Determine the model of iPhone device [duplicate] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
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How to deal with iPhone 5 screen size?
So with the release of iPhone 5 today and a larger screen height, how do we accommodate for different screen sizes across the different iPhone variants in our apps. I understand that apps which are not updated for iPhone 5 will be "letter boxed", but what about backwards compatibility?
Is there a way to check whether the app is running on an iPhone 3, 4 or 5?

You normally don't need that, because checking the hardware is not the right approach.
If you need to base decisions in your app on the screen size, like accomodate to the screen size for your UI, you should… test the screen size, not make some conditions on the hardware. Always test what is really necessary.
Use [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds for that (as you should always have done). Note that even before iPhone 5, one could plug its iPhone on a videoprojector or external screen and display its app on a screen with different resolution than the iPhone. That's why I hope that you never use magic numbers in your code (And if you did, you know why it's bad now ;)) and was already using constants or asking at runtime for the size of your screen.
Anyway, to accomodate for different screen sizes, if you configured your autoresizing mask correctly in your views, your applications will resize automagically. You just need to provide a Default-h568#2x.png launch image and your app will take the full size of the 4" screen.
Moreover, starting iOS6, you will be able to use AutoLayout to do finer constrainted layout of your views. See the WWDC'12 videos sessions that explains it in detail.

Checkout the UIDevice-Hardware extension, it was even recently updated to add support for the iPhone 5.


How to make app compatiable for iphone 4S and 5?

I am new to UI design, however a client wants an app ready for both iPhone 4s & 5.
I understand the iPhone 5 will create two bars if the image is not long enough. Many people said coding it at #2x will solve the problem. But I'm not sure exactly what that means.
Do I need to design two versions? What happens if I design only for iPhone 5? Will iPhone 4S users see a squished screen?
First, in a couple of months you'll have to support the iPhone 5's screen size. Apple have announced that it'll be a requirement soon.
Adding a Default.png of the right size is enough to enable an app to support the new screen size but is likely not enough. You'll also need to make sure that all your views resize to fill the screen. There's the old "springs and struts" method and the newer "constraints." There are tutorials you can search for -- Stackoverflow is not a good place for that kind of thing. You'll also need to update any images.
In short, try it in the Simulator and see what happens.
Using #2x is referring to whether or not the image asset is being displayed on a 'retina' screen. For example, if you had a 50x50 pixel image, the 'retina' (#2x) version would be 100x100. This is because 1pt (point) is equal to 2px (pixel) on a retina screen.
There are a variety of ways you can determine is it is an iPhone5 or iPhone4.
In the viewDidLoad, you could check the self.view.frame.size.height to determine which background image to load based on the height of the screen. This would require you to have two different versions of the assets (not including #2x versions), i.e. bg_iphone5.png & bg_iphone4.png.
There are other ways to accomplish this, and people have explained it better than I have here - search StackOverflow and you will surely find what you're looking for.
What happens if I design only for iPhone 5? Will iPhone 4S users see a squished screen?
Don't do this. Design for both.

app compatibility with iphone 5 screen size [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
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How to detect iPhone 5 (widescreen devices)?
Do any adjustments need to be made for an app started in development prior to the iphone 5 in order for them to work on the iphone 5's larger screen?
If so, what are these changes, or where can I find what to change? google hasn't been too helpful so far.
After adding the Default-568h#2x.png launch image, follow the steps outlined in this post:
How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?
If you are having issues with the images being used INSIDE the app, and you want to support iPhone 5 and pre-iPhone 5 devices, use this:
Dealing with different size images in a xib for iPhone5 versus iPhone4?
You need to add a default launch images with 640x1136px named Default-568h#2x.png to support the iPhone 5 screen.
First, you have to have a 640x1136 launch image (with -568h#2x.png suffix) to make it compatible with the iPhone 5, but to fully make use of the larger screen, there are a many ways to do it. I find the easiest way to do it is to make two separate storyboards, making a new one for the iPhone 5, while maintaining the one you have already used for the iPhone 4S, 4, etc. Using two storyboards removes the necessity for AutoLayout; enabling AutoLayout, it is good to note, also removes iOS 5 compatibility. Use the code in this answer to get started.
Depending on how your app views are laid out, you may not need to make too many changes. If you have views that resize and are anchored correctly, such as scroll views or table views, they will expand to fill the additional space on the iPhone 5 screen. You need to add an additional launch image for the new screen size too.
the iphone 5's screen is taller so you'd need to have images with a resolution of 1136x640 also included in your images folder. (add -568h#2x at the end of image's filenames)
also, everytime you will adjust your sprites and everything else that goes on the screen, you will need to account for the iphone 5 separately, just like you account for the ipad and the iphone (non retina and retina).

