Why does CasperJS form submit not redirect to the next page? - coffeescript

This is my first casper test, so I'm still struggling with the basics. I would like to fill in the username and password on my login form, then submit it. And then confirm if a 'log off' link is rendered on the next page (confirming that the user has been logged in).
But as far as I can tell, when then is called, the url is still the same. Looks like no post or redirect to the next page is happening. What am I doing wrong?
casper.start "http://test.local.mycompany.local/", ->
#echo 'at ' + #getCurrentUrl()
#fill 'form', { UserAlias : 'joe', Password : 'password' }, true
casper.then ->
#echo 'at ' + #getCurrentUrl()
#test.assertExists '#log-off-link', 'log-off link exists'
casper.run ->
So the echo of #getCurrentUrl both returns the same URL, which is wrong.

You can try to use chrome extension ressurectio to generate automated tests, for casperjs, in browser. It's very simple to use and useful. May be in a few lines(- part of generated code) you should to make some fixes but anyway it's very useful and convenient.

I had the same problem. One day my casper tests stopped working. More exactly casperjs stopped following redirects. The problem really was that my server was returning an invalid HTTP set-cookie header (with an invalid date). This was due to a configuration problem with the expiration date. Anyway, it seems that if there is an incorrect value in some header value something makes casperjs to ignore other header values such as the "location" http header for redirects.
Once I fixed the problem with the expiration date in the cookies the HTTP set-cookie header was ok and casperjs started to follow again the redirects.
Hope this helps!

It is possible that casper doesn't find the fields by name. You could try
casper.start "http://test.local.mycompany.local/", ->
#echo 'at ' + #getCurrentUrl()
#fillSelectors 'form', { 'input[name=UserAlias]' : 'joe', 'input[name=Password]' : 'password' }, true
It should mean the same as your code, but sometimes it doesn't.


perl WWW::Mechanize can't seem to find the right form or assign fields or click submit

