can iOS AudioServicesPlaySystemSound be blocked until sound done playing? - iphone

I need my software to wait until the sound is completely played before proceeding.
I've got a lot of sounds to develop, so using the callback method will take a lot of development time.
Is there a way to call AudioServicesPlaySystemSound and have it block until it completes playing, without using the callback method?

You can't - you have actually no exact control of when your sound exactly start and finish. Also not that the sound is played in a background thread for the AudioServicesPlaySystemSound API. I have read this article recently for playing sound on iOS take a look at it. You might want to use an other API for playing your sound.


iPhone: MPMusicPlayerController stops AVAudioPlayer

I'm playing a silent music with AVAudioPlayer when user locks the screen, so that my timers won't stop.
However, when I play an iPod music with [MPMusicPlayerController applicationMusicPlayer], AVAudioPlayer stops,without receiving any call back.
Is there any way so that I can start [MPMusicPlayerController applicationMusicPlayer] playing without stoping AVAudioPlayer playing?
Thanks guys, this is the app I'm working on:
It is an Alarm app, this app allows user to lock screen while app is running,and when it is the time of the alarm, app can play iPod music to wake the user.Local notification can not use iPod music as alert sound, so I have to keep the app running while screen is locked.
If user quit the app, it will use local notification as alarm, whose sound is limited to files in bundle.
I can't use UILocalNotification as timer since when in screen locked status(in UIApplicationStatusInactive), app can't receive local notification generated by the system.
Apple has architected their backgrounding system to really limit things like this from happening. Essentially, there is no way for the you to keep the application running in the background unless it needs to be there. If you explain what you are trying to accomplish, maybe a better solution can be found but as good practice, never use random backgrounding methods to do other things. I am assuming that you might be using the faint music as a way to show something custom on the main screen, this is not a good idea.
Your app will get rejected if you play a silent audio.
Also as per apple's documentation, notifications cannot have sounds (soundName) which play more than 30 seconds.
So you wont be able to release your app in the store.
I figured it out myself.
It is not calling [MPMusicPlayerController +applicationMusicPlayer] that stops AVAudioPlayer, but calling [MPMusicPlayerController -setShuffleMode:], I don't know why calling this would stop AVAudioPlayer, but it is where the problem lies in.
Thanks everyone, I think I should paste my complete code next time.

Iphone sdk - How to play a sound during a phone call after some elapsed time?

Well I am having two issues that i can't get to work, related to audio and calls.
The first one is to play a sound during a phone call. I don't want to play continuous music or stream anything, it is just a simple and short sound that the user will hear at one time during his call.
I have read some posts claiming that this is possible, and I even have an application that does so, but I can't get it to work. My app identifies the call using CTCallCenter and print the logs but never plays the sound or plays it after the app comes to foreground again. I have the .plist property of required background mode App plays audio.
The second issue, is to play the sound after some elapsed time. NSTimers doesn't work when on background mode, nor NSThread sleep on my background process or NSOperation. So how could I play this sound after say 10 seconds of the call?
Also, this behavior has to work also when the application is already on background mode. With CTCallCenter I am only getting the event when the application is interrupted from use, but I don't see any logs when i send the app to background and then begin/receive a call
If anyone could point me to the right direction I'll be really grateful.
I havent done this, but NSLocalNotifcation, schedule a notification to play when you app get the call to move into the background. I would expect this to work. Interested to find out if it does.

AVAudioPlayer lag when calling play

I have set up an AVAudioPlayer object in viewDidLoad, as per the Apple guidelines, calling prepareToPlay as the last line in viewDidLoad (i have tried in awakeFromNib also).
When i press my play button, there is a pause, as it would appear to load the file, then it plays.
In audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying, i reload the player with a different sound, and when clicking play for a second time, the file plays instantly.
What would cause the player to lag on the first play?
The delay is due to AVAudioPlayer being initialised. Please see this answer.
The audio system runs on several asynchronous software processes (audio units, OS drivers, etc.) and hardware systems (DMA, DACs, audio amp power supplies, etc.) that never really all completely finish initialization until some sound is actually played all the way out the speakers or earphones.
Here's one method to do that: Create a sound file containing a half second of silence. On app start up, while your app and view controller are still loading, use AVAudioPlayer to play this file of silence. Now when your view finishes loading, AVAudioPlayer should be ready to play subsequent non-silent sounds much faster, since some audio (silence) has already already gone all the way out to the speakers.
What kind of sound are you playing? Alerts, something longer? If alerts, I did go this way and it's much better with lags ...
create system sound with AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID
play system sound with AudioServicesPlaySystemSound
dispose system sound with AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID
... you only need to store SystemSoundID for each sound you would like to play.

AudioServices (Easy), AVAudioPlayer (Medium), OpenAL (Hard & Overkill?)

I need to play sounds (~5 seconds each) throughout my iphone application. When they're triggered, they need to play immediately.
For the moment I'm using AudioServices and (as you probably know) the first time you play a sound it lags, then every time there after it's perfect. Is there some code available that's clever enough to preload an AudioServices sound (by playing it silently maybe?). I've read adjusting the system volume programmatically will get your app rejected, so that's not an option. Seems AudioServices isn't made for volume correction from what I can see.
I've looked into OpenAL and while feasible seems a little over kill. AVAudioPlayer seems like a little bit of a better option, I'm using that for background music at present. Extending my music player to handle a 'sound board' might be my last resort.
On the topic of OpenAL, does anyone know of a place with a decent (app store friendly) OpenAL wrapper for the iPhone?
Thanks in advance
Finch could be perfect for you. It’s a tiny wrapper around OpenAL with very low latency and simple API. See also all SO questions tagged ‘Finch’.
If you use an AVAudioPlayer, you can call prepareToPlay when you initialize the object to reduce the delay between calling play and having the audio start.

background music stops after 3/4 runs in iphone app

I am playing sounds in loop in my app. So it should continue playing through out the app. but sometimes it stops after playing sound for 3/4 times.I don't understand whats happening.
I am using audio-toolbox framework for playing sound. creating audio queue and then playing sounds in loop. I am also playing sound from ipod library using mediaplayer. Same thing happening with song from ipod.
I have set [musicPlayer setRepeatMode: MPMusicRepeatModeOne]; but still it stops after 3/4 times.
How exactly are you playing the sound? Show us the code. Do you use System Sound Services? They are not meant to play longer sounds, quote Audio Toolbox Reference:
You can use System Sound Services to
play short (30 seconds or less)
This could be the source of your problem. But until you show us the code we can’t but guess.