Is it possible to perform databinding on Monotouch.Dialog.EntryElement? - monotouch.dialog

Is it possible to create databinding between a business object and the elements in the View Controller? I have reviewed the documentation on the Elements API but I'm not seeing any references to binding. We have chosen not to use the Reflection API for this application so that's not an option.
I am very new to working with Monotouch and iOS in general, so please forgive me if this question seems like I haven't done much research. Any suggestions or links to documentation are greatly appreciated.

You can use monotouch dialog in reflection mode to show and collect data using attributes on the data members.
Beyond that, there are a couple of projects which have taken dialog further towards mvvm - search for monotouch.mvvm and mvvmcross - but you may find these overkill for your first monotouch/ios project.


How do I use SAPUI5 SDK?

I am four months incumbent to SAPUI5. I know the basics of SAPUI5 and am able to create application from scratch. However , this is true only for the controls that I am familiar with(I refer google/SAPUI5 SDK). Lately, I am realizing if it is brand new control for me, I have to spend a lot of time using SAPUI5 SDK going after the API reference, documentation and samples.
My question is could you please let me know how do I use SDK effectively ? For example, I need to know the method when a cell is clicked in sap.m.Table or an event for selection. How do I use documentation, API reference for it ?
Kindly help!
Whatever you are doing is correct, API reference has everything you need.
I can tell you the tricks I did while working on SAPUI5:
Every time you visit a reference about a particular control, watch out from where it has been inherited. This gives an edge, most control will have basic handlers at the parent control which can be reused in child controls. Example sap.ui.core.Element, this is like Grandfather of many controls. Spend time to understand this kind of controls.
Use browser console as your playground, create a particular object you are playing with, then use .and see what are the methods which are exposed.
Aggregations tell you about what is the kind of content a control can take in.
There is no other magic to this. Trust me, over a period of time, you will be very much faster in figuring out what fits.
When I work with new controls it helped me to take a look at the control samples first and its coding. This gives me a good quick overview.
Then I take a closer look at the API to that control to find out more about the properties, aggregations and events.
Sometimes I build a quick and simple example app for a certain control. This helps me to find out how the control is supposed to work.
As already mentioned, there is no way that works for everyone and it'll take some time.
You'll find your best way of working with it.

integrate sapui5 application as a component

I have a SapUI5 application that contains several views in a single page.
I want to convert that application in to a component so that it can be added to another project. Is this possible, and does anyone have an idea how to do it?
I researched about components but I did not find anything that made it clear what I had to do. I am grateful for any answer.
Basically, as a best practice your ui5 app should have been implemented as a component based app from the beginning. Then reusing such a component based app should work easily. I think you should have a look at the official walkthrough tutorial where you will learn a little about components. Then you could google for some blogs about components, maybe my recent tutorial about components helps you as well. My tutorial tells you how to implement a component inside a library and reuse it then in apps (some new ui5 features related to components are discussed as well, i.e. usages).
And in case you only expected a simple answer to your question: test, it’s possible. See links above :-)

Looking for a Comment System based on Wicket Framework

I would like to add a comments section to our postings. Our websites are based on Java and Wicket framework. I searched for some ideas to realize a comments system but couldn't find any kind of approriate solution.
Maybe someone knows about a solution. Maybe there are other possiblities.
Tanks for answering, but this question is outdated!
Well you can easily write this on your own. just a view database tables for holding and managing the thread and its comments. Let the editing be done through tinymce as said an display the content as you whish. There are a view Repeaters to list a Collection of any kind holding some DAOs to iterate. For what kind of speacial features exactly are you looking for, that might be to difficult to develop them on your own? If you want to keep it simple, this would be all you need.

MVVM in Windows Phone 7

Any good sample WP7 application using MVVM model in the optimal way?
I'm creating my first WP7 app, and I'm using MVVM as far as I can tell, but I'm not sure I'm doing it the right way. I have one view model per page, instead of one main view model that branches to each page, I'm not sure which is the correct way to do, so I'm hoping there's a sample app out there that I can check out.
Edit: I'm also having another problem on saving the ViewModels in the application state, because I think they have to be serializable (haven't worked much into this), the thing is that when I start a task and come back to the app, the latter has already been deactivated by calling the former, so I have to serialize its state when deactivated and [re]serialize it when [re]activated. This is how I save the state when deactivated:
object[] viewModels = new object[3];
viewModels[0] = App.ViewModelPage1;
viewModels[1] = App.ViewModelPage2;
viewModels[2] = App.ViewModePage3;
PhoneApplicationService.Current.State.Add("LastState", viewModels);
Again, this is probably not efficient way to do it, so I'm hoping I can see a sample app that handles this well too.
Have you looked at using the MVVM Light toolkit?
Serialization best practices will vary based on the volume of data in the model, the number of models being used and whether it's necessary to always load all of the models.
You might want to check out Caliburn Micro. It is used to implement a number of user experience patterns but it supports WP7 and has sample code.
Here's some MVVM samples and guidance you can check out.
C#er : IMage: Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Explained
.NET by Example: Using MVVM Light to drive a Windows Phone 7 / Silverlight 4 map viewer
The simplest way to do design-time ViewModels with MVVM and Blend.
Also an overview here of MVVM frameworks you may find worth a look.
JAPF » Blog Archive » Discover and compare existing MVVM frameworks
Light weight seems to be good and MVVM Light is popular. Laurent demos MVVM in the Mix 10 video EX14 if you want to check that out too.
This months MSDN magazine has an article on creating a WP7 Sudoko app using MVVM.
Here is my article which describes the approach to build WP7 applications using advantages of separation of concerns:
a framework for building of WP7 application

drag and drop workflow kind of easy to develop?

How easy it's to come up with a drag and drop web-based interface that'll provide me features to wire objects together, setup configurations nicely in a modal window for each object? I'm looking for links that've any similar kind of interface, or articles on this. also, i'm looking for your technology/language suggestions.
Another way I'm thinking - as a desktop appln + browser dependent addon..
Is it good to create such an user-interface using XUL, which can be deployed as an addon on Firefox/as a stand-alone application in Windows? Are there any other similar things/technologies which can provide a basic framework for us to build on it further?
Why do I need this, finally?
..for building simple Workflows, for defining process flows, that can provide me some auto-generated xml content which I can use for further processing.
I'm quite interested in this, too.
I've flirted with HTML5's DragDrop implementation - Quirksmode has Bad Things to say about that, so then I thought "Perhaps a JavaScript library can help me" - haven't checked out jquery for this yet, but I have checked out YUI's DragDrop, DragDropManager and DataSource, and its looking hopeful (consistent, reliable).
I tried things like adding an iframe on the fly to any document, to provide this kind of functionality without needing to add dependencies to the page given the iframe - mixed results, but in my case I was trying to cater for x-domain access, which proved difficult.
So I'd say JavaScript could be a winner - if designed poorly it could be difficult to manage resources though, if you want to potentially DragDrop/edit/config any element in a document - so watch out for that.
If you're keen and able, Adobe AIR apps also look promising - but I can't help with any more info on that, other than they're Desktop Apps with great flexibility.
I'ma going to keep an eye on your Question, I look forward to any other Answers/comments!
EDIT: I forgot to mention Flex (aka Flash Builder 4, latest version) is quite easy to create stuff like this, though I've had exposure to Flash for a while. It comes with the standard Adobe caveats; price, libraries, support.