How to display all compile errors in Netbeans as a task list? - netbeans

Is there a way in Netbeans 7.2 to have all compile errors of all open projects display in some task list, just like the "Action Items" do? I just can't find any.
The reason behind this is that I make some method signature change that for example affects 20 different callers which I'd like to change successively without having to work through the project tree.

You can create a filter for this in the Action Items Window: Action
Items Filter -> New (check compile errors)
Set scope of Action Items to "all opened projects"


Eclipse 4 RCP: What is the difference between Handled ToolItem/Direct ToolItem/Toolcontrol?

When adding a new item to a toolbar, you are given the option to choose Handled ToolItem, Direct ToolItem and Toolcontrol:
What is the difference between these three choices? I can't find the documentation for these anywhere.
'Handled' items are used when you have defined a command id and one or more handlers for the command. In the HandledToolItem you specify the id of the command that is to be executed.
'Direct' items are used when you just want to specify a Java class to be executed without using a command id and separate handler.
Toolcontrol is used when you want to write you own code for the control in the tool bar (something like a Combo for example).

deleting an element in debug mode in eclipse

I'm running my code in debug mode in eclipse and in the middle of it, I want to change the size of a List,say from 9 to 6, by deleting 3 elements.
But I'm not seeing any option to do that, in fact what I'm seeing is the option to change the values present in the elements.
So how can I delete the elements itself from the List ?
Make sure you have the "Variables" tabs on eclipse "Debug" view focused on your current evaluated code.
In "Debug" view, right-click on "Value" cell inside the "Variables" table, and select "Change value".
You will have an option to write a Java expression so you can add something like:
yourList.add("newItem"); or: yourList.remove(0);
Make sure to reload the variable ("F5") once you are done and you will see the updated state.
Note that not every List implementation supports add() or remove() methods.
See this for more details if you encounter an exception.
See also:
Eclipse docs - Variables view
Eclipse docs - Change variable value
I was looking to do something similar. I had an ArrayList containing 1 element, and I wanted to remove it.
I tried #Leet-Falcon's answer, e.g. yourList.remove(0), and Eclipse replied "Unsupported operation exception".
What ended up working was : return new java.util.ArrayList<>();
Looks like the "Debug Shell" view allows this, or additionally if it's a simple enough list, the following simple Change Variable can also work:
new ArrayList<String>(java.util.Arrays.asList("1","2")) // or any other simple list
Modifying Java Collection (List) Variable in Eclipse Debugger

Custom content assist for default java editor in Eclipse

I'm currently trying to develop an Eclipse Plugin to support code replacement, like what the default content assist in Eclipse do. What I want to implement is something like "insert argument names automatically on method completion with visualized box around the argument" and I can "use the Tab key to navigate between the inserted names" and "while navigating, list of optional variables for current argument can be displayed and be chosen".
In short, it comes to two questions:
How to add the visualized box around the already existed variable or even Java keywords that need replacement? And at the meanwhile I can use Tab key to switch between these boxes.
How to display a list of candidates to select from when I trigger on the box?
By now I only figure out the extension point : org.eclipse.jdt.ui.javaCompletionProposalComputer may be useful, but I have no idea where to start at? Thanks in advance.
Oh, finally I've solved it myself...
For the 'box', it should be the LinkedModeModel, this class should work with LinkedPositionGroup and LinkedPosition to add mutiple boxes. And we should use LinkedModeUI to set it up.
For the content assistant, there's no need to use the extension point. There is a ProposalPosition class which extends LinkedPosition for you to add your proposals for the 'box' in its constructor. And we can simply use the CompletionProposal to construct a ICompletionProposal array as the argument of ProposalPosition's constructor.

Eclipse Task List - Mark Completed is not Active

The Title says it all. I am using ADT and I have a source code full of //TODO tags.
I can go through the tags using the Tasks View but when I want to mark a task as completed the Mark Completed option is grayed out.
what is the cause of this and how can I fix it ? deleting the //TODO tags for completed tasks is not an option, I want to be able to review my changes later.
Create another task flag in Preferences->Java->Compiler->Task Tags, say // DONE.
Then when you fix a TODO, change it in to a DONE which will still remain in the Tasks view but be distingishable
You can only mark tasks completed that you add through the add Task menu option in the Tasks view, you can't do this for tasks created because of // TODO.
This is described in Elipse bug 309567
Tasks created through using // TODO can not be set to Complete. They have to be created using the Add Task...-dialog and there are two ways to do this:
If you want your task to be pointing to a piece of code then right-click on the marker bar or the line number of the row and select Add Task.... This will allow you to add a task which can be set to Complete and it will also take you to your code if you double-click on it in Tasks-view.
Here's a guide with images:
If you want to add a more general task with no path-, location- and resource-information/connection then instead go to the Tasks-view, right-click and select "Add Task...". This task will show up in Tasks and you can mark it as complete, but it will not take you anywhere in your code when double-clicked.
I know this question is years old, but for others that read this, this is how I handle task tags.
All my tags begin with ! such as !Bug, !Improve so that the task manager will not find all the uses of these words that are not part of a task. Task comments always begin with a task tag. All of this makes it easy to sort the list of tags found to group them b type.
There is a low priority !Resolved tag so when a task is resolved all that is needed it to add Resolved after the existing ! which leaves in in the task list for future reference.
// !Question find why fudge factors are necessary
// !Resolved Question find why fudge factors are necessary
Because this can be used along with "Add Task" it adds another level of reporting, especially if the same tags are used in the add task dialog. The issues I have with add task is they don't seem to be editable, and they are not easily seen when reading though the source without clicking on the task icon, and I do not know if they get included in the source control. I do like that they can be marked completed and the task view can omit them.

TYPO3 Extension Manager: Button "Only display updatable extensions" is not displayed

If I open the extension manager, switch to the tab Import Extensions and select the filter I get the following options:
Display all extensions (empty)
Only display installed extensions (working)
There should also be a Only display updatable extensions selection but this isn't displayed. What is the reason therefore?
I made a TYPO3 update to 4.7.2 and perhaps thats the reason why it isn't correctly displayed?
The repository is up to date.
The filter has been moved from the Import Extensions to the Available Extensions tab.
You do not actually want to import an extension, but update an existing one.
Just suggestion: I had similar issues with button displaying in EM before (4.6.x) (ie. Install ext button) and realised, that the button is available, but sprite image had wrong position which caused that the button was transparent,
Try to use ie FireBug to check it, and eventually fix the CSS (and report the bug)
Some doom apparently, I just had identical situation just seconds ago ;) Fortunately found the reason: the ext list is displayed with ExtJS grid, which can contain custom filtering per column. Literally: when you for an example click on the column's dropdown arrow, you can in its filter set some value to narrow the search results.
Ie.: in the main filter field write news and additionally in the Extension Key column set other filter tt_news. (if you want to display only %tt_news% in result list of %news%)
In that case even if you'll clear the main filter, the one set on the column will stay active, so next time when you'll try to search for realurl in main filter, it will return empty list as Extension Key filter is still set to tt_news.
Weeeird, however helped me :)
You can recognize filtered columns as their names are written with cursive, finally you can just check every column and disable any filtering on each.