Adding an "and" before the last element in a comma-interpolated array in Perl - perl

I want to create a subroutine that adds commas to elements and adds an "and" before the last element, e.g., so that "12345" becomes "1, 2, 3, 4, and 5". I know how to add the commas, but the problem is the result I get is "1, 2, 3, 4, and 5," and I don't know how to get rid of the last comma.
sub commas {
my #with_commas;
foreach (#_) {
push (#with_commas, ($_, ", ")); #up to here it's fine
splice #with_commas, -2, 1, ("and ", $_[-1]);
As you can probably tell, I'm trying to delete the last element in the new array (#with_commas), since it has the comma appended, and add in the last element in the old array (#_, passed to the sub routine from the main program, with no added comma).
When I run this, the result is, e.g., "1, 2, 3, 4, and 5," -- with the comma at the end. Where is that comma coming from? Only #with_commas was supposed to get the commas.
Any help is appreciated.

sub format_list {
return "" if !#_;
my $last = pop(#_);
return $last if !#_;
return join(', ', #_) . " and " . $last;
print format_list(#list), "\n";
This also handles lists with only one element, unlike most of the other answers.

You could use join and modify the last element to include an and:
my #list = 1 .. 5;
$list[-1] = "and $list[-1]" if $#list;
print join ', ', #list;

There is a CPAN module for this, Lingua::Conjunction. I use it myself, and recommend it over rolling your own solution. The usage syntax is very simple:

use warnings;
use strict;
sub commas {
return "" if #_ == 0;
return $_[0] if #_ == 1;
my $last = pop #_;
my $rest = join (", ", #_);
return $rest.", and ".$last;
my #a = (1,2,3,4,5);
print commas(#a), "\n";

Add the commas then add the "and ":
use v5.10;
my $string = join ', ', 1 .. 5;
rindex( $string, ', ' ) + 2,
'and '
say $string;
So, work that in as the case when you have more than two elements:
use v5.10;
my #array = 1..5;
my $string = do {
if( #array == 1 ) {
elsif( #array == 2 ) {
join ' and ', #array
elsif( #array > 2 ) {
my $string = join ', ', #array;
my $commas = $string =~ tr/,//;
rindex( $string, ', ' ) + 2,
'and '
say $string;

Just in the spirit of TIMTOWTDI (though, frankly, #perreal's answer is better as far as readability):
sub commas {
my $last_index = $#_;
my #with_commas = map { (($_==$last_index) ? "and " : "") . $_[$_] }
0 .. $last_index;
print join("," #with_commas)
This is somewhat similar to Alan's answer (more convoluted/complicated), but the benefit compared to that is that it would work if you need to add "and " to any OTHER element than the last one; Alan's only works when you know the exact offset (e.g. last element)

Small hint
for( 1 .. 10 ) {
print ;
$_ == 10 ? print '' : ($_ != 9 ? print ', ' : print ' and ');


How to generate list of numbers from hyphenated and comma separeted string in Perl

In Perl, how to generate list of numbers from hyphen/comma string like:
1-8,10,12-15,23 ?
Expected output is: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15,23]
Ok, I have some solution that seems to work, can I optimize it? :
#cl_list = "0,2-7,13-16"
#cl_list = split(/,/,join(',',#cl_list));
foreach $cl (#cl_list){
if (index($cl, '-') != -1){
while ($ld <= $ud) {
push #list, $ld;
print "$ld\n";
else {
push #list, $ld;
print "list=#list\n";
I'd probably do it like this:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $thing = '1-8,10,12-15,23';
my #values;
#split the string on commas.
for ( split /,/, $thing ) {
#split each element in `-`. ($end is undefined if no `-` present)
my ( $start, $end ) = split ( '-' );
#iterate from start to end (or start to start if end is undef)
push ( #values, $_ ) for ( $start .. $end // $start );
print join ",", #values;
Here is fixed Sobrique solution:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $thing = '1-8,10,12-15,23';
my #values;
#split the string on commas.
for ( split /,/, $thing ) {
#split each element in `-`. ($end is undefined if no `-` present)
my ( $start, $end ) = split ( '-',$_ );
if (!defined $end) { $end=$start;}
#iterate from start to end (or start to start if end is undef)
push ( #values, $_ ) for ( $start..$end );
print join ",", #values;

