How triggers works internally in SQL Server - triggers

Please correct me if I am wrong.
What I know about triggers is that they are triggered by events (Insert, Update, Delete). So we can run a stored procedure etc.. in the trigger.
This will give the application a good responsiveness because the query that the user interacts with, is quite small and this "other" longer time taking stuffs are taken care by the server internally as a separate task.
But I do not know about how the the triggers are handled inside the server. What I exactly want to know is what would happen in scenarios as given below.
Take Insert after trigger. And take trigger is executing a longer stored procedure. Then in the middle of the trigger there can be another insert. What I want to know is what will happen to that second trigger. If possible can I make that second trigger ignore itself.

marc_s has given the correct answer. I will copy it for the sake of completeness.
If you want to have a asynchronous functionality go for a SQL broker implimenation.
Triggers are triggered by events - and then they are executed - right now. Since you cannot control when and how often they are triggered, you should keep the processing in those triggers to an absolute minimum - I always try to make - at most - an entry into another table (an "Audit" table) or possibly put a "marker" row into a "command" table. But the actual processing of that info - running stored procedures etc. - should be left to an outside job - don't do extensive processing in a trigger! This will reliably KILL all your performance\responsiveness.


Multiple statements in a before update trigger vs multiple before update triggers

I am using before update triggers to enforce some complex business rules.
One trigger has three separate checks, each running its own query.
Is this best implemented using:
a) a single before update trigger containing all three querys
b) three separate before update triggers each containing a single query
If all checks inside triggers are connected with business rules, then one trigger gives better (more redadable) structure of checks, better control over checks order, trigger can be terminated with error in any time without processing all checks, additionaly there is always place to reuse some information obtained during check in next one.
The same functionality can be achieved with multiple triggers, but execution order of those triggers may be not so obvious.
According to Documentation
If multiple triggers of the same kind are defined for the same event,
they will be fired in alphabetical order by name.
It' s worth mentioning, that placing complex business rules inside triggers is not recommended approach.

How to investigate time required to obtain lock - and why - within a procedure

I am stumped on an issue I am having. The true context is rather complicated, but I can boil it down to these functional points (everything else is not related to the problematic table):
I have a trigger function that contains several SELECTs and then an UPDATE
The update takes an unreasonable amount of time to execute ("unreasonable" = > 1.4s)
The same exact queries when run outside the trigger (for the same rows, parameters, etc.) do not have any issues (i.e. they execute in under 1-2ms)
I am pretty sure that indexes, etc., are working as necessary; i.e. there shouldn't be any issues.
There are no circular triggers
There is on trigger on the destination table, but even with that removed the behavior is the same.
I have done many tests to no avail, but these are pretty meaningful:
when the update is replaced with a SELECT, the response time is fast, as expected
when the update is replaced with a SELECT... FOR UPDATE, the response time is slow, the same as the update
^ this (as well as other things) has led me to possibly believe that the delay is spent waiting to achieve a lock
No other transactions are really happening on that table. I am truly bewildered.
Server context: This is being run in AWS/RDS on db.m5.xlarge.
What I am looking for is whether there is a way to get some information about locks that are happening mid-transaction or possibly even a history of acquired locks? Or anything else that can give me insight into what is causing the delay that seems so closely related to acquiring a lock on that table.
Unfortunately, just to make everything even more frustrating, I cannot replicate the issue when I attempt to use EXPLAIN in the function body. The only way to do this (that I know of) is to use the EXECUTE... syntax with a query string. That doesn't have a delay - its also useless for the trigger.

Processing a row externally that fired a trigger

I'm working on a PostgreSQL 9.3-database on an Ubuntu 14 server.
I try to write a trigger-function (AFTER EACH ROW) that launches an external process that needs to access the row that fired that trigger.
My problem:
Even tough I can run queries on the table including the new row inside the trigger, the external process does not see it (while the trigger function is still running).
Is there a way to manage that?
I thought about starting some kind of asynchronous function call to give the trigger some time to terminate first, but that's of course really ugly.
Also I read about notifiers and listeners, but that would require some refactoring of my existing code and also some additional listener, which I tried to prevent with my trigger. (I'm also afraid of new problems which may occur on this road.)
Any more thoughts?