iPhone 5 Applications (4 inch Screen) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
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How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?
I'm (still) trying to convert one of my iPhone applications to iPhone 5, but it still looks like this in the simulator...
What am i doing and why won't it fill up the entire screen?
Have you provided a 4" sized launch image? That's the indicator that tells the OS that your application supports the full screen.
Have you selected in your UIView attributes inspector in XCode iPhone 5 screen size?
Please have a look at the url,
iPhone 5 TabBar not functioning in proper position
Now, in xib, at the right side, under 'Interface Builder Document', put a tick-mark on use autolayout and fix your objects in xib accordinlgy.
Download and install Xcode 4.5 GM. Set a 4-inch launch image for
your app. This is how you get 1136px screen height (without it, you
will get 960px with black margins on top and bottom).
Test your app, and hopefully do nothing else, since everything should work magically if you had set auto resizing masks properly. If you didn't, adjust your view layouts with proper auto resizing masks or look into Auto Layout if you only want to support iOS 6 going forward.
Also note: The auto-rotation API has changed completely, take a look at that as well if your application supports any rotation other than default.

How to make Adobe AIR application for iOS supporting both new and old screen size

I've been a Flash animator for a few years and recently tried my hand at developing a simple iOS application using Flash CS6 and AS3.
When I began development I was creating for the iPhone 4S' screen size, however now with the release of the iPhone 5 the new screen size obviously doesn't fill the screen, resulting in the black-bar letterboxing at the top and bottom of the screen.
I have three questions to ask:
Is it possible to release two different versions of the app onto the App Store for separate devices or does it have to be universal? (I believe the answer is the latter but I can't find a definitive answer)
Is it possible to have a stage size that matches the iPhone 5's larger display but cut off the bottom (for example) for the previous iPhone sizes, in effect just adding some information to the bottom of the screen exclusively for iPhone 5 users?
If (2) is not possible, is there coding examples available change positions of items on the screen? For example, I have a title and taskbar as well as a background, could I code it to stretch to the size of the device screen rather than the stage? And would I need to alter the stage size or is there code available to do that for me?
I'm quite new to the programming aspect of AS3 and I'm sorry if there are answers that you feel that I should know, but I'm really thankful for your time to read and answer and I thank you in advance for your replies!
Ben Kahan
While all of your options are possible, you'll want to make sure your program dynamically lays itself out and resizes visual assets depending on screen size, pixel density and orientation.
More here:
One Application, Five Screens (Including the iPad)
Writing Multiscreen AIR Apps
You should look into doing number 3! 1 will be a hell to maintain, 2 will piss off users with smaller screen. If you design your application a bit more flexible, that would also mean you have an app that works on android ;)
I don't have any particular code for handling different screen sizes, but I remember reading about it back when Adobe introduced FP for mobile. This article gives a lot of good advice for delveloping for mobile (even though it is a bit old) -- maybe you can find something that is more up to date though google :)

Handling the larger device size of iPhone 5 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to deal with iPhone 5 screen size?
Watched the iPhone 5 keynote and yes the device height and a resolution of 640 X 1136. So I saw they showed how existing apps which work on that. But I believe if we use native components like tab bar, navigation bar etc. will work fine. But how about custom tab bars, navigation bars and controls which resides relative to the device orientation. So these are my questions.
1) How to handle custom layouts which has custom tab bars, navigation bars, relative contents etc.
2) Welcome screen. We will need 2 sizes right now. So in iPhone 5 do we need another 2 more for normal and retina?
3) If you carefully watched the keynote seems iPhone 5 will cut some portion of view from left and right so there is no any additional change in the app development. Has anybody noticed that?
1) This depends on how you laid them out, you might need to adjust how you set the frame, change autoresizing masks etc, or if iOS 6 only is an option you could move to auto layout. Without knowing your code I cant give much more detail
2) There is no non-retina iPhone 5 so you only need 1 more Default.png size, named Default-568h#2x.png (btw adding this new sized default image is the trigger for iOS to show your app without letterboxing, so for some apps this is the only change which will need to be made)
3) This is the letterboxing I mentioned, it is what all current apps will do on the iPhone 5 until they are updated with a new default.png
My understanding is that all existing apps will work on iPhone 5 and you will just have the black borders. However you will now have the capability to tailor apps to the bigger screen size. I imagine that there will now be a new sized .xib or storyboard that will match the size of the iPhone 5. You will be able to put an if statement in the app delegate to choose which .xib/storyboard to load based on the screen size. unfortunately now I think we will have to create multiple .xib/storyboard files, similar to how universal apps are made at the moment. The file loaded is selected based on the device.
Hope this helps