Splitting and tallying substrings within mixed integer-string data

Input Data (example):
Desired output (per-line) is a single number determined by the composition of the code 40A3B35A3C and the following rules:
if A - add the proceeding number to the running total
if B - add the proceeding number to the running total
if C - subtract the proceeding number from the running total
40A 3B 35A 3C would thus produce 40 + 3 + 35 - 3 = 75.
Output from both lines:
Is there an efficient way to achieve this for a particular column (such as $F[2]) in a tab-delimited .txt file using a one-liner? I have considered splitting the entire code into individual characters, then performing if statement checks to detect A/B/C, but my Perl knowledge is limited and I am unsure how to go about this.
When you use split with a capture, the captured group is returned from split, too.
perl -lane '
#ar = split /([ABC])/, $F[2];
$s = 0;
$s += $n * ("C" eq $op ? -1 : 1) while ($n, $op) = splice #ar, 0, 2;
print $s
' < input
Or maybe more declarative:
BEGIN { %one = ( A => 1,
B => 1,
C => -1 ) }
#ar = split /([ABC])/, $F[2];
$s = 0;
$s += $n * $one{$op} while ($n, $op) = splice #ar, 0, 2;
print $s
When working through a string like this, it's useful to know that regular expressions can return a list of results.
my #matches = $str =~ m/(\d+[A-C])/g; #will catch repeated instances
So you can do something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<DATA>) {
my $total;
#break the string into digit+letter groups.
for (m/(\d+[A-C])/g) {
#separate out this group into num and code.
my ( $num, $code ) = m/(\d+)([A-C])/;
print "\t",$num, " => ", $code, "\n";
if ( $code eq "C" ) {
$total -= $num;
else {
$total += $num;
print $total, " => ", $_;
perl -lne 'push #a,/([\d]+)[AB]/g;
push #b,/([\d]+)[C]/g;
$sum+=$_ for(#a);$sum-=$_ for(#b);
print $sum;#a=#b=();undef $sum' Your_file
how it works
use the command line arg as the input
set the hash "%op" to the
operations per letter
substitute the letters for operators in the
input evaluate the substituted input as an expression
use strict;
use warnings;
my %op=qw(A + B + C -);
$ARGV[0] =~ s/(\d+)(A|B|C)/$op{$2} $1/g;
print eval($ARGV[0]);

How to get consecutive pairs of words in Perl

With this sentence:
my $sent = "Mapping and quantifying mammalian transcriptomes RNA-Seq";
We want to get all possible consecutive pairs of words.
my $var = ['Mapping and',
'and quantifying',
'quantifying mammalian',
'mammalian transcriptomes',
'transcriptomes RNA-Seq'];
Is there a compact way to do it?
my $sent = "Mapping and quantifying mammalian transcriptomes RNA-Seq";
my #pairs = $sent =~ /(?=(\S+\s+\S+))\S+/g;
A variation that (perhaps unwisely) relies on operator evaluation order but doesn't rely on fancy regexes or indices:
my #words = split /\s+/, $sent;
my $last = shift #words;
my #var;
push #var, $last . ' ' . ($last = $_) for #words;
This works:
my #sent = split(/\s+/, $sent);
my #var = map { $sent[$_] . ' ' . $sent[$_ + 1] } 0 .. $#sent - 1;
i.e. just split the original string into an array of words, and then use map to iteratively produce the desired pairs.
I don't have it as a single line, but the following code should give you somewhere to start. Basically does it with a push and a regext with /g.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
my $t1 = 'aa bb cc dd ee ff';
my $t2 = 'aa bb cc dd ee';
foreach my $txt ( $t1, $t2 )
my #a;
push( #a, $& ) while( $txt =~ /\G\S+(\s+\S+|)\s*/g );
print Dumper( \#a );
One liner thanks to the syntax from #ysth
my #a = $txt =~ /\G(\S+(?:\s+\S+|))\s*/g;
My regex is slightly different in that if you have an odd number of words, the last word still gets an entry.

How can add values in each row and column and print at the end in Perl?

