Is there a way to preserve the uploaded file with a input upload value if a server side error happens?
What is happening now is when the form submits it throws the error and the uploaded image that we were trying to process clears out and i have to re-attach it each time.
Is there a way to keep it stored in the form data?
Trying to not store a temp file on my server due to the space constraints
I don't believe you can set the value of an upload field, the user has to select the file each time for security reasons. If you were able to choose what file should be selected via a script it would mean you could potentially force the user to submit sensitive information.
I would like to create the following form:
Step 1: The user enters his contact details.
Step 2: A confirmation page, where the user has the possibility to confirm or edit his entered data again (back to step 1)
The contact details are stored in an entity domain object. The properties have annotations for validation.
My problem:
When I pass the contact object to the confirmation page, I get the message
Could not serialize Domain Object Vendor\Extension\Domain\Model\Object. It is neither an Entity with identity properties set, nor a Value Object.
I understand that I cannot pass a non-persistent domain object. A tip I found was to convert the object to an array and back again later. This works to display the input on the confirmation page. But if the user edits the data, I lose the validation functionality when converting to an array.
Another possibility would be to persist the object already after step 1 (temporarily?) . The problem here is that the data must not be displayed in the backend (they are not yet confirmed). In addition, unused data is created if the user cancels the process.
Is it possible to save objects temporarily?
What is the most elegant solution to this problem?
If you only wan't to create a form, why don't you use a form plugin like Ext:form or Ext:powermail? These have a summary page by default. And you have the possibility to write the entered data into you're database.
I've got a database containing offline conversions (email, phone, name, purchase_amount, etc). I can export this database in .csv or .xls and I can also email this file on a daily basis to a Gmail account.
As Zapier has a Google Sheet to "Facebook offline event" API, I tried this workflow with
Export my database in .xls: OK
Mail it to my Gmail account as an email attachment: OK
Grab the attachment and upload file to Google Drive using Zapier: OK
This is the part where I'm in trouble: I want to copy the content of the .xls file that is on Google Drive to a new Google Sheet. I can't figure out how to do this in Zapier.
Finally, on every new spreadsheet created or new row added (depending on how I configure the Zap) , pushing the data to Facebook API.
I'm not a developer so I want to avoid coding if possible. I tought I could easily do it with zapier but it seems that working with data inside a file is not so easy.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
Best regards,
If it were me I would look into the scripting capabilities of Google Sheets to try and achieve this, having your code execute from a single place eliminates other possible points of failure. That said, I have put together a somewhat hacky, code free solution that should set you up to do what you are looking to achieve. I break it down step by step below:
Step 1: Export database as .csv file. I could only get this to work with .csv files and not .xlsx files. There may be the ability to do so but it would require further trial and error.
Step 2: Mail it to your Gmail account where I assume there is a Zap which triggers to upload the attachment to your drive account automatically.
Step 3: Setup a second Zap that is connected to your Gmail account
that triggers when you receive an email with an attachment.
Step 4: Isolate the attachment file from the results of the triggered Zap and use it as input for the following formatter action step.
Step 5: Setup your formatter action step using the text option. Within the formatter template select trim white space and use the attachment, isolated from the trigger step, as its input. See example photo here.
Step 6: Setup your final step which is the create Google Sheet function of the Google Sheets Zap. Enter a title for your new sheet, it will probably need to be a unique value I used the attachment ID from step one as my title but you can set it to whatever you would like. In the headers section type =IMPORTDATA("") . Between the two quotation marks place the output of the previous formatter step and then run the Zap. See example photo here.
Explanation: When Zapier catches the attachment file from your inbound email it seems to be stored as raw data. Given this we cannot simply dump this information into a spreadsheet as it would be unreadable. However it seems Zapier has a method for converting this raw data through the endpoint When we input the raw attachment data into the formatter step Zapier provides a link pointing to the URL for converting the data into its original format. We take this URL and using the Google worksheet function IMPORTDATA() we are able to import the file using Zapier's file conversion engine. Now that the data is in your new sheet you can set up an additional Zap to do something with it. Also note that the Zap to upload the attachment to your Google Drive is not necessary with this setup. That said if you are looking to keep backups of your data then keep it on otherwise you may have the opportunity to save yourself some zaps.
