Eclipse Editor Custom Color - eclipse

In my Eclipse IDE Indigo Release, the color for matching brackets is not set properly, I can't see the text of the tag "<div class=...>" in the bracket, so I want to change it, there is an "Eclipse_Theme.epf" file that I imported into Eclipse to set the custom colors, I've used the following approach before to change the colors I want to replace :
[1] Take a screen shot of the Eclipse editor
[2] Paste the screen into a window's painter program
[3] Use the color picker to pick the color I want to change
[4] Find it's RGB values, e.g. 10,20,255
[5] In "Eclipse_Theme.epf" search for the RBG value and replace them with my new RGB choice, save the file
[6] Import "Eclipse_Theme.epf" into Eclipse again to replace the old one, and the new color will show up in my Eclipse editor.
But some how the above approach didn't work for the above problem, the color for matching brackets is not found in the "Eclipse_Theme.epf" file, my question is , where is it in Eclipse, that I can change this color, or which property in the "Eclipse_Theme.epf" file that represents this color, why is it not found ?!

Try Window->Preferences->Web->HTML->Editor->Syntax Coloring, or something similar, depending on the technology you use (JSF, HTML etc.). Another possibility is Window->Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors->Annotations


VSCode : I want to change the text color(not background color, just the words color),whiich profile should I edit?

I have checked the Official Doc about theme settings, after trying too many times, I haven't made it. I want to change the text color(not background color, just the words color), which profile should I edit?
I have spended a few time and solved it. Edit your settings.json as below:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"list.focusForeground": "#00ff00",
Replace the color(hex) as what you want, the example code color #00ff00 is green.
BTW, how I get this settings:
Toggle developer tools(In vscode dropmenu of help)
Try to find div where you want change, and get the color, for example (#eeffff)
command + shift + p, and input Generate Color ... will show Generate Color Theme From Current Settings, select it would open a new file with full color configs.
copy all colors json code block to settings file which match key of workbench.colorCustomizations
search #eeffff and try to find relative key, if not sure, change color and try to see the color in your code.
find out list.focusForeground is right. And keep this settings, remove other.
It might spend less or more time, but it works.

Eclipse Color Themes not being applied to Groovy strings

I'm having an issue with the string values inside of .groovy files (and .gsp within ${}). They are showing as black when I have a dark background color theme selected. I know how to change the operator color which I fixed, but I seem to be unable to find where the string elements surrounded by quotes color is configured.
If you are not using the latest version of Groovy-Eclipse, try upgrading.
Using Groovy-Eclipse 2.8.0, I can control String color in Preferences -> Groovy -> Editor right along with Bracket color, Operator color, etc.