Below is the sample csv file
and so on...
I want to add the values in each row and each column and print at the end and bottom of each line. i.e.
Please suggest.
Less elegant and shorter:
$ perl -plaF, -e '$r=0;$r+=$F[$_],$c[$_]+=$F[$_]for 1..$#F;$_.=",$r";END{$c[0]="Total";print join",",#c}'
Quick and dirty, but should do the trick in basic cases. For anything more complex, use Text::CSV and an actual script.
An expanded version as it's getting a little hairy:
#! perl -plaF,
$r+=$F[$_], $c[$_]+=$F[$_] for 1..$#F;
END { $c[0]="Total"; print join ",", #c }'
Here is a straightforward way which you can easily build upon depending on your requirements:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use List::Util qw(sum);
use List::MoreUtils qw(pairwise);
use Text::ParseWords;
our ($a, $b);
my #header = parse_csv( scalar <DATA> );
my #total = (0) x #header;
output_csv( #header, 'row_total' );
for my $line (<DATA>) {
my #cols = parse_csv( $line );
my $label = shift #cols;
push #cols, sum #cols;
output_csv( $label, #cols );
#total = pairwise { $a + $b } #total, #cols;
output_csv( 'Total', #total );
sub parse_csv {
chomp( my $data = shift );
quotewords ',', 0, $data;
sub output_csv { say join ',' => #_ }
Outputs the expected:
Some things to take away from above is the use of List::Util and List::MoreUtils:
# using List::Util::sum
my $sum_of_all_values_in_list = sum #list;
# using List::MoreUtils::pairwise
my #two_arrays_added_together = pairwise { $a + $b } #array1, #array2;
Also while I've used Text::ParseWords in my example you should really look into using Text::CSV. This modules covers more bizarre CSV edge cases and also provides correct CSV composition (my output_csv() sub is pretty naive!).
Like JB's perlgolf candidate, except prints the end line totals and labels.
#!/usr/bin/perl -alnF,
use List::Util qw(sum);
push #F, $. == 1 ? "total" : sum(#F[1..$#F]);
print "$_,$F[-1]";
for (my $i=1;$i<#F;$i++) {
$totals[$i] += $F[$i];
$totals[0] = "Total";
print join(",",#totals);
Is this something that needs to be done for sure in a Perl script? There is no "quick and dirty" method to do this in Perl. You will need to read the file in, accumulate your totals, and write the file back out (processing input and output line by line would be the cleanest).
If this is a one-time report, or you are working with a competent user base, the data you want can most easily be produced with a spreadsheet program like Excel.
Whenever I work with CSV, I use the AnyData module. It may add a bit of overhead, but it keeps me from making mistakes ("Oh crap, that date column is quoted and has commas in it!?").
The process for you would look something like this:
use AnyData;
my #columns = qw/date type1 type2 type3/; ## Define your input columns.
my $input = adTie( 'CSV', 'input_file.csv', 'r', {col_names => join(',', #columns)} );
push #columns, 'total'; ## Add the total columns.
my $output = adTie( 'CSV', 'output_file.csv', 'o', {col_names => join(',', #columns)} );
my %totals;
while ( my $row = each %$input ) {
next if ($. == 1); ## Skip the header row. AnyData will add it to the output.
my $sum = 0;
foreach my $col (#columns[1..3]) {
$totals{$col} += $row->{$col};
$sum += $row->{$col};
$totals{total} += $sum;
$row->{total} = $sum;
$output->{$row->{date}} = $row;
$output->{Total} = \%totals;
print adDump( $output ); ## Prints a little table to see the data. Not required.
undef $input; ## Close the file.
undef $output;
"Dec 31, 1969",81,82,83
"Dec 31, 1969",81,82,83,246
The following in Perl does what you want, its not elegant but it works :-)
Call the script with the inputfile as argument, results in stdout.
chop($_ = <>);
print "$_,Total\n";
while (<>) {
$sum = 0;
for ($n = 0; 0 < scalar(#_); $n++) {
$c = shift(#_);
$sum += $c;
$sums[$n] += $c;
$total += $sum;
print "$_,$sum\n";
print "Total";
for ($n = 0; $n <= $#sums; $n++) {
print "," . $sums[$n];
print ",$total\n";
Edit: fixed for 0 values.
The output is like this:
2009-07-01,1, 2, 3,6
2009-07-02,4, 5, 6,15

How do I determine the longest similar portion of several strings?