So I'm trying to create a perl script that logs in to SAP BusinessObjects Central Management Console (CMC) page but it doesn't even look like it's finding the right form or finding the right field or even clicking Submit.
Here's my code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use HTTP::Cookies;
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
$mech->field("_id2:logon:CMS", "MYSERVER:6400");
$mech->field("_id2:logon:SAP_SYSTEM", "");
$mech->field("_id2:logon:SAP_CLIENT", "");
$mech->field("_id2:logon:USERNAME", "MYUSER");
$mech->field("_id2:logon:PASSWORD", "MYPWD");
$mech->field("_id2:logon:AUTH_TYPE", "secEnterprise");
print $mech->content();
When I run it, I don't get any errors but the output I get is the login page again. Even more puzzling, it doesn't seem to be accepting the field values I send it (the output would display default values instead of the values I assign it). Putting in a wrong user or password doesn't change anything - no error but I just get the login page back with default values
I think the script itself is fine since I changed the necessary fields and I was able to log in to our Nagios page (the output page definitely shows Nagios details). I think the CMC page is not so simple, but I need help in figuring out how to make it work.
What I've tried:
use Data::Dumper;
print $mech->forms;
print Dumper($mech->forms());
What that gave me is:
Current form is: WWW::Mechanize=HASH(0x243d828)
Part of the Dumper output is:
'attr' => {
'target' => 'servletBridgeIframe',
'style' => 'display:none;',
'method' => 'post'
'inputs' => []
I'm showing just that part of the Dumper output because it seems that's the relevant part. When I tried the same thing with our Nagios page, the 'attr' section had a 'name' field which the above doesn't. The Nagios page also had entries for 'inputs' such as 'useralias' and 'password' but the above doesn't have any entries.
Since I wasn't sure I was referencing the form correctly, I just had it try using the first form it finds (the page only has one form anyway). My result was the same - no error and the output is the login page with default values.
I messed around with escaping (with '\') the underscore (_) and colon (:) in the field names.
I've searched and didn't find anything that said I had to escape any characters but it was worth a shot. All I know is, the Nagios page field names only contained letters and it worked.
I got field names from Chrome's developer tool. For example, the User Name form field showed:
<input type="text" id="_id2:logon:USERNAME" name="_id2:logon:USERNAME" value="Administrator">
I don't know if Mechanize has a problem with names starting with underscore or names containing colons.
Since I wasn't sure the "Log On" button was being clicked I tried to specify it but it gave me an error:
No clickable input with name _id2:logon:logonButton at /usr/share/perl5/WWW/Mechanize.pm line 1676
That's probably because there is no name defined on the button (I used the id instead) but I thought it was worth a shot. Here's the code of the button:
<input type="submit" id="_id2:logon:logonButton" value="Log On" class="logonButtonNoHover logon_button_no_hover" onmouseover="this.className = 'logonButtonHover logon_button_hover';" onmouseout="this.className = 'logonButtonNoHover logon_button_no_hover';">
There's only one button on the form anyway so I shouldn't have needed to specify it (I didn't need to for the Nagios page)
The interactive shell of Mechanize
Here's the output when I tried to retrieve all forms on the page:
$ perl -MWWW::Mechanize::Shell -eshell
(no url)>get http://myserver:8080/BOE/CMC
Retrieving http://myserver:8080/BOE/CMC(200)
Form [1]
POST http://myserver:8080/BOE/CMC/1412201223/admin/logon.faces
I don't really know perl so I don't know how to troubleshoot this further - especially since I'm not seeing errors. If someone can direct me to other things to try, it would be helpful.
In this age of DOM and Javascript, there's lots of things that can go wrong with Web automation. From your results, it looks like maybe the form is built in browser space, which can be really hard to deal with programmatically.
The way to be sure is to dump the original response and look at the form code it contains.
If that turns out to be your problem, your simplest recourse is something like Mozilla::Mechanize.
When dealing with forms, it can sometimes be easier to replicate the request the form generates than to try to work with the form through Mechanize.
Try using your browser's developer tools to monitor what happens when you log into the site manually (in Firefox or Chrome it'll be under the Network tab), and then generate the same request with Mechanize.
For example, the resulting code MIGHT look something like:
my $post_data => {
'_id2:logon:CMS' => "MYSERVER:6400",
'_id2:logon:SAP_SYSTEM' => "",
'_id2:logon:SAP_CLIENT' => "",
'_id2:logon:USERNAME' => "MYUSER",
'_id2:logon:PASSWORD' => "MYPWD",
'_id2:logon:AUTH_TYPE' => "secEnterprise",
$mech->post($url, $post_data);
unless ($mech->success()){
warn "Failed to post to $url: " . $mech->response()->status_line() . "\n";
print $mech->content();
Where %post_data should match exactly the data that's passed in the manual post to the site and not just what's in the HTML--the keys or data could be transformed by javascript before the actual post is made.
I had someone more knowledgeable than me give me help. The main hurdle was how the page was constructed in frames and how it operated. Here are the details:
The URL of the frame that contained the login page is "http://myserver:8080/BOE/CMC/0000000000/myuser/logon.faces". The main frame of the page had a form in it, but it wasn't the logon form, which explains why the form from my original code didn't have the logon fields I was expecting.
The other "gotcha" that I ran into was that after a successful logon, the site redirects you to a different URL: "http://myserver:8080/BOE/CMC/0000000000/myuser/App/home.faces?service=%2Fmyuser%2FApp%2F". So to check a successful login, I had to get this URL and check for whatever text I decided to look for.
I also had to refer to the logon form by id and not by name (since the form did not have a name).
Here's the working code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use HTTP::Cookies;
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
$mech->field("_id2:logon:CMS", "MYSERVER:6400");
$mech->field("_id2:logon:SAP_SYSTEM", "");
$mech->field("_id2:logon:SAP_CLIENT", "");
$mech->field("_id2:logon:USERNAME", "MyUser");
$mech->field("_id2:logon:PASSWORD", "MyPwd");
$mech->field("_id2:logon:AUTH_TYPE", "secEnterprise");
$output_page = $mech->content();
if (index($output_page, "Welcome:") != -1)
print "\n\n+++++ Successful login! ++++++\n\n";
print "\n\n----- Login failed!-----\n\n";
For validating that I had successfully logged in, I kept it very simple and just searched for the "Welcome:" text (as in "Welcome: MyUser").

