Deploying SSAS cube to environments - deployment

We are using BIDS 2008 locally (on our workstations) to develop our OLAP objects/cube. Come the time of promotion to Development we can deploy via BIDS. However when a hands-off deployment is required (eg. to UAT or Live) we are generating an XMLA file. This (the generated XMLA file) of course contains environment specific information (eg server name, database name, etc). If we would like to automate the generation of the XMLA file for deployment to each environment, is there a config type process to parameterise these values (like .NET : web.config : appSettings or SSIS : dtsConfig).
Note we could parse the XMLA file and replace these values depending on the environment (eg. via xmlpoke), but this is a little messy and depends on XML path structure, and hence would rather avoid this approach

This should point you in the right direction:
Here's more on the deployment utility and command line switches:

before using Micrsoft.analysisservice.deplyement to generate the XMLA file to deply in an AS istance, we need update the files bellows to change all connection string, deployment option,


How to use multiple client certificates stored in keystore.p12 and set jmeter's while setting test in Azure Load Testing service?

I am trying to set up test (manual/yaml) in Azure Load Testing service and my test uses client certificates, so I uploaded jmx, keystore(.p12) and csv (has alias of certificates in keystore) to test plan.
In Azure Load Testing, where can I set,,, https.use.cached.ssl.context,https.keyStoreStartIndex and https.keyStoreEndIndex properties?
In case of Jmeter, I would set above properties in jmeter's file. But, in case of Azure Load Testing, not sure how to get this working.
Please suggest, Thanks
As per Configure a load test in YAML
configurationFiles List of relevant configuration files or other files that you reference in the Apache JMeter script. For example, a CSV data set file, images, or any other data file. These files will be uploaded to the Azure Load Testing resource alongside the test script. If the files are in a subfolder on your local machine, use file paths that are relative to the location of the test script.
So my expectation is that if you upload file along with the .jmx script and CSV file with certificate aliases the Azure load testing engine should pick it up and apply.
It should also be possible to do via GUI:
More information: How to Use Multiple Certificates When Load Testing Secure Websites

Automate deploy of Machine Key in a shared config IIS

I'm using Azure DevOps to deploy an ASP.NET application to an IIS servers on-prem. The IIS servers are using a shared configuration so they need a custom Machine Key setup.
I can use XML transform to add add the machineKey entry in the Web.Config
<machineKey decryptionKey="{hex-key value}" validationKey="{hex-key value}"/>
but I don't want to have the actual keys in source control so I'll need to replace those values at deploy time. Substitution is easy enough for appsettings and connection strings but how can I substitute values in the System.Web section of the Web.Config?
How can I substitute values in the System.Web section of the
What about consider to use one extension Replace token? For why I recommend it is because it can achieve the demand that it can only be replaced during the pipeline running.
Also, its usage is very convenient. Just need to specify the prefix and suffix in the task, and then make apply them in to your web.config file.
Then specify the corresponding variables with same name in Variables tab.
Only this, during the pipeline running, the task could find the corresponding token correctly and replace the value into it.
For detailed steps, you could refer to my previous answer for details: Use replace token task.

How to include a file of environment variables in WSO2 Identity Server?

I want to include a properties file of environment variables to better integrate between environments in AWS deployment of WSO2 Identity Server. I could put all the environment variables in line in the, but it would be better to inject a properties file that has all the variables I need.
I am trying to include:
-Ddeployment.conf="$CARBON_HOME/repository/conf/etc/" \
in the where my has variables that I want to include in the xml configurations. An example being the usr-mgt.xml connection string:
<Property name="ConnectionURL">${user.mgt.connection.url}</Property>
I could do -Duser.mgt.connection.url="connection-string" \ but I have about 20 properties that I currently want to set this way and would prefer to keep them all in one file instead of in line environment variables. I found this Medium article
describing something like what I am looking for but I'm not sure it's exactly what I want and it was unclear how to implement this.
Do I need to write a Java Util class to read these environment variables from the properties file or is there a simpler way to do this? And if I need a utils class what would that look like?
As far as I know, this feature will support from the WSO2 products which are based on Carbon Kernek 5 and onwards. But at the moment most of the WSO2 products are based on kernel version 4.0. Therefore I think you can't get this done with existing WSO2 products.

Not Able to Publish ADF Incremental Package

As Earlier Posted a thread for syncing Data from Premises Mysql to Azure SQL over here referring this article, and found that lookup component for watermark detection is only available for SQL Server Only.
So tried a work Around, that while using "Copy" Data Flow task ,will pick data greater than last watermark stored from Mysql.
Able to validate package successfully but not able to publish same.
Question :
In Copy Data Flow Task i'm using below query to get data from MySql greater than watermark available.
Can't we use Query like below on other relational sources like Mysql
select * from #{item().TABLE_NAME} where #{item().WaterMark_Column} > '#{activity('LookupOldWaterMark').output.firstRow.WatermarkValue}'
CopyTask SQL Query Preview
Validate Successfully
Error With no Details
Debug Successfully
Error After following steps mentioned by Franky
Azure SQL Linked Service Error (Resolved by re configuring connection /edit credentials in connection tab)
Source Query got blank (resolved by re-selection source type and rewriting query)
Could you verify if you have access to create a template deployment in the azure portal?
1) Export the ARM Template: int he top-right of the ADFv2 portal, click on ARM Template -> Export ARM Template, extract the zip file and copy the content of the "arm_template.json" file.
2) Create ARM Template deployment: Go to and log in with the same credentials you use in the ADFv2 portal (you can also get to this page going in the Azure portal, click on "Create a resource" and search for "Template deployment"). Now click on "Build your own template in editor" and paste the ARM template from the previous step in the editor and Save.
3) Deploy template: Click on existing resource group and select the same resource group as the one where your Data Factory is. Fill out the parameters that are missing (for this testing it doesn't really matter if the values are valid); Factory name should already be there. Agree the terms and click purchase.
4) Verify the deployment succeeded. If not let me know the error, it might be an access issue which would explain why your publish fails. (ADF team is working on giving a better error for this issue).
Did any of the objects publish into your Data Factory?

Specify a connection string when building sqlproj

We have started using local SQL Servers (SQL 2012) for development. We have a tool that calls MSBUILD to deploy a SQL Project (.sqproj) to either our local, dev & test databases.
A requirement has come up where we want to use that tool to deploy to other local databases - it's a rare thing to do but needed.
We have setup a .publish.xml file for each normal environment (dev.publish.xml, test.publish.xml, local.publish.xml, where local points to (local)\SQL2012).
We normally run:
msbuild.exe /t:build;publish /p:SqlPublishProfilePath="Local.publish.xml" "c:\workspaces\greg\...\databaseProject.sqlproj"
That works fine as it takes the connection string from the local.publish.xml file and deploys the sql project to our local database.
I'm not sure how to overwrite the publish file to make it point to a different database
I've tried
msbuild.exe /t:build;publish /p:SqlPublishProfilePath="Local.publish.xml" /p:TargetConnectionString="Data Source=SomeOtherPC\SQL2012;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False" "c:\workspaces\greg\...\databaseProject.sqlproj"
but it still points to (local)\sql2012 instead of SomeOtherPC\SQL2012
Create a different publish profile for this and populate it with the required details (SomeOtherPC, SQL 2012, etc.)
And pass that as the paramter to MSBuild
msbuild.exe /t:build;publish /p:SqlPublishProfilePath="SomeOtherPC.publish.xml"