Upload photo to facebook with tags - facebook

I'm creating a Facebook Flash app and I'm having trouble uploading a photo to Facebook with myself or friends tagged. I am stuck at this for a whole time now and couldn't find the solution
First of all here are the permissons I want the app to have.
Here is what I do to upload the photo to Facebook without tags (this works):
var params:Object = {name: 'My Card', image:card, message: 'Greetings from Barcelona' , fileName:'Card'};
Facebook.api('me/photos', onSaveToPhotoAlbumComplete, params);
But when I want to add tags of friends or myself it doesn't work, Here is what I did (In this case I only want to tag myself in the picture):
var params:Object = {name: 'Rosada Face-It', image:card, message:message, fileName:'Face It!', tags:[{"id":myId,"x":50,"y":50}]};
Facebook.api('me/photos', onSaveToPhotoAlbumComplete, params);
I also tried it with quotes and "tag_uid" instead of "id" but that is not the problem I think:
tags:'[{"tag_uid":"'+ editorModel.tag1 +'","x":"50","y":"50"}]'
If somebody could help?

Looking at the API I think a seperate call may be needed to add tags
I think to create a tag you need to have the PHOTO_ID and then do a POST to PHOTO_ID/tags
var params:Object = {{"to":myId, "x":50, "y":50}]};
Facebook.api(photoId +"/tags", onPhotoTagged, params);


is it possible to retrieve Facebook user name or id from photo URL

If i have facebook users photo's URL, for example: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/885089_523687507674066_732194510_o.png
Can i retrieve user's name or id which own this photo?
First, fetch the photo_id from the url. For eg:
Link: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/885089_523687507674066_732194510_o.png
PhotoId: 523687507674066
Then make the \GET request to this ID. Just like this:
\GET http://graph.facebook.com/523687507674066
(you can validate this link in the browser)
You'll get the JSON response just like-
from: {
category: "Recreation/sports website",
name: "Emocje do pełna",
id: "290868840955935"
So, you just have to fetch the id from the from paramter
Yep https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=523687507674066 The middle number is the photo id
Late response on this - sorry.
Taking the middle number from the image file name, you can sometimes find the profile it came from.
www.facebookcreep.com has a tool for this. It takes the number and looks up to see if it can locate the profile. I believe the pictures needs to have been shared to public is the downfall though.

Through APIs: How to get publicly sharable link of a Facebook Album that is locked or set to private?

Is there a way to get the public link of a Facebook Album through the Facebook API (graph/fql) that can be shared with those who are not on Facebook?
This Album is not publicly accessible. It is restricted by the share permissions on the album set by the user. But I am looking for a way to generate the public link of this restricted album so whoever is sent this link can view the album unconditionally.
I know this is possible through the Share Album feature on the Facebook website through the Share Dialog: You can send this album to friends or relatives by giving them a link.
I couldn't find a way to to this in the Graph API.
EDIT: I'm talking about the public link that is available through this feature on facebook: facebook.com/help/124590517619792
You didn't provide an example or test case, nor any API code to work with. I'll use the following links for Facebook User Name Hostess as an example (long live Twinkies!).:
Main: https://www.facebook.com/Hostess
Photo Album: https://www.facebook.com/Hostess/photos_albums
First, we will need the Facebook User Number.
You can perform a GET request or type this into the browser:
Facebook User Info: http://graph.facebook.com/Hostess
To continue with this example, we will use the Facebook Number provided by the previous step:
Facebook ID: 145369525544570
Is there a way to get the public link of a Facebook Album through the
Facebook API (graph/fql) that can be shared with those who are not on
Yes there's a way! This link will provide you with json results for all albums, in this case 6:
Facebook Albums via json: http://graph.facebook.com/145369525544570/albums
To limit the returned results, you can use ?limit=1 (where 1 is the amount of albums returned):
Facebook Album (1) via json: http://graph.facebook.com/145369525544570/albums?limit=1
This Album is not publicly accessible. It is restricted by the share
permissions on the album set by the user. But I am looking for a way
to generate the public link of this restricted album so whoever is
sent this link can view the album unconditionally.
Your out of luck and there isn't a way. However, you don't have to be a Facebook Member to view the images in the Album. Using the json data from the previous step works when the Album is made public. Just use a simple GET request:
jsFiddle DEMO: Facebook Albums Links from Facebook ID
// Console log messages are provided, activate your browsers console.
url: 'http://graph.facebook.com/145369525544570/albums',
dataType: "json",
success: function(yourVar) {
// Make sure the request, 1 json object, was returned.
if (yourVar) {
console.log('This is the jQuery Object received. Click on it to explore contents');
// This will parse the Objects received in 'data' variable.
// Having said that, it's coincidental the data the wrapped in a 'data' name.
$(yourVar.data).each(function(index) {
// Only process Objects that have valid Album links.
// Having said that, only Photo Albums are returned in initial data, not Video Albums.
// Display in console the jQuery zero indexed number
console.info('Album Index object: ' + index);
// Display in HTML via append, the same information.
$('body').append('<b>Album Index Object: </b>' + index + '<br />');
// Display in console the Album Names available
console.info('Name: ' + this.name);
// Display in HTML via append, the same information.
$('body').append('<b>Name: </b>' + this.name + '<br />');
// Display in console the Album Name Url;
console.log('Url: ' + this.link);
// Display in HTML via append, the same information.
$('body').append('<b>Url: </b>' + this.link + '<br />');
// Display in console dashed lines before next item is shown.
// Display in HTML via append, the same information.
$('body').append('<hr><br /><br />');
} else {
console.log('Was data expected? Check your jQuery or JavaScript for errors.');
// Power-Tip!
// You can also use .ajax() with a YQL Rest Query url.
// See YQL Console with Rest Statement at:
// http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/console/?q=SELECT%20data.link%20FROM%20json%20WHERE%20url%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Fgraph.facebook.com%2F145369525544570%2Falbums%22&env=store%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltableswithkeys
// As seen there, the data.link is providing just the links.
// Change data.link to * to see all data nodes available in json tree.
// That being said, your .ajax() url for above is at the bottom: The Rest Query.
In Detail: Why it can't be done. (otherwise it's a security issue!!!)
Facebook Settings for Photos and Albums:
When I share something, how do I choose who can see it?
The above Facebook documentation states that if a Album is set to Private via Only Me, then it will only be available to you, even though you may have a shareable link for it.
To demonstrate that the Album/Photos is indeed locked and not shareable, here is an actual live test using Yahoo! Query Language to perform a request on a locked photo album:
Feel free to click the image to visit the above YQL Statement.
To be sure, the above example in itself shows that the link is not the issue, it's the content that is really the subject, as that's the item locked for which a Facebook Token key is required.

