Creating database with EF cannot be opened by ssms (Access denied) - entity-framework

I create the Entity DB (if file not exists) in C:\Temp\MyDB.mdf using : MyEFContext.CreateDatabase().
I can open the DB with VS Express 2010 and navigate through it but when attempting to adding (Joining) the DB in SSMS i get the following error : Unable to open the physical file "C:\Temp\MyDB.mdf". Operating system error 5: "5(Access is denied.)". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 5120)
How can I fix this?

This is a rights issue.
In the case where it works you are in the user context of the user account that you logged in with.
In the case where it does not work, it is the user account that the SQL server is running under that is trying to access the file.
Check which account SQL server is using, then give that account access to the files on the temp directory.


Creating new database object on DBeaver - ERROR: permission denied to create database

Probably basic stuff. I'm just trying out DBeaver for the first time to set up a Postgresql database.
I chose new database connection - Postgres
Host: localhost
Database: postgres
Username: postgres and system password ... All connected
but when I right click create new database or schema I get the error
"SQL Error [42501]: ERROR: permission denied to create database
ERROR: permission denied to create database"
Where could I be doing wrong?
User postgres don't have Create Database permission.
You can check list of given permissions from Roles->postgres
Note: By default Super User will have all the permissions but if your's is not Super User then you have to establish connection using Super User and then enable required permissions to Non Super User.
I am using Ubuntu OS. In my case was an issue when trying to save a DUMP on SSD. I solved by following steps:
1st - open ubuntu software
2nd - search for dbeaver-ce
3rd - after installed it, click Permissions
4th - check Read/write files on removable storage devices
Hope it might help someone in the future.
I tried to do the same over several hours yesterday. Apparently, DBeaver doesn't allow the creation of new databases (at least at this version of the software). You can connect to an existing DB and that's about it.

Trouble shooting an error message. invalid/password

I opened sqldeveloper and logged in to my the schemas I created, but I received an error message invalid username/password. The credentials are correct so I don't know why this is.
I uninstalled the Oracle 11g from my laptop and deleted the sqldeveloper folder. I re-installed the Oracle 11g and extracted the content of the sqldeveloper, double click on the sqldeveloper.exe file to open the sqldeveloper. I clicked to open a connection, entered password for the corresponding connection, but the problem remains the same.
An error was encountered performing the requested operation:
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
01017. 00000 - "invalid username/password; logon denied"
Vendor code 1017
I expected to be able to log in successfully because I used sqldeveloper 3 days ago and made changes to my computer.
The credentials are correct so I don't know why this is.
They are in fact, NOT correct, else you would be logged in.
The most likely causes of seeing this are:
you think you know the password, but you don't
you aren't logging into the right database
you're trying to log in as SYS w/o the AS SYSDBA clause
For the 2nd, this is more likely in 12c and higher in a Multitenant environment, where there is a CONTAINER and one or more PLUGGABLE databases. Make sure you're connected to the RIGHT instance - use the SERVICE NAME, not the SID in your connection definition.
Which would look like this in SQL Developer:
For the 3rd, if you're using something like SQL Developer, use this

What can cause "Access to database is denied by server administrator"

A few days ago I started working with firebird on opensuse. When I try open the database by using monodevelop(C#), I get the error message:
"access to database is denied by server administrator"
How can I solve this?
I am using firebird 2,5, opensuse 13.1, and monodevelop.
You are trying to access a database in a location that is not allowed by the server configuration. There are two potential causes:
The value(s) of DatabaseAccess in firebird.conf do not include or explicitly deny the current location of the database.
To fix this you either need to configure an alias and use the alias to connect, move the database to one of the allowed folders, or add an additional location to the configuration entry
the firebird user (the user running the server process) does not have access to the database file.
To fix this you need to make sure that the firebird user of the server process (if connecting through the Firebird server), or your own user (if using embedded) has sufficient access rights to the database.
See also and

