LWUIT - Adding 3 Commands and how to get events from them? - lwuit

I was working with Command Component with LWUIT to develop small Midlet applications
there was a situation where i had to have three commands helping me to go to different forms.
Display.getInstance().setThirdSoftButton(true); definetly helped in displaying the 3 commands.
Since i am using the Sun Wireless toolkit for CLDC 2.5.2 , It gives mobile emulators with only two soft keys.
Please help me with getting the event from 3rd key also...
eagerly waiting for reply..
Thanks and regards,

You need to use the fire button for the 3rd command.


Detect the underlying OS in a Chrome Packaged App

Since packaged apps can run on different platforms, is there any way to distinguish between Windows and Mac ?
I would like to show some help vis-à-vis keyboard shortcuts and being able to detect the OS would help in for example showing Command ⌘C or CtrlC accordingly.
You can also use the new chrome.runtime.getPlatformInfo API (https://developer.chrome.com/apps/runtime.html#method-getPlatformInfo, available since Chrome 29).
You can use window.navigator in JS. Typically that will have the information you're looking for. Probably in window.navigator.platform.

How to display a our popup before other installed application startup?

Currently, I am working on one security application. In this application, user can select applications for which he/she want to have additional security.
So, before this selected application start, one 'popup/screen with question' will be displayed. and if user answers it right, popup will be dismissed.
So my question is, is it possible to display our popup/screen before other installed application startup?
And if yes, then how to do it?
I searched on google, but didn't find any useful.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
in iOS, Application run in its own sandbox environment. You cannot control other application's startup and hence this is not feasible using any apple documented APIs.
this is not possible.In iOS, Application run in its own sandbox environment so you cannot get any application information. this is only done in jailbreak programming. In witch you hook app startup method method and show your popup first.

Is there any functional automation tool for testing native iPhone applications?

I have been involved in doing web automation and Android automation testing. Currently we are looking for any iPhone functional testing tool which will help us to reduce the number of hours for regression testing. We are looking for an open source tool like Selenium or Robotium, where test cases are easier to write and implement.
If you wait until iOS 5 is released, I am sure you will find a component in Instruments that will do just what you want.
Non open source option could be SeeTest from experitest. It support both Android and iOS.
These days there are a number of projects to automate testing for native applications, including iphones. These two are the ones i see first on github searches.
I remember there must be more but i do not recall their names

How to localize iPhone(monotouch) and Windows Phone 7 application altogether?

I want to build application both for Widows Phone 7 and iPhone using .net stack.
As being rationale I want to avoid to double code this logic. Is it possible to use resx files in both platform for this, or are there any good viable solution so I can reuse code base on both platforms?
Any good advice or best practice if anyone stoped on the same issue?
Here's a post from Craig Dunn that examines code sharing between the platforms

Detecting iPhone app version update?

I'd like to determine when new versions of my app are available on the Appstore and display some form of notification to the user when this happens - perhaps a UIAlertView or similar - and wondered whether anybody knew of any pre-designed frameworks for doing this? I found the StoreKit provided by iPhone SDK but it seems to only return application names, not version numbers, so is of no use to me.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I don't think that there is a prefabricated framework for that kind of issue.
At least I couldn't find one when i was dealing with that topic.
What I did was fairly easy (provided that you have access to any kind of webserver where you're able to upload files)
I simply created a text file with two things in it.
1) the version number of the most up to date version available
2) a text that is being displayed to the user (in case his version is out of date)
on startup (actually I do it on every 3th startup and not more than once per day) i download the txt file, read the first line, extract the version, compare it to the current version of the app that is running on the users divice. if the version is out of date i then read the second line out of the text file and display it in an UIAlertView.
I hope I could help
You could create your own out-of-band data based on RSS, like the Sparkle framework based on Mac. You'd need to maintain that feed yourself of course - any time an update is accepted, you would publish a new article to the feed.
Little late to help original question, but figured might still be useful.
iVersion is an SDK which queries App Store API directly from app.
HockeyKit, Krooshal, CleverStork offer SDK and web service which monitor App Store.