The "state" param from the URL and session do not match

In facebook documantion
require('include/facebook/autoload.php'); //SDK directory
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook([
'app_id' => '***********',
'app_secret' => '***********************'
$helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
$permissions = ['email', 'public_profile']; // optional
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl('http://www.meusite.com.br/login-callback.php', $permissions);
When direct it to the url $loginUrl, the return is:
Facebook SDK returned an error: Cross-site request forgery validation failed. The "state" param from the URL and session do not match
I had the same error.
The problem occurred because I did getLoginUrl(...) before getAccessToken()
So rid of getLoginUrl(...) in redirected URL and code should works.
I had the same issue and for me that error was occurring because I did not put session_start(); in my login.php page code before calling getLoginUrl(..) and also at the top of login-callback.php page.
Just put session_start(); in your "login" page and "login-callback" page and it will work surely just like it is working for me now.
There could be 2 reason for this error:
you didn't call session_start(); before getLoginUrl call
You executed getLoginUrl again in login-callback.php, so state value regenerated and mismatched with the redirected value
Possible Fixes : I used the following configuration settings .
Enable WebAuthLogin under the advanced tab . Provide the url in the WebAuthLogin settins as same as that you provide in $loginUrl ;
For example if you use $loginUrl as https://example.com/ use that same in the WebAuthlogin Url
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl('https://example.com/', $permissions);
This problem occures also in case that you generate 2 or more login links on the same page (e.g. one for login and other for registration - even both point to the same url, they have just different labels).
Facebook SDK creates/updates $_SESSION[FBRLH_state] for each new generated loginURL. So if there are 2 generated URLs (using $helper->getLoginUrl()) then the $_SESSION[FBRLH_state] is 2-times rewritten and valid only for the last generated URL. Previous login URL becomes invalid. It means that it is not possible to generate 2 valid loginURLs. In case that 2 same URLs are generated then return the first one and avoid call of Facebook SDK for generation of second one.
I had the same problem.
The reason for this error is because --->
When "$helper->getLoginUrl" calls, it create a session variable "FB_State", and this is something to FB uses to match the token. Every-time getLoginUrl calls, it create new state. Then after user authorized and redirect back, if you codes cannot detect this event and re-run "$helper->getLoginUrl", then this error will occur.
The solution ->
refine your coding, stop run "$helper->getLoginUrl" again if authorized.
if you already rerun, then set the session variable for the token to NULL if you have, then User can re-authorize again.
when user tries re-authorize, they can remove the authorized APP once or you need to generate new link with "$helper->getReRequestUrl"
Yet, token has be called by "getAccessToken()" before the "$helper->getLoginUrl" or "$helper->getReRequestUrl" runs.
Good Luck!!!!!
Finally, looking into FB code, I discovered that the problem "Cross-site request forgery validation failed. Required param “state” missing" and similars are caused by PHP variable $_SESSION['FBRLH_state'] that for some "strange" reason when FB call the login-callback file.
To solve it I store this variable "FBRLH_state" AFTER the call of function $helper->getLoginUrl(...). Is very important to do only after the call of this function due to is inside this function when the variable $_SESSION['FBRLH_state'] is populated.
Below an example of my code in the login.php:
$uri=$helper->getLoginUrl($uri, $permissions);
foreach ($_SESSION as $k=>$v) {
if(strpos($k, "FBRLH_")!==FALSE) {
if(!setcookie($k, $v)) {
} else {
And in the login-callback.php before calling all FB code:
foreach ($_COOKIE as $k=>$v) {
if(strpos($k, "FBRLH_")!==FALSE) {
Last, but not least, remember also to include code for PHP session so..
if(!session_id()) {
<?php session_write_close() ?>
I hope this response can help you to save 8-10 hours of work :)
Bye, Alex.
This issue was a bit confusing for me, because I had to change a line at the facebook src file:
at the function: "validateCsrf" like this:
if ($result !== 0) {
throw new FacebookSDKException('Cross-site request forgery validation failed. The "state" param from the URL and session do not match.');
And change it into:
if ($result === 0) {
throw new FacebookSDKException('Cross-site request forgery validation failed. The "state" param from the URL and session do not match.');
I don't know if this makes a violation to the facebook SDK security, so I truly opened to any exlanation or recommendation for this answer.
You may also make the following changes at the facebook app manager:
add your site and callback-url into your facebook app account at:
setting->advanced:Valid OAuth redirect URIs
Don't forget to add another url with slash (/) at the end of each url and check all 4 checkboxes at Client OAuth Settings.
I had the same error. Are you using 1 file or 2? I was trying to get by using 1 file but my error was resolved when I split into login.php & fb-callback.php as the documentation recommended. My sessions were being re-written so the state was never saved properly.
Good luck!
Happens when the session in missing a needed variable.
might be caused by several things.
In my case I left the "www" out of the callback URL
You could actually be parsing the data from another domain... for example:
website.com is different from www .website.com
If you're parsing data from http ://website.com/login.php to http://www.website.com/fb-callback.php this would be a cross-domain problem and the error you are receiving would be because of that....
http ://website.com and http ://www.website.com are the same but the script identifies them as different..... hope that gives insight to the problem.

