How to do query in Membase? - nosql

Any API for this?
What about query with conditions on key or values ?
I know there is a, which can dump all contents from Membase, but it it just a tool.

There isn't a way to do this do this Membase, but Couchbase 2.0 will add query support and will be released in late October. In the meantime you can download a developer preview on the Couchbase website to check out the new features.


Does Laravel support MongoB by default or any NoSQL database?

My company runs a huge Lumen 5.1 project on MySQL. They want to add to it analytics, and they that part to use MongoDB
Is it possible to use MongoDB without any third party libraries? I one going to use
But the tech lead thinks Laravel support MongoDB by default, I'm just asking this question to check whether that's true or not.
If MongoDB isn't an option, does Laravel support any other NoSQL by default?
Laravel does not support MongoDB by default.
You would need to use one of several available third-party packages. I like moloquent because it maps mongo db collections to laravel models just like eloquent.
You can use Redis if you need a natively supported NoSQL db or could consider ElasticSearch (not supported natively) if you are going to store a lot of meta data and then analyse it. Tools like kibana and logstash might get very helpful.

Syncing data between sqlite and mongo using meteor, cordova

I am developing a hybrid Cordova app (but only for Android platform) using Meteor.
App should have offline support, in a way that a user can add objects that are stored offline, in a SQLite database, and after the user connects to Internet, sync the data with server (Mongo database).
Problem is a can't find any solution for synchronisation.
I have looked at GroundDB that provided the mechanism for synchronization I need, but stored data in localStorage which doesn't provide enough storage. In newer versions it doesn't provide sync mechanism, only cashing.
Do you have any suggestions or experience with this type of problem? Any help would be much appreciated.
You could look at LokiJS, which is in a high performance JS database, with features to sync to Mongo.
I haven't used it myself, but from looking at the site, it may do what you need.
You can also check out MongOGX which is a Javascript "clone" of mongo for the front end

About Database Encryption in OrientDB

I'am evaluating OrientDB for a SaaS-CRM project and really expect to use it.
Since data security is a key factor, I'd like the OrientDB development team to answer my questions.
In version 2.2, is it possible to encrypt clusters/databases by orientjs api( and/or sql api, db functions), and totally independent of java api? if true, then how can I do?
Encrypting fields/attributes of records is on your schedule? If so,When will come to release?
If I do not express clearly, pls forgive me:-)
Many thanks.
Do you mean encrypt records? OrientDB provides encryption at
storage level, but once records are sent to node.js driver, they are
decrypted. If you want such encryption it's not supported out of the box, sorry. You can still use SSL to encrypt data of your connection in case and this is provided out of the box.
It's a feature request, but it's not on our roadmap for the next
year unless we find a sponsor for it.

Is it possible to pair EZ Publish 5 to MongoDB?

We have an EZ Publish 5 already operational with an Oracle 11g database as a persistence backend.
We planned to get rid of Oracle and we know that we could use Postgresql for sure as a new RDBMS, but we also planned to use MongoDB whenever it's possible.
So the question is: Can we pair EZ Publish 5 to a MongoDB NoSQL database ?
Quick answer: You cannot now as there is no MongoDB driver implemented.
There was a NoSQL Driver planned in the 5.x series, but it is not yet implemented in the latest eZ Publish 2013.06.
With the official roadmap not being updated since the 4.6 release, it hard to guess when the NoSQL driver will be implemented, and if MongoDB will be supported.
Theorically, as the new persistence API make it "easier" to add new storage drivers, you could write a custom MongoDB storage driver.
But in practice implementing a storage driver is quite complex and resource consuming.
Contacting the eZ Systems office in your region and directly ask them when a MongoDB driver will be available might be fastest way to get a clear answer.
I hope it helps.
It is not currently possible as there is no storage engine implemented for MongoDB.
It is indeed planned to implement a NoSQL engine, but there is no version tag on this for now.
However, the new persistence API makes it possible to "easily" implement such a storage engine, but you will be limited by the fact that eZ Publish 5 still uses the legacy back office which runs in the legacy stack (so with 4.x infrastructure which is not compatible with NoSQL).
In short: Implementing a new storage engine will make it only accessible from Public API and REST API.
Since ez5 is a symfony application you can achieve this the symfony way
just remember they have renamed the app folder and the appkernel.php.
Haven't tried it yet though


I am having a requirement that i want to inserted the record into COUCHBASE using UNQL,Can any one suggest me how to connect COUCHBASE using UNQL.
Unql is an open project and a preview intended to help discussion on use cases for a query language with these newer databases. It's not included in any release of Couchbase at the moment.
See for info on how to insert data, etc.