Issue with deploying GWT app to tomcat in eclipse - eclipse

Following this tutorial, I could execute GWT app using eclipse. I could access the app at
Then, I googled to find a way to deploy the app to tomcat, and I found this site. It has two step way to exporting GWT app to tomcat.
Exporting the src directory into jar file.
Using ant create a war file.
I copied the hello.war file into /Library/Tomcat/webapps, and open the browser with localhost:8080/hello to get this error.
When I click the HTML file in webapps directory, so I think something's wrong with the packaging.
What might be wrong?

You need to compile your GWT app to run in production mode. See this section of the GWT doc for detailed steps (for GWT 2.4).

From David's answer, I could get it working.
I had to compile the application again.
to get it working.


GWT and Gradle build - the war file doesn't contain html page and WEB-INF dir also empty

I am working on a GWT application and want to use Gradle as a build tool.
Went thorough with various post on internet but none of them is really complete.
I followed couple of blogs as given below:
I downloaded the example from these blogs but still not working.
War file doesn't contain html host page and also WEB-INF folder comes empty in war.
When I try to hit the URL generated by gradle build, I am not able to see any html page there hence getting not found message.
I was trying to run sample given in second link.
Could anyone please help me to give complete example of GWT with Gradle?
Example which create proper war file.
That will be great help!
You can try GWT Gradle Plugin which have a lot of examples and documentation.
By the way, this is the first result in Google for "gradle gwt"...

How to bootstrap UI5 resources without CDN in Eclipse?

I'm doing a walkthrough for SAPUI5.
The code src="/resources/sap-ui-core.js" doesn't work, because I can't find this directory in my project.
When using a CDN URL, it works fine. But I don't want to use CDN for my application.
So how can I get and import the sap-ui-core.js file into my project so that it is saved on my computer locally?
I'm working with Eclipse btw. and installed the SAPUI5 Tools for Eclipse.
The SAPUI5-Plugin for eclipse includes the SAPUI5 library files.
If you start the App using "Run as..."->"Web App Preview" on your index.html, eclipse starts a jetty http server which serves the SAPUI5 library at /resources.
As long as you don't close the preview window in eclipse you can use any browser to debug your application at the url you find in that preview window.
Check that the dependencies are correct in your project, because the general dependency file such as sap.m may be missing in the project file.

Running PlayN in HTML DevMode

I'd like to be able to run my PlayN project as a Web Application in DevMode, so that I can use a quick browser refresh to see code changes without having to recompile. From what I'm reading on the wiki and on this question it sounds like that should be possible.
I set up my project using: mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.googlecode.playn -DarchetypeArtifactId=playn-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.7 and importing the pom.xml into eclipse.
Here's what I can do:
Run from eclipse as a Java Application
Start the server using Maven command line: mvn -Phtml integration-test
While I can do most of my programming in Java and occasionally do the long build to test HTML, I'd love to be able to modify the code while testing HTML without recompiling.
By default, the option to run as a Web Application doesn't show up. I've tried going into the project's properties and checking the "Use Google App Engine" and "Use Google Web Toolkit" options, which creates the "Run As Web Application" option, but when I do so I get "Could not find any host pages in project XXX".
I then attempt to set a WAR directory under Properties->Google-Web Application. However, the closest thing to a WAR in the project is "src/main/webapp". I've tried using that, and I get the error: "The archive: /myproject-assets/src/main/java which is referenced by the classpath, does not exist."
I have the feeling I'm going about this all wrong. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is what I'm doing even supposed to be possible? Thanks!
It is possible, but just know that in dev mode, playn runs very slow.
I don't know how to do this with eclipse, but with intelli IDEA, you do the following:
you need to create a module with a war artifact (to run as a server)
add the correct gwt libraries so that you can run gwt dev mode server with the aforementioned war module.
choose a GAE server (or, any gwt compatible server actually, this will be the server that runs the aformentioned war module).
run it! see this screenshot
when you change code, the gwt devmode server should detect it, and automatically recompile (not sure if this needs to be in debug mode - i don't think it does).
you can try doing it via the command line, not sure if works, but this is what intellij runs (i've taken out the intellij specific bits out):
-war /path/to/war
-startupUrl Roborally.html com.yourgame.YourGwtEntryModule

No build.xml file found when running an eclipse project

I am very new to gwt and in fact I don t really understand it.
I have a web project that had already been developped. I just want to change the toolbar that requires gwt in a file. So I downloaded Eclipse and its gwt plugin.
In a precedent question, I had the answer that I should take thes only file RichTextToolbar from my php/html directory, put in the src folder of my eclipse web application project; then run it and finally taking back the compiled files from the war folder and put it in my php/html directory.
Now, the problem is that when I debug or run the files in eclipse, I am told to choose ant. And then I have a message that no build.xml file is found. Could anyone help?
If your intention is to compile the Java code in GWT to Javascript, then you can use 'Compile GWT Project' option under GWT menu in Eclipse.

How do you import a Java Class Library into a Java Web project (using NetBeans)?

I've already tried the options "Add folder...", "Add Library...", and "Add JAR/Folder...", but it's not working this time -- I've done this several times before without any problems.
I've also tried to add the folder / JAR file (.war-file) manually to the projects properties in every thinkable way, but still no success.
And so far, Google hasn't helped either..
Any help would really be appreciated.
(This is for a Java Web project with JavaServer Faces, using NetBeans 7.1)
Solved: I never found out what caused the problem. I ended up re-installing entire NetBeans, and re-created (a thousand times) the project I was trying to import. And in the end, I got it working.
Put the JAR file in the WEB-INF/lib directory of your web project. All JARs in the WEB-INF/lib and all packages in WEB-INF/classes are automatically in the CLASSPATH.
Can you make "Hello, servlet" work? If not, why bother with JSF? Do a simple web app successfully and build up from there.
I had this problem with netbeans, but it seems like all the answers I found are for Eclipse (I guess am wrong) as I dont see any WEB-INF/lib directoryin NetBeans, though I have a WEB-INF directory.
so here what I did.
I remove the tomcat server on NetBeans, go to C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.30\lib , put the jstl-1.2.jar file their, restart NetBeans and add a new (Tomcat) server, create a new web app, and their, I could find the jstl-1.2.jar file in the Libraries > Apache tomcat.
and for unknown reason, it worked.!