Executing a trigger AFTER the completion of a transaction

In PostgreSQL, are DEFERRED triggers executed before (within) the completion of the transaction or just after it?
The documentation says:
This controls whether the constraint can be deferred. A constraint
that is not deferrable will be checked immediately after every
command. Checking of constraints that are deferrable can be postponed
until the end of the transaction (using the SET CONSTRAINTS command).
It doesn't specify if it is still inside the transaction or out. My personal experience says that it is inside the transaction and I need it to be outside!
Are DEFERRED (or INITIALLY DEFERRED) triggers executed inside of the transaction? And if they are, how can I postpone their execution to the time when the transaction is completed?
To give you a hint what I'm after, I'm using pg_notify and RabbitMQ (PostgreSQL LISTEN Exchange) to send out messages. I process such messages in an external application. Right now I have a trigger which notifies the external app of the newly inserted records by including the record's id in the message. But in a non-deterministic way, once in a while, when I try to select a record by its id at hand, the record can not be found. That's because the transaction is not complete yet and the record is not actually added to the table. If I can only postpone the execution of the trigger for after the completion of the transaction, everything will work out.
In order to get better answers let me explain the situation even closer to the real world. The actual scenario is a little more complicated than what I explained before. The source code can be found here if anyone's interested. Becuase of reasons that I'm not gonna dig into, I have to send the notification from another database so the notification is actually sent like:
PERFORM * FROM dblink('hq','SELECT pg_notify(''' || channel || ''', ''' || payload || ''')');
Which I'm sure makes the whole situation much more complicated.
Triggers (including all sorts of deferred triggers) fire inside the transaction.
But that is not the problem here, because notifications are delivered between transactions anyway.
The manual on NOTIFY:
NOTIFY interacts with SQL transactions in some important ways.
Firstly, if a NOTIFY is executed inside a transaction, the notify
events are not delivered until and unless the transaction is
committed. This is appropriate, since if the transaction is aborted,
all the commands within it have had no effect, including NOTIFY. But
it can be disconcerting if one is expecting the notification events to
be delivered immediately. Secondly, if a listening session receives a
notification signal while it is within a transaction, the notification
event will not be delivered to its connected client until just after
the transaction is completed (either committed or aborted). Again, the
reasoning is that if a notification were delivered within a
transaction that was later aborted, one would want the notification to
be undone somehow — but the server cannot "take back" a notification
once it has sent it to the client. So notification events are only
delivered between transactions. The upshot of this is that
applications using NOTIFY for real-time signaling should try to keep
their transactions short.
Bold emphasis mine.
pg_notify() is just a convenient wrapper function for the SQL NOTIFY command.
If some rows cannot be found after a notification has been received, there must be a different cause! Go find it. Likely candidates:
Concurrent transactions interfering
Triggers doing something more or different than you think they do.
All sorts of programming errors.
Either way, like the manual suggests, keep transactions that send notifications short.
Update: Transaction control in a PROCEDURE or DO statement in Postgres 11 or later makes this a lot simpler. Just COMMIT; to (also) send waiting notifications.
Original answer (mostly for Postgres 10 or older):
PERFORM * FROM dblink('hq','SELECT pg_notify(''' || channel || ''', ''' || payload || ''')');
... which should be rewritten with format() to simplify and make the syntax secure:
PRERFORM dblink('hq', format('NOTIFY %I, %L', channel, payload));
dblink is a game-changer here, because it opens a separate transaction in the other database. This is sometimes used to fake autonomous transaction.
Does Postgres support nested or autonomous transactions?
How do I do large non-blocking updates in PostgreSQL?
dblink() waits for the remote command to finish. So the remote transaction will most probably commit first. The manual:
The function returns the row(s) produced by the query.
If you can send notification from the same transaction instead, that would be a clean solution.
Workaround for dblink
If notifications have to be sent from a different transaction, there is a workaround with dblink_send_query():
dblink_send_query sends a query to be executed asynchronously, that is, without immediately waiting for the result.
DO -- or plpgsql function
-- do stuff
PERFORM dblink_connect ('hq', 'your_connstr_or_foreign_server_here');
PERFORM dblink_send_query('con1', format('SELECT pg_sleep(3); NOTIFY %I, %L ', 'Channel', 'payload'));
PERFORM dblink_disconnect('con1');
If you do this right before the end of the transaction, your local transaction gets 3 seconds (pg_sleep(3)) head start to commit. Chose an appropriate number of seconds.
There is an inherent uncertainty to this approach, since you get no error message if anything goes wrong. For a secure solution you need a different design. After successfully sending the command, chances for it to still fail are extremely slim, though. The chance that successful notifications are missed seem much higher, but that's built into your current solution already.
Safe alternative
A safer alternative would be to write to a queue table and poll it like discussed in #Bohemian's answer. This related answer demonstrates how to poll safely:
Postgres UPDATE … LIMIT 1
I'm posting this as an answer, assuming the actual problem you are trying to solve is deferring execution of an external process until after the transaction is completed (rather than the X-Y "problem" you're trying to solve using trigger Kung Fu).
Having the database tell an app to do something is a broken pattern. It's broken because:
There's no fallback if the app doesn't get the message, eg because it's down, network explodes, whatever. Even the app replying with an acknowledgment (which it can't), wouldn't fix this problem (see next point)
There's no sensible way to retry the work if the app gets the message but fails to complete it (for any of lots of reasons)
In contrast, using the database as a persistant queue, and having the app poll it for work, and take the work off the queue when work is complete, has none of the above problems.
There are lots of ways to achieve this. The one I prefer is to have some process (usually trigger on insert, update and delete) put data into a "queue" table. Have another process poll that table for work to do, and delete from the table when work is complete.
It also adds some other benefits:
The production and consumption of work is decoupled, which means you can safely kill and restart your app (which must happen from time to time, eg deploying) - the queue table will happily grow while the app is down, and will drain when the app is back up. You can even replace the app with an entirely new one
If for whatever reason you want to initiate processing of certain items, you can just manually insert rows into the queue table. I used this technique myself to initiate the processing of all items in a database that needed initialising by being put on the queue once. Importantly, I didn't need to do a perfunctory update to every row just to fire the trigger
Getting to your question, a slight delay can be introduced by adding a timestamp column to the queue table and having the poll query only select rows that are older than (say) 1 second, which gives the database time to complete its transaction
You can't overload the app. The app will read only as much work as it can handle. If your queue is growing, you need a faster app, or more apps If multiple consumers are operating, concurrency can be solved by (for example) adding a "token" column to the queue table
Queues that are backed by database tables is the basis of how persistent queues are implemented in commercial grade queue-based platforms, so the pattern is well tested, used and understood.
Leave the database to do what it does best, and the only thing it does well: Manage data. Don't try to make your database server into an app server.

