Email async validation with facebook registration form - facebook

As facebook says
For privacy reasons, the input to your function will be only the custom fields you requested, on blur or submit.
Indeed email is not custom field but when user clicks on "x" (cross) to fill details manually then still remain undefined ?
Is this a facebook bug , is there any fix/ solution for it ?

Well I have found a fix for it by using 'view' property
In fields list I added
{'name':'xemail','view': 'not_prefilled','description':'Email Address:','type':'text'}]";
Now email is used with fb and xemail is used without fb and my async validators which are needed in case of without fb uses form.xemail.


Redirect Private Wordpress Posts to the url held in a specific custom field on the taxonomy for that post

We would like to keep the ideas we have previously presented to (non logged in) clients, but which are no longer "current". We set them to being private WP posts, so that they are no longer available to non logged in users. However, we would like to redirect anyone who clicks on that original link to a page which shows all of the currently active ideas instead.
Research led me to the solution below, but in our case we need to redirect to a specific url in each case. Our theme (the amazing Total theme from WP Explorer/AJ) does have a field for the redirect url to be entered at post level, but actually the value of the url is determined by the value of a custom taxonomy on a post ie all posts with that Taxonomy should redirect to the same url in all cases.
add_action('template_redirect', 'your_theme_private_posts_redirect', 99);
function your_theme_private_posts_redirect()
if (is_single() && 'private' == get_post_status(get_the_ID())) {
I understand that the above code would redirect all private posts to the home url, but how can I adapt it to do the following:
a) Only to apply to non logged in users and b)to set the url to be the value held in the redirect field on the post OR (better still) a custom field on the agency_artist custom taxonomy for that post. Hoping someone can help!

Facebook Oauth2 - invalid scope id?

I'm trying to implement facebook login/autoregister for a website. There is a problem with the requested scopes.
First I have tried to use the "default" scope. According to the official documentation, it provides access to a subset of the UserData structure. It is documented here:
However, if I try to do this, then I get an error:
Invalid scope: default
I have also tried to use something basic first. For example, scope="id". Then I get this error:
Invalid scope: id
If I try scope="email first_name last_name middle_name name picture" then:
Invalid scope: first_name
The only that worked so far is scope="email", but that is not enough for auto registration.
Moreover, the documentations cleary says that "All permissions, except the Default Public Profile fields, require Facebook Login and Client OAuth Login enabled for your app to allow Users or Pages to grant your app these permissions." (you can read this on the top of ). So it seems that the scopes are not invalid because I don't have Facebook Login enabled for my app. They are invalid for some other reason - maybe because the don't exist?
I wonder why are these scopes documented if they are invalid? And where can I find the valid ones?
Side note: it seems that Facebook does not follow RFC 6749. When there is an error, the Oauth2 server ( more specifically error response ). But Facebook does not do this. It displays a popup window on instead, and if I press "OK" on that window, it enters an infinite loop and keeps displaying the same message again and again: "You are no logged in". (Why would I?)
UPDATE: Even though I used scope=email only, the /me api returned all fields, including first_name, last_name, email, and profile picture. So maybe those things are not scopes, but field names. But it is still unclear what scopes are available? The documentation still seems bad. It should clearly tell which terms are scopes, which are field names from data structures. And a complete list of scopes is still missing from the docs (or maybe there is a list, just I couldn't find it?)
The docs are indeed a bit misleading, but "default" is not a permission/scope, it just tells you want data you can get WITHOUT an additional permission. You can find the available permissions in the link of your question, if you just scroll to the top. Only that list is important, for the default fields there is a link "Default Public Profile Fields", but - again - no scope/permission is needed.
And yes, there is a big difference between scope and fields. For example, the email field can be used after authorizing with the email scope, but the birthday field requires authorization with the user_birthday permission. Fields can be found here, for example:

Drupal 7 Webform redirect

We have a Drupal 7 webform that redirects to a url upon successful submission.
What we need to do is redirect the user if they land on the same webform again and have already submitted.
Do we need a module for this, or do it programmatically?
Thanks in advance.
I looked through the webform module and didn't find any setting that will redirect the user if the user has already submitted a form, so I think you need to do it programmatically.
Note: It might be possible without a custom module by using the rules module. I haven't tried this.
To do it programmatically you could do something like below. It implements the hook_node_view() and checks if the user has already submitted anything by using the webform api function webform_get_submission_count(). (edit: the custom module in this example is called example_webform)
* Implements hook_node_view().
function example_webform_node_view($node, $view_mode, $langcode) {
global $user;
module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.submissions');
$submission_count = webform_get_submission_count($node->nid, $user->uid);
if (!empty($submission_count) && $submission_count > 0) {
$redirect = $node->webform['redirect_url'];
As it is now it will reuse the page that is used when the form is submitted, so if you choose to do this remember to make the success page reflect this. (E.g. it would be strange for the success page to say "your post has been saved" if the user lands on it for the second time.) Or you could replace the $redirect with another page than the one from the webform setting.
Also note that the webform will still add the message "You have already submitted this form. View your previous submissions." if this is enabled.
So here is the solution that we ended up going with.
I saved the webform and made it available as a block
I created a page to hold the webform
I configured the block to appear above the page content
In the page content I put in some javascript to detect if the form element was present - if not forward to the correct url
So the webform redirects correctly upon submission(set in the webform settings), and it then redirects if the user lands back on that page and has completed the webform.

