mongodb - Sub document id value - mongodb

I have a collection.
{ "_id" : 13.0 , "tenantref" : { "$id" : 3.0}}
I need to retrieve the value of id 3.0 using java.
I am getting null pointer exception.
BasicDBObject field = new BasicDBObject();
BasicDBObject field = new BasicDBObject();
field.put("tenantref.$id", 1);
DBCursor cursor = mongo.getDB("number").getCollection("testthree").find(query,field);
while (cursor.hasNext())
I am getting null pointer exception. How do I need to get the value?"tenantref.$id"));
The get() function of BasicDBObject does not support the dot syntax. You have to traverse the object hierarchy by hand. Try


MongoDB project nested element in _id field

I'm stuck in something very stupid but I can't get out from my own.
MongoDB v4.2 and I have a collection with documents like this:
{"_id":{"A":"***","B":0}}, "some other fields"...
I'm working on top of mongo-c driver and I want to query only the "_id.B" field but I don't know how I can do it. I have tried:
"projection":{"_id.B":1}: It returns me the whole _id object. _id.A & _id.B.
"projection":{"_id.A":0,"All other fields except _id.B":0}: Returns same as above.
"projection":{"_id.A":0,"_id.B":1}: Returns nothing.
How I can do it to get only some object elements when this object is inside the _id field? The first option works for me with objects that aren't inside the _id field but not here.
Best regards, thanks for your time.
You can use MongoDB's $project in aggregation to do this. You can also use $addFields to get _id.B into new field + all other fields in document & finally project _id :0.
var coll = localDb.GetCollection("yourCollectionName");
var project = new BsonDocument
new BsonDocument
{ "_id.B": 1 }
var pipeline = new[] { project };
var result = coll.Aggregate(pipeline);
Test : MongoDB-Playground

Grails Mongo Low Level API

What would be the equivalent of this line in groovy code when using the Mongo low level API?
This line successfully finds the appropriate record for me in the Mongo shell but I tried many variations of it in my controller method and I keep getting NULL. Heres is my current attempt which is failing:
MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
DB db = mongoClient.getDB("twcdb");
DBCollection coll = db.getCollection('countrycodes')
println coll.find("Country":"Antarctica")
I know my collection and db is non NULL because when I do find() I do get a valid cursor back through which I can print the first record in collection. Here is the record I am trying to find:
"_id" : ObjectId("539848b2119918654e7e90b1"),
"Country" : "Antarctica",
"Alpha2" : "AQ",
"Aplha3" : "ATA",
"Numeric" : "10",
"FIPS" : "AY",
"IGA" : ""
Try this:
def cursor = coll.find()
def obj =
while (obj.Country != 'Antarctica') {
obj =
It is inefficient, you will have to traverse the whole collection everytime to find a record, but it will end up with 'obj' being the record you need.
Try below code and see if it works.
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("Country", "Antartica");
def cursor = coll.find(query)
try {
while(cursor.hasNext()) {
} finally {
For more info look here:

How to pass BasicDBList of $OR criteria to QueryBuilder?

My app is dynamically generating a mongo query via a QueryBuilder. I'm trying to make it so that the passed text can be compared against several fields in my collection. I need to iterate through data in order to know what to add to the $OR ( 'text_to_compare' vs title field, 'text_to_compare vs body field), so I've been trying to store each section of the $OR clause in a BasicDBList as follows:
BasicDBObject orsDBObject = new BasicDBObject();
BasicDBList orsList = new BasicDBList();
for( String dbFieldNameInstance: listDBFieldName ){
QueryBuilder innerQB = new QueryBuilder();
innerQB.put(dbFieldNameInstance).is(obj.getValue()); //using this inner QueryBuilder to assist in creating the document
orsDBObject.putAll(orsList); //put each of the BasicDBList items into a BasicDBObject
qb.or(orsDBObject); //finally, add the entire $OR clause to my bigger querybuilder
System.out.println("qb: " + qb.get());
It seems like I might be jumping through more conversions than are necessary. It isn't working either. The output from the above ends up looking like this:
qb: { "$or" : [ { "0" : { "primary_industries_names" : "electrical"} , "1" : { "primary_industries_aliases" : "electrical"} , "2" : { "secondary_industries_names" : "electrical"} , "3" : { "secondary_industries_aliases" : "electrical"} , "4" : { "product_experience_names" : "electrical"} , "5" : { "product_experience_aliases" : "electrical"}}]}
For the most part it looks right to me, however I don't think the "0": should be appearing in there. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You kind of have that the wrong way around. Not re-writing your code, but you should get the idea:
// Before the loop
QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder();
// And loop things like this
for ( ) {
qb.or(new BasicDBObject("this","that"));
// After loop
If you are trying to nest several conditions then you seem to be missing the $and operator. Consider the following:
QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder();
for (int x=0; x<2;x++) {
qb.or(new BasicDBObject("this","that"));
QueryBuilder qb2 = new QueryBuilder();
QueryBuilder qb3 = new QueryBuilder();
for (int x=0; x<2;x++) {
qb3.or(new BasicDBObject("something", "else"));