upload picture on timeline album of user using facebook c# sdk

I want to upload picture to timeline of user or page.
I am able to upload picture to users wall but it has created new album with my application name. But i want to upload picture to timeline album of user.
I have uploaded picture using bellow code
var result = client.Post("/"+ id +"/photos", postparameters);
I solved it.I just filtered id of the album where I wanted to post picture & passed it in place if "id" of above code.
var result = client.Post("/"+ album_id +"/photos", postparameters);
you can get album id dynamic :
dynamic albums = app.Get("me/albums");
string AlbumId="";
foreach (dynamic albumInfo in albums.data)
if(albumInfo.name == "Timeline Photos"){AlbumId=albumInfo.id; break;}
and the you can use AlbumId to post in the album .
msm2020 solution do the trick but don't forget to add the albums permission: user_photos

How to get facebook profile picture with 'F'-logo?

I use Graph API and I need to get users' profiles pictures by their UIDs.
It's easy to do: http://graph.facebook.com/[Facebook UID]/picture
I remember, some time ago, there was a litte Facebook Logo (litter 'f'-char) on these profile pictures. But now, I get only profile pictures without this logo.
How can I get images with this 'f'-logo?
Facebook doesn't store images with the 'f' on, so it's a little hacky to get at them.
I've found that this works:
You'll need the final image url, after graph.facebook.com/[id]/picture redirects.
eg. me
I think it's not possible using the graph api.
It was possible using FQL (dont know if it is still working):
SELECT pic_with_logo FROM user WHERE uid = "..."
or use xfbml with <fb:profile-pic facebook-logo="true">
With jQuery and JS API you can make an FQL call:
FB.api({ method: 'fql.query', query: 'SELECT uid, pic_with_logo FROM user WHERE uid = me()' }, function(response) {
var user = response[0];
$('#container').append('<img src="'+user.pic_with_logo+'"/><br>');
also you can try:
pic_small_with_logo, pic_big_with_logo, pic_square_with_logo and the pic_with_logo i use in example.
here is the user table:
Based on Tom's answer, Here is php example to get user's
$_json = json_decode(file_get_contents('http://graph.facebook.com/[FACEBOOK_UID]?fields=picture'));
if (isset($_json->picture)) {
header("Location: http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?&url=" . $_json->picture . "&logo");
Here is what we do:
Query picture url via opengraph
Get the picture url from json object
redirect the page to facebook image handler with addition &logo to url

Photos in the Facebook album not showing

I am using Facebook connect and JS client library to retrieve my photos in my Facebook account.
Below is my code:
<div id="photos_pics"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var widget_div = document.getElementById("photos_pics");
FB.ensureInit(function () {
FB.Facebook.get_sessionState().waitUntilReady(function() {
FB.Facebook.apiClient.photos_get('12345678', null, null, function(photos,e) {
var markup = "";
for (var i = 0; i < photos.length; i++) {
var photo = photos[i];
var photo_pid = photo.pid;
markup += '<fb:photo size="small" pid="'+photo_pid+'"></fb:photo>';
widget_div.innerHTML = markup;
The below method retrieves the photos:
FB.Facebook.apiClient.photos_get(uid, aid, null, result)
When I only specify uid which is my Facebook id, it works and photos (not in any albums) are returned. But when I specify one of my photo albums in aid, no results returned.
Anyone know what is the error I made? Thanks in advance.
I have recently been having a significant number of problems with retrieving photos from facebook lately as well. Almost always it is revolving around a recent change they have made to pid's. When viewing a photo in facebook you will see two query variables in your url pid and aid.
although this is deceiving because the recent change that facebook made to pid's is that they are actually in the form id_pid so if I were to include the above photo in an fb photo tag it would look like the following
<fb:photo size="small" pid="672915455_9513212"></fb:photo>
Although I am having lots of problem with this because in more than one place facebook is being inconsistent with which form of pid it will return or is looking for.
So my first suggestion is to see which style pid you are receiving and which ones you are trying to use. This is most likely your current problem.
Your next problem is going to be the fact that there is a current bug in the xfbml version of the fb:photo tag. Currently the tag errors out when parsing the new style tags that have an "_" in them. To get around this we simply made a query for the direct url that facebook uses for the image, and display it using a simple html img tag