Hope this helps!
Many thanks for your awesome reply. I also tried the "trim whitespace" to get the data back. I only missed the "importdata" function which is super powerful. Indeed it only works with .csv. With .xls file, importdata gives the source code of xls file which is useless.
I ended with 2 zaps:
Grab Gmail attachment, upload to Google Drive (for backup & monitoring) and create new spreadsheet
Send Facebook offline conversion when new spreadsheet is added (filter: only continue when file name is xxxx), lookup spreadsheet row (I took one column that has the same value for each row) and finaly I could match my columns with the Facebook API.
I have 10+ requests in my Postman collection.
Each time when testing on my local server and testing server I have to change urls from 'localhost:8000' to 'test.mysite' manually.
Is there any solution to change all of them at once ?
You can do this using the 'manage environments' feature - This can be accessed using the icon under the Send/Save button.
Add a new environment file and set the key to 'url' and the value to 'localhost:8000' - make sure you give the file a name before saving. Go back to your request and select the new file in the drop down menu - This will currently say 'No Environment'. Once you’ve selected your file, replace the url string with {{url}}/your-route and hit send. This should now send the local request.
Repeat again but this time add the test server value to the 'url' key. Once that’s in place, all you need to do is switch between the 2 environment files when making requests.
More information about this can be found here
I want to upload some XML files to Alfresco, so the create con tent form has an input file form element.
I need to check if the XML is well-formed, and I already have the backend validation functions triggered on ResourceBehavior.onContentUpdate. If the XML is malformed, I want to notify the user with a dialog window.
So far, I can prevent the user to submit malformed XML by throwing an exception when the XML is malformed, but I can't figure out how to have share to display an error message.
I have been looking at all the validation JS in share, but remember, file input forms need to be submitted first so that you can have a look at its content, thus the validation has to be server-sided.
Any pointers on where should I begin?
The problem you are going to have is that your backend behaviour is not aware of the specific client session that made the changes and what client session it is that needs to be notified.
If you want to display a useful message then you are going to have to write some additional Share customisation. Some options which you can explore are having an action or webscript that returns whether the XML is valid or not and customising the Share upload form to execute this action/webscript after the file has been uploaded and then return the relevant message to the user.
You'll find a pretty detailed post on modifying the upload form here:
If you're feeling lazy then I'd consider just aborting the file creation if the XML is invalid during an onCreate behaviour and then the user will see an 'Internal Error'.
I want to post some data to the server, and in response, I want to create a CSV file, with application/excel as the MIME Type (recently recognized as Internet Media Type), to force the browser to open the generated CSV file in Microsoft Excel. However, I also want to prevent user from re-submitting the same info (re-posting the form) by any accident as the result of refreshing the page.
With simple CRUD operations, I use Post/Redirect/Get pattern, so that any further refreshing will only send HTTP Get Request to the server, without any parameter, thus not changing server's state (Idempotence).
What is the recognized pattern for stopping user from re-submitting (re-posting) the same info to the server, when the response is not a page, but a file?
Any idea?
The Post/Redirect/Get pattern is an answer to a browsing event.
Here, there is no browsing action (the form submission only open a 3rd party app, i.e excel), and so any kind of browsing related pattern will be useless.
I suggest you use both a server side trace of the initial submission (with a unique token maybe), so you can prevent the file generation, and an easy to write client side script like <form onsubmit="this.onsubmit = function(){ return false ; }">
I can offer you one other solution.
Take hash (MD5/SHA256 ..) of your submitted data. The hash will be [fairly] unique.
Put it in list in a session with a time limit, say 5 minutes.
Even your user submit same data. Hash will be same and you can give error message to your user.
If different users can post same data, you can also hold user information in the list. And give error message according to user.