Can't connect to local Firebird with ISQL

I'm trying to setup a local firebird instance to test against but am unable to connect to it with even ISQL. I have tried to following by following the quick start guide here:
CONNECT ..\examples\empbuild\employee.fdb user SYSDBA password masterkey;
Which resulted in:
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 08001
unavailable database
After some searching I tried modifying that to:
CONNECT "localhost:C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\examples\empbuild\employee.fdb" user SYSDBA password masterkey;
Which resulted in:
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000
cannot attach to password database
After confirming I had the right directory path I decided to give on on connecting for now and try creating a new DB:
SQL>CREATE DATABASE 'C:\data\test.fdb' page_size 8192
CON>user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey';
Which also gave me the error:
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 08001
unavailable database
Are there any common pitfalls I might be hitting? I've also tried the commands above both with and without the firebird service running. Also is there a detailed reference on the SQLSTATE codes?
As already mentioned in my comments the problem is caused by running the Firebird server as an application. Firebird has its password database (security2.fdb) in C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5. As this database is (almost, but not entirely) a normal Firebird database, the server requires write access to this database (for the transactions, etc).
By default (with UAC) users do not have write access to the password database, so this requires elevation to Administrator. So access to Firebird requires that you either run the application as a service with sufficient rights (eg as done by the default installer), or when running the server as application to run it 'As administrator'. Another option is to not install it in Program Files.
This BTW applies double when accessing the example employee database as this database file is also located in the Program Files folder.
This is for macOS/OSX (mine is 10.15) firebird ver 2.5 users.
The installation process here does not ask for a sysdba password. Which means: the security database 'security2.fdb' does not exist after a new installation.
This seems to be intentionally for security reasons since > ver 2.5.
To create one, we use the demo database as a helper:
open sql as su: >sudo isql (we don't have user rights on dir)
Connect to a existing db:
" user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey';
Now we created the missing file 'security2.fdb' in the folder:

CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master' (EF code-first)

