How do I split a sequence into two lists by a predicate?
Alternative: I can use filter and filterNot, or write my own method, but isn't there a better more general (built-in) method ?
By using partition method:
scala> List(1,2,3,4).partition(x => x % 2 == 0)
res0: (List[Int], List[Int]) = (List(2, 4),List(1, 3))
Good that partition was the thing you wanted -- there's another method that also uses a predicate to split a list in two: span.
The first one, partition will put all "true" elements in one list, and the others in the second list.
span will put all elements in one list until an element is "false" (in terms of the predicate). From that point forward, it will put the elements in the second list.
scala> Seq(1,2,3,4).span(x => x % 2 == 0)
res0: (Seq[Int], Seq[Int]) = (List(),List(1, 2, 3, 4))
You might want to take a look at - it allows you to search the scala standard library for functions by their signature. For example, type the following:
List[A] => (A => Boolean) => (List[A], List[A])
You would see partition.
You can also use foldLeft if you need something a little extra. I just wrote some code like this when partition didn't cut it:
val list:List[Person] = /* get your list */
val (students,teachers) =
list.foldLeft(List.empty[Student],List.empty[Teacher]) {
case ((acc1, acc2), p) => p match {
case s:Student => (s :: acc1, acc2)
case t:Teacher => (acc1, t :: acc2)
I know I might be late for the party and there are more specific answers, but you could make good use of groupBy
val ret = List(1,2,3,4).groupBy(x => x % 2 == 0)
ret: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Boolean,List[Int]] = Map(false -> List(1, 3), true -> List(2, 4))
res3: List[Int] = List(2, 4)
res4: List[Int] = List(1, 3)
This makes your code a bit more future-proof if you need to change the condition into something non boolean.
If you want to split a list into more than 2 pieces, and ignore the bounds, you could use something like this (modify if you need to search for ints)
def split(list_in: List[String], search: String): List[List[String]] = {
def split_helper(accum: List[List[String]], list_in2: List[String], search: String): List[List[String]] = {
val (h1, h2) = list_in2.span({x: String => x!= search})
val new_accum = accum :+ h1
if (h2.contains(search)) {
return split_helper(new_accum, h2.drop(1), search)
else {
return accum
return split_helper(List(), list_in, search)
// split(List("a", "b", "c", "d", "c", "a"), {x: String => x != "x"})
I have an exercise where I have to swap elements on even and odd positions.
For example, from Seq(1,2,3,4,5) I have to get Seq(2,1,4,3,5).
I wanted to use sliding and then swap two elements in the slid Seq, but sliding will take something like this: (1,2) (2,3) (3,4) (4,5), won't it? Is there any function to take only unique pairs?
Start with grouped().
case Seq(a,b) => Seq(b,a)
case x => x
Alternatively, another good generic approach is pattern matching:
val testList: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
def swapEvenAndOddElementsRecursively( listToSwap: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
listToSwap match {
// Base Cases (2) Empty list and list with single element
case Nil | _ :: Nil => listToSwap
// Recursive case take 2 elements swap and process rest of list
case firstElement :: secondElement :: rest => secondElement :: firstElement :: swapEvenAndOddElementsRecursively(rest)
final def swapEvenAndOddElementsWithTailRecursion( listToSwap: List[Int], result: List[Int] = List.empty): List[Int] = {
listToSwap match {
// Base Case (1) Empty list
case Nil => result
// Base Case (2) List with single element
case singleNumber :: Nil => result ::: List(singleNumber)
// Recursive case take 2 elements swap, append to result, and process rest of list
case firstElement :: secondElement :: rest =>
val updatedResult: List[Int] = result ::: List(secondElement, firstElement)
// val updatedResult: List[Int] = (firstElement :: secondElement :: result.reverse).reverse
swapEvenAndOddElementsWithTailRecursion(rest, updatedResult)
// List(2, 1, 4, 3, 5)
// List(2, 1, 4, 3, 5)
Note that for the tail recursive optimization, the method must be declared as either final or private (it cannot be overridden) and it must have linear pattern (one recursive case, arbitrary number of base cases)
I am starting the Scala programming course on Coursera, coming from 2 years experience with Java/Python/C#.
I am working through a problem where you must check to see if a list of characters has balanced paranthesis.
