iOS plot 3d graph library [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm searching a library which help me to plot 3D graphs. I would like something similar to this page or GNUPlot. I would make all the calculations, I only want a library that can print my (x, y, z) values to the iPhone/iPad screen.
Searching on google, I found core-plot, but as far as I know it can only print 2D graphs.

ManiacDev recently posted a good overview of good frameworks for plotting 3D charts on iOS:


How to get the audio graph for sound file in wave form? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to implement a functionality in which I want to get the audio graph in the form of image for the audio file I am passing.
I searched everywhere but didn't get the useful stuff.
Can anybody tell me the technique or way to get this or some source code or library to get this work done.
The output that I want for the audio file is can de described from the image.
Here are few links that I found in my research ....
3) representing sound graphically as wave

iPhone iOS is there an open source annotated line graph example? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've looked at a variety of iPhone graphs, and while a lot of them work for line graphs, I have not been able to find anything that does graph annotations like the image below. Are there any graphs for iOS that support graph annotations?
There are many comparison article of the different iOS Graphing Libraries. See these comparisons for an in depth analysis of their differing features:
Not many of them support built in annotations. You may have to add that yourself. Core-Plot sounds like your best option:

Touch-changing chart for iOS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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By searching a bit I found many libraries to create some charts for the iPhone. Just want to ask if someone has ever worked with a library where the end user can touch the graph and edit it. For example touch a bar graph and make a bar taller or shorter and get back the value.
you should be able to accomplish this with core plot. the built in touch tracking can tell you where the user is touching, from there you'd just change the height of that bar and reload the graph.

Is there an example project that contains Core Plot? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I wonder if anyone ever posted an example project that uses Core Plot?
I would suggest the best website for iOS development tutorial.
Here is the simplest core data example what you are looking for, with great explanation and source code.
Hope this helps.

Looking for book or tutorials for implementing face detection in iphone sdk? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am Looking for book or tutorials for implementing face detection in iphone sdk? OpenCV is one but it takes more time to detect faces.
I want to learn algorithms used for face detection. Once i got a logic then it can be easily converted into programs.
Plz send me appropriate tutorials or ebook links ???
The OpenCVS library can be used on the IPhone:
Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library