As per the title, I'm trying to find a way to programmatically determine the longest portion of similarity between several strings.
Ideally, I'd get back file:///home/gms8994/Music/, because that's the longest portion that's common for all 3 strings.
Specifically, I'm looking for a Perl solution, but a solution in any language (or even pseudo-language) would suffice.
From the comments: yes, only at the beginning; but there is the possibility of having some other entry in the list, which would be ignored for this question.
Edit: I'm sorry for mistake. My pity that I overseen that using my variable inside countit(x, q{}) is big mistake. This string is evaluated inside Benchmark module and #str was empty there. This solution is not as fast as I presented. See correction below. I'm sorry again.
Perl can be fast:
use strict;
use warnings;
package LCP;
sub LCP {
return '' unless #_;
return $_[0] if #_ == 1;
my $i = 0;
my $first = shift;
my $min_length = length($first);
foreach (#_) {
$min_length = length($_) if length($_) < $min_length;
INDEX: foreach my $ch ( split //, $first ) {
last INDEX unless $i < $min_length;
foreach my $string (#_) {
last INDEX if substr($string, $i, 1) ne $ch;
continue { $i++ }
return substr $first, 0, $i;
# Roy's implementation
sub LCP2 {
return '' unless #_;
my $prefix = shift;
for (#_) {
chop $prefix while (! /^\Q$prefix\E/);
return $prefix;
Test suite:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
package Test::LCP;
use base 'Test::Class';
use Test::More;
use Benchmark qw(:all :hireswallclock);
sub test_use : Test(startup => 1) {
sub test_lcp : Test(6) {
is( LCP::LCP(), '', 'Without parameters' );
is( LCP::LCP('abc'), 'abc', 'One parameter' );
is( LCP::LCP( 'abc', 'xyz' ), '', 'None of common prefix' );
is( LCP::LCP( 'abcdefgh', ('abcdefgh') x 15, 'abcdxyz' ),
'abcd', 'Some common prefix' );
my #str = map { chomp; $_ } <DATA>;
is( LCP::LCP(#str),
'file:///home/gms8994/Music/', 'Test data prefix' );
is( LCP::LCP2(#str),
'file:///home/gms8994/Music/', 'Test data prefix by LCP2' );
my $t = countit( 1, sub{LCP::LCP(#str)} );
diag("LCP: ${\($t->iters)} iterations took ${\(timestr($t))}");
$t = countit( 1, sub{LCP::LCP2(#str)} );
diag("LCP2: ${\($t->iters)} iterations took ${\(timestr($t))}");
Test suite result:
ok 1 - use LCP;
ok 2 - Without parameters
ok 3 - One parameter
ok 4 - None of common prefix
ok 5 - Some common prefix
ok 6 - Test data prefix
ok 7 - Test data prefix by LCP2
# LCP: 22635 iterations took 1.09948 wallclock secs ( 1.09 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.09 CPU) # 20766.06/s (n=22635)
# LCP2: 17919 iterations took 1.06787 wallclock secs ( 1.07 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.07 CPU) # 16746.73/s (n=17919)
That means that pure Perl solution using substr is about 20% faster than Roy's solution at your test case and one prefix finding takes about 50us. There is not necessary using XS unless your data or performance expectations are bigger.
The reference given already by Brett Daniel for the Wikipedia entry on "Longest common substring problem" is very good general reference (with pseudocode) for your question as stated. However, the algorithm can be exponential. And it looks like you might actually want an algorithm for longest common prefix which is a much simpler algorithm.
Here's the one I use for longest common prefix (and a ref to original URL):
use strict; use warnings;
sub longest_common_prefix {
# longest_common_prefix( $|# ): returns $
# URLref:
# find longest common prefix of scalar list
my $prefix = shift;
for (#_) {
chop $prefix while (! /^\Q$prefix\E/);
return $prefix;
my #str = map {chomp; $_} <DATA>;
print longest_common_prefix(#ARGV), "\n";