How do I correctly Implement an event on successful form Submission using Google Tag Manager and Sitecore's Web Forms for Marketers?

I am attempting to track successful form Submissions using an event in Google Analytics via Google Tag Manager. My current setup successfully tracks when users submit the form. However, the event still fires even when the form submission is invalid and does not submit (ie a user hasn't filled out all of the required fields, clicks the submit button, the form attempts to validate, but comes back to the user with errors instead of submitting). I have the Check Validation feature on my listener checked which theoretically should keep the tag from firing if the form submission is prevented, so it's not the obvious error.
The form in question is created with Sitecore's Web Forms for Marketers. Colleagues of mine have had similar unsolved issues with their WFFM forms.
This particular form is used to gate content so that only users who fill out the form will have access to the content resource. So for example if I go to I will be redirected to where if I fill out all of my information correctly and submit it I will then be redirected to the resource that I was originally attempting to view at
Here's my setup:
Tag 1
Name: Form Submission Listener
Type: Form Submit Listener
Wait For Tags: Checked
Max Wait Time: 2000 milliseconds
Check Validation: Checked
No advanced Settings
Firing Rule: On form pages by URL
Tag 2
Name: Event Form Submission
Type: Universal Analytics
Tracking ID: UA-.....
Enable Display Advertising Features: Checked
Track Type: Event
Category: Form
Action: Submission
Label: {{Form resource URL}}
Non-Interaction Hit: False
No More Settings
No Advanced Settings
Firing Rules: {{event}} equals gtm.formSubmit
Theoretically the Check Validation check box should prevent the tag from firing if the form does not successfully submit, but in the case of this form it does not. The tag fires regardless of whether the form submits or not.
Apologies that I cannot link to the form as it is for a client and behind security.
We were able to find an answer to our question via the Sitecore forums, but I wanted to pass it along for your benefit.
From Sitecore:
The Web Forms module provides the double level validation, 1-client validation, 2-server validation.
By default, the client validation is disable for the Required Field validator. So, when you press Submit, the form posts to the server, and returns with the validation error. It's a possible reason why Google Analytics considers that as a form submit.
Find the following item in the Master database:
/sitecore/system/Modules/Web Forms for Marketers/Settings/System/System Validation/NotEmpty
Find the "Enable Client Script" checkbox and enable it.
Save and publish the item.
Check whether the issue was fixed.
This fixed the issue for all of our text based fields. It did not fix the issue for the one checkbox on the form. I've followed up with sitecore on this, but I figured that I'd update here in the meantime.
With only the checkbox remaining I was also able to use a a macro and add to my original firing rule in google tag manager so that the event would not fire if the checkbox was not checked.
I created a Custom Javascript Macro called Radio Button Checked (not sure it's the best, but it worked), and added a new condition to my original Form Submission Rule: {{Radio Button Checked}} equals true
The macro:
function() {
var radioName = "radioButtonName";
try {
var buttons = document.getElementsByName(radioName);
for (var i = 0;i < buttons.length;i++){
if(buttons[i].checked) {
return true;
} catch(e) {}
return false;
EDIT: Sitecore got back to me about the checkbox issue.
From Sitecore:
Currently the CheckBox field type doesn't have the client-side validation. I registered it as a bug for the WFFM module. I'll let you know as soon as it's fixed.
They let me know also that this isn't something that will be fixed near-term so I need to continue using my GTM workaround for the check box field.
The Google Chrome plugin "Tag Assistant" is super helpful in debugging these sorts of issues. It will show you what (if any) structural or implementation issues exist on a given page that might be preventing your intended tracking behavior (
My gut feel is that this issue is not specifically related to WFFM, but may be due to the implementation of the Tag Manager code on the page. I seem to recall having an issue like this when the Tag Manager include code gets dumped inside the auto-generated .NET tag when using WebForms in general. Google's docs ( say to put it immediately after the opening tag, and I recall that being my issue with tracking form submits.
This is all from memory, so I could be wrong, but it's something else to check.
Good luck!

How to Pop-up,one form fields to other form in HTML

I've two html forms,one is user sign-in form and other is sign-up form,both adjacent each other in one page.Suppose a non-existing user tried to login in my application using some username and password,I'll show error message any how,but at the same time,entered username and password should filled automatically in signup form once error has been error occurred.By this I can reduce user effort by filling two fields,to implement this,how can I use HTML5 features ?
Using jQuery, on error, you could do a:
This will move all contents of "username" inside of "form1" to the "username" inside of "form2"