* Exercise 2
def balance(chars: List[Char]): Boolean = {
def recursiveBalance(chars: List[Char]): Boolean = {
if (!chars.contains('(') && !chars.contains(')')) true
else {
val openIndex = chars.indexOf('(')
if (openIndex == -1) false
else {
val chars2 = dropFirstMatch(chars, '(')
val closeIndex = chars2.indexOf(')')
if(closeIndex == -1 || openIndex > closeIndex) false
else recursiveBalance(dropFirstMatch(chars2, ')'))
def remove(index: Int, list: List[Char]): List[Char] = {
list.take(index) ++ list.drop(index)
def dropFirstMatch[A](ls: List[A], value: A): List[A] = {
val index = ls.indexOf(value) //index is -1 if there is no match
if (index < 0) {
} else if (index == 0) {
} else {
// splitAt keeps the matching element in the second group
val (a, b) = ls.splitAt(index)
a ++ b.tail
So this solution is working (if a little ugly). As part of the solution I attempted to remove an object from a list at a specific index. I've learned that in Scala Lists are immutable.
My attempt at doing this was to provide the index, the list, and use this example, which is the remove function. This works in the REPL, I made a list, ran the function and a new list was returned without the specified index.
But this did not work in my balance solution. Everytime the list was returned it was unchanged, causing infinite recursion. Eventually I stumbled on this article and borrowed their dropFirstMatch function, and upon substituting it, bam, working solution.
I am very new to Scala, and I must be overlooking something - can someone point out what it might be?
take(n) selects the first n elements in your list, where drop(n) selects all elements of the list except the first n ones.
To illustrate:
scala> val xs = List(0,1,2,3,4,5)
xs: List[Int] = List(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
scala> xs.take(2)
res0: List[Int] = List(0, 1)
scala> xs.drop(2)
res1: List[Int] = List(2, 3, 4, 5)
scala> xs.take(2) ++ xs.drop(2)
res2: List[Int] = List(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
In other words, your remove function simply returns the same list because it takes the first n elements of the original list, then adds that to the elements of the original list except the first n ones (drop). In order to remove the element at the given index in your list, you merely need to increment the index by one in your call to drop:
def remove(index: Int, list: List[Char]): List[Char] = {
list.take(index) ++ list.drop(index+1)
Checking for balanced parenthesis is way easier than what you are doing:
def balanced(list: Seq[Char]): Boolean = list.foldLeft(0) {
case (n, _) if (n < 0) => return false
case (n, '(') => n + 1
case (n, ')') => n - 1
case (n, _) => n
} == 0
Or, if you are a purist, like some commenters, and insist on recursion:
def balanced(chars: Seq[Char], n: Int = 0): Boolean = (n, chars) match {
case (-1, _) => false
case (n, Nil) => n == 0
case ('(' :: tail, n) => balanced(tail, n+1)
case (')' :: tail, n) => balanced(tail, n-1)
case (_ :: tail, n) => balanced(tail, n)
There is no built-in function or a method of a List that would allow user to add a new element in a certain position of a List. I've wrote a function that does this but I'm not sure that its a good idea to do it this way, even though it works perfectly well:
def insert(list: List[Any], i: Int, value: Any) = {
list.take(i) ++ List(value) ++ list.drop(i)
scala> insert(List(1,2,3,5), 3, 4)
res62: List[Any] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Type Safety
The most glaring thing I see is the lack of type safety / loss of type information. I would make the method generic in the list's element type:
def insert[T](list: List[T], i: Int, value: T) = {
list.take(i) ++ List(value) ++ list.drop(i)
If the body only consists of a single expression, there is no need for curly braces:
def insert[T](list: List[T], i: Int, value: T) =
list.take(i) ++ List(value) ++ list.drop(i)
#Marth's comment about using List.splitAt to avoid traversing the list twice is also a good one:
def insert[T](list: List[T], i: Int, value: T) = {
val (front, back) = list.splitAt(i)
front ++ List(value) ++ back
It would probably be convenient to be able to insert more than one value at a time:
def insert[T](list: List[T], i: Int, values: T*) = {
val (front, back) = list.splitAt(i)
front ++ values ++ back
Interface, take 2
You could make this an extension method of List:
implicit class ListWithInsert[T](val list: List[T]) extends AnyVal {
def insert(i: Int, values: T*) = {
val (front, back) = list.splitAt(i)
front ++ values ++ back
List(1, 2, 3, 6).insert(3, 4, 5)
// => List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Closing remarks
Note, however, that inserting into the middle of the list is just not a good fit for a cons list. You'd be much better off with a (mutable) linked list or a dynamic array instead.
You can also use xs.patch(i, ys, r), which replaces r elements of xs starting with i by the patch ys, by using r=0 and by making ys a singleton:
List(1, 2, 3, 5).patch(3, List(4), 0)
In the Scala course by his eminence Martin Odersky himself, he implements it similarly to
def insert(list: List[Any], i: Int, value: Any): List[Any] = list match {
case head :: tail if i > 0 => head :: insert(tail, i-1, value)
case _ => value :: list
One traversal at most.
How do I split a sequence into two lists by a predicate?