If you truly want a LCSS implementation, refer to these discussions (Longest Common Substring and Longest Common Subsequence) at Tree::Suffix would probably be the best general solution for you and implements, to my knowledge, the best algorithm. Unfortunately recent builds are broken. But, a working subroutine does exist within the discussions referenced on PerlMonks in this post by Limbic~Region (reproduced here with your data).
#by Limbic~Region
use Algorithm::Loops 'NestedLoops';
use List::Util 'reduce';
use strict; use warnings;
sub LCS{
my #str = #_;
my #pos;
for my $i (0 .. $#str) {
my $line = $str[$i];
for (0 .. length($line) - 1) {
my $char= substr($line, $_, 1);
push #{$pos[$i]{$char}}, $_;
my $sh_str = reduce {length($a) < length($b) ? $a : $b} #str;
my %map;
for my $char (split //, $sh_str) {
my #loop;
for (0 .. $#pos) {
next CHAR if ! $pos[$_]{$char};
push #loop, $pos[$_]{$char};
my $next = NestedLoops([#loop]);
while (my #char_map = $next->()) {
my $key = join '-', #char_map;
$map{$key} = $char;
my #pile;
for my $seq (keys %map) {
push #pile, $map{$seq};
for (1 .. 2) {
my $dir = $_ % 2 ? 1 : -1;
my #offset = split /-/, $seq;
$_ += $dir for #offset;
my $next = join '-', #offset;
while (exists $map{$next}) {
$pile[-1] = $dir > 0 ?
$pile[-1] . $map{$next} : $map{$next} . $pile[-1];
$_ += $dir for #offset;
$next = join '-', #offset;
return reduce {length($a) > length($b) ? $a : $b} #pile;
my #str = map {chomp; $_} <DATA>;
print LCS(#str), "\n";
It sounds like you want the k-common substring algorithm. It is exceptionally simple to program, and a good example of dynamic programming.
My first instinct is to run a loop, taking the next character from each string, until the characters are not equal. Keep a count of what position in the string you're at and then take a substring (from any of the three strings) from 0 to the position before the characters aren't equal.
In Perl, you'll have to split up the string first into characters using something like
#array = split(//, $string);
(splitting on an empty character sets each character into its own element of the array)
Then do a loop, perhaps overall:
$n =0;
#array1 = split(//, $string1);
#array2 = split(//, $string2);
#array3 = split(//, $string3);
while($array1[$n] == $array2[$n] && $array2[$n] == $array3[$n]){
$sameString = substr($string1, 0, $n); #n might have to be n-1
Or at least something along those lines. Forgive me if this doesn't work, my Perl is a little rusty.
If you google for "longest common substring" you'll get some good pointers for the general case where the sequences don't have to start at the beginning of the strings.
Mathematica happens to have a function for this built in: (Note that they mean contiguous subsequence, ie, substring, which is what you want.)
If you only care about the longest common prefix then it should be much faster to just loop for i from 0 till the ith characters don't all match and return substr(s, 0, i-1).
my #strings =
my $common_part = undef;
my $sep = chr(0); # assuming it's not used legitimately
foreach my $str ( #strings ) {
# First time through loop -- set common
# to whole
if ( !defined $common_part ) {
$common_part = $str;
if ("$common_part$sep$str" =~ /^(.*).*$sep\1.*$/)
$common_part = $1;
print "Common part = $common_part\n";
Faster than above, uses perl's native binary xor function, adapted from perlmongers solution (the $+[0] didn't work for me):
sub common_suffix {
my $comm = shift #_;
while ($_ = shift #_) {
$_ = substr($_,-length($comm)) if (length($_) > length($comm));
$comm = substr($comm,-length($_)) if (length($_) < length($comm));
if (( $_ ^ $comm ) =~ /(\0*)$/) {
$comm = substr($comm, -length($1));
} else {
return undef;
return $comm;
sub common_prefix {
my $comm = shift #_;
while ($_ = shift #_) {
$_ = substr($_,0,length($comm)) if (length($_) > length($comm));
$comm = substr($comm,0,length($_)) if (length($_) < length($comm));
if (( $_ ^ $comm ) =~ /^(\0*)/) {
$comm = substr($comm,0,length($1));
} else {
return undef;
return $comm;