Microsoft CRM Dynamics 2011 PowerShell Error when disabling an organization - powershell

Whenever I try the following line in a powershell script :
Disable-CrmOrganization -Name MyOrganization
I get the following error :
Disable-CrmOrganization : The Deployment Service cannot process the request because one or more validation checks failed.
+ Disable-CrmOrganization <<<< -Name MyOrganization
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Disable-CrmOrganization], FaultException`1
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment.DeploymentServiceFaul
t, Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]],Microsoft.Crm.Pow
However, if I manually disable the organization, I am able to execute the following line with no problem :
Remove-CrmOrganization -Name MyOrganization
Any idea why I cannot disable the organization with powershell?

You might have run across this page: Use PowerShell to Call the Deployment Web Service for the CRM PowerShell references.
Running this command gives additional error details: $error[0].Exception.Detail.ErrorDetails
Additionally the Windows Application Event Log was showing an error (in my case anyway):
Web service request FindItems to Report Server http://myserver/reportserver/ReportService2005.asmx failed with SoapException. Error: The permissions granted to user 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' are insufficient for performing this operation.
Which lead me to this post:
The solution was to run the CrmDeploymentServiceAppPool under an account with elevated priviledges. Logon as a service and sysadmin in SQL Server according to the post.
How to enable tracing in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

when I execute 2 times it works so try with:
try {
Disable-CrmOrganization -Name "oragnization_name"
}catch {
Disable-CrmOrganization -Name "oragnization_name"


MicrosoftTeams cmdlets not working with AccessToken

I am trying to run cmdlets from powershell module MicrosoftTeams (version 2.0.0) in a C# web application. I am using Authorization code flow and code from the answer provided in this post to acquire token: Acquire AAD token using ASP.Net web forms. Note: I had changed resource in the code to to acquire AAD token. Token is acquired by using AuthenticationContext.AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCodeAsync Method.
Once the token is acquired, I run the following lines to create a powershell instance in C# and to import MicrosoftTeams Module.
PowerShell pshell
InitialSessionState iss;
iss = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault2();
iss.ImportPSModule(new[] { "MicrosoftTeams" });
pshell = PowerShell.Create(iss);
Then to connect with MicrosoftTeams, I run the following code:
var connectCmd = new Command("Connect-MicrosoftTeams");
connectCmd.Parameters.Add("AadAccessToken", AccessToken);
connectCmd.Parameters.Add("AccountId", "");
var result1 = pshell.Invoke();
Code works fine till here.
After this I clear the shell commands and invoke the Get-CsTeamsCallingPolicy cmdlet:
var result2 = pshell.Invoke();
After Invoke, I get an exception and this dialog pops up:
Pressing 'Continue' brings back the same dialogue a couple of times.
Exception details from this screen are:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException was unhandled by user code
Message=The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Microsoft.TeamsCmdlets.Powershell.Connect.Models.AzureSessionProvider.GetAccessToken(String resource, IEnumerable`1 scopes) in D:\a\1\s\src\Microsoft.TeamsCmdlets.PowerShell.Connect\Models\AzureSession.cs:line 80
at Microsoft.TeamsCmdlets.Powershell.Connect.TeamsPowerShellSession.GetAccessToken(String resource, IEnumerable`1 scopes) in D:\a\1\s\src\Microsoft.TeamsCmdlets.PowerShell.Connect\TeamsPowerShellSession.cs:line 82
at Microsoft.TeamsCmdlets.PowerShell.Connect.GetCsInternalAccessToken.ProcessRecord() in D:\a\1\s\src\Microsoft.TeamsCmdlets.PowerShell.Connect\GetCsInternalAccessToken.cs:line 61
at System.Management.Automation.CommandProcessor.ProcessRecord()
After pressing continue for the 3rd time, control goes back to C# code, and I receive the following runtime exception:
Exception calling "GetSteppablePipeline" with "1" argument(s):
"Exception calling "GetRemoteNewCsOnlineSession" with "1" argument(s):
"Run either Connect-MicrosoftTeams or new-csonlinesession before running cmdlets.""
Trying to run this logic from the powershell editor shows similar behavior:
Running the following two lines:
$AccessToken = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -AadAccessToken $AccessToken -AccountId ''
gives this result:
Account Environment Tenant TenantId
------- ----------- ------ -------- AzureCloud xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
I then run Get-Team cmdlet:
Get-Team -User
which results in this message:
Get-Team : The given key was not present in the dictionary.
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-Team -User
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-Team], KeyNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException,Microsoft.TeamsCmdlets.PowerShell.Custom.GetTeam
Running cmdlet Get-CsTeamsCallingPolicy yields this
Exception calling "GetSteppablePipeline" with "1" argument(s):
"Exception calling "GetRemoteNewCsOnlineSession" with "1" argument(s):
"Run either Connect-MicrosoftTeams or new-csonlinesession before running cmdlets.""
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\MicrosoftTeams\2.0.0\net472\SfBORemotePowershellModule.psm1:11369 char:13
+ $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($myI ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CmdletInvocationException
If I run Connect-MicrosoftTeams directly without providing access token and accountid, I get the login screens and after login everything works fine but not happening with AadAccessToken.
Same code works fine if connecting to AzureAD module via Connect-AzureAD cmdlet like this both in web application and powershell editor:
Connect-AzureAD -AadAccessToken $AccessToken -AccountId ''
If someone has faced and successfully resolved this issue or have some tips on how to resolve this, please help.
I have already tried a lot of things including searching for the specific exception messages and any possible solutions but found nothing that could help in this particular scenario, installed the latest version of MSTeams module, the previous version was old and did not have all the cmdlets that I am looking to work with. I actually installed the preview version of MSTeams module also to see if this issue is fixed in the upcoming release. Uninstalled the deprecated SkypeForBuisnessOnline Connector module, updated windows and so on. If you look at Example 4 in the Microsoft documentation for Connect-MicrosoftTeams, this is what I am following.
There are several problems in your implementation, I will explain them one by one below.
The answer in this post generates an Microsoft Graph access token rather than an AAD Graph access token. But you put it as the -AadAccessToken. You should put it as -MsAccessToken here because Get-Team is calling Microsoft Graph. But we cannot simply use Connect-MicrosoftTeams -MsAccessToken $AadAccessToken-AccountId '' because the -AadAccessToken is necessary. So for testing purpose, we could set it as the same as -MsAccessToken.
So you can use this cmd to connect to Microsoft Teams:
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -AadAccessToken $AadAccessToken -MsAccessToken $AadAccessToken -AccountId ''
Then you can run Get-Team -User successfully.
But there will be another issue here. Get-CsTeamsCallingPolicy is a cmd under Skype For Business Powershell module. We have to run either Connect-MicrosoftTeams (in Teams module) or new-csonlinesession (in SFB module) before running cmdlets.
It means that Get-CsTeamsCallingPolicy is NOT calling Microsoft Graph or AAD Graph.
So the connection method using -AadAccessToken and -MsAccessToken is NOT enough for you to run this command from the SFB module.
I know you don't want to perform login interactively again here for running Powershell cmd. However, since your account has already enabled MFA, static login will no longer apply.
So next I tried to connect with a service principal by following Example 3 here.
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -TenantId c3eac90d-eb4b-48ef-ac86-7acac472d3cd -CertificateThumbprint 9b6ac64bfb8b48dbb53cca75fb33ce2d -applicationid daaaf729-aaff-45ba-8055-a39dd618fe24
Then the error Run either Connect-MicrosoftTeams or new-csonlinesession before running cmdlets. is bypassed BUT I got a new error when I run `Get-CsTeamsCallingPolicy:
Exception calling "GetRemoteNewCsOnlineSession" with "1" argument(s): "Tenant Domain is empty"
But I clearly specified the tenant id when I logged in with the service principal.
So I think that the Microsoft Teams module is not well integrated with SFB module currently.
Your design cannot be implemented in this way.
Hope all my findings are helpful.

