How to set system wide settings in eclipse - eclipse

For multi-users desktops, I need to set-up some preferences in Eclipse.
As an example, I need to activate those 2 preferences by default :
General>Workspace>Refresh using native hooks or polling
General>Workspace>Refresh on access
I've found that by checking them and closing eclipse, it is saved to <workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs which contains :
What would be the way to set it system wide? All users, all workspaces.

Use Google Workspace Mechanic to share these settings. Or have your IDE and workspaces managed by Yoxos (which does a lot of other things besides only preferences).
In pure Eclipse, there is no way to do this by configuration only.


Distributing eclipse with UI customizations

I would like to use Eclipse in an intro programming class. Is there some way I can make some kind of preferences file or some such that I can distribute with it that would set defaults for:
which buttons are in the toolbar
which menus are enabled in the application
which context-menus are enabled
what kinds of completions are available
I'd like it to start with only completing words from the current document
that is no Java API completions or code generation or whatever
This can be done using Eclipse Preferences File. All you need to do is import preferences into your workspace.
You can also export the workspace folder itself & publish Eclipse together with a default workspace folder, which will contain all the preferences.
Then create a shortcut to start eclipse with -data <path to your workspace> parameter
I'd try the following:
Install Eclipse
Put the configuration files and workspace under version control and commit.
Configure Eclipse as required.
Check all the changes in the version control to understand what configuration files are relevant to my changes.
Continue as Zilvinas is suggesting.
Look into Eclipse Oomph. It essentially automates all the tasks that you need to do to set up a fresh dev environment.
Also of interest are Yatta profiles which do a similar thing based off Oomph.
They're pretty easy to set up and publish. Get your local eclipse working, record to a profile, publish the profile, get your students to consume said profile. We've used these in a professional environment to more easily on-board new devs!

Centralized formatting settings with oomph

I got a task about replacing Workspace Mechanic in Eclipse since there are no commits since 2014 and sometimes it doesn't work without reason.
I could create and configure a installation.setup file successfully on my local machine with some code clean-up formatting and save actions preferences which are loaded each start automatically. :)
The last step is to centralize the setup-file on a network drive.
Workspace mechanics enables to configue a directory with the settingfiles inside.
Oomph may not support the way I thougt. There is a way to synchronize to but we want to keep the information inside the company due to policy reason.
Is there any way to store a central (Oomph) setup-file which synchronizes to each Eclipse client at start up?
You can use the Eclipse plugin yatta. It "manages your Eclipse setups – for yourself, your team, or within the community.". Of course, you can simply share the Preferences - other options it provides is share repos and projects.
With yatta you will create an Eclipse Installer, that can be installed on different clients. The clients will receive Updates of the 'master-settings' and there is the option to fork as well. Settings will be not be saved in local network but in the clould. From scratch, your profile will be private, you can share it with single persons, a group (* or you can share it to public as well.
While Yatta is a handy to use plugin, it is based on Oomph, which is the complex way (you have several 'ontop' configurations for product, project, installation & workspace). In fact, both can do what you want.

How can I export Eclipse compiler settings to a file?

In Eclipse I have exported code formatting, cleanup, import orders etc to files and checked them into svn.
This is useful for my team so that they can all use the same setup.
However, I can't find a way to do the same for Compiler options. There are quite a few useful settings that aren't switched on by default and its error prone for everyone to change them manually.
I know that I can use FindBugs (and we do through CI) but the Eclipse compiler options are better integrated and faster.
The best way to share all of those settings is to use Project-specific settings. Open the Project properties and select the various sections that you want to configure (for example, Java Compiler, then select the option Enable project specific settings.
Any settings you configure this way are stored in the project in a folder named .settings. Check that folder in to source control along with the .classpath and .project files, and whenever the project is checked out Eclipse will automatically apply the settings. Workspace settings are overridden by project-specific settings, so using this technique it doesn't matter how other workspaces or users have their settings configured.
The answer of #E-Riz is perfectly correct. If you find that you need to synchronize more than the listed settings for your team members in the future, then you should also have a look at Googles workspace mechanic, which allows to automatically apply any set of preferences to a workspace and to check during each start if the local preferences are still valid for the shared setup.

Maintaining a common set of Eclipse preferences

Whenever I switch workspaces/Eclipse installs I need to copy/redo the preferences:
compiler settings;
font sizes/families;
code formatter;
java code templates;
editor templates;
code clean-ups;
I would like to maintain these settings in an unitary way, preferrably under source control. How can I do that?
I know about 'copy settings' when creating a new workspace, but it does not keep updated copies.
You could of course export/import those settings.
The other approach is to enable project specific settings for some settings.
We have a very small Git repository with those kind of files:
.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs (compiler problem settings and formatter rules)
.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.pref (cleanup rules, common code templates)
The common settings are just copied/merged in each projects .settings directory, ensuring common rules amongst all projects, whatever the workspace.
You could also try Workspace Mechanic. It works perfect for this.
Eclipse now ships with a tool called Oomph Setup. This tool can be used to record the preference changes that happen in your workspace, synchronize those preferences across multiple machines using an online service, and apply the preferences to both new and existing workspaces.
"Oomph" is actually a broader set of tools and low-level frameworks that are used throughout the Eclipse installation process, and it provides for very powerful automation possibilities, so the documentation is sometimes hard to follow for an end user who's just interested in simple preference synchronization. Here are a collection of links about Oomph Setup that I found helpful:
Oomph: A Matter of Preference -- Blog post providing overview of preference tool
Oomph Setup Documentation -- Official documentation
Automating Project-specific Eclipse Setups with Oomph -- Walks through how to set up Eclipse to have default settings for new workspaces and automatically update the settings for existing workspaces
You now have a good example of a separate project maintaining Eclipse preferences, as plugin.
See the saneclipse project from Lars Vogel.
You also have the associated vogellacompany/com.vogella.saneclipse repo, which will tweak and fine-tune the settings of:
Check out Pulse Freelance Edition. It has the ability to sync workspaces (commercial).