mongodb java to insert embedded document

I have a collection with embedded documents in it.
System_Info: ...,
Tenant: [
Tenant_Id: ...,
Tenant_Info: ...,
Prop_Info: ...
Tenant_Id: ...,
Tenant_Info: ...,
Prop_Info: ...
} ]
If I need to insert another tenant information like this
Tenant { Tenant_Id:2,Tenant_Info:"check",prop_info:"client"}.
whats the mongodb query to insert embedded documents? and how to do it using java?
Use the following code to insert into array :
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
query.put( "System_Info", "...." );
BasicDBObject tenant = new BasicDBObject();
tenant.put("Tenant_Id", 2);
tenant.put("Tenant_Info", "check");
tenant.put("Prop_Info", "client");
BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
update.put("$push", new BasicDBObject("Tenant",tenant));
coll.update(query, update,true,true);
Are you trying to add another Tenant into the array? If so, you would want to create a DBObject representing the Tenant, and then $push it onto the array.
In Java, embedded documents are represented by DBObjects (of which BasicDBObject is a subclass). Here is an example of inserting an embedded document, from the docs:
Additionally, here is an example of using $push in Java:
Updating an array in MongoDB using Java driver
...and this is how to do it with mongo-driver version >= 3.1 (mine is 3.2.2):
Document tenant = new Document("Tenant_Id", 2)
.append("Tenant_Info", "check")
.append("Prop_Info", "client");
Bson filter = Filters.eq( "System_Info", "...." ); //get the parent-document
Bson setUpdate = Updates.push("Tenant", tenant);
coll.updateOne(filter, setUpdate);
Hope that helps someone.

Remove an array entry in an object using spring data mongodb

I recently spent some time trying to use the $pull operator through Spring's Data MongoOperations interface, so I thought it would be nice to share my findings in case anyone bumps into a similar problem.
So here it goes...
I have 2 java POJOs like so :
public class OutterObject{
private String id;
private String name;
private List<InnerDocument> innerDocs;
public class InnerDocument{
private String id;
private String name;
This is stored in a Mongo collection like so :
"_id" : "doc2",
"_class" : "OutterObject",
"name" : "doc2",
"innerDocs" : [{
"_id" : "innerDoc21",
"name" : "innerDoc21"
}, {
"_id" : "innerDoc22",
"name" : "innerDoc22"
I'm trying to use the $pull operator in order to remove all objects inside the innerDoc collection having a name value = "innerDoc22".
I know how to accomplish this using the mongo driver like so :
List<String> ids =
BasicDBObject find = new BasicDBObject();
BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$in", ids).get());
BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("name", "innerDoc22").get()).get());
DBCollection col= mongoOperations.getDb().getCollection("outterObject");
col.update(find , update);
I'm trying to accomplish the same thing using Spring's MongoOperations Interface.
Here is my code using the MongoOperations interface :
List<String> ids = Arrays.asList("innerDoc22");
Query removeQuery = Query.query(Criteria.where("").in(ids));
WriteResult wc = mongoOperations.upsert(
new Update().pull("", "innerDoc22"),
I'm not getting any errors when calling getLastError() the update is simply not done in the database.
I know a similar question has already been asked here but the answer that was given does not use the MongoOperations interface.
After searching a bit and looking at the source code I realized that I needed to pass an InnerDocument object as a second parameter to the pull method so that the spring classes would be able to do the mapping correctly.
As it turns out I can navigate objects while selecting objects (I'm using "" in the removeQuery) but I cannot (or havent found a way) do the same when updating a document.
Below is how I implemented the query using MongoOperations :
List<String> ids = Arrays.asList("innerDoc22", "innerDoc21");
Query removeQuery = Query.query(Criteria.where("").in(ids));
WriteResult wc =
new Update().pull("innerDocs",
new InnerDocument("innerDoc22", null)),
You can also use the BasicDBObject instead of the InnerDocument I found this out by accident. By printing out the update object, you can see the actual mongo shell query json, which is super helpful for debugging.
Update updateObj = new Update()
.pull("innerDocs", new BasicDBObject("","innerDoc22"));
System.out.println("UPDATE OBJ: " + updateObj.toString());
results in:
UPDATE OBJ: { "$pull" : { "innerDocs" : { "" : "innerDoc22"}}}
I tried the solution given by med116 and I had to modify it to work :
Update updateObj = new Update().pull("innerDocs", new BasicDBObject("name","innerDoc22"));
Because otherwise there was no matching object in my array.
in spring data mongo,just like this:
//remove array's one elem
UpdateResult wc = mongoTemplate.upsert(removeQuery,new Update().pull("tags",Query.query(Criteria.where("tag").is("java"))),TestPull.class);
//remove array's multi-elem
UpdateResult wc1 = mongoTemplate.upsert(removeQuery,new Update().pull("tags",Query.query(Criteria.where("tag").in(Arrays.asList("mongo", "netty")))),TestPull.class);
If you simply want to remove an element from array which does not have any other property like name then write the query you wish and
Update update = new Update();
That's my solution - thanks to #ufasoli:
public Mono<ProjectChild> DeleteCritTemplChild(String id, String idch) {
Query query = new Query();
Update update = new Update();
update.set("tasks.$", null);
return template
// findAndModify:
// Find/modify/get the "new object" from a single operation.
query, update,
new FindAndModifyOptions().returnNew(true), ProjectChild.class
This works for me!
UpdateResult updateResult = mongoTemplate.updateMulti(new Query(where("id").is(activity.getId())), new Update().pull("comments", new Query(where("id").is(commentId))), Activity.class);
It will generate:
Calling update using query: { "_id" : { "$oid" : "61f900e7c7b79442eb3855ea"}} and update: { "$pull" : { "comments" : { "_id" : "61fac32e3f9ab5646e016bc8"}}} in collection: activity