Powershell connecting to Sharepoint online using Active directory

To start, I am using Windows 7, I am a full adminstrator on this machine
I have tried other machines and ran as an administrator as well
I am only a sharepoint site collection admin
In powershell we connect to Sharepoint online. during this process, if I use Connect-PnPOnline -Url $masterSiteUrl -useweblogin, I get prompted for a username, however the next screen is blank and stays there.
when I do a view source of that page I get
d>" method="POST">
I do have scripting enabled and sometimes I get a certificate issue, I have clicked "Install Certificate" although I am not sure what it did, but it still doesnt work
Ive also tried -SPOManagementShell and -ClearTokenCache
and get the following error
Connect-PnPOnline : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.
At line:1 char:1
+ Connect-PnPOnline -Url $masterSiteUrl -useweblogin -spoManagementShel ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Connect-PnPOnline], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameterSet,SharePointPnP.PowerShell.Commands.Base.ConnectOnline
See this:
Connect to all Office 365 services in a single Windows PowerShell
and this...
Connect to all Office 365 Services PowerShell - Supports MFA too
Using our All-in-One PowerShell script, you can connect to all Office
365 Services using a single cmdlet. It supports both MFA and non-MFA
account -Exchange Online -Azure AD -SharePoint Online -Skype for
Business Online -Security & Compliance Center -Teams
Download: ConnectO365Services.ps1
O365_Logon 1.1
O365 logon cmdlets to assist IT administrators. In this module, there
are several cmdlets that simplify the process of logging onto various
O365 components.

How to get rid of error while creating ACS Namespace on Azure Service Bus with PS?

