GridFS issues with a Mongo Import - mongodb

I have a production server running Mongo 2.0.7 and a local machine that runs Mongo 2.0.6.
I exported a database as a JS file and then imported it in my local machine. EVerything seems to be working fine however I am unable to server GridFS files. That is when I try accessing that resource, I get corrupt data and thus no image. Any thoughts? I tried looking at the change log for the version change and saw nothing that could effect that?

I'm guessing that you used mongoexport to produce the JSON dumps. mongoexport does not provide the same data fidelity as mongodump, so try that instead.


Recovering Mongodb collections and documents data

good day to you all.
I am currently having a hard time restoring the MongoDB database.
Here is what happened.
Thanks for looking into this matter
Basically, my server and MongoDB 3.2 server running on DigitalOcean.
I made some changes on mongod.conf file to allow remote access from my local machine. Since then, it no longer worked. I got Mongodb connection failed issue so reinstalled new Mongodb version 4.4 and it doesn't want to load existing data which is located in var/lib/MongoDB. So I downloaded the whole data files as posted above on my local machine.
Now, at least I want to open the current database on my local machine but I couldn't find any proper way to achieve this. Thanks again for looking into this issue.

Importing to CosmosDB MongoDB API using mongorestore fails with retryable writes error

I'm trying to export and import data from an old MongoDB database server to Azure CosmosDB with MongoDB API using mongodump and mongorestore. But i'm having issues with the connection to CosmosDB. I'm using a connection string with the URI flag.
My mongorestore command including connection string is the following:
mongorestore --uri="mongodb://$COSMOS_USERNAME:$COSMOS_PASSWORD#$COSMOS_HOST:$COSMOS_PORT/?maxIdleTimeMS=120000&retrywrites=false&appName=#$DB_NAME#&replicaSet=globaldb&ssl=true" --archive="$ARCHIVE_NAME"
The error message from the command is:
error restoring from archive 'testProdExport.archive': (BadValue) Retryable writes are not supported. Please disable retryable writes by specifying "retrywrites=false" in the connection string or an equivalent driver specific config.
As you can see in the connection string i'm including the retrywrites=false URI parameter, but it looks like CosmosDB doesn't recognize the parameter.
Does anyone have experience with something similar?
//Edit: I've tried and verified that the connection string is working in a mongoose connection as well as in MongoDB Compass.
I found that the various mongotools (mongoimport, mongorestore, etc.) seem to ignore the retrywrites=false or retryWrites=false in the URI, but tacking on the option --writeConcern="{w:0}" allows the command to run successfully on instances that don't support retryable writes
You can try a version of mongorestore that shipped with MongoDB 3.4. This may not be able to read recent dumps though.
The ismaster output you provided includes:
logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30
This advertises session support but says cosmosdb does not support sessions.
CosmosDB is advertising support for a feature it does not implement, the tooling then (correctly) attempts to use it. This is a bug in cosmosdb.
On Windows, didn't have luck with appending on the connectionstring (not necessary if copied from Azure portal)
nor --writeConcern w:0 switch
But I ended up trying all previous archives and the magic combination of mongo tools 100.0.0 worked on CosmosDB with MongoServer v3.6.
Attention: Please take care that this can lead to missing data in the collections you restored. Tested it multiple times with different versions of mongorestore. Use the version which is in the mongoserver archive with version 4.0.27. You don't need to provide writeConcern at all in this version. It will also display how many documents are restored instead of 0 in the newer versions.
This affects CosmosDb with API v4.0.

How to export meteor mongodb data to CSV or any other file format?

I have an application which collects Email, Phone number, Address etc. I want to get this data from meteor mongo db and export it into some kind of a file format (Maybe CSV).
I tried using mongoexport but that even didnt work.
Whats the command to export meteor database data into a file or is there any kind of package.
FYI: application is stored on amazon ec2 instance.
You can still use mongoexport, you just need to point it at the meteor-internal mongodb:
mongoexport --port=3001
Just make sure meteor is running when you issue this command.
This is assuming you are running in development (using meteor, not a bundle), and using the default port (3000).

How to perform one-time DB sync to another DB in MongoDB?

I have separate development and production MongoDB servers and I want to keep actual data in development server for sometime. What I should use for it: mongodump, mongoimport or something else?
Clarification: I want to copy data from production to development.
If it's a one time-thing
and you want fine control over parameters such as which collections to sync, you should use:
mongodump to dump bson files of your Production DB to your local machine
mongorestore to then, retrieve the dumped BSON files in your Local DB
Otherwise you should check out mongo-sync
It's a script I wrote for my self when I had to constantly copy my Local MongoDB database to and from my Production DB for a Project (I know it's stupid).
Once you put your DB details in config.yml, you can start syncing using two simple commands:
./mongo-sync push # Push DB to Remote
./mongo-sync pull # Pull DB to Local
If you use it inside some project, it's a good idea to add config.yml to .gitignore
You can use the db.copyDatabase(...) or db.cloneDatabase(...) commands:
This is faster than mongodump / mongorestore because it skips creating the bson representation on disk.
When you want the dev database to look exactly like the production database, you can just copy the files. I am currently running a setup where I synchronize my MongoDB database between my desktop and my notebook with dropbox - even that works flawless.

What is the use of the mongo.lock file?

I am using mongodb-v1.8.1. Unfortunately my server gets hanged and i restarted my server.Once it comes back i could-not start the MongoDB. I removed the mongo.lock file and ran repair database query.Now mongo working fine. I am baffled with the mongo.lock file.What is the use of the mongo.lock file?.Removing the mongo.lock file will affect my existing data?
Please let me know your suggestion..
Mongodb always creates the mongodb.lock file when the server starts and drops it before mongodb is stopped.
Removing mongodb.lock does not affect any data it just means that mongodb was not stopped correctly. So, you are correct in removing this file and running with the -repair option should fix database.