JStreeGrid Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method - jstree

I'm using the JSTreeGrid in an ASP.NET application. The implementation of the JSTreeGrid works fine in the application in which it was designed in tested. However when I moved it over to another application I recieved the following error message below:
Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method
When I initially moved the implementation over I discovered and corrected issues related to the new application forms utilizing Masterpages. The container names were concatenated to the div tags and the scripts were not finding the declared div tag IDs specified in the script. The application that I moved it from did not use Masterpages. I feel resonably certain that the error is related.
The error occurs in the _prepare_grid: function in the jstreegrid script when obj.each(function () section of script is run.
Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks

When you use master pages the Client ID of your DOM elements ia manupulated by the server.
This is due to the chace that you will use the same id both in the master page and in your derived page... when calling Jquery function i would guess that you use id selector i.e. $('#someID').doSomething() ...
When using master one of the solutions is to use the following selector as an exmaple:
$('[id$=myButton]').click(function(){ alert('button clicked'); });
This means that Jquery will select the element with an ID attribute that end with 'myButton'.
for more information follow this post.
How to use JQuery with Master Pages?


Is there a way to retrieve information from a ui element that has the property IsControlElement = False? (Python + Appium + WinAppDriver)

Greetings and salutations!
I'm working on a UI automation project for a windows desktop app (FrameworkId: Win32)
Stack: Python (3.7) + Appium (1.15.1) + WinAppDriver (v1.1).
I have identified an element using Inspect.exe, but when I try to code, whatever I do I receive this error:
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.
The locator strategy I'm using is xpath:
self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[#LocalizedControlType='text' and #IsControlElement='false']")
As you can see, Inspect.exe has shown that it has the property "IsControlElement='false'", but I cannot for the life of me "access" it via code.
I would also like to point out that any elements that had the IsControlElement='true' are properly found and I can "interact" with them.
Thank you very much for your help!
Source of issue
This is probably an issue within Microsoft's UI Automation implementation in .NET.
The property IsControlElement should have returned true while it didn't.
From my tests, it seems to be an issue somewhere within UIAutomationCore.dll.
I speculate that the root cause is that the automation implementation was targeted for accessibility in mind, and they have mistakenly ignored some controls which are NOT readable (Image, Geometry, etc.).
Workaround for some cases
Try to use UI control from a type that has a text.
if it's already a textual control, try to use a different textual control type. for example - in WPF project - use Label instead of TextBlock
if it's NOT a textual element, if possible, wrap the control in a textual element. in WPF projects you can use a <Label Padding="0"> as a wrapper.
Other things to consider
Try to use UIAComWrapper
Related issues
UIAutomation won't retrieve children of an element
UI Automation - #32770 (Dialog) shows in Insepct.exe but not in VisualUIAVerifyNative.exe
Side Note
Since you haven't specified which Python GUI library are you using, I was not able to provide examples for your library. Sorry.

Topic "Troubleshooting" no response inside browser console

I cannot get this to work as stated in the UI5 documentation topic Troubleshooting for browser developer tools.
I already typed the code but I see no response.
Issue 1
When pasting code snippet from the documentation, you need to omit the full stop (.).
Otherwise, the console will think that the expression is not complete, hence, no response.
But just omitting the full stop will lead to an error that myView is undefined. See Issue 2.
Issue 2
Since UI5 1.61.0, the component in the sample code (id="HeapOfShards") gets an additional auto-prefixed ID from the parent ComponentContainer (id="container"). Therefore, when accessing the root view via the global ID like in the topic, the ID of the ComponentContainer needs to be prepended:
myView = sap.ui.getCore().byId("container-HeapOfShards---app");
This is clearly a documentation issue that needs to be fixed. Update: It's fixed now.
Why it didn't work
In 1.61, the sample code for Troubleshooting moved from creating the ComponentContainer via inline-script to creating it declaratively via the module sap/ui/core/ComponentSupport.commit
The reason why .byId("HeapOfShards---app") suddenly failed is that ComponentSupport sets several settings beforehand when creating the ComponentContainer, among which the autoPrefixId gets true by default. src
When creating the ComponentContainer directly without the ComponentSupport, autoPrefixId is false by default which is why it was all fine in previous versions.

Security Exception when loading the site after Kentico upgrade from v9 to v10

After upgrading the existing v9 site to Kentico 10 I'm getting a security exception error when loading the site. The CMS admin however loads fine. I already added the FULL trust setting in web.config but it did not work. Any idea?
Problem, based on part that I can see and exception type would be in new SQL parser which was added in one of the hotfixes for v9 and thus it is part of v10.
You seem to be using one of the properties in a web part and than passing incomplete query via ##WHERE## macro. If a where condition is like {%CurrentDocument.DocumentID%} it is not a valid WHERE and whole property has to be complete SQL statement on its own, so it could be like DocumentID = {%CurrentDocument.DocumentID%}.
You can find a bit more in this thread:
Try load the template in the Admin UI pages application, then check the event log application, you should see the detail information about the SQL error. Most likely you have a SQL call that is trying to get some data from a column that's no longer there (through upgrade).