I use code-first in my project and deploy on host but I get error
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'.
This is my connection string:
<add name="DefaultConnection"
connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=aspnet-test-2012615153521;Integrated Security=False"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient;User ID=test;Password=test"/>
I had the same problem. This what worked for me:
Go to SQL Server Management Studio and run it as Administrator.
Choose Security -> Then Logins
Choose the usernames or whatever users that will access your database under the Logins and Double Click it.
Give them a Server Roles that will give them credentials to create database. On my case, public was already checked so I checked dbcreator and sysadmin.
Run update-database again on Package Manager Console. Database should now successfully created.
Here is an image so that you can get the bigger picture, I blurred my credentials of course:
Be sure you have permission to create db.(as user2012810 mentioned.)
It seems that your code first use another (or default) connection string.
Have you set connection name on your context class?
public class YourContext : DbContext
public YourContext() : base("name=DefaultConnection")
public DbSet<aaaa> Aaaas { get; set; }
I got the same problem when trying to create a database using Code First(without database approach). The problem is that EF doesn't have enough permissions to create a database for you.
So I worked my way up using the Code First(using an existing database approach).
Steps :
Create a database in the Sql server management studio(preferably without tables).
Now back on visual studio, add a connection of the newly created database in the server explorer.
Now use the connection string of the database and add it in the app.config with a name like "Default Connection".
Now in the Context class, create a constructor for it and extend it from base class and pass the name of the connection string as a parameter.
Just like,
public class DummyContext : DbContext
public DummyContext() : base("name=DefaultConnection")
5.And now run your code and see the tables getting added to the database provided.
Run Visual Studio as Administrator, it worked for me
This error can also occur if you have multiple projects in the solution and the wrong one is set as the start-up project.
This matters because the connection string used by Update-Database comes from the start-up project, rather than the "Default project" selected in the package manager console.
(credits to masoud)
I have resolved this problem in my way.
Try connection string in this way:
<add name="MFCConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\MFC.mdf;Initial Catalog=MFC;Integrated Security=false;User ID=sa;Password=123"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
remember to set default db from master to MFC (in your case, aspnet-test-2012615153521).
Double check your connection string. When it points to non-existing database, EF tries to create tables in master database, and this error can occur.
In my case there was a typo in database name.
As the error suggests, the SQL login has no permission to create database. Permissions are granted when the login have the required roles. The role having permission to create, alter and drop database is dbCreator. Therefore it should be added to the login to solve the problem. It can be done on SQL Management Studio by right-clicking the user then go to Properties>Server Roles. I encountered the same error and resolved it by doing exactly that.
I encountered what appeared to be this error. I was running on windows and found my administrator windows user did not have administrator privileges to database.
Shut down SQL Server from ‘Services’
Open cmd window (as administrator) and run single-user mode as local admin with this command (the version of MSSQL may differ):
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe" -m -s SQLEXPRESS
Open another cmd window (as administrator)
Open sqlcmd on that terminal with:
sqlcmd -S .\SQLEXPRESS
Now add the sysadmin role to your user:
sp_addsrvrolemember 'domain\user', 'sysadmin'
Re-enable SQL Server from ‘Services’
Credit to:
Create the empty database manually.
Change the "Integrated Security" in connection string from "true" to
Be sure your user is sysadmin in your new database
Now I hope you can execute update-database successfully.
If you're running the site under IIS, you may need to set the Application Pool's Identity to an administrator.
Run Visual Studio as Administrator and put your SQL SERVER authentication login (who has the permission to create a DB) and password in the connection string, it worked for me
run this on your master database
ALTER SERVER ROLE sysadmin ADD MEMBER your-user;
I'm going to add what I've had to do, as it is an amalgamation of the above.
I'm using Code First, tried using 'create-database' but got the error in the title.
Closed and re-opened (as Admin this time) - command not recognised but 'update-database' was so used that. Same error.
Here are the steps I took to resolve it:
1) Opened SQL Server Management Studio and created a database "Videos"
2) Opened Server Explorer in VS2013 (under 'View') and connected to the database.
3) Right clicked on the connection -> properties, and grabbed the connection string.
4) In the web.config I added the connection string
<add name="DefaultConnection"
connectionString="Data Source=MyMachine;Initial Catalog=Videos;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"
5) Where I set up the context, I need to reference DefaultConnection:
using System.Data.Entity;
namespace Videos.Models
public class VideoDb : DbContext
public VideoDb()
: base("name=DefaultConnection")
public DbSet<Video> Videos { get; set; }
6) In Package Manager console run 'update-database' to create the table(s).
Remember you can use Seed() to insert values when creating, in Configuration.cs:
protected override void Seed(Videos.Models.VideoDb context)
context.Videos.AddOrUpdate(v => v.Title,
new Video() { Title = "MyTitle1", Length = 150 },
new Video() { Title = "MyTitle2", Length = 270 }
