParameter("pps", pps).getResultList();
Notice the fetch is needed to prevent LazyInitializationExceptions.
Knowing the JPQL, the CriteriaQuery should follow pretty much the same:
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<CommonCalendarEvent> q = cb.createQuery(CommonCalendarEvent.class);
Root<CommonCalendarEvent> r = q.from(CommonCalendarEvent.class);
Join<CommonCalendarEvent, CommonCalendarEventPart> j = r.join("commonCalendarEventParts");
List<CommonCalendarEvent> rs = em.createQuery(q).getResultList();
You don't need to do anything special with the fetch other than execute it. As you can see, the query uses the PartParticipant Id.
commoncale0_.CEV_ID as CEV_ID1_0_0_,
commoncale1_.CEE_ID as CEE_ID1_1_1_,
commoncale1_.CEE_CEV_ID as CEE_CEV_2_1_1_,
commoncale1_.CEE_PPT_ID as CEE_PPT_3_1_1_,
commoncale1_.CEE_CEV_ID as CEE_CEV_2_0_0__,
commoncale1_.CEE_ID as CEE_ID1_1_0__
from cmmn_calendar_evnt commoncale0_
inner join cmmn_calendar_evnt_part commoncale1_ on commoncale0_.CEV_ID=commoncale1_.CEE_CEV_ID
where commoncale1_.CEE_PPT_ID in (?)
Fetch<CommonCalendarEvent, CommonCalendarEventPart> evf is not necessary, and the first join statement should be corrected:
Join<CommonCalendarEvent, CommonCalendarEventPart> evj =
The rest of the query seems correct.

hql and #EmbeddedId

Is it possible to query on Embeddable object from query? Here are my Entities:
#Table(name = "A")
public class UnitParam implements Serializable {
private UnitParamId unitParamId;
public class UnitParamId implements Serializable {
#Column(name = "PcID", nullable = false)
private short pcId;
#Column(name = "UnitID", nullable = false)
private short unitId;
#Column(name = "ParamID", nullable = false)
private int paramId;
#Table(name = "B")
public class ParameterMapping extends BasicEntity {
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumns(value = {
#JoinColumn(name = "PcID", referencedColumnName = "PcID"),
#JoinColumn(name = "UnitID", referencedColumnName = "UnitID"),
#JoinColumn(name = "ParamID", referencedColumnName = "ParamID") })
private UnitParam unitParam;
Here is the query that fails:
select, as name,
p.unitParam.unitParamId.pcId as processCell,
p.unitParam.unitParamId.unitId as unit,
p.unitParam.unitParamId.paramId as paramId
from ParameterMapping p
With the Exception:Caused by: org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: unitParamId of: ParameterMapping
[SELECT, as name, p.unitParam.unitParamId.pcId as processCell, p.unitParam.unitParamId.unitParam.unitId as unit,
p.unitParam.unitParamId.paramId as paramId FROM de.koehl.mes.model.ParameterMapping p]
Thank you in advance.
I found the problem: First Problem was mixing field/property access. After fixing that, the ManyToOne generates the columns, but no foreign key! But I don't know why!!!!
There is no unitParam field in UnitParamId, so the path p.unitParam.unitParamId.unitParam.unitId is invalid. Change your query to
select, as name,
p.unitParam.unitParamId.pcId as processCell,
p.unitParam.unitParamId.unitId as unit,
p.unitParam.unitParamId.paramId as paramId
from ParameterMapping p
or even better:
select, as name,
unitParam.unitParamId.pcId as processCell,
unitParam.unitParamId.unitId as unit,
unitParam.unitParamId.paramId as paramId
from ParameterMapping p
inner join p.unitParam unitParam