React does not recognize the `transitionAppear` prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute

I am using the redux-form-material-ui DatePicker as described in the docs. However it just throws these errors.
React does not recognize the transitionAppear, transitionAppearTimeout, transitionEnter and transitionEnterTimeout props on DOM element...
I checked it in the developer tools and these transition properties are actually passing down to the child div from it's parent CSSTransitionGroup.
Due to this, the DatePicker dialog is not working as expected. I have already spent more than a day on this but can't seem to get it working. Please help me out!
The exact Bug you are reporting is discussed here: "Unknown props transitionAppear, transitionAppearTimeout, transitionEnter, transitionEnterTimeout and ripples #9328".
User kaytrance said: "It turned out that material-ui uses react-transition-group v1.x, but a chart library that I use has dependency on v2.x. So I had to put an older version of chart library in order to get rid of that errors.".
A further comment from user kevincolten was: "You can bring in both react-transition-groups in your package.json
"react-transition-group": "^1.2.0",
"react-transition-group-v2": "npm:react-transition-group",
The example given in your question runs fine on my browser.
Since you haven't provided your code (and modifications?) or a CodeSandbox (which is OK for me) I had to use a different example to reproduce the same error and determine the appropriate fix.
I get from this sandbox:
Warning: render(): Rendering components directly into document.body is discouraged, since its children are often manipulated by third-party scripts and browser extensions. This may lead to subtle reconciliation issues. Try rendering into a container element created for your app.
Warning: React does not recognize the staticContext prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, spell it as lowercase staticcontext instead. If you accidentally passed it from a parent component, remove it from the DOM element.
in a (created by Link)
in Link
in CourseLink (created by Route)
in Route (created by withRouter(CourseLink))
in withRouter(CourseLink) (created by Course)
in li (created by Course)
in ul (created by Course)
in div (created by Course)
in Course (created by Route)
in Route (created by BasicExample)
in div (created by BasicExample)
in Router (created by BrowserRouter)
in BrowserRouter (created by BasicExample)
in BasicExample
No Results
That error was reported here "React does not recognize the staticContext prop on a DOM element".
The suggested fix from user timdorr is:
"You should do what NavLink does and wrap it in a Route inside CourseLink: https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router/blob/master/packages/react-router-dom/modules/NavLink.js ".
The Animation-Add-on isn't recognized.
That is due to the incorrect dependency, loading both is easier than fixing the one.

Stopping Ember.js Controller

My question is very basic on one hand but on the other hand the general situation is more complex, plus I cannot really get any working sample.
I'm developing/maintaing a web-application which is currently in transition from GWT code base into Ember.js.
Most of the newer code already relies on Ember.js and I think it's really awesome.
The problem is we cannot use Ember Router as all the request are being handled by the GWT.
In order to enabled the application run in this unusual configuration we have special JavaScript files that create our Ember main objects (Controllers & Models) for us.
As you can imagine navigation between tabs is cumbersome and is handled by GWT who creates Ember objects when needed. We are in transit toward a brave new world Ember Router and all.
But in the meantime, this is the problem I'm facing right now.
The user clicks a link which opens a page that contains some Ember based table.
The data is retrieved form the server using some Ajax code. Upon success it spawns a forEach loop which tries to pushObject all the received date into our Ember based components.
My problem happens when the user quickly switches between tabs. In this case the first list of object has not finished rendering yet and suddenly there's a new set of objects to handle. This causes Ember to throw errors like:
"Uncaught Error: Cannot perform operations on a Metamorph that is not in the DOM. "
"Uncaught NotFoundError: An attempt was made to reference a Node in a context where it does not exist."
Is it possible to prevent the loop from trying to render?
I've tried checking if the controller in question is already inDOM and it is, is there a way to notify Ember this object is no longer valid?
Sorry for a lengthy question and lack of running sample.
I'd probably modify the switch tab code to only execute afterRender has completed, that way you aren't mucking with ember objects while they are being used.
Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, function(){
// call GWT switch tab routine
Thank you Daniel and Márcio Rodrigues Correa Júnior. eventually what I did is to add a patch that would check the current context of the application (in my case the currently selected tab). If upon receiving the AJAX response the application is in the correct context (meaning the user haven't change the tab) go on. Otherwise just ignore the response and do not try to render it.
Now it seems to be working