Check that the connection string is in your Web.Config. I removed that node and put it in my Web.Debug.config and this is the error I received. Moved it back to the Web.config and worked great.
Step 1: Disconnect from your local account.
Step 2: Again Connect to Server with your admin user
Step 3: Object Explorer -> Security -> Logins -> Right click on your server name -> Properties -> Server Roles -> sysadmin -> OK
Step 4: Disconnect and connect to your local login and create database.
I have no prove for my solution, just assumptions.
In my case it is caused by domain name in connection string. I have an assumption that if DNS server is not available, it is not able to connect to database and thus the Entity Framework tries to create this database. But the permission is denied, which is correct.
The solution that worked for me was to use the Entity Framework connection string that is created when I ran the database first wizard when creating the edmx file. The connection string needs the metadata file references, such as "metadata=res:///PSEDM.csdl|res:///PSEDM.ssdl|res://*/PSEDM.msl". Also, the connection string needs to be in the config of the calling application.
HT to this post for pointing me in that direction: Model First with DbContext, Fails to initialize new DataBase
For me I just close all current session including the SQL Server Management Studio and then I reopened execute the script below works fine
IF EXISTS (SELECT NAME FROM master.sys.sysdatabases WHERE NAME = 'MyDb')
I had the same problem and I tried everything available on the internet. But SSMS RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR work for me.
If you still face some issue, make sure you must have downloaded the SQL SERVER.
the reason for this error may be originate from forwarding of version dependent localdb in visual sudio 2013 to the version independent localDB in VS 2015 onwards, so
simply change your web.config file connectionStrings from (localDb)\v11.0 to (localDB)\MSSQLLocalDB and it will certainly work.
and this is a good explaination for that Version independent local DB in Visual Studio 2015
If you are using .\SQLExpress as Data Source, you can add "User Instance=True" attribute to your connection string, to fix the error mentioned in the title.
For example,
Data Source=.\\SQLExpress;Integrated Security=true;
User Instance=true;
Initial Catalog=Northwind;
User instances allow users who are not administrators on their local computers to attach and connect to SQL Server Express databases. Each instance runs under the security context of the individual user, on a one-instance-per-user basis.
Reference: MSDN Link for SQL Server Express User Instances
This is so wrong - never over-elevate your permissions (use SA) where you don't need to do so.
To create database all you need is: CREATE DATABASE, CREATE ANY DATABASE, or ALTER ANY DATABASE permission as per
documentation or the login to be a member of the dbcreator
server level role.
Next - you need to make sure that mssql service login (NT Service\MSSQLServer by default) has permission to modify the file
system in the location where you want to create your database
(usually 1 .mdf file for data pages and 1 .ldf file for database
Then make sure you know where you create your databases! EF by
default sends the laziest query possible, defining only database
name: CREATE DATABASE [db_name] and then assuming all of the rest -
applying default settings. Make sure you either change these to reflect locations mssql engine service has access to or elevate
service permissions. Either way this modification requires mssql
restart tyo apply the setting.
Finally, make sure that you connect to the mssql using that login.
If you perform an EXECUTE AS USER statement to switch your login it
will fail. This method allows only to interpersonate DB user, not
the server level login. An attemp of doing it will give you CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master' error message.
To get permission to create database in your local account follow the below given steps.
Disconnect from your local account.
Again Connect to Server with Login : sa and Password : pwd(pwd given to your local login).
Object Explorer -> Security -> Logins -> Right click on your server name -> Properties -> Server Roles -> sysadmin -> OK
Disconnect and connect to your local login and create database.
P.s: For me even without connect/disconnect to server, it worked!
I had the same issue, I tried couple of other methods, but none of them worked. I just simply exit the SSMS and run it as an administrator and it worked perfectly.
The solution to this problem is as simple as eating a piece of cake.This issue generally arises when your user credentials change and SQL server is not able to identify you .No need to uninstall the existing SQL server instance .You can simply install a new instance with a new instance name . Lets say if your last instance name was 'Sqlexpress' , so this time during installation , name your instance as 'Sqlexpress1' . Also don't forget to select the mix mode (i.e Sql Server Authentication & Windows Authentication) during the installation and provide a system admin password which will be handy if such a problem occurs in future.
This solution will definitely resolve this issue. Thanks..
Permission denied is a security so you need to add a "User" permission..
Right click you database(which is .mdf file) and then properties
Go to security tab
Click Continue button
Click Add button
Click Advance button
Another window will show, then you click the "Find Now" button on the right side.
On the fields below, go to the bottom most and click the "Users". Click OK.
Click the permission "Users" that you have been created, then Check the full control checkbox.
There you go. You have now permission to your database.
Note: The connection-string in the above questions is using SQL-server authentication. So, Before taking the above step, You have to login using windows-authentication first, and then you have to give permission to the user who is using sql-server authentication. Permission like "dbcreator".
if you login with SQL server authentication and trying to give permission to the user you logged in. it shows, permission denied error.