Alternative: I can use filter and filterNot, or write my own method, but isn't there a better more general (built-in) method ?
By using partition method:
scala> List(1,2,3,4).partition(x => x % 2 == 0)
res0: (List[Int], List[Int]) = (List(2, 4),List(1, 3))
Good that partition was the thing you wanted -- there's another method that also uses a predicate to split a list in two: span.
The first one, partition will put all "true" elements in one list, and the others in the second list.
span will put all elements in one list until an element is "false" (in terms of the predicate). From that point forward, it will put the elements in the second list.
scala> Seq(1,2,3,4).span(x => x % 2 == 0)
res0: (Seq[Int], Seq[Int]) = (List(),List(1, 2, 3, 4))
You might want to take a look at - it allows you to search the scala standard library for functions by their signature. For example, type the following:
List[A] => (A => Boolean) => (List[A], List[A])
You would see partition.
You can also use foldLeft if you need something a little extra. I just wrote some code like this when partition didn't cut it:
val list:List[Person] = /* get your list */
val (students,teachers) =
list.foldLeft(List.empty[Student],List.empty[Teacher]) {
case ((acc1, acc2), p) => p match {
case s:Student => (s :: acc1, acc2)
case t:Teacher => (acc1, t :: acc2)
I know I might be late for the party and there are more specific answers, but you could make good use of groupBy
val ret = List(1,2,3,4).groupBy(x => x % 2 == 0)
ret: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Boolean,List[Int]] = Map(false -> List(1, 3), true -> List(2, 4))
res3: List[Int] = List(2, 4)
res4: List[Int] = List(1, 3)
This makes your code a bit more future-proof if you need to change the condition into something non boolean.
If you want to split a list into more than 2 pieces, and ignore the bounds, you could use something like this (modify if you need to search for ints)
def split(list_in: List[String], search: String): List[List[String]] = {
def split_helper(accum: List[List[String]], list_in2: List[String], search: String): List[List[String]] = {
val (h1, h2) = list_in2.span({x: String => x!= search})
val new_accum = accum :+ h1
if (h2.contains(search)) {
return split_helper(new_accum, h2.drop(1), search)
else {
return accum
return split_helper(List(), list_in, search)
// split(List("a", "b", "c", "d", "c", "a"), {x: String => x != "x"})
In Scala, is there a way to get the currently evaluated items in a Stream? For example in the Stream
val s: Stream[Int] = Stream.cons(1, Stream.cons(2, Stream.cons(3,
the method should return only List(1,2,3).
In 2.8, there is a protected method called tailDefined that will return false when you get to the point in the stream that has not yet been evaluated.
This isn't too useful (unless you want to write your own Stream class) except that Cons itself makes the method public. I'm not sure why it's protected in Stream and not in Cons--I would think one or the other might be a bug. But for now, at least, you can write a method like so (writing a functional equivalent is left as an exercise to the reader):
def streamEvalLen[T](s: Stream[T]) = {
if (s.isEmpty) 0
else {
var i = 1
var t = s
while (t match {
case c: Stream.Cons[_] => c.tailDefined
case _ => false
}) {
i += 1
t = t.tail
Here you can see it in action:
scala> val s = Stream.iterate(0)(_+1)
s: scala.collection.immutable.Stream[Int] = Stream(0, ?)
scala> streamEvalLen(s)
res0: Int = 1
scala> s.take(3).toList
res1: List[Int] = List(0, 1, 2)
scala> s
res2: scala.collection.immutable.Stream[Int] = Stream(0, 1, 2, ?)
scala> streamEvalLen(s)
res3: Int = 3
The solution based on Rex's answer:
def evaluatedItems[T](stream: => Stream[T]): List[T] = {
def inner(s: => Stream[T], acc: List[T]): List[T] = s match {
case Empty => acc
case c: Cons[T] => if (c.tailDefined) {
inner(c.tail, acc ++ List(c.head))
} else { acc ++ List(c.head) }
inner(stream, List())
Type that statement into the interactive shell and you will see that it evaluates to s: Stream[Int] = Stream(1, ?). So, in fact, the other two elements of 2 and 3 are not yet known.
As you access further elements, more of the stream is calculated. So, now put s(3) into the shell, which will return res0: Int = 2. Now put s into the shell and you will see the new value res1: Stream[Int] = Stream(1, 2, 3, 2, ?).
The only method I could find that contained the information that you wanted was, unfortunately, s.toString. With some parsing you will be able to get the elements back out of the string. This is a barely acceptable solution with just ints and I couldn't imagine any generic solution using the string parsing idea.
Using scanLeft
lazy val s: Stream[Int] = 1 #:: s.scanLeft(2) { case (a, _) => 1 + a }