Short story: I get the following error when trying to create a namespace on Azure Service Bus using Azure Powershell (Run as Administrator):
PS C:> New-AzureSBNamespace -Name mynewnamespace2 -Location "East US"
-CreateACSNamespace $true -Namespac New-AzureSBNamespace : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. At line:1 char:1
+ New-AzureSBNamespace -Name mynewnamespace2 -Location "East US" -CreateACSNamespace $ ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [New-AzureSBNamespace], NullReferenceException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.ServiceBus.NewAzureSBNamespaceCommand
Long story: I created a first namespace in Azure Service Bus to use Relay in buffered mode (namespace=mynewnamespace). It works great except when you want to transfer a larger set of data. For this there is the streamed mode and I found this handy example (, changed appropriate settings for namespace and credentials and ran the server part from the project and I get the error
{"The remote name could not be resolved:
because, of course, this ACS namespace does not exist. So I found out that I need to create the namespace the old fashioned way using PS, installed Azure CLI and run the commands below with the following result:
For a list of all Azure cmdlets type 'get-help azure'.
For a list of Windows Azure Pack cmdlets type 'Get-Command wapack'.
PS C:> azure login
info: Executing command login
|info: To sign in, use a web
browser to open the page Enter the code EE226448L to
authenticate. If you're signing in as an Azure AD application, use the
--username and --password parameters.
/info: Added subscription Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN info: Setting subscription
"Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN" as default
info: login command OK
PS C:> New-AzureSBNamespace -Name mynewnamespace2 -Location "East US" -CreateACSNamespace $true -NamespaceType Messaging
WARNING: Microsoft Azure PowerShell collects data about how users use
PowerShell cmdlets and some pro encounter. Microsoft uses this
information to improve our PowerShell cmdlets. Participation is volu
choose to participate your device automatically sends information to
Microsoft about how you use Azure Powershell.
If you choose to participate, you can stop at any time by using Azure
PowerShell as follows:
1. Use the Disable-AzureDataCollection cmdlet to turn the feature Off. The cmdlet can be found in the AzureResourceManager module To disable
data collection: PS > Disable-AzureDataCollection
If you choose to not participate, you can enable at any time by using
Azure PowerShell as follows:
1. Use the Enable-AzureDataCollection cmdlet to turn the feature On. The cmdlet can be found in the AzureResourceManager module To enable
data collection: PS > Enable-AzureDataCollection
Select Y to enable data collection [Y/N]: WARNING: You choose not to
participate in Microsoft Azure PowerShell data collection. WARNING:
The setting profile has been saved to the following path
'C:\Users\PDube\AppData\Roaming\Windows Azure Powershell\AzureDataCollectionProfile.json'.
New-AzureSBNamespace :
Object reference not set to an instance of an object. At line:1 char:1
+ New-AzureSBNamespace -Name mynewnamespace2 -Location "East US" -CreateACSNamespace $ ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [New-AzureSBNamespace], NullReferenceException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.ServiceBus.NewAzureSBNamespaceCommand
I tried to create the new namespace using Azure CLI on 2 different computers, thinking the first install was corrupted, but I get the exact same error.
How can I fix this error?

Azure App Service Scaling powershell

I have app service in my environment named "Standard" . Currently the app service is configured in standard tier small 1 instance.
Using powershell I am trying to scale the app service which will in turn scale the web apps inside this app service.
I want to change size to Medium and instances to 2.
Here is my snippet.
Set-AzureRMAppServicePlan -Name Standard -ResourceGroupName
MyWebAppRG - NumberofWorkers 2 -WorkerSize Medium
When I run this command I am getting following error
Set-AzureRMAppServicePlan : Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.Authentication, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
At line:11 char:1
+ Set-AzureRMAppServicePlan -Name Standard -ResourceGroupName MyWebAppRG -Numbero ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-AzureRMAppServicePlan], FileNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.IO.FileNotFoundException,Microsoft.Azure.Commands.WebApps.Cmdlets.AppServicePlans.SetAzureAppSe
I am not sure, what's wrong here? and what exactly this error means.
For the information, I am able to run other powershell commands just fine,example set-AzureRMResource and others. so isn't an environment issue.
Any help appreciated..
What version of the Azure Powershell are you using? This was a known issue in Azure Powershell 1.0.0. If you are using that version, use the version below instead. Do post back if you still see issues.

Security Token Validation Error with JWT token -- HDInsight

I created a new storage account and provisioned an HDInsight cluster on Windows Azure. However, when I try to run any command on Windows Azure Powershell related to the cluster, I get the following error:
PS C:\> Get-AzureHDInsightCluster -Name $clusterName
Get-AzureHDInsightCluster : Request failed with code:Unauthorized
Content:<Error xmlns=""
xmlns:i=""><Code>AuthenticationFailed</Code><Message>A security token
validation error occured for the received JWT token.</Message></Error>
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-AzureHDInsightCluster -Name $clusterName
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-AzureHDInsightCluster], HttpLayerException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Hadoop.Client.HttpLayerException,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.HDInsight.C
I'm completely new to HDInsight, but I ran a script before this command to add the Azure account, create variables for the subscription name, storage account name, and container name from this page.
Do you know what this error means? And how to fix it? I'm trying to run a script with Pig commands after following this website.
It looks like the PowerShell environment is not properly setup. You should add your Azure subscription first with GetAzureSubscription. See: