Replace character with page break - ms-word

In MS Word I need to string replace a pattern ($$$newpage) with a page break. Is this possible with standard page search? Or do I need to do it programmatically?

go to "find and replace" and enter your "find" character and replace it with ^m
You can read more about it here

I had same problem but my need is to replace Section Break "^b" with page break "^m". Find and replaxce doesn't work for me.
I resolved using this VBA script:
Sub ReplaceSectionBreaks()
'reliably replace section breaks with page breaks
'even if they're followed by tables
Dim rg As Range
Set rg = ActiveDocument.Range
With rg.Find
.Text = "^b"
.Wrap = wdFindStop
While .Execute
rg.InsertBreak Type:=wdPageBreak
rg.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
End Sub
try to change "^b" with your pattern "$$$newpage", it should to work for you too.


Update multiple source links for pictures in WORD 2016 via VBA

I worked on some VBA code to change all the sourcelocation of all the images. However it is detecting only 3 InlineShapes. There are many more. I inserted all images as Insert and LInk
Sub ChangesSource()
Dim i As Long
Debug.Print ActiveDocument.Name
With ActiveDocument
For i = 1 To .InlineShapes.Count
With .InlineShapes(i)
'.shp.LinkFormat.SourceFullName =
.LinkFormat.SourceFullName = Replace(.LinkFormat.SourceFullName, "C:\oldLink", "C:\newLink")
Debug.Print .LinkFormat.SourceFullName
'Debug.Print InlineShapes(i).SourceFullName
End With
Next i
End With
End Sub
Sub ChangeSource()
Dim i As Long
With ActiveDocument
For i = .InlineShapes.Count To 1 Step -1
With .InlineShapes(i)
If Not .LinkFormat Is Nothing Then
With .LinkFormat
.SourceFullName = Replace(.SourceFullName, .SourcePath, "C:\NewPath\")
End With
End If
End With
Next i
End With
End Sub
If you save the document in the older .doc format, pressing Alt-F9 will expose the INCLUDEPICTURE fields containing the links. You can then use Find/Replace to update the paths (note the use of \\ for the path separators). Pressing Alt-F9, then Ctrl-Shift-F9 will refresh the linked images. You can then re-save the document in the docx format, if you wish. The other option is to use a macro.

VB macro to use a GREP expression to search in a Word Doc

As Word does not have a mechanism for searching based on a regular expression, I was trying to write a simple macro that would, in this case, search in my currently active document for a period (.) WITHOUT a space following it. Here is my first pass on this:
Sub TestREG()
' TestREG Macro
Set objRegExp1 = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
objRegExp1.Global = True
objRegExp1.IgnoreCase = True
objRegExp1.Pattern = "\.[A-Z]"
MyDOC = ActiveDocument
objRegExp1.Execute (MyDOC)
End Sub
I know that I'm missing a lot here, but was trying to remember how to do this in an open Word doc. Every test I try, as I step through this is returning False.
Could anyone suggest how I might do this?
Looks like Word can do regular expressions since 2007:
Find and replace text by using regular expressions (Advanced)

