Passing data from one screen to another screen in iPhone using phone gap - iphone

I have just started to look into the phone gap.I have created one basic form which taking the data of the employee.I have table view in another screen .I want to pass the employee details to the second screen .I was googling for this purpose.I have found that there are some ways to do this like:
1.Server side post back
2. Client side URL examination
3.What's in a = local cross-page session
4.HTML5 local storage
5. Cookies
But will my phone gap application be 100% native by using these ways? Is there any alternate way or tutorial to pass the data between the screens?

What you actually mean by "a screen"? If you're talking about a pop-up dialog box or page by jQuery Mobile you can probably serialize the form with jQuery and assign it to a JavaSCript variable.
But if you're changing your "screen" by changing UIView to a different url you can use either:
File API to store serialized form in a file and load it on the 2nd "screen"
Storage API to ... actually do the same
I'd go for number one, as it's easier to implement than using SQL and writing loads of additional code.
Search for:
PhoneGap File API


How do you set the start page using a server side data source

Using angular and a server side data source, I want to be able to load the grid at a specific page number. This will help me support the user using the back button as they go from list pages (aggrid) to detail pages.
I've discovered paginationGoToPage() but it doesn't seem to work in onGridReady, it only works if i use it on a button click. But even if I do use it, it seems like the data would have to be loaded twice, once when the grid is first rendered and then again for the particular page I want to go to.

How to generate and use a preview of a UI5 view

On a start page I have to offer the most recent editeded versions for quick access. I have the requirement that the user not only sees the name of the document but also a mini-preview. In fact, these documents are always the same object view but with different data bound.
So I guess the question is: Is there a simple way to include a shrunk version of a view in a view?
The easiest would be to convert the rendered HTML to canvas, and display that. Google uses a similar technique for generating website previews.
There are various html2canvas script which you can use, for instance

How to refresh parts of page when database changes?

I want a better way to update images on a webpage instead of forcing the webpage to refresh every 60 seconds.
I wrote a little status page that monitors some of our web sites. It uses and displays a list of servers I have inputted into a database.
Each server that is up gets a Green png image displayed next to it.
When a server goes down I update the status in a local mysql database to false.
The next time the page refreshes it gets a red png displayed next to it.
Right now that red png file does not display until I refresh the page.
Is there a way in (python) that I can make just that image dynamic without having to refresh the whole page? Or do I have to use something else to make it work?
Well, the generic answer is that you use AJAX and put a script on each server that will return "up" or something every time your page checks.
Here's a tutorial on how to do AJAX with specifically:
I have no knowledge related to
But in my point of view what you gonna need is to break your code in two parts (a monitor service and a monitor display) and use javascript to asynchronously update the data.
Your monitor service will provide a url that receives the monitored site ID and returns up or down. As you are using, it will probably be 100% python.
Your monitor display will use javascript to ever X seconds checks that url and show the correct icon. It can be python based, or not. But it will need javascript.

How to show a User view in GWT app by typing in browser address bar

I have this gwt app which say, runs on (which is actually:
The app host a database of users, queried by searching usernames using the search view and results are shown in the user results view. Pretty useful enough. However I need to bb add a way that user view can be viewed by just typing
I am thinking that the question I have here, the answer is a server side solution. However if there's a client side solution, please let me know.
One fellow here in StackOVerflow suggested that the format would be like this:
However the format is important to be like:
The 'something' in 'http://host/path#something' is a Fragment identifier. FIs have a specific feature: the page isn't reloaded if only FI part in URL changes, but they still take part in browser history.
FI's are a browser mechanism that GWT uses to create "pages", i.e. parts of GWT application that are bookmarkable and have history support.
You can try to use an URL without # (the FI separator), but then you will have a normal URL, that reloads the page with every change and it could not be (easily) a part of a normal GWT app.
That would be using the History mechanism ( which I would add is the recommended way of doing it.
However, if you insist on using something like, one of the possible ways is to have a servlet which accepts this request (you might have to switch to something like The servlet will look up the DB and return your host html back. Before returning it will inject the required details as a Dictionary entry in the page ( On the client you can read this data and display on the UI

Go to a new page, but still have GWT variables?

In GWT, I would like to do something like a form submission that takes me to a new page, with new style sheet and new static elements, and when I get there, be able to extract the values of GWT variables still in GWT. In other words, I want to do most of the form processing on the client side instead of sending it to a servlet to be processed and sent back. Is that possible? Would FormPanel allow me to do that? How do I access the contents of the form fields in GWT on the new page?
I'm not sure I'm getting the right picture here, but I see several possibilities:
Pass the variables in the url like or any other format you want, then read it using the History class
Use something like this - create an iframe from GWT (maybe put it in Lightbox or something similar), populate it the way you want using the current state of the app, and when the user is finished, he'll just close the (Lightbox) frame and get back to the main application
You could also pass around data in a "hidden" way (no visible data in the url or even through POST) using the hack - there's even a sample implementation for GWT to get you started
ATM, I prefer the second option, since it goes best with the whole no refresh, same page, one app, GWT thing :) That is, unless I'm getting the wrong picture and you want to do something else.
GWT is really meant to be used for the whole application, where "pages" are replaced by application state and URL fragments, and "form submission" is replaced by AJAX calls.
If you want to validate form fields, this can easily be done with regular JS or a library like jQuery.
I'm not sure it I get you right either, but for what I'm receiving, having a new page to process the form is not the optimal design. The reason been that you might have to write different GWT app for that which mean overheads, and creating new window (or tab) will move the user's attention away from where they are. Why not using another page WITHIN gwt to process the form with tab panel or hidden panel?