I raised the App on the App Store.
I've check in iTunes Connect, crash reports do not accumulate.
Currently using Xcode 4.4 and the App name CityOfOz.
I wonder~T.T.
Other tasks necessary to use crash reports?
How to accumulate based on the crash logs?
I will wait your kind response.
iTunes connect only shows crash reports after a specific group reached a threshold (the amount of crashes needed for that is unknown). Also the list can only be updated once a day. In addition it only shows crash reports if the user did allow to send anonymous data to be send to Apple when setting up the device. Most users don't allow that, hence you don't see any reports. Also before iOS 5.0 these reports would only be send to Apple when the device is synced with iTunes.
I listed some alternatives on how to get crash reports fast and reliably as part of the following answer: Including custom data into iOS crash dumps
As mentioned by Kemi, the crash reports section in iTunes Connect isn't particularly useful. These days most developers use a third party crash report tool.
In my experience, crashlytics (http://try.crashlytics.com) is one of the best solutions.
I have enterprise version installed on few of the devices.
On one of the device app is crashing immediate after the launch button click every time.
It is working on other device without crash. Can any one help me on the issue that why it is crashing ?
We seems it certificate expiration issue. But if certificate is expired then it also should not work when I install it in new device.
Here are few steps will help you to find / detect / resolve your issue :
If its live version which you are testing than check out crash logs.
To check crash logs open Xcode -> window -> Organiser -> Select your app -> Crashes -> Select current version. You will find the crash
open it in Xcode it will help you to find the line which generating
If its not live app than try to debug app on same device using debug ad hoc provisioning
Another way is you can also use crashlytics tool into your app. It will give you detailed information of the crash along with the
possible code which encouraging the crash
Possible reasons for crash :
Architecture support. Might be crash issue generated only on base 64 devices than check out your app is base 64 supported or not
Use of Depreciated methods can also cause the crash
iOS Compatibility issue can also be a reason of crash
Most important reason is if your app trying to access privacy information without permission alert than also it will get crashed at
very beginning of app launch
Hope it will help you.
We figured out this but posting bit late.
Few data systems and validation not matched in case of the Date Time system used. Date Time formats are different according to user and devices. Few systems have date formate as a month in the first 3 characters longer than the year(e.g. 1 Aug 2020). (from the same region devices, the date time format could be different). so this validation is very critical and needs to consider and all test cases. This was the issue we were facing as in the start we were opening the calendar and fetching the events accordingly.
Also displaying data on threads and managing threads are also more important in this kind of case. Memory leaks and appropriate GCD usage may also lead to this situation.
I have just release the distribution of an App using an adhoc distribution with an Apple Enterprise Account. Everything was fine so my exclusive number of ten users are enjoying the App.
My question now is, providing that while using Enterprise Account there is no need to use Itunes Connect, how could I get the crash logs when they eventually appear?
As far as I know Itunes Connect is the only way to get this crash logs.
You could use something like Crashlytics to deal with getting crash reports. You could also use TestFlight to get them, and TestFlight would also make it easier to distribute new builds to your users.
There are quite a few tutorials on how to access crash reports using a computer, but what I would like my app to do is scan for crash reports (from itself) on startup--so that users can use my app to send me their reports. Is this possible?
PLCrashReporter is an open source crash reporting framework that can be added to an iOS App. Reports are generated in protobuf encoded format, which should allow an app to upload these reports to a server.
Take a look at these few resources that may have the solution you need:
You can get them using your itunes connect account
When the user synchronizes their device using iTunes, crash reports are copied to a
directory on the user's computer. If the application was distributed via the App Store and
the user has chosen to submit crash logs to Apple, the crash log will be uploaded and the
developer can download it via iTunes Connect.
You can also use Crittercism which directly sends you an email once a crash happens.
Another proprietary (but free) framework you can use for crash reporting is Crashlytics.
I have an app that I occasionally receive support emails for that say the app crashed on them and won't open up anymore. It shows 'Default.png' then exits. Even when the app is deleted and reinstalled.
-I get no crash reports or memory issues (as reported by itunes connect using reports from a significant sample size >20k downloads)
-I've confirmed it's not limited to a specific model and not caused by jailbroken devices.
-The app doesn't have external dependencies, so why would reinstalling it not fix the problem?
What kind of problems could cause the crashing to go unreported and be persistent?
If you have an uncaught exception handler, depending on what you have in there, you will not get reports written out the same way, or at all, as if you did not have a handler. This will make iTunes think there is not any crash reports at all. Uncaught exception handlers are commonly added as part of analytics frameworks, or third party notification tools.
While this could answer your question, a more reasonable explanation is that the crashing devices just need a device restart.
I think every app developer with a sizable install base has struggled with an issue like this in the past.
Are you using any sort of analytics package, such as Flurry, that helps you report crashes? We used Flurry with much greater success over Apple - Apple won't start reporting crashes to you until you have many -- and "just a few" is never enough.
Additionally, if it shows the default.png and crashes, take a hard look at your start-up code. Are you setting something in NSUserDefaults, that if, corrupted, could cause the app to crash on startup?
Admittedly it is strange that a delete-and-reinstall doesn't do the trick.
The users aren't reporting the error reports to Apple. The crashes could come from any number of sources.
You could walk a user through the process of digging crash reports directly out of iTunes during the next Sync and email them directly to you.
You could try asking a user to delete the app from the device, reboot their device, then have them install the app again after a fresh reboot.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
iphone how to get crash log from customers?
Some of my users are reporting crashes. What is the best way to explain to them how to send me their crash reports, so that they show up in the iTunes Connect list of crash reports? Do they get sent when users sync their phone with their computers? Thanks!
They will show up in iTunes Connect automatically if the users have enabled that.
When the user synchronizes their device using iTunes, crash reports
are copied to a directory on the user's computer. If the application
was distributed via the App Store and the user has chosen to submit
crash logs to Apple, the crash log will be uploaded and the developer
can download it via iTunes Connect.
See: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#technotes/tn2008/tn2151.html
I've been using Crittercism to automatically get crash reports. I like it better than iTunes because you get an email alert immediately after a crash.
When the users sync with the computer they go to:
Mac OS X :
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\\Application
Windows Vista:
The log file names start with application name and have the extension “crash”. They are just plain text files and can be sent by e-mail in original or zipped form, or even copy-pasted into your e-mail program.
From: http://www.anoshkin.net/blog/2008/09/09/iphone-crash-logs/ after a SIMPLE search on google for "iphone crash reports".
You could use BugSense and get crash reports without asking the users.
Disclaimer: I am a co-founder at BugSense
In iTunes, with their device tethered, if the user control-clicks on the name for their device, they will be able to select "Reset Warnings". Afterwards, a dialog box will pop up when the user next Syncs their device asking if it's OK to send data to Apple. If they click OK, then iTunes will upload all the crash logs from their device to Apple's servers.
Afterwards, you should be able to find your crash logs in iTunes Connect, and download them yourself. New crash logs will appear if your app still has problems and the user Syncs again, all automagically.