Color of "mark occurrences" in vertical bar in Netbeans

When you select a variable in NetBeans 7, working with PHP (works with other languages too), the program highlights all the places inside the file where the same variable is used.
I know how to change the color of the actual highlighted text (in Options->Fonts & Colors->Syntax->PHP->Mark Occurrences), but NetBeans also marks the matches in a vertical bar to the right of the editor scrollbar. This is the color I want to change, because this bar also marks the diffs when using version control, and the "mark occurrences" matches are not very clear when there's a lot of diffs.
First I got the RGB color codes I needed to find, 175, 172, 102 (html #AFAC66)
Apparently, the color that is used to highlight occurrences in the vertical bar is hard coded in the Netbeans sources, so it is not possible to change it the settings or any configuration file.
Here is how the vertical bar looks by default when marking occurrences:
The PHP module gets the highlighting color from the class:
The mentioned class is located in the module/jar:
You view the source of that class in, or you could use a decompiler.
To change the color, you could get the source and recompile the module, or you could just simply modify the bytecode. Personally, because I only wanted modify 3 values(RGB), I chose to alter the bytecode. To do this you can follow the next steps:
Make a copy of org-netbeans-modules-csl-api.jar in another folder (I’m going to refer to that folder as $folder).
Extract the class org.netbeans.modules.csl.editor.semantic.MarkOccurrencesHighlighter.class from org-netbeans-modules-csl-api.jar. For simplicity, be sure that you extract the package/folder hierarchy in the same folder ($folder) where the copy of the jar is located, so that you get:
Open the class in a decompiler, I used JD ( )
Locate the code you want to modify (ES_COLOR):
Open the class in a bytecode editor, I used reJ ( ), and locate the values 175, 172, 102. (You will have to change the opcode bipush to sipush if you want to use a value greater than 127)
Modify the values, I chose blue(0,0,255):
Save the modified .class, and verify with the decompiler that the values have been changed:
In a terminal or command line, navigate to $folder, and execute the following command to replace the modified class in the jar:
jar -uf org-netbeans-modules-csl-api.jar org/netbeans/modules/csl/editor/semantic/MarkOccurrencesHighlighter.class
Now, you can use the decompiler to verify that the jar was indeed modified with the altered .class
Finally, you can copy the modified jar/module to the original location $installation_folder/netbeans-8.0/ide/modules/ or you can copy it to the $user_directory/modules folder. The latter seems better as it doesn’t modify the installation.
Start Netbeans and enjoy the new color.
Here is how the vertical bar looks now when marking occurrences:
If you want to change the color that is used to highlight occurrences in the vertical bar for the Java module, you would have to modify another class located inside
$installation_folder/netbeans-8.0/java/modules/org-netbeans-modules-java-editor.jar, following the same steps.
If I missed something, or if there is an easier way to alter the colors shown in the vertical bar, feel free to add it.
(Tested with Netbeans 8.0)

Matching keyword highlight color in editor

I am using a clone of the wombat Vim color scheme in eclipse for Python development and it works well apart from the matching keyword highlight (whatever that is named), which is ffff96. This pale yellow makes it impossible to read the white foreground text. Anyone know where this is set?
Oh! Found it! General->Editors->Text Editors->Annotations->Occurences(Pydev). Awesome. What a mess.
Agree with Paul this is a mess; you have to know the name of what you're looking for in order to find it. Bleh. However, here are actual locations for the underlying settings strings (with thanks to Frederic):
In the file {Eclipse workspace directory}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs :
Here are the python-specific and general text colors for matching keywords (they call it "Indication"):
Also, if you're looking for a specific value that you can find in the UI but not in a file you can change it in Eclipse to a known RGB value and grep for that in the .settings dir.

What's my current cursor position?

This is not an Eclipse-programming question, but rather a question about the Eclipse user-interface in general.
I am writing a verilog source-code in an Eclipse text-editor using the simplifIDE plug-in. I want to align my code so that variable names always start at offset 33 (32 spaces from the left margin)
Does Eclipse have an option for displaying the current cursor position in a status bar? I'd even be happy with a keyboard shortcut that would pop the current cursor-position up in an dialog.
In the absence of a solution, I'll set my tabs to 4-spaces, and put the following text at random places in my file:
Some editors (such as the built in Java editor) display the current insertion point location in the status bar. However, if you use a third-party editor sch as SimplifIDE, you may have to check its own configuration for that option.
If you write your own editor, you could ask the editor to give you the selection provider, as the selection provider can also provide the current insertion point location.
Using Eclipse 3.5 with the SimplifIDE plugin, I am seeing the correct information for the line and column on a status bar on the bottom of the screen with a {line : column} format using either tabs or spaces.
thedeserthorizon, Are you using 3.5 and the version 1.0.26 of Simplifide.
There is a new API in 3.5 which allows you to listen to cursor movements (see this bug). Then, you can ask for the index of the first character in the current line and subtract that from the absolute cursor position. This gives you the offset in characters.
This is not accurate though; if your editor supports real tabs, then you must query the editor for the current line and count characters yourself (where the tab counts as 2..8 character positions).