Could I save Postgres transaction and continue work with db within it later

I know about prepared transaction in Postgres, but seems you can just commit or rollback it later. You cannot even view the transaction's db state before you've committed it. Is any way to save transaction for later use?
What I want to achieve actually is a preview (and correcting) of some changes in db (changes are imports from csv file, so user need to see preview before apply it). I want to make changes, add some changes later, see full state of db and apply it (certainly, commit transaction)
I cannot find a very good reference in docs, but I have a very strong feeling that the answer is: No, you cannot do that.
It would mean that when you "save" the transaction, the database would basically have to maintain all of its locks in place for an indefinite amount of time. Even if it was possible, it would mean horrible failure modes and trouble on all fronts.
For the pattern that you are describing, I would use two separate transactions. Import to a staging table and show that to user (or import to the main table but mark rows as "unapproved"). If user approves, in another transactions move or update these rows.
You can always end up in a situation where user can simply leave or crash without clicking "OK" or "Cancel". If what you're describing was possible, you would end up with a hung transaction holding all these resources. In my proposed solution you end up with wasteful rows in "staging" table that you may still show to user later or remove.
You may want to read up on persistence saga. This is actually a very simple example of a well known and researched problem.
To make the long story short, this pattern breaks down a long-running process like yours into smaller operations that are applied and persisted in some way in separate transactions. If any of them happens to fail (or does not occur as expected), you have compensating actions that usually undo what the steps executed so far have done (e.g. by throwing away stale/irrelevant data).
Here's a decent introduction:,completion%20of%20the%20previous%20one.
This concept was formally introduced in the 80s, but is well alive and relevant today.