disable expand/collapse in jstree - jstree

I have a requirement to show a JSTree but without expand and collapse. Is there any way to achieve this ?
In the below link its mentioned that disabling expand and collapse is not available in jstree, its a bug it seems.
but its posted on 2009. So is this bug resolved?

Just don't give the expand/collapse element space:
.jstree ins {width:0px}


why have i conflict direction right to left in CSS with leaflet?

I used the leaflet draw and now I have a problem editing, the map and editing doesn't work with Google Chrome.I realized that this is a problem with CSS(direction right to left). How can I fix it now?
This because of the Tooltip. Your cursor is clicked on the tooltip and not on the layer.
Quick Fix:
Add following to the tooltip:
margin-right: 10px;
Or you use the free Geoman library, it is working better with the RTL but not perfect. I will create a Issue on Geoman-Github and fix it.

How to show downshift + popper on top of material-ui dialog?

I've implemented an autocomplete multi-select field based on the Downshift with Popper Material-UI demo. That worked well up until I tried to reuse the component within a Material-UI Dialog. The Popper appears behind the mask of the Dialog.
I've modified the Material-UI demo as an example of this behavior: https://codesandbox.io/s/76moj1mq1.
Looking at Material-UI's old auto-complete solution, it use to use Popover instead of Popper. I tried substituting that in to see if it's z-index would be higher than that of the Dialog, but I think Popover steals focus from Downshift in a way that triggers the autocomplete to close immediately after it opens. Here's an example, again modifying Material-UI's demo https://codesandbox.io/s/wk84p1myz7.
Any ideas on how I can make either approach work?
Overriding z-index on the Popper to be above the 1300 that Material-UI defaults dialogs to works, but I was hoping to avoid having to do that if possible.

ZK ListBox Paging Button Size Issue

Continuing with ZK studies, i had improved my knowledge about data binding and some .zul files components properties. So i read about properties of the Grids from here:
My goal this time is to change the grid's paging button size (example of grid)
The document tells about paging, paginal properties and sorting but there is nothing about the property related with the buttons generated on the grid. Any suggestions about it? i'm glad to hear them out. Thanks for your time and attention.
These are things we need to solve with css.
I'll try to explain how we come to this, so you can css almost everything.
First of all, open your browser developertools and inspect the button element.
When you do that, you see what css class is added to that button.
In all 4 buttons we find the css class : z-paging-button
With this info we can adjust our css (in a css file or for fast local changes in a zul file with the style tag.)
.z-paging-button {
Sometimes, it's possible the css won't take, just try adding !important in the css.
Some example where you need to do this is for black digits in an disabled datebox :
<datebox disabled="true" style="color:black !important;" />

GWT SuggestBoxPopUp Z-index

I am currently working with GWT and the SuggestBox.
The Suggestboxpopup is appearing behind the panel the Suggestbox is placed on. I am aware that there is an issue with the Suggestbox popup's z-index but I am looking to see if anyone has another solution other than hard-wiring the the z-index in the CSS.
The reason for this is the panel the suggest box is on has a Z-index helper which moves the panel to the front anytime it is clicked. While a super high z-index will resolve the issue i am wondering has anyone found a better solution which will allow the popup to move with the other widgets.
Yep, this is an known problem in SuggestBox which is in the issues list of GWT. It has been closed recently because of a lack of activity in the issue, you can put a comment to reopen it though.
I think it is not very important because no much apps need a suggest box on a popup.
I had the same issue in a project and I solved it with css as you suggest.

how to remove the scrolll bar in the gwt listbox?

i have a list box in my application, but i don't want to show the
vertical scroll bar on the right side, is there any way to remove it?
here is my code:
<g:ListBox visibleItemCount='3' width="15em">
<g:item>Last 7 Days</g:item>
<g:item>Last Week</g:item>
<g:item>Last Month</g:item>
I believe the correct answer to this is simply: "You can't"
The ListBox (HTML Select) vertical scroll bar cannot be completely removed.
You could create your own custom control using a div to do the same thing. but I believe that may be outside of the abilities of GWT.
Hide vertical scrollbar in <select> element
Will provide additional information.
I assure you the correct answer to this is simply: "You can".
Just add the line:
overflow: hidden !important;
to your css style sheet and make sure your visible item count is higher than it's total item count.