Is title of 'My Map View' automatically used in mapKit? - iphone

When coding an app I found for a tutorial on using the MapKit facility on iphone, when running the app simulator, I find the title of the app called 'My Map View'.
I did a search on the words and it came up with nothing in the code workspace. Is this because the title is automatically shown as this from the Mapkit framework? Can I change it? How would I get to the code piece?
Also, I had a look at the nib file, and because the app has been fully programatically coded in the map, there is no nav bars etc. Everything has been hardcoded in, which doesn't help me at this point.

Okay, I found that if I go into the 'MainWindow.xib' and double click on navigation controller option, the Root View Controller nib pops up which has what i am looking for - the title bar!


Xcode Swift 5 MacOs app empty window when archived but works when running it from Xcode

I am building an app for Mac which logs into a website based on login and password collected from textfield and secure text field, then app opens an url which is created in my app based on date range selection with use of two date picker cell calendars. Next app displays html data in webWiev (using WKWebView), converts html to string using extension NSAttributedString and then saves retrieved data as txt file. Everything works as expected as long as app is run from Xcode "play" button. Problem is if I archive this app and launch it, it will bring up an empty window without any button, calendar or textfield. There are no errors, no crash logs on organizer, nothing.
I decided to perform a little test. I build another view controller with only one button which upon clicking will show my app main view controller. After archiving this modified app and running it outside of Xcode a window shows view controller with one button which is correct. But after clicking it nothing happens. App works great if running "inside" Xcode, a pushbutton shows main ViewController correctly. Do You have any clue what can be wrong? thank You!
Edit 1. So I found a discussion on apple which mention this problem. It is associated with IB WKWebView and problem is already known since some time. Now I have to get around the problem. Apple forum link:
Did you embed WebKit.framework to your app?
After comment that I wrote, I founded a solution and solved with this method.
Please check it out.

Xcode 7 - Launch Screen localization doesn't work

I've created a splash screen in Swift using Xcode 7. I've generated localizations as in the photo for different languages, but it doesn't work:
Can anybody help?
Ok I fix it after i create InfoPlist.strings and create splash screen for each language and add below in each file
"UILaunchStoryboardName" = "LaunchScreen";
"UILaunchStoryboardName" = "LaunchScreenSP";
Add two Launch Screen storyboards
You can find your info.plist added a key named "UILaunchStoryboardName"
Add an infoPlist.string file
Change the UILaunchStoryboardName = "ENLaunchScreen"; in your infoPlist.string to the name of storyboard you wanted
Another solution, you can set some basic image at the launch screen, then create a view in app delegate and add in to window's subviews, also bring to front pretend that this is Launch screen.
now you can configure this view by code.
last use DispatchQueue asyncAfter to remove this view.

App crashes when trying to use UITableView

When launching my tab-based app, it crash when I'm trying to navigate to a tab with a UITableView in it, probably due to Interface Builder wrong connection I've made.
I have absolutely no idea why... I'm getting crazy over here!
I've simplified my code so now it contains 2 tabs; when trying to navigate to the non-active tab, the app crashes with no further explanation.
I've posted the simplified source here: source download.
Any help will b appreciated.
Load the name of the UIViewController in tab. VideosGalleryViewController was not mentioned in the class. Check the screen shot attached.

how to know iphone applicaton template?

already iphone implemented app running on xcode so how you know, which type of iphone template (view based or window or tab based....)is selected while development?
It doesn't matter. The template is just something to get you started. You can still change your app to be however you like after you've started development.
I don't think it's possible because all that templetes are just conventionalities. However if there is tab bar controller, then you can suppose that this is tab based app.

MonoTouch and MVC - hook 2 Views to same Controller

I need to write an app that runs for iPhone and iPad.
The issue I'm running into is how do you setup an iPadView and an iPhoneView to hook to the same controller?
In other words, I don't want to have any duplicate controller code--I should only have to make a different view for each device.
Right now I link up view->controller by choosing "Add->New File->iPhone View with Controller", and this works for one device. But the code in the event handlers I have wired up should not have to be duplicated by going to "Add->New File->iPad View with Controller".
A link to a tutorial may help, I have been doing .Net Windows development for a while but still learning iPhone and MonoTouch.
This link talks about code generation for .xib files:
MonoTouch Doc
Apparently you can just delete your .xib.designer.cs file to turn off the code generation. Is this the right way to do it?
Otherwise I'll mark this as the answer.
Can you not just have a base controller and then inherit from that in both view controllers?