rails devise gem redirect loop

I'm using the devise gem with a rails 4.1.4 app, and needed to add some custom key-value pairs in a session variable right after a user has signed in. I overrode the following methods after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
after_resetting_password_path_for(resource) methods as prescribed here:
Yet, on signing in, I enter the after_sign_in_path_for multiple times, with the following output:
Started GET "/users/sign_in" for at 2014-10-08 22:56:45 +0530
Processing by Devise::SessionsController#new as HTML
User Load (0.3ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = 1 ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/users/sign_in
Filter chain halted as :require_no_authentication rendered or redirected
Completed 302 Found in 3ms (ActiveRecord: 0.6ms)
each time, before finally redirecting me to the root path. (The browser temporarily shows the redirect loop error message before redirecting me to the root).
So turns out that since I have 2 different devise models (users and admins), this line of code in after_sign_in_path_for:
sign_in_url = url_for(:action => 'new', :controller => 'sessions', :only_path => false, :protocol => 'http')
is creating the url "http://localhost:3000/admins/sign_in" instead of "http://localhost:3000/users/sign_in"
How do I make url_for default to the users model and not the admin model?
Ran into this issue myself. For whatever reason, url_for seems to default to the admin (no idea why) The good news is that you don't have to use url_for to accomplish this.
Instead, get rid of
sign_in_url = url_for(:action => 'new', :controller => 'sessions', :only_path => false, :protocol => 'http')
and replace
if request.referer == sign_in_url
if request.referer == new_user_session_url
The helper makes your code cleaner and allow you to specify which devise model you want.

Strange issue submitting form with ExtJS

I have worked some time now with ExtJS and never had a problem with submitting form. But now there is a form that is not making the POST call to the php file. And is returning me failure.
onSaveBtn : function() {
var formPanel = this.getComponent('planillaForm');
if (formPanel.getForm().isValid()) {
var vals = formPanel.getValues();
var msg = String.format(
this.el.mask(msg, 'x-mask-loading');
url : 'sistema/planilla/setPlanilla.php',
scope : this,
success : this.onFormSaveSuccess,
failure : this.onFormSaveFailure
else {
I have always worked with this "template" for Form submitting and it have never failed. I dont know what is happening but he never makes the POST and it jumps to the failure function "onFormSaveFailure". I have changed the url and nothing. I dont know what to do and I am kinda in a hurry. Please help.
There could be one of many things going on. You will need to debug it further. These are the steps I would do :
Make sure the URL is valid. I would use fiddler (or a similar program) to look at my request. Make sure the URL I am trying to submit to is valid. The likely problem there is that you are using a relative path for your url, it uses the current url as the context.
Make sure the php file is getting hit (break point, print statement...).
Make sure the php file is not crashing, exceptions thrown from the server side would result in the failure function getting called.
Make sure the php file is returning something that indicates success. If the returning JSON string has {success : false} the request would be considered to be fail.
the this.onFormSaveFailure function takes in 2 parameters : "form" and "action", the "action" object has a "failureType", use a javascript debugger to look at the value of that.

How do I use and debug WWW::Mechanize?