AutoHotKey Source Code Line Break

Is there a way to do line break in AutoHotKey souce code? My code is getting longer than 80 characters and I would like to separate them neatly. I know we can do this in some other language, such as VBA for example below:
If Day(Date) > 10 _
And Hour(Time) > 20 Then _
MsgBox "It is after the tenth " & _
"and it is evening"
Is there a souce code line break in AutoHotKey? I use a older version of the AutoHotKey, ver
There is a Splitting a Long Line into a Series of Shorter Ones section in the documentation:
Long lines can be divided up into a collection of smaller ones to
improve readability and maintainability. This does not reduce the
script's execution speed because such lines are merged in memory the
moment the script launches.
Method #1: A line that starts with "and", "or", ||, &&, a comma, or a
period is automatically merged with the line directly above it (in
v1.0.46+, the same is true for all other expression operators except
++ and --). In the following example, the second line is appended to the first because it begins with a comma:
FileAppend, This is the text to append.`n ; A comment is allowed here.
, %A_ProgramFiles%\SomeApplication\LogFile.txt ; Comment.
Similarly, the following lines would get merged into a single line
because the last two start with "and" or "or":
if (Color = "Red" or Color = "Green" or Color = "Blue" ; Comment.
or Color = "Black" or Color = "Gray" or Color = "White") ; Comment.
and ProductIsAvailableInColor(Product, Color) ; Comment.
The ternary operator is also a good candidate:
ProductIsAvailable := (Color = "Red")
? false ; We don't have any red products, so don't bother calling the function.
: ProductIsAvailableInColor(Product, Color)
Although the indentation used in the examples above is optional, it might improve
clarity by indicating which lines belong to ones above them. Also, it
is not necessary to include extra spaces for lines starting with the
words "AND" and "OR"; the program does this automatically. Finally,
blank lines or comments may be added between or at the end of any of
the lines in the above examples.
Method #2: This method should be used to merge a large number of lines
or when the lines are not suitable for Method #1. Although this method
is especially useful for auto-replace hotstrings, it can also be used
with any command or expression. For example:
Var =
Line 1 of the text.
Line 2 of the text. By default, a line feed (`n) is present between lines.
FileAppend, ; The comma is required in this case.
A line of text.
By default, the hard carriage return (Enter) between the previous line and this one will be written to the file as a linefeed (`n).
By default, the tab to the left of this line will also be written to the file (the same is true for spaces).
By default, variable references such as %Var% are resolved to the variable's contents.
), C:\My File.txt
In the examples above, a series of lines is bounded at
the top and bottom by a pair of parentheses. This is known as a
continuation section. Notice that the bottom line contains
FileAppend's last parameter after the closing parenthesis. This
practice is optional; it is done in cases like this so that the comma
will be seen as a parameter-delimiter rather than a literal comma.
Please read the documentation link for more details.
So your example can be rewritten as the following:
If Day(Date) > 10
And Hour(Time) > 20 Then
It is after the tenth
and it is evening
I'm not aware of a general way of doing this, but it seems you can break a line and start the remainder of the broken line (e.g. the next real line) with an operator. As long as the second line (and the third, fourth, etc., as applicable) starts with (optional whitespace plus) an operator, AHK will treat the whole thing as one line.
For instance:
hello := "Hello, "
. "world!"
MsgBox %hello%
The presence of the concatenation operator . at the logical beginning of the second line here makes AHK treat both lines as one.
(I also tried leaving the operator and the end of the first line and starting the second off with a double-quoted string; that didn't work.)