Can Eclipse refresh resources automatically?

Eclipse (3.4.2 with PyDev) deals with out-of-sync resources (files that have been edited outside of the IDE) differently from other IDEs that I've used, where only resources with editors open are considered out-of-sync. In Eclipse, any resource can go out of sync.
This means that when I perform a search after any file has changed outside of Eclipse, I get an error dialog telling me that files are out of sync, even if they have no open editors. As far as I can tell, there is no global refresh command, so I'm forced to read the project names (I have several projects) in the error dialog, and do a right-click + refresh for each of them.
I've checked the Refresh Automatically setting in Settings > General > Workspace, but this has no effect. Is there any way to get Eclipse to always just load non-active resources from disk?
This issue will be fixed in Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo). While "Refresh Automatically" does eventually bring resources back into sync, the refresh hook only exists for Windows, so on Linux and Mac OS it has to poll the filesystem periodically.
From 3.7 there's a new preference Settings > General > Workspace > Refresh On Access (aka Lightweight Refresh). This preference causes Eclipse to automatically refresh resources when it discovers that they're 'out-of-sync'. When opening, reading or searching files, it'll prevent out-of-sync errors from occurring.
See also:
I think if you click on the project node in the Project Explorer and press F5 or right click and select Refresh, all resources for that project will be refreshed. Also, if you CTRL+click on multiple projects, you should be able to refresh multiple projects at the same time.
A single click on a project, a CTRL+A to select everything, and an F5 should do exactly what you need - refresh everything.
I'll have to test this when I get the chance, but I believe this is how I overcame similar problems in the past.
I've noticed that this answer routinely is getting down voted. I'd like to point out that the question refers to a specific version of Eclipse: 3.4.2. There was actually no automatic method to refresh out-of-sync resources until version 3.7 Indigo of Eclipse, as mentioned in James Blackburn's answer. The method described in this answer is the only method to achieve this in version 3.4.2 (and any other version before 3.7 Indigo).
Out of synchronization problem is common in eclipse IDE so you have to check this option windows -> preference -> Workspace -> refresh using native hooks or polling.
Eclipse Helios possesses a built in refresh feature at Preferences > General > Workspace. It's in the same spot where you disable automatic builds. Select refresh automatically. A plugin with the same functionality is Andrei Loskutov's Filesync Plugin. The update site address is: During installation, select Eclipse 3.5-3.7 plugins > FileSync.
Given that Java 7 has an api for filesystem hooks, one would think that refresh could be handled better in Eclipse.
Edit: Actually, there is a plugin that uses this mechanism:
There is a global refresh - have nothing (or everything) selected in the package explorer and press F5 (or right-click on empty space and select Refresh). Of course, this could take rather long if you have large projects.
The global refresh actually exists in plain Eclipse without any plugins and without selecting every project in your workspace.
Basically you need to deselect everything in your project explorer and hit F5. To do that Ctrl+click the selected resource in the project explorer and hit F5.
A global refresh is really missing in Eclipse. The above procedure with selecting all projects and then running refresh (e.g. F5) does not work if you have closed projects included in your selection. This means, if you have 1/2 of your many projects closed as I do, you find yourself manually Ctrl-clicking through your dozens of projects. This is quite painful. I wish Eclipse would simply ignore closed projects.
Perhaps you should add a feature request on the eclipse site:
I think it would be a great idea to add a preference for automatically refreshing out of date resources.
Yes, Refresh on Access is long overdue ... those answers to this and similar enquires usually suggested enabling the global auto-refresh, which could take an age for large remote projects.
In fact there are those who would say that Refresh on Access should have been the original (< 3.x) default behaviour ...
I managed to solve this by creating a new "external tool" run config that executes a blank batch file. In the run config, you can have it refresh the workspace when complete. Then I created a macro using Practically Macro that 1) executes the last external tool run config (refreshing the workspace), then 2) executes the last debug run config (running my app). If you uncheck "Allocate console" then the completed external tool entry won't show up in the debug window.
Even if the solutions proposed by others perso are indeed correct, you have a "Refresh All" plugin for Eclipse. Simply add the Update page to your Eclipse list of update sites to install it in your IDE.
For Starting up there is an option to automatically refresh files in
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Startup and Shutdown -> Refresh workspace on startup
Click it in order to have a "fresh" start in eclipse. :)
Version: Eclipse 4.12