I am very new to Perl and i am learning on the fly while i try to automate some projects for work. So far its has been a lot of fun.
I am working on generating a report for a customer. I can get this report from a web page i can access.
First i will need to fill a form with my user name, password and choose a server from a drop down list, and log in.
Second i need to click a link for the report section.
Third a need to fill a form to create the report.
Here is what i wrote so far:
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
my $url = 'http://X.X.X.X/Console/login/login.aspx';
$mech->get( $url );
form_number => 1,
fields =>{
'ctl00$ctl00$cphVeriCentre$cphLogin$txtUser' => 'someone',
'ctl00$ctl00$cphVeriCentre$cphLogin$txtPW' => '12345',
'ctl00$ctl00$cphVeriCentre$cphLogin$ddlServers' => 'Live',
button => 'Sign-In'
die unless ($mech->success);
I dont understand why, but, after this i look at the what dump outputs and i see the code for the first login page, while i belive i should have reached the next page after my successful login.
Could there be something with a cookie that can effect me and the login attempt?
Anythings else i am doing wrong?
Appreciate you help,
This is several months after the fact, but I resolved the same issue based on a similar questions I asked. See Is it possible to automate postback from the client side? for more info.
I used Python's Mechanize instead or Perl, but the same principle applies.
Summarizing my earlier response:
ASP.NET pages need a hidden parameter called __EVENTTARGET in the form, which won't exist when you use mechanize normally.
When visited by a normal user, there is a __doPostBack('foo') function on these pages that gives the relevant value to __EVENTTARGET via a javascript onclick event on each of the links, but since mechanize doesn't use javascript you'll need to set these values yourself.
The python solution is below, but it shouldn't be too tough to adapt it to perl.
def add_event_target(form, target):
#Creates a new __EVENTTARGET control and adds the value specified
#.NET doesn't generate this in mechanize for some reason -- suspect maybe is
#normally generated by javascript or some useragent thing?
form.new_control('hidden','__EVENTTARGET',attrs = dict(name='__EVENTTARGET'))
form["__EVENTTARGET"] = target
You can only mechanize stuff that you know. Before you write any more code, I suggest you use a tool like Firebug and inspect what is happening in your browser when you do this manually.
Of course there might be cookies that are used. Or maybe your forgot a hidden form parameter? Only you can tell.
WWW::Mechanize should take care of cookies without any further intervention.
You should always check whether the methods you called were successful. Does the first get() work?
It might be useful to take a look at the server logs to see what is actually requested and what HTTP status code is sent as a response.
If you are on Windows, use Fiddler to see what data is being sent when you perform this process manually, and then use Fiddler to compare it to the data captured when performed by your script.
In my experience, a web debugging proxy like Fiddler is more useful than Firebug when inspecting form posts.
I have found it very helpful to use Wireshark utility when writing web automation with WWW::Mechanize. It will help you in few ways:
Enable you realize whether your HTTP request was successful or not.
See the reason of failure on HTTP level.
Trace the exact data which you pass to the server and see what you receive back.
Just set an HTTP filter for the network traffic and start your Perl script.
The very short gist of aspx pages it that they hold all of the local session information within a couple of variables prefixed by "__" in the general aspxform. Usually this is a top level form and all form elements will be part of it, but I guess that can vary by implementation.
For the particular implementation I was dealing with I needed to worry about 2 of these state variables, specifically:
Your goal is to make sure that these variables are submitted into the form you are submitting, since they might be part of that main form aspxform that I mentioned above, and you are probably submitting a different form than that.
When a browser loads up an aspx page a piece of javascript passes this session information along within the asp server/client interaction, but of course we don't have that luxury with perl mechanize, so you will need to manually post these yourself by adding the elements to the current form using mechanize.
In the case that I just solved I basically did this:
my $browser = WWW::Mechanize->new( );
# fetch the login page to get the initial session variables
my $login_page = 'http://www.example.com/login.aspx';
$response = $browser->get( $login_page);
# very short way to find the fields so you can add them to your post
$viewstate = ($browser->find_all_inputs( type => 'hidden', name => '__VIEWSTATE' ))[0]->value;
$validation = ($browser->find_all_inputs( type => 'hidden', name => '__EVENTVALIDATION' ))[0]->value;
# post back the formdata you need along with the session variables
$browser->post( $login_page, [ username => 'user', password => 'password, __VIEWSTATE => $viewstate, __EVENTVALIDATION => $validation ]);
# finally get back the content and make sure it looks right
print $response->content();