Vim: change formatting of variables in a script

I am using vim to edit a shell script (did not use the right coding standard). I need to change all of my variables from camel-hum-notation startTime to caps-and-underscore-notation START_TIME.
I do not want to change the way method names are represented.
I was thinking one way to do this would be to write a function and map it to a key. The function could do something like generating this on the command line:
s/<word under cursor>/<leave cursor here to type what to replace with>
I think that this function could be applyable to other situations which would be handy. Two questions:
Question 1: How would I go about creating that function.
I have created functions in vim before the biggest thing I am clueless about is how to capture movement. Ie if you press dw in vim it will delete the rest of a word. How do you capture that?
Also can you leave an uncompleted command on the vim command line?
Question 2: Got a better solution for me? How would you approach this task?
Use a plugin
Check the COERCION section at the bottom of the page:
Get the :s command to the command line
:nnoremap \c :%s/<C-r><C-w>/
<C-r><C-w> gets the word under the cursor to command-line
Change the word under the cursor with :s
:nnoremap \c lb:s/\%#<C-r><C-w>/\=toupper(substitute(submatch(0), '\<\#!\u', '_&', 'g'))/<Cr>
lb move right, then to beginning of the word. We need to do this to get
the cursor before the word we wish to change because we want to change only
the word under the cursor and the regex is anchored to the current cursor
position. The moving around needs to be done because b at the
start of a word moves to the start of the previous word.
\%# match the current cursor position
\= When the substitute string starts with "\=" the remainder is interpreted as an expression. :h sub-replace-\=
submatch(0) Whole match for the :s command we are dealing with
\< word boundary
\#! do not match the previous atom (this is to not match at the start of a
word. Without this, FooBar would be changed to _FOO_BAR)
& in replace expressions, this means the whole match
Change the word under the cursor, all matches in the file
:nnoremap \a :%s/<C-r><C-w>/\=toupper(substitute(submatch(0), '\<\#!\u', '_&', 'g'))/g<Cr>
See 3. for explanation.
Change the word under the cursor with normal mode commands
/\u<Cr> find next uppercase character
i_ insert an underscore.
nn Search the last searched string twice (two times because after exiting insert mode, you move back one character).
. Repeat the last change, in this case inserting the underscore.
Repeat nn. until all camelcases have an underscore added before them, that is, FooBarBaz has become Foo_Bar_Baz
gUiw uppercase current inner word
I am not sure what you understand under 'capturing movements'. That
said, for a starter, I'd use something like this for the function:
fu! ChangeWord()
let l:the_word = expand('<cword>')
" Modify according to your rules
let l:new_var_name = toupper(l:the_word)
normal b
let l:col_b = col(".")
normal e
let l:col_e = col(".")
let l:line = getline(".")
let l:line = substitute(
\ l:line,
\ '^\(' . repeat('.', l:col_b-1) . '\)' . repeat('.', l:col_e - l:col_b+1),
\ '\1' . l:new_var_name,
\ '')
call setline(".", l:line)
As to leaving an uncompleted command on the vim command line, I think you're after
:map ,x :call ChangeWord(
which then can be invoked in normal mode by pressing ,x.
After thinking about it, this following function is a bit shorter:
fu! ChangeWordUnderCursor()
let l:the_word = expand('<cword>')
"" Modify according to your rules
let l:new_var_name = '!' . toupper(l:the_word) . '!'
normal b
let l:col_b = col(".")
normal e
let l:col_e = col(".")
let l:line = getline(".")
exe 's/\%' . l:col_b . 'c.*\%' . (l:col_e+1) .'c/' . l:new_var_name . '/'

Tool to merge MS Word files

I have huge number of Word files I need to merge (join) into one file, and will be time consuming to use the Word merger (one by one). Have you experienced any tool that can handle this job?
Sub MergeAllDocuments(AllDocumentsPath as String, MasterDocumentPath as String)
Dim MasterDocument As Document
Set MasterDocument = Documents.Open(FileName:=MasterDocumentPath)
TheDocumentPath = Dir(AllDocumentsPath , vbNormal)
While TheDocumentPath <> ""
' Append the next doc to the end of the master doc. (The
' special "\EndOfDoc" bookmark is always available!)
MasterDocument.Bookmarks("\EndOfDoc").Range.InsertFile TheDocumentPath
TheDocumentPath = Dir
End Sub
MergeAllDocuments "C:\MySeparateDocuments\*.doc", "C:\MasterDocument.doc"
I have one question - why do you want do do such a thing (with a "huge number" of documents, at least)?
I came across a post by Graham Skan a while back. It might get you started:
Sub InsertFiles()
Dim strFileName As String
Dim rng As Range
Dim Doc As Document
Const strPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Graham Skan\My Documents\Allwork\" 'adjust as necessary '"
Set Doc = Documents.Add
strFileName = Dir$(strPath & "\*.doc")
Set rng = Doc.Bookmarks("\EndOfDoc").Range
If rng.End > 0 Then 'section break not necessary before first document.'
rng.InsertBreak wdSectionBreakNextPage
rng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End If
rng.InsertFile strPath & "\" & strFileName
strFileName = Dir$()
Loop Until strFileName = ""
End Sub
Have you tried using the Word COM api? You can automate lots of things - maybe you can automate a merge.
Do you really need to do an actual merge, or do you want to join the files together. The two things are quite different.
Merging is used when you have two versions of an original file with (potentially conflicting) changes. I can't really see how you would have a "huge number" of files that you needed to merge all together. This would be an absolute nightmare of conflicts. Do you mean to merge sets of them into individual files?
Joining would be when you want to concatenate them one after the other. This would be a lot easier to do. This is quite possible using the COM api.