Selenium::Remote::Driver or WWW::Selenium - perl

Which one should I use for a new project?
What is the difference between them?

Both require the Selenium java-based server to be running (as far as I can manage anyway).
WWW::Selenium uses the older v1 protocol, but has more infrastructure surrounding it. The v2 Selenium server is backwards compatible.
::Driver uses v2 protocol and is newer.
There are differences between v1 and v2 interfaces but the basic idea is the same in both.
So - in summary - not a huge difference between them. I don't think you'd regret your choice whichever you picked.

The main difference between Selenium 1 and Selenium 2 (aka Selenium RC, Webdriver respectively) is the way they drive the browser:
Selenium RC injects javascript to drive the browser while webdriver uses the browsers build in automation capabilities. What this means is that if you are using webdriver PLUS either the C# or Java bindings for example, you will not need the Selenium Server (unless you're not running your tests on the same machine as the browser).
As an FYI, the Selenium-Users as well as Webdriver groups in Google are great resources with an active community of participants. Most questions get answered there relatively quickly. Links below:
Webdriver Google group
Selenium-Users Google group


REST Server without GUI

I've started working with delphi quite some while ago but I would say I'm still a newbie in all this.
So basically I tried creating REST Server, which can validate license keys. I got in working with Indy, but one thing bothers me. The GUI. The Server shouldn't have any kind of gui so it can work on any OS (Win, Linux, etc). Is there a way to make a REST Server without any GUI/FMX/VCL?
BTW: Working in Delphi 10.2.3 Professional.
Any advice is appreciated.
EDIT: I forgot to mention one thing: the server is supposed to run on an independent Data Center away from any user.
You can create the WebServer as a Windows Service.
You can use DelphiMVCFramework or any other Framework to create it.
With DMVC you can create console application, Windows Service, Linux daemon, Apache module (Windows and Linux) and IIS ISAPI (Windows).
With Intraweb you can also create Services.
Take a look at our mORMot Open Source REST framework, which works on Delphi but also on FPC/Lazarus.
FPC support ensures that you can target Linux with this free compiler. No need to upgrade to a newer version of Delphi Architect, which supports Linux, and is very pricey - and less stable (to my knowledge) since Linux support is quite new.
As you requested, the mORMot REST server has no UI part. You define your services as interface and class - like you do e.g. with DotNet - and you will have full JSON/REST support generated.
mORMot is used on production since years for very high performance and stability, hosted on both Windows and Linux. A version 2 is on its way, which would be even easier to use for new projects.
And you can create a Windows service or Linux daemon without using any third party framework. Delphi include everything you need. However, it is possible that third party framework will facilitate your programming. Don't forget you'll have to learn those third party framework.
Creating a Linux daemon service in Delphi
Creating a Windows Service in Delphi
In both cases, you can use the sample code you've found that make use of TIdTCPServer.

selenium::remote::driver perl module: RC or webdriver

I am confused about Selenium::Remote::Driver's working.
AFAIK, we need to run selenium server jar file (even if browser and perl program are on same machine) to automate browser. However webdriver (if we use Java or other bindings) does not need server to be running.
The documentation clearly states:
To use this module, you need to have already downloaded and started the Selenium Server (Selenium Server is a Java application).
So my question is: Does Selenium::Remote::Driver implement selenium RC? Can we not implement webdriver APIs using perl?
APIs mentioned in Selenium::Remote::Driver are webdriver APIs?
After some more research, I think I found the answer.
I found Selenium::Firefox for firefox and similar modules for chrome also.
Now I do not need to use server instance. So Now I came to know that Selenium::Remote::Driver APIs are webdriver APIs.
I got to know this from this link.

Adding a Groovy web console into eclipse(j2ee) and run it at apache tomcat

Is there anyone that has done a java interpreter using groovy-all jar file? Maybe sample or example can share it to me or teach me? I meant a interpreter that can parse string(java code) into the textarea and output it as a result like(hello world)
As you need some sample code to implement a web-console using groovy-all.jar, it would strongly recommend taking a look at Groovy Web Console.
Although it's not exactly a Java EE / Tomcat app and it is fairly similar as its a standard Java Servlets API 2.5 based web app. It runs on Google App Engine, which you can try out here. All you need from it is the script execution logic which for most of the part is not app engine specific. Keep in mind, it has dependencies on GAE Apis (through Gaelyk) so you should prune that part out of it to run in it outside Google App Engine.

Netbeans Web Service Client not found

I've always used eclipse before, but I'm using Netbeans for the first time because of it's integration with Web Service clients.
However, after following multiple tutorials, the way to add a web service client is to:
Make a new project
Right click on your project, New->Other->Other->Web Service Client
However, I do not have the web service client option available, not sure what I am doing wrong.
Please mention the net beans version you have. You should use newer version of the IDE to use latest features.
For other developers who will face this problem like me, I will leave my answer here.
I'm currently using Apache NetBeans IDE 11.0 and it's in Web Services -> Web Service Client. If you still cannot find it, just use filter feature. I found it with filter.

Web framework with user-friendly desktop deployment?

I'm building a web app with Backbone.js (I'm not tied to Backbone yet though). I need a back-end framework only for persistence to a database via a RESTful API. However, I also need to able to deploy it as a 'desktop' app for off-line use, i.e. running a local server and launching a browser window, but I don't want users to have to start a server from the command line to run the application.
I can use SQLite as a database since it's only a single user application, it's just the framework that I'm stuck on. I have looked at the following:
Rails and Django: Default web servers are too flimsy, requires Ruby/Python and runs from the command line. I'm aware of the Bitnami stacks but at 99mb it's too big of a dependency and not exactly hidden from the user.
Sproutcore: Run from command line, also too bulky.
Pyjamas Desktop - Depends on MSHTML which I suspect limits my ability to use HTML5 features.
I'm leaning towards creating a Java app that starts a Scala/Lift server instance and opens a web browser, then sits in the system tray (kind of like WAMP). Is anyone familiar with a tool or framework built for user-friendly deployment as a standalone desktop app?
I do not know if PHP is an option for you? Then I would recommend phpdock.
web2py has a standalone deploy-to-desktop feature with no dependency on Python:
As Eydun said, phpdock is an option but it's commercially licensed .
I settled on using Java/Spring/H2/Hibernate/Jetty. I find that Jetty serves requests VERY quickly so the application looks real-time when launched in a browser. There is a tutorial on embedding the Jetty server here. I imagine it's quite trivial to build a GUI that launches the server and a browser.
Another Java option is to use the Play Framework, which may be more at home to those coming from a Django/Rails background. However, the documentation for "creating a standalone version of your application" for Play 2.0+ indicates that they have ditched using Java EE containers (Tomcat/Jetty) and WAR files in favor of running the JARs with the bundled copy of JBoss Netty, so it may take a bit of work to get it running the way you want it.
I would recommend the Play Framework approach if you're OK with using/learning Scala.